Not a question, but thank you so, so much for making this game! I've always loved the look and feel of the Borderlands series, but shortly after being introduced to BL1 I discovered that first person shooters make me viciously motion sick. Tales has been an incredible and non-nauseating experience; thank you for creating a game I could laugh, cry and cheer at for this past year
Will I ever be able to buy my own Gortys robot a la Sphero BB-8?
We were JUST talking about that! A unicycle with self balancing gyroscope might be difficult to manufacture, but we're open to ideas!
The scene under the arena in episode 1 where Sasha and Rhys had their competition on the catwalks. It got rewritten the night before recordi… moreng. It was the first scene that I got to write with the actors in mind because we had had some time with them in the booth.
It was also fun writing the Claptrap bits. There was a lot of pressure to do the character justice.
What does letting Shade come with you or not affect in Episode 5? I recall a tweet from Job about how every Episode 1 decision would make an affect in Episode 5?
I'm super late to to this thread, because of school and all that. If you guys are still answering questions, I have two.
1) I've gathered that there's been a bit of rewriting the episodes, due to the achievement names that do not match up; Helios originally not crashing, etc. (Although I may be wrong) So; my question is: were there any incredibly significant changes too the script, or was it all fairly similar?
2) My second question is kind of a build off of the first, but I'll ask it anyway; during the planning stage, was the stranger ever planned to be anybody other than LB? Or did you decide LB would be the stranger first.
Thanks for this thread guys, and a special thank you if you answer this question.
Thank-you and the rest of the team for making one of my favourite games of all time! I'd like to ask how much did the original story change from your original plan? Was Helios always going to be crashin' to the ground? Did you leave the stranger open to different characters? Thanks!!
Let's say this episode was AWESOME and here're my questions:
1) Any season 2?
2) How old is Rhys?
3) Can we find out about Rhys and Fiona's background story? Mostly Rhys and his cyborgs.
4) What had happened to Zer0's voice actor? ;_: I mean, his voice seemed different.
5) Why did you cliff-hang the end? ;----:
6) Which one is the casts' favorite? : Rhysha, or Rhyiona? please answer this one
Ok I have 2:
1.) Why did you remove the kiss between Rhys and Fiona in Ep.3?
2.) Do you feel like fans will treat the idea of a possible Season 2 to being the 'Next wait for TWAU S2'?
If you can still get around and reply: What was everyones favourite character and why?
I also want to tell you that you guys did an amazing job with this series together with the people at Gearbox. It added alot to the Borderlands universe and I hope you guys can work together again, maybe on Borderlands 3 or, who knows, maybe a second season with new characters. There's so many possibilities in this universe. The finale was such a great ending for this season, and I appreciate that you pay attention to the forum and what the fans think. Keep up the amazing work, you and everyone else who had their part in it, thank you for bringing us such an amazing game! Just really wanted to tell you that.
And finally, do you guys see the Tales squad as future NPC's in BL3? Or well, at least Sasha or Vaughn, since Fiona and Rhys are in, well, whenever that Vault took them.
That would be cool! Guess that's not my call though.
Yo, i asked something like that:
And finally, do you guys see the Tales squad as future NPC's in BL3? Or well, at least Sasha or Vaugh… moren, since Fiona and Rhys are in, well, whenever that Vault took them.
That would be cool! Guess that's not my call though.
All we know is there is an unused audio file in Ep.3 that has Fiona kissing Rhys.
But it was removed from the final product. Likely to prevent an uprising of fans who don't ship Rhys x Fiona...
