Theo took Rhetora by the arm. "It's okay. We're done now. We should leave."
"Well..." She sighed. "Okay."
When they left the building and emerged outside, Theo felt that it was warmer than before. It was closer to noon. Yet, Caesar still wouldn't stop complaining. "Hey, kid." Theo said to him. Caesar paid no mind. "Caesar."
When the boy turned in his direction he frowned. "What do you want?"
Theo bent down to eye level with the boy and waved his mother off with the flick of his wrist. "Why are you so angry? What has happened in your life that you are not able to let go of your wants for more than a few minutes?"
Caesar seemed less rambunctious than before and more curious. He calmed down and Rhetora let go of his arm. "Sir? I'm just a kid."
"I know that you're just a kid, Caesar." Theo continued. "But I'm going to talk to you as though you are an adult like us. Wouldn't you like that?"
Caesar nodded. "I wanna be on TV when I grow up."
"I have no doubt that you will." He smiled. "But one thing that people on TV have to do is talk to people. They do this a lot. How can you talk to them if you're so angry all the time?" Caesar shrugged. "You see, each one of them is someone just as human as you. Each have their own lives and feelings. Everyone has something about them that's special. Every single one of them has a demolition show they'd rather be watching. I want you to remember this."
Caesar nodded. "I will, Mr..."
"Warrik." Theo replied. "You may call me Mr. Warrik."
"But why, Mr. Warrik? If those people are all grown-ups, they can go to the demolition show whenever they want. Why don't they go now?"
He shook his head. "That's because life moves on around them. If you don't take a minute to stop and observe it, you'll go your whole life without ever seeing what's really there. Go today, and instead of rushing from one place to the next, take a minute to stop and appreciate the Golden City."
"Okay." Caesar smiled. He began to look around immediately. Theo reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out of it a small coin. When the boy turned back to him, Theo put his hand behind his ear and pulled it out, coin displayed. "How did you do that?" He asked excitedly.
Theo cranked his leg and stood up firm. "You can find a lot of things around you when you look hard enough." He set the coin in the boy's hand. "Look for the good in the world. Look for the good in other people. If you search long enough, you'll find something worth discovering."
Caesar looked very happy as he turned to his mother. Rhetora grabbed him by the hand again and led him off to the east. The wind blew softly and the birds were chirping and Theo found it amusing to watch Caesar looking around at everything he could set his eyes on. As they left, Rhetora turned and mouthed the words "Thank you."
"You're really good with him." Kirt said. "Have you had experience with kids?"
"Not much." Theo replied. "I had a daughter..."
"Had?" He asked. When he saw Theo's head slowly shaking, he knew it best not to ask. "So, Mr. Warrik, I assume if you gathered us all here today, you know exactly what you're doing. I would hope so."
Theo laughed and put his hand on his friends shoulder. He squeezed tightly, trying to send a message. They were outside of the museum now. Their conversation was being overheard by the second. "Yes." He said. He began to weave around a lie. "The museum is a perfect place to set up the study group. We will have to do this more often."
Kirt nodded his head. He then understood the ruse, and followed along. "I found the dusty portrait to be quite fascinating."
"I will meet you here, next week at around the same time."
"Agreed." Kirt laughed. "Goodbye my friend."
"Until we meet again." Theo shook the man's hand and casually turned in the opposite direction. As they walked away from each other, Theo knew his plan had begun. He limped across one block and the next. The neon lights around him flickered, pointing to their respective stores and restaurants. He wasn't sure why he was being summoned to the Capitol, but he fought off his nerves. He forced himself to believe it would be okay.
Lynona had one thing right. There was a considerable chance they could fail. This was the first time Theo really felt as though he were gambling with death.
Wow, that was a great chapter and a super huge part In his first chapter, Theo striked me as an okay guy, but what prevented me from really liking him until this chapter was his job as a gamemaker. Now that he revealed his true colours, I freaking love him! I really hope this story won't stick to the canon, or else things can't end well for him. But regardless of wether or not he succeeds, after this part I am not only impressed by him, but also deeply intrigued by his storyline!
Wow it made me split it up into two.
Theo took Rhetora by the arm. "It's okay. We're done now. We should leave."
"Well..." She sighe… mored. "Okay."
When they left the building and emerged outside, Theo felt that it was warmer than before. It was closer to noon. Yet, Caesar still wouldn't stop complaining. "Hey, kid." Theo said to him. Caesar paid no mind. "Caesar."
When the boy turned in his direction he frowned. "What do you want?"
Theo bent down to eye level with the boy and waved his mother off with the flick of his wrist. "Why are you so angry? What has happened in your life that you are not able to let go of your wants for more than a few minutes?"
Caesar seemed less rambunctious than before and more curious. He calmed down and Rhetora let go of his arm. "Sir? I'm just a kid."
