What if a long time after the vault and stuff, Rhys dies, but the thing that happened to Jack would happen to him : He'd be a hologram.
… more
Like the idea. Original and unique.
Fiona gets to see Rhys as a hologram(Not decided how though)
Well, it could be something to do with them both opening that chest in the Vault of the Traveller.
Expansion to what I wrote before since I've played episode 5! Hope you guys enjoy.
P.S. PSSSSST @Vernaya
The two human beings, one … morean up-in-coming Vault Hunter and the other the owner of Atlas stop to catch their breathes. After defeating The Traveler, the two instantly ran towards the vault, the one think they couldn’t get their hands on before.
“Alright, it’s time to-”
“Wait.” Rhys stops in his tracks, looking back at Fiona confused. The woman has a serious expression on her face, one that could kill.
"Stay away from my sister; and don’t act like I’m misreading the situation." Fiona threatened.
You are though. If you only knew, Fi. Rhys thought to himself. Though the two bickered at the start and hell, even meeting back up after so long; beneath it all were feelings Rhys couldn’t quite put into words. At least, not then.
"Relax, there’s no need to worry. Besides...I’m interested in someone else." His cheeks turn slig… [view original content]
I'm just going to quote the response I gave to Chef so that can answer your question xD
I'm good, just listening to 'My Silver Lining' over and over again :'3 Thank you for asking ^-^
Also, it's great to see you back, Eryka
Joo mist se ens sen löysi?
en tiä. Ehkä olen vaa nii hyvin opettanut näitä Rhyiona lapsiani :') Niisk..
About Season 2...
If it's feasible for them, then they will probably do it.
That was awesome -
Right! Like how their 'hands' are imprinted on the pieces and all those- Alright, gonna start writing it, thanks for replying
We just have to wait...
now everyone, buy this game again. We need to push the sales even higher!! >:DD
Opeta heille maamme laulu nii saat 10+ swag pointii
Yehehehes, Rhyiona dreams ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) They are indeed pretty
I'll buy it, even if it's 100$
Hey, guys. I'm back from school ^-^
How are you all today?
If there's profit to be made, surely TellTales are going to make it.
Its a Win-win situation
Brb, I'm going to tell all my friends to buy Tales From the Borderlands xD
Thanks. I'll send you the link later xP
Fine and dandy thanks. Yourself?
I'm trying to get one my friends into Tales and trying to get the other on this forum like I did with Gigglebear.
I'm good, just listening to 'My Silver Lining' over and over again :'3 Thank you for asking ^-^
Good. And you?
I'm just going to quote the response I gave to Chef so that can answer your question xD
Also, it's great to see you back, Eryka
I have an addiction to that song. Its a great song.
Goddamnit read your skype messages.
Also hai
I prefer Retrograde but whatever.
Same, it's great to see you.
Fixed it for you. Now thank meand Rhyiona.
TTG soon
More like Telltale sooner.
I love this gif already
Who are your best buds on this thread?
For me it's probably @BigBadPaul @Wolfenus54 and @John_Smith13
(?) HandsomeChef will remember that
I should say the same as eryka
My best buds on the thread are:
@BigBadPaul, you, @Kawaiii (even though she's my "sister"), @Eryka and @ABigBadWolf ;^)
That question mark though.
But Wolf says that I have a fetish because I like Jack ;-;
Really? Me? :-P
I came to a conclusion.
The english language is fucked up.
Here's why:
Man> men
Woman> women
Human > humans
Haha... yeah, why not? x)