Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • theres still so much of episode 5 we havent touched on yet

    we should savor this

    after its over then we dont even know whats next after that LOL

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So much Rhyiona but everyone asleep. Sad days. Guess I'm going to rewatch THE moment.

  • It was never a question for me to pick the flower, take out the shipping. You're surrounded by Giant Spores (which are badass tier enemies I should point out) and you want to interact with the foliage?!?!?! It was so a trap

    Navoc posted: »

    Mistakes were unmade.

  • green613 i agre

  • Fiona: Rhys get over here

    enter image description here

  • yeah

    Green613 posted: »

    theres still so much of episode 5 we havent touched on yet we should savor this after its over then we dont even know whats next after that LOL

  • edited October 2015

    I try to keep from posting these gifs too much, but you are so acting like you know who

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So much Rhyiona but everyone asleep. Sad days. Guess I'm going to rewatch THE moment.

  • edited October 2015

    It's ONLY 2 in the morning!... in Britain, that is.

    I mean, it's not like people got stuff to do tomorrow or anything. :v

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So much Rhyiona but everyone asleep. Sad days. Guess I'm going to rewatch THE moment.

  • That coloring of her outfit is actually really

    enter image description here

    Fiona: Rhys get over here


    Green613 posted: »

    theres still so much of episode 5 we havent touched on yet we should savor this after its over then we dont even know whats next after that LOL

  • 2AM is early

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    It's ONLY 2 in the morning!... in Britain, that is. I mean, it's not like people got stuff to do tomorrow or anything. :v

  • That's the best thing anyone has ever said to me

    I try to keep from posting these gifs too much, but you are so acting like you know who

  • @BigBadPaul

    Here you go :)

    I can in fact confirm this, he's always been crazy about his little Clemmy and zombies he's a diehard Telltale fan

  • 2AM is early

    Proooobbably not for people who have to wake up at 7 in the morning...

    But who am I kidding, right? Sleep is for the weak!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    2AM is early

  • Oh, well, you're welcome?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That's the best thing anyone has ever said to me

  • lol who thinks they are fully bringing back Jack ?

  • edited October 2015

    I'm only going to sleep in 2-3 hours so not before 4AM and there's not many people to discuss Rhyiona with meanwhile

    Do you understand the struggle? ;-;

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    2AM is early Proooobbably not for people who have to wake up at 7 in the morning... But who am I kidding, right? Sleep is for the weak!

  • I'm only going to sleep in 2-3 hours so not before 4AM and there's not many people tp discuss Rhyiona with meanwhile

    I mean, you know, one of the ways you could prevent that is by going to sleep just a tad bit earlier. xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm only going to sleep in 2-3 hours so not before 4AM and there's not many people to discuss Rhyiona with meanwhile Do you understand the struggle? ;-;

  • I can't do it, my sleeping pattern has been all kinds of screwed up for years now

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I'm only going to sleep in 2-3 hours so not before 4AM and there's not many people tp discuss Rhyiona with meanwhile I mean, you know, one of the ways you could prevent that is by going to sleep just a tad bit earlier. xD

  • Nah.

    lol who thinks they are fully bringing back Jack ?

  • well they just might he still a favorite charcter and honestly probaly the one things that got peoples attention on the game

  • my sleeping pattern has been all kinds of screwed up for years now

    I feel your feel bro.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can't do it, my sleeping pattern has been all kinds of screwed up for years now

  • Nah I think that was it for jack.

    lol who thinks they are fully bringing back Jack ?

  • edited October 2015

    Well I'm going to finish my school assignments that I have instead of procrastinating a lot


  • Don't worry! I'm still here! I announce when I'm about to pass out!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So much Rhyiona but everyone asleep. Sad days. Guess I'm going to rewatch THE moment.

  • Good luck! Think of Rhyiona when you can!

    Well I'm going to finish my school assignments that I have instead of procrastinating a lot cya

  • She's got the moves like Gortys (Had too)

    You see these moves!?

  • enter image description here
    So I thought of money, then Fiona and then GTA and made this

  • you're the only soul here :P

    Don't worry! I'm still here! I announce when I'm about to pass out!

  • daring ;^)

    Fiona: Rhys get over here

  • Jack was one of the few people I genuinely enjoyed killing in this game and I mean I would do it a thousand times more if I could.

    well they just might he still a favorite charcter and honestly probaly the one things that got peoples attention on the game

  • Fiona x money confirmed? :^)

    Gigglebear posted: »

    So I thought of money, then Fiona and then GTA and made this

  • ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona x money confirmed? :^)

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Who could blame her? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j2uYJYrP_Q

  • edited October 2015

    Fiona is Busy Earnin' money to pay for her eventual wedding with Rhys.

    Relevant Song: Busy Earnin'

  • I still love the song the most out of all of them.