"I know that you're just a kid, Caesar." Theo continued. "But I'm going to talk to you as though you are an adult like us. Wouldn't you like that… [view original content]
Wow, that was a great chapter and a super huge part In his first chapter, Theo striked me as an okay guy, but what prevented me from really… more liking him until this chapter was his job as a gamemaker. Now that he revealed his true colours, I freaking love him! I really hope this story won't stick to the canon, or else things can't end well for him. But regardless of wether or not he succeeds, after this part I am not only impressed by him, but also deeply intrigued by his storyline!
Ah, that's unfortunate. I was hoping for Theo to end up as a big damn hero who would save my favourite characters from a gruesome death Anyway, I don't really have an opinion on Kirt for now. I guess he's alright, but he did nothing to particularly stand out so far. Rhetora and Caesar are interesting characters, even though I am not sure why Caesar was with them at this meeting. As a child, I wouldn't trust him to keep such a secret and he doesn't seem to be extremely mature for his age. It has definitely been a risky move by Theo to tell him about his intention. Finally, Lynona is perhaps the most interesting of the new characters in this chapter in my opinion. However, I have a bad feeling for her, since she just left Theo's little conspiracy group and since she does not seem to be that much against the games as the others. I am afraid she could ruin the plan by alerting Snow.
Ah, that's unfortunate. I was hoping for Theo to end up as a big damn hero who would save my favourite characters from a gruesome death Any… moreway, I don't really have an opinion on Kirt for now. I guess he's alright, but he did nothing to particularly stand out so far. Rhetora and Caesar are interesting characters, even though I am not sure why Caesar was with them at this meeting. As a child, I wouldn't trust him to keep such a secret and he doesn't seem to be extremely mature for his age. It has definitely been a risky move by Theo to tell him about his intention. Finally, Lynona is perhaps the most interesting of the new characters in this chapter in my opinion. However, I have a bad feeling for her, since she just left Theo's little conspiracy group and since she does not seem to be that much against the games as the others. I am afraid she could ruin the plan by alerting Snow.
Damn, I knew that name was familiar O.O I haven't noticed it until you pointed it out, even though I probably should have, since he is my favourite Capitol person from the novels
Damn, I knew that name was familiar O.O I haven't noticed it until you pointed it out, even though I probably should have, since he is my favourite Capitol person from the novels
Saul was dragged through the grand wooden doors by his bound wrists. When he entered the room, a Peacekeeper behind him forcefully shoved him in the direction of the front. The judge stood there at his podium with the relaxed eyes of someone who had already made the call. Saul shook his head in anger, not knowing whether it was regret he was feeling or the lack thereof.
He glanced around at his audience, and from one look around he knew the only people here were the judge, the Peacekeepers and himself. But then he saw the prosecutor's desk, and there was a gruff looking man with a bald head who sat there staring at him with apathy. It was as if no one cared about this case. Yet, of course, there wasn't any reason to. Hundreds of people had snuck past the gate before. Most of the time, even the Peacekeepers paid it no mind. This made it very hard for Saul to understand why they jerked so hard on his arm. Why was he different than any other escapee?
The Peacekeepers threw him down onto the ground in the center of the floor. He shot them an annoyed look and moved quietly to his seat at the defendant's table. He knew little of law, but that District 11 was not known for being particularly respectful of it.
"Prosecutor Clemaine, you may read the charge." The judge said with a wave of his hand. He hadn't even taken the time to put on his fluffy wig. His gold-rimmed glasses were too low on his nose to even see Saul clearly, and he was slouching in his desk.
"Thank you, your honor." He responded.
Just as he was about to speak, there was the creak of the door opening. There were more Peacekeepers, dragging a second victim by the wrists. Saul clenched his teeth when he saw it was his little sister, Peara with her mop of white-blonde hair. He was confused and angry that they had brought her here over his actions, but that hardly mattered now. They gave her a large shove and Saul stood up in contempt. "Don't fucking touch her!"
"Saul!" She cried. "I'm okay! I'm-"
"Shut up!" One of the Peacekeepers shouted, and hit her in the face with the butt of his gun. She was knocked to the ground.
Saul immediately rushed up in a surge of anger and ran down the empty aisle towards his sister. When he arrived, one of the soldiers in white drove his fist right into Saul's stomach and knocked the wind out of him. He fell right next to his sister. "You... Won't take... Us..." Saul wheezed as the troop lifted each of them off the ground and set them back in their seats.
The doors opened again, and the one who strode through them was none other than Mr. Munrow, sporting a nice suit he shouldn't have been able to afford and a mocking grin. He sat down next the Clemaine man in the seat across the aisle.
"Would you kindly read both our defendants their charges..." The judge sighed.
