How did you feel about Jack's final moment?
I didn't feel bad for him but I didn't hate him either. He was awesome but I think he deserved what he got.
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I didn't feel bad for him but I didn't hate him either. He was awesome but I think he deserved what he got.
No Borderlands 3 for him.
I was on the verge of tears,this scene was so powerful,seeing HJ kneel on his knees and begging you not to kill him is more powerful than his rant at the end of BL2
While I perversely enjoyed it, I thought it was a bit weird.
For one, the real Jack never begged. In BL2 you got to listen to his final words, and he was defiant to the end, cursing you and reasserting his status as the hero. But ok, I suppose this wasn't the real Jack, just an AI.
But... this is something that bothers me... In those final scenes, Jack was trying to get Rhys killed... fully aware that'd lead to his death. Why did he suddenly start acting all scared of death afterwards?
I kept his AI. Jack is such a great villan I want him to stay alive
When does TFTBL take place? I know that Rhys and Fiona's journey is the prequel of Borderlands Pre-Sequel as it showed how Athena got captured by the vault hunters.
The story Rhys and Fiona are telling are happening during the same time as TPS cutscenes showing Sanctuary.
The present scenes are one year after the events of TPS. So both ''halves'' of the game are happening after bL2.
Felt sorry for him, but then he tried to kill me again.
Then felt slightly sorry again after he began begging, but crushed his AI without much hesitation. It's good to finally be rid of him.
Looks like afterlife changed Jack. He said ''There's nothing there...There's absolutely nothing there'', so he simply doesn't want to return to afterlife anymore.
At first, I felt sorry for him. Then he entered back into Rhys' body and tried to murder him.
This was such a well-done scene, seeing the villain on his knees begging you for him to keep him around. For the first time in his life, Jack was the helpless one. Even after what he thought was a full-proof plan, it came crumbling down in-front of him. I started to feel sorry for him, which is why I said "goodbye Jack." He went out way better than he did in BL2.
At the end though, no matter what Jack did, he couldn't convince me he was a good person so I crushed his AI.
Jack was willing to make a sacrifice if Rhys was going to go down with him, so he would die knowing he killed someone he hated and ruined his plans. I wouldn't say he was scared so much so that he probably was afraid of dyeing a failure again, he failed to "fix" Pandora, he failed to save his daughter, he failed to kill Rhys, and failed to keep his company alive.
I think the battle with The Traveler is set after Borderlands 3. Remember what that mystery warrior said after saving Athena from execution?
Yeah, but AI Jack knew of 'afterlife' or whatever the digital void was like. He knew Rhys' death would put him back where he was before, and he was willing to kill Rhys anyway. But then one minute later he was like 'don't make me go back there'. Either this was bad writing or Jack was still trying to manipulate Rhys rather than being genuinely afraid. Idk, it just felt odd to me.
It was an incredibility well done scene.
I know that Jack is a bad guy and he remains a bad guy. But when he begged Rhys not to kill him off, he sounds so emotional and on the verge of tears. It is almost like he feel his last link to the real world crumbling and he is seeing the nothing that awaits him. I felt so sad and emotional as I said sorry to him and end his existence. It was a far more worthy death scene to such a great villain than the one he got in Borderlands 2.
All credits to Dameon Clarke for putting so much emotions into it.
This actually makes sense. But it would still make Jack's begging a ploy to get Rhys to keep him, after which he could actually kill Rhys as soon as he found an opening.
Yeah, I would say manipulation played a factor into it.
Um, what about with Angel? Yeah he threatened them at first, but then he was practically begging and pleading with the Vault Hunters to not kill her.
He begged for her life though, not his own... In his own death scene he was defiant.
It was one of the best Telltale scenes ever made, it was so well written (credit to Anthony Burch) and so well performed (Dameon Clarke is amazing). Despite all that he's done, all the people he killed, and the fact that literally two minutes ago he just tried to kill me, I still felt bad for him and was sad to see him go, and I just couldn't bring myself to crush the eye, that's what makes Handsome Jack such a great character and why I decided to keep it.
Well there is no Borderlands 3 for him but TFTBL Season 2, I won't doubt it.
I thought he was being pathetic. Everything he had was destroyed, he had already realized being a murderous dick wasn't gonna work, he should have given up, it's what I would have done. However, Jack's actor pulled off a damn amazing scene. In all the time I've played all 3 of the borderlands games, I had never once heard a performance more spectacular than that. I think his "I'm the hero, you're the villain" speech from the very end of Borderlands 2 was the closest thing we got to his performance in this final episode. And it would have been the best performance of the entire game for me, had it not been for a little shit talking robot I payed good money for. Ahhh, Claptrap.
My point is, the acting was amazing, but in jack's final moment, he was being pathetic. Jack had never been one to give up and beg as I remember, so this was just stupid.
