Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Also there was this final theory that the butterfly is Chloe's time immune soul. So if that is correct she also remembers everything.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Yeah I prefer the sacrifice Chloe ending as well for that reason. I couldn't bring myself to let so many people die for one person, especia

  • I'd say TT is kinda big-ish nowadays, with 240 employees, though the staff is split into several teams. Was surprised to find out Naughty Dog only has 295 employees with staff being split in 2. Can't find anything on how big Dontnod is though, but they are a lot smaller, I think. Hopefully, like TT grew after TWD S1, Dontnod will grow after LIS S1.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Oh that's great to hear. Telltale used to be a very small company once as well, they're certainly not a huge company yet, but look what they're now

  • Nah, not even close. My GOTY belongs so far to Witcher 3.

    I don't know about you guys but Life Is Strange is definitely my GOTY 2015,

  • Here's the thing. You could interpret it as the tornado destroying the town is the 'price' for keeping Chloe alive, meaning Chloe doesn't have to die anymore if you let everyone else die. But if Chloe dying is what prevents the storm, then theoretically the tornado should have stopped coming when she did die at the end of episode 4. But it didn't. The fact that it still kept coming implies a few possibilities -

    1) Chloe specifically has to die in the bathroom at that 'fixed point' in time. Dying any other time may be course-correcting, but it wouldn't prevent the storm. So once the storm has happened, she doesn't technically 'need' to die anymore, because that was the consequence of undermining that fixed point.

    2) Max's time travelling, not Chloe being alive, is what caused the storm. If Chloe being shot is what triggered Max's powers to save her in the first place, then letting Chloe die in the bathroom prevents Max from ever needing to time travel in the first place, thus avoiding the tornado.

    3) Though the characters often refer to it, 'destiny' may not actually exist here. Chloe doesn't need to die in the bathroom, or anywhere, she's just hazard-prone. But Max 'needs' to not time travel. So arguably, if Max went back and intervened with Nathan in the bathroom, instead of staying hidden, and Nathan accidentally shot and killed Max instead of Chloe, that would have prevented all the time travelling Max did, saved Chloe, and prevented the tornado.

  • So disappointed with the last episode, especially the endings. Looks like i really over hyped this series for me.

  • Well, I for one was a bit shocked that we had to choose between Chloe and Arcadia Bay in the end. A hard decision.
    It was a fitting ending to an amazing series. I hope they do a season 2 in the future.

  • No clear, direct Warren choice. I understand that people like Chloe (including myself) but I am feeling it'd sound quite forced from a novice perspective.

  • Is anyone else slightly disturbed at how many people were willing to let thousands of people including children die just so chloe can survive one more day?

    I think it's really selfish.

  • edited October 2015

    not really, I can see where others come from when they make that choice, Just think if you had Max's position and your mother,wife or child had Chloe's position... I know some that would let thousands die just to save one person they consider family, It's a selfish choice no doubt but you would have to experience it yourself to fully understand.

    I feel like joel from TLOU now.

  • I would indeed have to experience it myself to fully understand, but I experienced their relationship in the game just as much as the people who chose to sacrifice thousands to save Chloe, and so I still think it is unreasonably selfish for a player to save her over the thousands of inhabitants of the town.

    It is very similar to the Joel situation, and I am similarly opposed to him saving Ellie.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    not really, I can see where others come from when they make that choice, Just think if you had Max's position and your mother,wife or child

  • edited October 2015

    Thing is, we are not society of Vulcans. Our choices are colored by our personal greed and well being, no matter how little.

    From popular Youtuber perspective for example, most of them will sacrifice Chloe because they have a public face that needs to be protected. It's way easier to make choices you want to actually make in a private playthrough. That doesn't mean that there aren't people who genuinely would sacrifice Chloe instead.

    I guess it doesn't make much sense for many but whatever.

    Also it's normal to make different choices in a fictional setting.

  • edited October 2015

    Kate and Warren don't deserve it, hell none of the kids at Blackwell do. But its not made clear if any of them died, I mean some could of escaped, theres no confirmation except for one body covered with a blanket.

    Say you were Max and you had the person closest to you in your life that you had a choice to sacrifice, would you honestly say you would do it over a town with many residents you haven't even met?

    Flog61 posted: »

    I would indeed have to experience it myself to fully understand, but I experienced their relationship in the game just as much as the people

  • edited October 2015

    I think it's heavily implied that lots of people died.

    Honestly, a friend who I've reconnected with for one week having not spoken to her for 5 years over thousands of townsfolk including children? I'd pick the strangers.