"Yes." Clemaine stood up and held a paper in his hand. He read off of it: "Saul Arrem, charged with leaving the District and arson. Peara Arrem-"
"Arson?" Saul complained. "Arson?! You're charging me for the fire that I was trying to warn you about? That's bullshit!"
"Order in the court." The judge exclaimed unenthusiastically. Saul wondered how he ever kept this job as judge with his lack of concern.
"Peara Arrem." Clemaine read, smiling maliciously. "You are charged with arson as well as your brother."
"Objection!" Saul shouted.
The judge put his hand on the bridge of his nose and sighed. "That's not how you use... What is your claim?"
"We are innocent!" He shouted. He could feel the emotion behind his own voice. "That fire was not caused by us. Munrow's the one to blame! He shot a flaming arrow-"
"Overruled." He said, not even listening to the rest of his explanation. Saul couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger any time his eyes fell upon any single individual in the room, except his sister. Saul and Peara had been through hell together... This was just icing on the cake.
The two of them were true brother and sister, yet many people in District 11 didn't perceive it as so. Saul's skin was a very dark shade, while Peara's, being albino, was almost white in color. Her eyes were red like the sunset, and no matter how many times people at her school told her she was ugly or she didn't belong with them, he never looked at her differently. She was 12 years old and had never known her parents. Their orphanage's director was the closest thing she'd ever had to a parental figure.
People hated Peara. It wasn't because of how she acted, or because of her beliefs. People hated her because she was white. And they hated Saul too for sticking up for her. In District 11, it generally went that the darker skin you had, the more respect you got in business. Darker meant more hours in the sun, and more hours in the sun meant higher pay grade; most of their jobs were outside. There were very few light-toned people, and they were viewed as outcast, generally found on the streets. They called them Albars. Peara was considered one of them.
"I don't want to go to jail..." She whispered, clutching Saul by the arm.
"We won't." He told her. "You don't have to have a guilty conscience. We're completely innocent."
She began to weep silently to herself, and Saul put his arm around her. He knew she was only scared. He felt overwhelmed himself. He didn't know why they were being taken to court, as both were minors... Then again, Saul had never seen the inside of a court room. He knew beforehand that District 11 law was nothing like any other law. Most of the time there was no jury... No bailiff... Not once had he ever seen a case where the defendant had won. Saul still kept up his hopes.
"If the defendant would stop muttering to his accomplice, I'm sure we could all move on with our lives." The judge said in an annoyed tone. "Prosecutor, I would ask you to make your opening statement to the jury, but seeing as we have none, we will skip this phase. Mr. Arrem, who would you name as defending attorney?"
"I guess I'll represent myself." Saul replied. There was no one in this damn district that cared enough about him or his sister to represent in trial. Ethel was the only one close, and she hadn't even attended.
The judge looked unimpressed, but convinced, yet looked down at his desk and scribbled something down with an ballpoint pen. "And you, miss?"
"Can Saul represent me?" Peara asked, trying to wipe the tears away long enough to ask the question.
"I don't see any reason why not." The judge shook his head. Clemaine snickered off to the left, but Saul paid him no mind. "Defendant, I would ask you how you plead."
Saul looked down into the eyes of his younger sister. She nodded, letting him know his decision stood for both. He knew the truth, but without a jury to back him up, he wasn't sure how well he could support his claim. He simply cringed every time he thought of his backstabbing master. This day couldn't possibly grow any worse than it already was...
Chapter 9: Trial by Fire
Saul Arrem
Saul was dragged through the grand wooden doors by his bound wrists. When he entered the room, a P… moreeacekeeper behind him forcefully shoved him in the direction of the front. The judge stood there at his podium with the relaxed eyes of someone who had already made the call. Saul shook his head in anger, not knowing whether it was regret he was feeling or the lack thereof.
He glanced around at his audience, and from one look around he knew the only people here were the judge, the Peacekeepers and himself. But then he saw the prosecutor's desk, and there was a gruff looking man with a bald head who sat there staring at him with apathy. It was as if no one cared about this case. Yet, of course, there wasn't any reason to. Hundreds of people had snuck past the gate before. Most of the time, even the Peacekeepers paid it no mind. This made it very hard for Saul to understand why they jerked so hard on his… [view original content]
Chapter 9: Trial by Fire
Saul Arrem
Saul was dragged through the grand wooden doors by his bound wrists. When he entered the room, a P… moreeacekeeper behind him forcefully shoved him in the direction of the front. The judge stood there at his podium with the relaxed eyes of someone who had already made the call. Saul shook his head in anger, not knowing whether it was regret he was feeling or the lack thereof.
He glanced around at his audience, and from one look around he knew the only people here were the judge, the Peacekeepers and himself. But then he saw the prosecutor's desk, and there was a gruff looking man with a bald head who sat there staring at him with apathy. It was as if no one cared about this case. Yet, of course, there wasn't any reason to. Hundreds of people had snuck past the gate before. Most of the time, even the Peacekeepers paid it no mind. This made it very hard for Saul to understand why they jerked so hard on his… [view original content]
Wow it made me split it up into two.
