At first thank you for that awesome experience. I didn't even knew I could be hyped that much for such a type of adventure Brofist of appreciation
But now for the questions:
Your designs for the characters are incredible. From the first trailer and the credits of the final episode I can roughly see the development, but mind to share how you managed to come up with such great asymetric outfits (maybe a sketch or something^^)?
Was there anything you regretted, that you couldn't bring it in in terms of story?
You had a great variety of funny and serious moments. Did you have a special inspiration for such dramedy? (like e.g. scrubs)
Have you been suprised that now people show up dressed as e.g. Rhys or Fiona at cosplay events?
Seriously, how do you manage to create such fantastic intros?^^
I'll be the worst and have my first answer be bs. While we totally know what happened to them, it would be no fun to give it all away. We'd … morelike to leave it open for interpretation and if we're so lucky that Gearbox ends up picking up some of our storylines, fill in some of the blanks then.
Yvette was always going to betray you. While Rhys takes this crazy chance to find a Vault Key, she stays on Helios and makes moves in Hyperion to ascend up the ranks. Essentially, she represents what could have happened to Rhys if he had stayed in his old corporate path. Pandora changed him, so when he returns to Hyperion he's not the same man that Yvette remembers.
Thank you for the answers! Didn't mention this in my original post but thank you guys and the rest of those who were on the team for making this game! Tales has actually impacted my life in a way and has made me more comfortable with my own writing. Again, thank you beautiful people! Every single one of you deserve a permanent spot in the Telltale office.
1) Why was Claptrap held off until the finale of Tales from the Borderlands?
Claptrap is like sweet sweet candy. Delicious and terrible at… more the same time. We saved him for desert... and ONLY if you're good!
2) Did you take feedback from Rhysha and Rhyiona shippers when it came to making the last episode?
We were considering the shippers the whole time. We knew there were different camps so we could never quite delve too deep into those relationships without destroying the nature of the story. Be we were conscious of never forcing the player into a relationship they didnt want to be in. The final moments of the game was crafted to allow you to put a button on the relationship and state where you stand as clearly or as ambiguously as you wanted.
3) Are there any plans for a short story DLC or season 2 for Tales?
Nothing to say at the moment... I still need to take a vacation after finishing this season!
4) Did you expect the… [view original content]
What does letting Shade come with you or not affect in Episode 5? I recall a tweet from Job about how every Episode 1 decision would make an affect in Episode 5?
The scene under the arena in episode 1 where Sasha and Rhys had their competition on the catwalks. It got rewritten the night before recording. It was the first scene that I got to write with the actors in mind because we had had some time with them in the booth.
It was also fun writing the Claptrap bits. There was a lot of pressure to do the character justice.
Now that Tales is over, is this the same story you guys had in mind or did you guys had to make big changes to it? If so, i would love to know the original story.
Generally, once we had the main plot figured out, the main story was the same. Of course we change it all along the way, filling in new details, calling back to player choices, responding to player feedback, and so on.
I love you all for making this game.
We love you for playing it!
Who's the real MVP in the dev team?
Nick Herman and Pierre Shorette make one hell of a team, but it really took the talents of everyone to make it come together.
Did anything funny happened to you guys while making the episodes?
Umm.... funny? Not sure. One time, we drove 40 minutes to have a Lunch Meeting at Sizzler only to find it closed... (Shh... don't tell the producers!)
And finally, do you guys see the Tales squad as future NPC's in BL3? Or well, at least Sasha or Vaughn, since Fiona and Rhys are in, well, whenever that Vault took them.
That would be cool! Guess that's not my call though.
* Now that Tales is over, is this the same story you guys had in mind or did you guys had to make big changes to it? If so, i would love to … moreknow the original story.
* I love you all for making this game.
* Who's the real MVP in the dev team?
* Did anything funny happened to you guys while making the episodes?
4.1 And finally, do you guys see the Tales squad as future NPC's in BL3? Or well, at least Sasha or Vaughn, since Fiona and Rhys are in, well, whenever that Vault took them.
K bye!
The creatures living in the Traveler are Guardians, often found in and around Vaults. All I can say about them is what is currently public k… morenowledge:
There's some more information about the Lilith/Athena relationship in the TPS DLC... you should check it out! They're all really good.
Gearbox is free to use our characters and stories in their future games (and I hope I see them there!)
All the intro titles tracks got pitched back and forth primarily between Pierre and I. We would try to either make each other laugh or just showcase a certain part of the song with a specific visual. For instance ep4's sequence was built off the pitch for the "glances beat" where everyone is looking at each other in slow-motion. It's a great example of setting a tone for the entire sequence, and allowed us to occasionally take ourselves seriously as long as we undercut it with humor soon after.