    Especially since Chloe says that's what SHE wants.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Kate and Warren don't deserve it, hell none of the kids at Blackwell do. But its not made clear if any of them died, I mean some could of es

  • I'm still unsure of my decision but at the time I thought everyone(Including Max and Chloe) would die if you chose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay, so obviously I wasn't paying attention. I mean I assumed most of Arcadia Bay had evacuated at that point anyway, and I was too attached to Chloe, plus we were saving her the whole game so sacrificing her would feel like a huge waste. Choosing Chloe was kind of my way of saying I'm done with time travel. Yeah I guess you could say it's selfish but that's just how I see it.

  • edited October 2015

    I know they can be influenced by greed, but that doesn't mean I have to approve of it.

    Most people I know who the play games like this pick choices which seem best to them even in a fictional setting.

    Most youtubers have sacrificed arcadia bay so far, actually; that's why I made the comment.

    Clord posted: »

    Thing is, we are not society of Vulcans. Our choices are colored by our personal greed and well being, no matter how little. From popular

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah. Either that or Chloe might be wondering in afterlife why Max sits there without doing nothing to intervene to save her life.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Also there was this final theory that the butterfly is Chloe's time immune soul. So if that is correct she also remembers everything.

  • I was expecting an option to physically intervene in the bathroom which most likely would have resulted in Max dying instead. I can't say it's an option I would have chosen but it's so easy that I was disappointed it wasn't there.

    Here's the thing. You could interpret it as the tornado destroying the town is the 'price' for keeping Chloe alive, meaning Chloe doesn't ha

  • It's selfish. Even Chloe isn't asking you to save her at the expense of an entire town.

  • Potential 'happy' ending -

    Max decides to use the photo to go back to the bathroom. While waiting for Nathan to appear, she suddenly realises there is another way that will save both Chloe and the town. Instead of staying hidden while Nathan is threatening Chloe, she intervenes and confronts him. Nathan is startled, turns, and accidentally shoots Max. Max collapses against the bathroom wall and loses consciousness. On Friday, she wakes up from a coma in the hospital. Chloe is asleep in the chair next to her. Having been unconscious all week, Max never used her time travel powers, so the tornado was never created.

    Negatives -
    Nathan was arrested, but given Max wasn't awake to tell the cops about Mr Jefferson and no-one else had any reason to suspect him, Mr Jefferson fled town in case Nathan confessed about the Dark Room. Also Kate is probably automatically dead, because Max wasn't around to talk her down from the roof.

  • I'm wondering whether that might have been the third alternate ending that they eventually removed, except that was labelled as 'Hospital - Ending' which makes me think she survived.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    I was expecting an option to physically intervene in the bathroom which most likely would have resulted in Max dying instead. I can't say it's an option I would have chosen but it's so easy that I was disappointed it wasn't there.

  • edited October 2015

    I'm sure my Max is glad she didn't hug him (didn't even get the kiss option)

    7% mustard race.

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    Was that during the nightmare sequence?

  • Here's a sketch of Max! Okay, gotta hurry out! Bye!

    enter image description here

  • Oooh, nice job. :D

    Here's a sketch of Max! Okay, gotta hurry out! Bye!

  • Yeah.

    Was that during the nightmare sequence?

  • edited October 2015

    In The Last of Us it was different, saving Ellie we didn't automatically killed thousands of people, and then we didn't know for sure that they could obtain an effective vaccine from Ellie's brain... there was a document/record (I don't remember) in the last chapter where a doctor from the Fireflies said that they tried to do the same thing with other immune people but they failed.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    not really, I can see where others come from when they make that choice, Just think if you had Max's position and your mother,wife or child

  • Another awesome drawing. You are on a roll toby :)

    Here's a sketch of Max! Okay, gotta hurry out! Bye!

  • Could be but i don't think it's meant to be interpreted negatively.

    Clord posted: »

    Yeah. Either that or Chloe might be wondering in afterlife why Max sits there without doing nothing to intervene to save her life.

  • Well according to Dontond there could be a season 2..........with a completely new cast of characters.

    I'm going to miss this game and I'm gonna miss Max so fucking much....:( I loved these characters.... Life is Strange has an astonishing story unlike any other games.

  • You might be on to something. I had heard they were having budget problems so I thought they might have just had her die instead. To exclude it completely was a mistake imo.

    I'm wondering whether that might have been the third alternate ending that they eventually removed, except that was labelled as 'Hospital - Ending' which makes me think she survived.

  • it is not marija

    it is max

    isnt it aura

    isnt it

  • Even though the sacrifice Arcadia bay ending was a bit unsatisfactory, we can all agree that the journey we took through the game was fantastic!

  • It's gonna be sad to see this Thread fade away over time.. :(

  • I'm still wondering why she imagined him owning that shit.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • We can always come back and visit.

    Or use it, if the next game is called Life is Strange Season 2. :)

    Crydog posted: »

    It's gonna be sad to see this Thread fade away over time..

  • Probably because he obviously wants to spend as much as time with her and in some way it looks like he is worshipping her.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm still wondering why she imagined him owning that shit.

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