Exactly. Speaking of stats, I hope the guys at Telltale are aware that the low percentage of someone-else-likers is in no way representative of what players actually wanted to happen in the end.
I know you’re all still experiencing the aftermath of the last episode, but I think you shouldn’t miss this. :P @Courtenay started an interactive sidestory of TftB with pictures and all. Here’s the short summary:
The scenario is simple: Rhys and Fiona wake up in the middle of the night to discover that the Stranger is not around. What happens from there on out is up to you.
Unfortunately, the thread is in the "Forum games" section of forums, which is pretty much dead, so it escaped many people’s attention and no one commented. I hope after this advertisement, some of you will at least check it out. :P
Exactly. Speaking of stats, I hope the guys at Telltale are aware that the low percentage of someone-else-likers is in no way representative of what players actually wanted to happen in the end.
Hey hey,
I know you’re all still experiencing the aftermath of the last episode, but I think you shouldn’t miss this. :P @Courtenay start… moreed an interactive sidestory of TftB with pictures and all. Here’s the short summary:
The scenario is simple: Rhys and Fiona wake up in the middle of the night to discover that the Stranger is not around. What happens from there on out is up to you.
Unfortunately, the thread is in the "Forum games" section of forums, which is pretty much dead, so it escaped many people’s attention and no one commented. I hope after this advertisement, some of you will at least check it out. :P
You can find it HERE.
I sure hope so.
No, we like to do it.
I-It's... wonderful.
Don't even think of spamming strawpolls again, please. We're very on topic recently -- let's keep it that way.
Exactly. Speaking of stats, I hope the guys at Telltale are aware that the low percentage of someone-else-likers is in no way representative of what players actually wanted to happen in the end.
Working Fiona*
Hey hey,
I know you’re all still experiencing the aftermath of the last episode, but I think you shouldn’t miss this. :P @Courtenay started an interactive sidestory of TftB with pictures and all.
Here’s the short summary:
Unfortunately, the thread is in the "Forum games" section of forums, which is pretty much dead, so it escaped many people’s attention and no one commented.
I hope after this advertisement, some of you will at least check it out. :P
You can find it HERE.
Holy shit I haven't been here in AGES. So guys,what do you think about ep 5?
Or I will... bite someone...
I was gonna say hug but... that's not going to work.
Metal dick?
2 things.
SirAce would sound better
She's my sis.
Also I'm curious how did you like the episode? I was out for a week so I'd like to know your general thoughts. :P
"It won't happen again"
Oh, I'm sure they realise that by this thread alone.
EDIT: Damn you, Fish.
Best episode so far 100/10 would kiss Telltale.
incredible, 69/69 wood play again
Good, good.
Now is... not the time for... uh...
i thought you were with your bed all along...
wow, what a cheater smh
Did you know that the word "bite" in french means dick?
Oh shit was I trying to create incest?
TTG made me cry
wait, again??
bed is in the past
telltale is my future
stahp using the same gif!
it looks like spam. xP
There's always a time
Metal fist sounds like a great band
It was 1 strawpoll about "Who should be the next lewd god?"
*gang bang
they gave us rhyiona man, what do you expect
im not made of STONE
hopefully it'll stay that way
0/10 Jack ):
Oh hai fellow Jack
Oh hey Pipas, what did you think of Episode 5?
Would you like to meet them? Face-to-face?
Must. Not. Be. A. Grammar. Nazi.