Well, Tales From the Borderlands is over. They can't do it with Game of Thrones or Minecraft: Story Mode because those series are obviously still on going. The following is my opinion on what the real reason is:
From what I have seen, the TFTBL side of the forums have been least hostile and most welcoming section of the forums. The only time it gets hostile is when shipping wars start, but even those are done in a tongue-and-cheek kind of way. For series like The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, and Game of Throne, those sections of the forums were and/or are filled with lots of negative post and comments. TWAU has come a long way and improved greatly, and Job has even acknowledged how those fans really want a sequel. TWD isn't as bad as it used to be (March 2014-August 2014 was pretty bad) and has cleaned up a little, but it still isn't the greatest. They indirectly chased out Gavin Hammond (I think he said on Formspring that he stopped going on the TWD forums because it was not a nice place to be) and he was very active in the forums. I only go on the waiting threads, the things-you-didn't-know thread, and the fan art thread because of it. I'll let GoT fans speak for themselves... They aren't as bad as TWD forums were but posses the potential to be. We'll find out November 14.
Like I said. That's my opinion on why they only did it for TFTBL. This side of the forums has been the most pleasant experience on here. This may have some truth. Maybe not so much.
Well, Tales From the Borderlands is over. They can't do it with Game of Thrones or Minecraft: Story Mode because those series are obviously… more still on going. The following is my opinion on what the real reason is:
From what I have seen, the TFTBL side of the forums have been least hostile and most welcoming section of the forums. The only time it gets hostile is when shipping wars start, but even those are done in a tongue-and-cheek kind of way. For series like The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, and Game of Throne, those sections of the forums were and/or are filled with lots of negative post and comments. TWAU has come a long way and improved greatly, and Job has even acknowledged how those fans really want a sequel. TWD isn't as bad as it used to be (March 2014-August 2014 was pretty bad) and has cleaned up a little, but it still isn't the greatest. They indirectly chased out Gavin Hammond (I think he said on Formspring that he st… [view original content]
Now that Tales is over, is this the same story you guys had in mind or did you guys had to make big changes to it? If so, i would love to kn… moreow the original story.
Generally, once we had the main plot figured out, the main story was the same. Of course we change it all along the way, filling in new details, calling back to player choices, responding to player feedback, and so on.
I love you all for making this game.
We love you for playing it!
Who's the real MVP in the dev team?
Nick Herman and Pierre Shorette make one hell of a team, but it really took the talents of everyone to make it come together.
Did anything funny happened to you guys while making the episodes?
Umm.... funny? Not sure. One time, we drove 40 minutes to have a Lunch Meeting at Sizzler only to find it closed... (Shh... don't tell the producers!)
And finally, do you guys see the Tales squad as future NPC's in BL3? Or well, at least Sasha or Vaugh… [view original content]
Are telltale playing on creating a season 2 for Tales of the Borderlands????
Really enjoyed the series!
Not a question, but thank you so, so much for making this game! I've always loved the look and feel of the Borderlands series, but shortly after being introduced to BL1 I discovered that first person shooters make me viciously motion sick. Tales has been an incredible and non-nauseating experience; thank you for creating a game I could laugh, cry and cheer at for this past year
People who actually thought he was a siren are just wrong though! Women only
I just want to tell you guys thank you for this amazing game and to keep up the good work.
I would buy the hell out of that, for the record.
I was left heartbroken )":
Swear Swear Swear Swear
I just realised that I needed Shade in my vault team.
Thanks for the amazing game and thanks for taking the time to answer questions.
I only got noticed once ):
I just wanted to say you guys did an awesome job. That finale was epic!!
I'm super late to to this thread, because of school and all that. If you guys are still answering questions, I have two.
1) I've gathered that there's been a bit of rewriting the episodes, due to the achievement names that do not match up; Helios originally not crashing, etc. (Although I may be wrong) So; my question is: were there any incredibly significant changes too the script, or was it all fairly similar?
2) My second question is kind of a build off of the first, but I'll ask it anyway; during the planning stage, was the stranger ever planned to be anybody other than LB? Or did you decide LB would be the stranger first.
Thanks for this thread guys, and a special thank you if you answer this question.
You guys are awesome.
sorrysorrysorry I didn't know this was happening
1.) Why were Gortys's voice and personality changed?