    Fiona is Busy Earnin' money to pay for her eventual wedding with Rhys. Relevant Song: Busy Earnin'

  • Expansion to what I wrote before since I've played episode 5! Hope you guys enjoy. :)

    P.S. PSSSSST @Vernaya

    The two human beings, one an up-in-coming Vault Hunter and the other the owner of Atlas stop to catch their breathes. After defeating The Traveler, the two instantly ran towards the vault, the one think they couldn’t get their hands on before.

    “Alright, it’s time to-”

    “Wait.” Rhys stops in his tracks, looking back at Fiona confused. The woman has a serious expression on her face, one that could kill.

    "Stay away from my sister; and don’t act like I’m misreading the situation." Fiona threatened.

    You are though. If you only knew, Fi. Rhys thought to himself. Though the two bickered at the start and hell, even meeting back up after so long; beneath it all were feelings Rhys couldn’t quite put into words. At least, not then.

    "Relax, there’s no need to worry. Besides...I’m interested in someone else." His cheeks turn slightly red, he smirks at Fiona.

    Fiona raises her eyebrows, but shows off a small smile. Oh god, please tell me she got it. The two look at each for a bit in silence, just making things a tiny bit weird...just a tiny bit!

    To stop the awkward silence from continuing any longer, Rhys chimes up. “Awesome. Well, now with that the horrifically uncomfortable conversation is out of the way...maybe we actually go into the Vault that we’ve risked life and limb to find.”


    The two enter the Vault. The Vault proves to be quite a sight to behold. The scenery makes it look like the two are back at the dome, and if the dome had ruins with floating debris, this is what it would look like. Ahead, is a floating stair case and at the top if the reward emitting a purple aura.

    "Wow...it's beautiful." Fiona commented, stepping closer to the stairs.

    Not as beautiful as you. He eyes Fiona, who's eyes are lit up from excitement. He smiles, but deep down, he has a feeling that this could be the last time he'll see that expression.

    The two continue their stride up the platform to the stairs, exchanging words such as their future occupations. Soon enough, they’re coming up the stairs to their heaven. Rhys climbs to the top and offer his hand to Fiona. “Hey, I just wanna say...thanks. I...we...really couldn’t have done this without you. I really appreciate it.”

    “We do make a good team, don’t well?” She asks, Rhys’ cheeks slightly turning a shade of red. Y-yeah...We really do.

    Fiona takes Rhys’ hand, and at that exchange, he could of sworn his heart skipped a beat or two. He helps her up and the two turn to look at the chest they’ve longed for. Well, for Rhys, it ranked at the same level as Fiona in terms of “longing for.” However, his sorta not so subtle hint to Fiona about his feelings, a tiny bit of despair starts to swell up in his body. The despair of this being the last time the two will be together. The fact his feelings may not have come through as clearly as they should of.

    "Would...you like to do the honors?" He asks, ignoring that sad lingering feeling. She is the Vault Hunter, after all.

    "It's the last one...it's only right we open it together...it's the best part." She turns to look at him with a smile.

    Together? Did she just say that? Together. The word Rhys thought about when he wasn't being forced to tell a story about his adventures. A word he often associated with Fiona. Can it become a reality or will it just remain a thought?

    It's now or never, right?

    Rhys takes a hold of her hand with his silver robotic arm, and smirks. "Together."

    Fiona looks at him, slightly surprised. "This won't be our last by the way, even if I'm not a Vault Hunter. I’ll follow you all the way to...our end.”

    "Now you’re doing this? Really? Making a move at the very end?” She lets out a brief chuckle, and then shows off a small smile.

    "Listen, being tied up by LB and having to re-tell our wonderful story never allowed me a chance. Plus, I was afraid this was going to be the end. I mean, I don’t have a way of contacting you so...It was now or never.” Rhys expressed his worries to his crush.

    “This..is true.” Fiona admits. Being caught up with stuff like getting kidnapped and being forced to tell what seemed to be your life story doesn’t exactly lend itself to a love confession!

    “Plus...I wasn’t sure you got my hints earlier.” Rhys worries. I mean, she didn’t really respond to any of it...

    “Oh trust me, I did. I’m more astonished that you didn’t make a move back there. I’m glad you did.”

    “So am I.” Rhys admits, him looking lovely dovey at her while she tries to hold back a laugh from how idiotic yet cute he’s making himself look.

    “Anyway,” Rhys looks back at the chest and points at it with his free, human hand, “how about we do the honors, together?” Rhys asks, his grip on Fiona’s hand tightening.

    “Of course, just like old times.” The two put their hands on the chest, while their other hands’ fingers are intertwined. They push the cover off, and soon enough, a purple light envelopes them both. However, no matter what they may end up going, they’re going to end up together.

  • enter image description here

    Also. Describe Rhys in three words.

    idiotic yet cute

    ...nailed it.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Expansion to what I wrote before since I've played episode 5! Hope you guys enjoy. P.S. PSSSSST @Vernaya The two human beings, one

  • Thanks! It's nice to be here! And I'm all for fanfiction :)

    eyy' welcome!

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