Finally corrected my mistake from chapter three, and beat it the other day. Got the "I like someone else" option, and was quite giddy.
As the scene progressed to inside the vault, I realized how it could have ended perfectly. During the last interactive segment where you as Rhys and Fiona have to place your hands on the chest, it should have ended like this: Rhys places his hand on the chest, then Fiona places it over his. Or, vice versa. Simple, adorable, what's not to love?
Finally corrected my mistake from chapter three, and beat it the other day. Got the "I like someone else" option, and was quite giddy.
A… mores the scene progressed to inside the vault, I realized how it could have ended perfectly. During the last interactive segment where you as Rhys and Fiona have to place your hands on the chest, it should have ended like this: Rhys places his hand on the chest, then Fiona places it over his. Or, vice versa. Simple, adorable, what's not to love?
Finally corrected my mistake from chapter three, and beat it the other day. Got the "I like someone else" option, and was quite giddy.
A… mores the scene progressed to inside the vault, I realized how it could have ended perfectly. During the last interactive segment where you as Rhys and Fiona have to place your hands on the chest, it should have ended like this: Rhys places his hand on the chest, then Fiona places it over his. Or, vice versa. Simple, adorable, what's not to love?
Time for more of my fanart, such a surprise right? [not really] anyway Rhys knew there were benefits of having a badass vault hunter girlfriend
Made with SFM/Photoshop 1920 x 1080 version
Time for more of my fanart, such a surprise right? [not really] anyway Rhys knew there were benefits of having a badass vault hunter girlfriend
Made with SFM/Photoshop 1920 x 1080 version
This kind of bigoted and hateful mindset is gonna fly here bro. I thought we were all on board here that Rhyiona is beautiful and pure and the one true pairing, bro.
This kind of bigoted and hateful mindset is gonna fly here bro. I thought we were all on board here that Rhyiona is beautiful and pure and the one true pairing, bro.
Thanks i am still learning though, i started sfm in the beginning of this year i think i have come a long way from my first artwork and everyone's feedback here has helped alot and this is one of the best communities i have been in
Look at them together doesn't it maKE YOU FEEL SO HAPPY AND EMOTIONAL.
It makes me want to marry Telltale tbh
(they know)
Don't forget the protein
L-let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?...
Finally corrected my mistake from chapter three, and beat it the other day. Got the "I like someone else" option, and was quite giddy.
As the scene progressed to inside the vault, I realized how it could have ended perfectly. During the last interactive segment where you as Rhys and Fiona have to place your hands on the chest, it should have ended like this: Rhys places his hand on the chest, then Fiona places it over his. Or, vice versa. Simple, adorable, what's not to love?
This is so ermagerditsocuteheartatackicanteven
If they would do that, I-I'd-
It's hard to tell from that angle but he's totally staring at her booty.....and she knows it
holy crap, there's so much art lately.
Ahh, that would've been too cute.
I would cry of happiness for days...
Time for more of my fanart, such a surprise right? [not really] anyway Rhys knew there were benefits of having a badass vault hunter girlfriend
Made with SFM/Photoshop 1920 x 1080 version
daaaamn, these are better and better every single time, good job!
tfw people say that Sasha is a far better romance option for Rhys
Maybe in Season 2...
sees Rhys and Fiona together
okay but you could fit a whole car in that mouth
got no space to park your car??? rhys, open your mouth
holy shit
Another deal with the devil is needed it seems...
It's fine, I'll take one for the team!
This kind of bigoted and hateful mindset is gonna fly here bro. I thought we were all on board here that Rhyiona is beautiful and pure and the one true pairing, bro.
"well, Fiona has a big tongue, what can I say
i'm soRRY
did her tongue drill a hole in his mouth or something???
Well, she can drill me...
m aaybe but in a loving way
thats a powerful tongue
holy shit
fiona is a monster
clap best clap gif clap ever
Thanks i am still learning though, i started sfm in the beginning of this year i think i have come a long way from my first artwork and everyone's feedback here has helped alot and this is one of the best communities i have been in
My first fanart i did for this thread
a monster..... IN BED.
you haven't seen that South Park, have you?
Sorry, the last time I watched TV was about 2 years ago. :v
Haha, I'd like to say that's my gif, but it isn't. Someone else found it, and I just took cropped out the image hosting website watermark on it.
Really should see it, it's making fun of PC and SJW's
enter link description here
i'll accept that answer
go rhys