We always knew they'd get to a vault, but the details of what that meant weren't fleshed out until we were heads down on 5. The idea of it being a scene only between the two of the came up pretty early and was something were hesitant to do, because it was a nightmare to support and was something we had been strategically avoiding all season. "My Silver Lining" was chosen when were looking for tracks on 101, and was actually almost used in 103. We were originally talking about having an epilogue for the main cast where you would see flashes of their future selves (post vault), but I thought them blinking out and keeping it ambiguous was stronger than immediately showing what happened next as the credits roll.
As we test things and settle on the tone of the game, writers, story, humor, and even actors sometimes change. It's an unfortunate part of the process, but necessary.
* How do you guys have such great tastes in intro songs??? I'm not huge on music but all 5 opening songs are officially on my phone on shuff… morele forever.
* Did you guys plan the cliffhanger at the end from the very beginning or was it originally supposed to be revealed what happen to Rhys and Fiona?
* Why did you guys replace Sam Witwer with Troy Baker? And are there any sound clips anywhere where we can hear his original performance as Rhys? (I LOVE baker but i'm just curious)
Felix survived by staying out of the spotlight and sticking close to the people he trusted. A vault hunter wouldn't even notice him... he knows how to stay unseen. Depending on your playthrough, who knows ultimately what happened to him?
Congratulations guys, TFTB was a great gaming experience (I even logged into the board/forum from a long slumber even though I said I wouldn… more't)
Who was Felix anyway? The guy wasn't your regular con-artist.... He knows Hyperion, he knows how a vault key looks, he knows a lot of crafting/building weapons/mods, he can hack the ECHO Net, he knows medical tech (the clock)... who was he?
Firstly, thank you all for the amazing game.
Secondly, do you guys read the forums and if yes do you take inspiration from some of the story suggestions or actually changed something because you liked an idea?
I personally am currently helping out with a bit of Minecraft! It too is a property where people said "How is that gonna work?" So far? Pretty damn good!
Hey freelancepolicefan11,
* All the intro titles tracks got pitched back and forth primarily between Pierre and I. We would try to eith… moreer make each other laugh or just showcase a certain part of the song with a specific visual. For instance ep4's sequence was built off the pitch for the "glances beat" where everyone is looking at each other in slow-motion. It's a great example of setting a tone for the entire sequence, and allowed us to occasionally take ourselves seriously as long as we undercut it with humor soon after.
* We always knew they'd get to a vault, but the details of what that meant weren't fleshed out until we were heads down on 5. The idea of it being a scene only between the two of the came up pretty early and was something were hesitant to do, because it was a nightmare to support and was something we had been strategically avoiding all season. "My Silver Lining" was chosen when were looking for tracks on 101, and was… [view original content]
Haha yeah I tried to get that cat back. He was from an early rev on the character. We pivoted off a cat being involved in his story, so now you're stuck with a next time on that make 7% less sense. Sorry.
Now that Tales is over, is this the same story you guys had in mind or did you guys had to make big changes to it? If so, i would love to kn… moreow the original story.
Generally, once we had the main plot figured out, the main story was the same. Of course we change it all along the way, filling in new details, calling back to player choices, responding to player feedback, and so on.
I love you all for making this game.
We love you for playing it!
Who's the real MVP in the dev team?
Nick Herman and Pierre Shorette make one hell of a team, but it really took the talents of everyone to make it come together.
Did anything funny happened to you guys while making the episodes?
Umm.... funny? Not sure. One time, we drove 40 minutes to have a Lunch Meeting at Sizzler only to find it closed... (Shh... don't tell the producers!)
And finally, do you guys see the Tales squad as future NPC's in BL3? Or well, at least Sasha or Vaugh… [view original content]
Why did Zero sound different from before?
Who had the idea for step 3?
Thanks for the amazing game, both me and my older bro got chills after finally finishing it up.
So, Im a little curious about all the things you removed, what was something you wanted to add, but you had to cut it?
Nothing to announce yet. We're still focused on getting the last digital releases out on mobile first.
This dude deserves his job
How far into the series did you guys decide the stranger was going to be Loader Bot?
Like right from the get go or only closer towards the end?
So.... Rhys's tie... what's that all about?
At first thank you for that awesome experience. I didn't even knew I could be hyped that much for such a type of adventure Brofist of appreciation
But now for the questions:
I'm as confused as you.
Hey come on. He's grieving take it easy on him!
Borderlands 3 confirmed!
Yvette was always going to betray you. While Rhys takes this crazy chance to find a Vault Key, she stays on Helios and makes moves in Hyperion to ascend up the ranks. Essentially, she represents what could have happened to Rhys if he had stayed in his old corporate path. Pandora changed him, so when he returns to Hyperion he's not the same man that Yvette remembers.
Wha... not RhoaderBot?
Thank you for the answers! Didn't mention this in my original post but thank you guys and the rest of those who were on the team for making this game! Tales has actually impacted my life in a way and has made me more comfortable with my own writing. Again, thank you beautiful people! Every single one of you deserve a permanent spot in the Telltale office.