2.) Was LB originally supposed to be The Stranger?
Will there ever be a season 2? Plus what happened to both Fiona,Rhys? They just disappeared into a thin air or that they teleported somewhere?
Was everything that happened in the game planned from the start, or did you just think of something when you got to each episode?
Thank-you and the rest of the team for making one of my favourite games of all time! I'd like to ask how much did the original story change from your original plan? Was Helios always going to be crashin' to the ground? Did you leave the stranger open to different characters? Thanks!!
How old is Rhys?
What are the chances for TFTBL cast having a role in the BL sequels?
Let's say this episode was AWESOME and here're my questions:
1) Any season 2?
2) How old is Rhys?
3) Can we find out about Rhys and Fiona's background story? Mostly Rhys and his cyborgs.
4) What had happened to Zer0's voice actor? ;_: I mean, his voice seemed different.
5) Why did you cliff-hang the end? ;----:
6) Which one is the casts' favorite? : Rhysha, or Rhyiona? please answer this one
We had a kiss between them?! OH god- Do you mind explaining it to me?
What happened to the Q/A with the voice actors?
You guys already did Back to the Future. And I predict Fresh TV's Grojband.
If you can still get around and reply: What was everyones favourite character and why?
I also want to tell you that you guys did an amazing job with this series together with the people at Gearbox. It added alot to the Borderlands universe and I hope you guys can work together again, maybe on Borderlands 3 or, who knows, maybe a second season with new characters. There's so many possibilities in this universe. The finale was such a great ending for this season, and I appreciate that you pay attention to the forum and what the fans think. Keep up the amazing work, you and everyone else who had their part in it, thank you for bringing us such an amazing game!
Just really wanted to tell you that.
Me must have been very BLEEP excited!
"Are you guys borderlands fans? And if not, did you play any of the games/ study up to prepare yourselves for this role?"
tfw when u go to sleep early and miss this...
He lost it.
What is your guy's favorite intro song from the episodes? Who was in charge of getting the songs for the intros? because they are absolutely AMAZING!
Yo, i asked something like that:
That would be cool! Guess that's not my call though.
Rhys' secret My Little Pony tattoo confirmed! =D
Tales from the Snorks confirmed.
Thanks, i saw that when i read the thread.
All we know is there is an unused audio file in Ep.3 that has Fiona kissing Rhys.
But it was removed from the final product. Likely to prevent an uprising of fans who don't ship Rhys x Fiona...
Awh come on ;___;
The fans who don't ship Rhys x Sasha could've done the same thing too ;_:
Do you think there's anywhere i could find them? ( The audio)
Pretty sure this is over
I wonder why they did it just for Tales though?
Well, Tales From the Borderlands is over. They can't do it with Game of Thrones or Minecraft: Story Mode because those series are obviously still on going. The following is my opinion on what the real reason is:
From what I have seen, the TFTBL side of the forums have been least hostile and most welcoming section of the forums. The only time it gets hostile is when shipping wars start, but even those are done in a tongue-and-cheek kind of way. For series like The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, and Game of Throne, those sections of the forums were and/or are filled with lots of negative post and comments. TWAU has come a long way and improved greatly, and Job has even acknowledged how those fans really want a sequel. TWD isn't as bad as it used to be (March 2014-August 2014 was pretty bad) and has cleaned up a little, but it still isn't the greatest. They indirectly chased out Gavin Hammond (I think he said on Formspring that he stopped going on the TWD forums because it was not a nice place to be) and he was very active in the forums. I only go on the waiting threads, the things-you-didn't-know thread, and the fan art thread because of it. I'll let GoT fans speak for themselves... They aren't as bad as TWD forums were but posses the potential to be. We'll find out November 14.
Like I said. That's my opinion on why they only did it for TFTBL. This side of the forums has been the most pleasant experience on here. This may have some truth. Maybe not so much.
╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝
I was expecting the Telltale HQ to be like Funhaus's group almost.