Also, My choice, after all I had trusted Jack with, after siding with him throughout most of the game, and then being completely betrayed by him, My choice was to crush the AI.
I had a LOT of feelings about this scene.
I could never crush the eye.
Here's the thing about Jack. He's absolutely delusional to the point pretty much 95% of the time he is convinced to his core that he's the hero, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. He's so delusional that in this scene we even see him talk about how everyone he's ever trusted has betrayed him (the Vault Hunters, Angel, Rhys, etc) even though technically these things happened to stop him. While he was growing up, he was never in control, so he's obsessed to a fault with having that control (which is why him trying to kill Rhys didn't strike me as unlikely; he was so desperate to have that control he was willing to go down with it in his hands). In this game we saw him starting to realize that maybe he wasn't the hero. In his office, if Rhys says he feels like a supervillain in the chair, Jack doesn't deny that he's a villain, even goes so far to say that Rhys can change that - though this might have been part of his manipulation at this point, idk. But during the wreckage scene there's a line of dialogue where Rhys calls him an asshole, and Jack says it's the last thing Angel said before she died, that she was right.
Anyway my point is that whole scene was super heartbreaking because I still felt terrible for Jack - he was basically breaking down along with Rhys, both of them so desperate to live. I think Jack trusted Rhys but was obviously way too far gone/mentally messed up to treat their partnership (friendship?) correctly. In his last seconds he was just scared of being alone and that really got to me.
I understand why some people didn't feel bad for him though, he's pretty damn terrible, but personally it broke my heart. The idea of anyone being irredeemable is super hard for me to handle. IT WAS REALLY SAD AND I'M STILL SAD ABOUT IT there's my wall of text bye
AI Jack said he found about Angel's death in Helios' database. Shouldn't he get pissed off about that?
Nope, I cried as soon as he lunged at Rhys then disappeared.
Well he is not a good guy but not a bad guy either, he is frienemy.
Jack: Your New Best Frenemy
That's why I love that they included the option to say "I'm sorry". It perfectly catched the recognition of someone who ultimatively realized that his hero has fallen and is insane beyond any help.
Yes! I'm glad that was an option.
It was quite the sad moment...
To be honest, I have gotten over it, but I still find it depressing...
It was so weird hearing him like that. He sounded genuinely... broken? (literally, heh). And then genuinely afraid when he realized he was about to die. But I mean; one moment I hate him, the next I feel sorry for him. I think it was really well written.
Horrible. The fact that his afterlife is just... darkness, makes it even worse to me.
This scene had a major effect on me. Till this point, I had spent the entire game hating Jack. I trusted Fiona over him, refused to accept a partnership, and rejected Hyperion almost instantly. I simply didn't have faith in him. After the (kinda creepy) ending of episode 4, I went in wanting to take him down no matter what.
Then the actual moment came, and I couldn't finish him off.
Even though he literally tried to murder me seconds earlier, the outright pain in his voice-the kind of desperation where you know it's hopeless but you have to try anyways-and "nothing there" for him to go to. Up until I saw it on the forums, I assumed he was erased from existence no matter what. I kept it as a memento to remind Rhys of what he could have become. I'm so glad they included the option to say "I'm sorry" because that's exactly what I wanted to say; I hope AI Jack is actually imprisoned and not just nothing. No one deserves that.
He begged for Angel. Also this isn't Jack, this is his AI.
This was the way I could only dream of ending Jack's story. It's better than what BL2 dealt him and they also stop his story from becoming just milking his character.
I couldn't help but compare it to Bioshock's ending, in some ways.
This was Rhys finally breaking free and showing his true worth. It was bittersweet. I knew Jack was a two faced bastard, I've known that while others seem to forget that, but it still was almost disheartening when Jack was saying how there was nothing. That could've been the climax of the episode and should've been. Get the happy, silly robot fight out of the way and end on a much heavier note.
So, what would keeping the eye do? Would not crushing it keep him suspended in that nothingness? Or would crushing it? I mean I crushed it, but I'm all in favor of the universe where he doesn't have to live in limbo hell!
What are you talking about? I crushed it.
Well Jack was scared of you ripping the eye out, and he disappeared. So, was he transported to the "darkness" then? If he was then, did crushing the eye put him into like darkness squard? Or release him? Or, or...
I'm reading too much into this all aren't I? I'll just slink away then!
I'm pretty sure both sent him to the ''darkness''.
Okay I was probably thinking about it the wrong way. I thought you were literally doing something to Jack's soul or life or something if you crushed it or kept it. But is it just a memento then for Rhys if he keeps it? I might just be missing a simple answer here so sorry for my absent-mindedness!
I can't think of a reason for him to keep it.
I guess just to keep a memory, then! If your Rhys still looked up to Jack, I guess. Anyways, thank you for the discussion! And sorry for my confusion!