Rhys has a robot arm though!
Is Gentle Jim the next big villain for borderlands 3?
What does letting Shade come with you or not affect in Episode 5? I recall a tweet from Job about how every Episode 1 decision would make an affect in Episode 5?
The scene under the arena in episode 1 where Sasha and Rhys had their competition on the catwalks. It got rewritten the night before recording. It was the first scene that I got to write with the actors in mind because we had had some time with them in the booth.
It was also fun writing the Claptrap bits. There was a lot of pressure to do the character justice.
Blind, did you not see everything Loaderbot did for his true love Gortys?
Now that Tales is over, is this the same story you guys had in mind or did you guys had to make big changes to it? If so, i would love to know the original story.
Generally, once we had the main plot figured out, the main story was the same. Of course we change it all along the way, filling in new details, calling back to player choices, responding to player feedback, and so on.
I love you all for making this game.
We love you for playing it!
Who's the real MVP in the dev team?
Nick Herman and Pierre Shorette make one hell of a team, but it really took the talents of everyone to make it come together.
Did anything funny happened to you guys while making the episodes?
Umm.... funny? Not sure. One time, we drove 40 minutes to have a Lunch Meeting at Sizzler only to find it closed... (Shh... don't tell the producers!)
And finally, do you guys see the Tales squad as future NPC's in BL3? Or well, at least Sasha or Vaughn, since Fiona and Rhys are in, well, whenever that Vault took them.
That would be cool! Guess that's not my call though.
I can finally ask...What was up with Zer0's voice in episode 5?
Sorry, I must just be in denial still. That was a terrible ending for the super large RhoaderBot fan base.
Fiona 4 vault Hunter in BL3.
Was it ever planned for Rhys and Fiona to have a physical fight with each other?
Hey freelancepolicefan11,
All the intro titles tracks got pitched back and forth primarily between Pierre and I. We would try to either make each other laugh or just showcase a certain part of the song with a specific visual. For instance ep4's sequence was built off the pitch for the "glances beat" where everyone is looking at each other in slow-motion. It's a great example of setting a tone for the entire sequence, and allowed us to occasionally take ourselves seriously as long as we undercut it with humor soon after.
We always knew they'd get to a vault, but the details of what that meant weren't fleshed out until we were heads down on 5. The idea of it being a scene only between the two of the came up pretty early and was something were hesitant to do, because it was a nightmare to support and was something we had been strategically avoiding all season. "My Silver Lining" was chosen when were looking for tracks on 101, and was actually almost used in 103. We were originally talking about having an epilogue for the main cast where you would see flashes of their future selves (post vault), but I thought them blinking out and keeping it ambiguous was stronger than immediately showing what happened next as the credits roll.
As we test things and settle on the tone of the game, writers, story, humor, and even actors sometimes change. It's an unfortunate part of the process, but necessary.
That got dark.
Why did Zero sound different from before?
Who had the idea for step 3?
Thanks for the amazing game, both me and my older bro got chills after finally finishing it up.
Felix survived by staying out of the spotlight and sticking close to the people he trusted. A vault hunter wouldn't even notice him... he knows how to stay unseen. Depending on your playthrough, who knows ultimately what happened to him?
The home screen for episode 5 suggests that at some point Rhys and Fiona were going to fight. Was this the plan and how would it have come about?
Firstly, thank you all for the amazing game.
Secondly, do you guys read the forums and if yes do you take inspiration from some of the story suggestions or actually changed something because you liked an idea?
I personally am currently helping out with a bit of Minecraft! It too is a property where people said "How is that gonna work?" So far? Pretty damn good!
Yeah surprised Telltale isnt being torn to the ground for hurting that huge fan base of Rhoaderbot
How many revisions did tales go through since it came out and was loader bot always going to be the stranger? ?
Thanks so much for responding. You guys did phenomenal work on Tales!
Haha yeah I tried to get that cat back. He was from an early rev on the character. We pivoted off a cat being involved in his story, so now you're stuck with a next time on that make 7% less sense. Sorry.
How will tales affects borderlands 3 and will there be a season 2 , unlike the wolf among us
Thank you very much for answering to me! You all are the real MVPs!
Will I ever be able to buy my own Gortys robot a la Sphero BB-8?
We were JUST talking about that! A unicycle with self balancing gyroscope might be difficult to manufacture, but we're open to ideas!
^^^ this
Why did Zero sound different from before?
There might be a glitch in the mainframe.
Who had the idea for step 3?
I wrote that scene. Stoked that people like/hate it.
Thanks for the amazing game, both me and my older bro got chills after finally finishing it up.
Thanks for the kind words. Glad you were able to experience it with your real bro!
Will the whole rhyse and shasha affair ever fully happen and will moxxi meet Fiona ryhs and talk about scooter