Theo took Rhetora by the arm. "It's okay. We're done now. We should leave."
"Well..." She sighe… mored. "Okay."
When they left the building and emerged outside, Theo felt that it was warmer than before. It was closer to noon. Yet, Caesar still wouldn't stop complaining. "Hey, kid." Theo said to him. Caesar paid no mind. "Caesar."
When the boy turned in his direction he frowned. "What do you want?"
Theo bent down to eye level with the boy and waved his mother off with the flick of his wrist. "Why are you so angry? What has happened in your life that you are not able to let go of your wants for more than a few minutes?"
Caesar seemed less rambunctious than before and more curious. He calmed down and Rhetora let go of his arm. "Sir? I'm just a kid."
"I know that you're just a kid, Caesar." Theo continued. "But I'm going to talk to you as though you are an adult like us. Wouldn't you like that… [view original content]
Chapter 9: Trial by Fire
Saul Arrem
Saul was dragged through the grand wooden doors by his bound wrists. When he entered the room, a P… moreeacekeeper behind him forcefully shoved him in the direction of the front. The judge stood there at his podium with the relaxed eyes of someone who had already made the call. Saul shook his head in anger, not knowing whether it was regret he was feeling or the lack thereof.
He glanced around at his audience, and from one look around he knew the only people here were the judge, the Peacekeepers and himself. But then he saw the prosecutor's desk, and there was a gruff looking man with a bald head who sat there staring at him with apathy. It was as if no one cared about this case. Yet, of course, there wasn't any reason to. Hundreds of people had snuck past the gate before. Most of the time, even the Peacekeepers paid it no mind. This made it very hard for Saul to understand why they jerked so hard on his… [view original content]
This day couldn't possibly grow any worse than it already was...
You're tempting fate, Saul. You're tempting it so hard...
Anyway, that was a great part! Saul is simply a nice character and I like him and Peara a lot. I took a closer look at the tribute list and damn... It seems like Saul's and Peara's day can and will get a lot worse. Anyway, I chose to plead guilty because they are not going to be declared innocent either way, I guess Munrow made sure of that. However, by boldly admitting his guilt, Saul could end up attracting potential sponsors from the Capitol, to help him and Peara in the game. I'm also pretty sure that it will be at least something Munrow has not expected, perhaps it will even baffle him enough to believe that Saul follows some kind of plan.
Chapter 9: Trial by Fire
Saul Arrem
Saul was dragged through the grand wooden doors by his bound wrists. When he entered the room, a P… moreeacekeeper behind him forcefully shoved him in the direction of the front. The judge stood there at his podium with the relaxed eyes of someone who had already made the call. Saul shook his head in anger, not knowing whether it was regret he was feeling or the lack thereof.
He glanced around at his audience, and from one look around he knew the only people here were the judge, the Peacekeepers and himself. But then he saw the prosecutor's desk, and there was a gruff looking man with a bald head who sat there staring at him with apathy. It was as if no one cared about this case. Yet, of course, there wasn't any reason to. Hundreds of people had snuck past the gate before. Most of the time, even the Peacekeepers paid it no mind. This made it very hard for Saul to understand why they jerked so hard on his… [view original content]
This day couldn't possibly grow any worse than it already was...
You're tempting fate, Saul. You're tempting it so hard...
Anyway… more, that was a great part! Saul is simply a nice character and I like him and Peara a lot. I took a closer look at the tribute list and damn... It seems like Saul's and Peara's day can and will get a lot worse. Anyway, I chose to plead guilty because they are not going to be declared innocent either way, I guess Munrow made sure of that. However, by boldly admitting his guilt, Saul could end up attracting potential sponsors from the Capitol, to help him and Peara in the game. I'm also pretty sure that it will be at least something Munrow has not expected, perhaps it will even baffle him enough to believe that Saul follows some kind of plan.
Chapter 9: Trial by Fire
Saul Arrem
Saul was dragged through the grand wooden doors by his bound wrists. When he entered the room, a P… moreeacekeeper behind him forcefully shoved him in the direction of the front. The judge stood there at his podium with the relaxed eyes of someone who had already made the call. Saul shook his head in anger, not knowing whether it was regret he was feeling or the lack thereof.
He glanced around at his audience, and from one look around he knew the only people here were the judge, the Peacekeepers and himself. But then he saw the prosecutor's desk, and there was a gruff looking man with a bald head who sat there staring at him with apathy. It was as if no one cared about this case. Yet, of course, there wasn't any reason to. Hundreds of people had snuck past the gate before. Most of the time, even the Peacekeepers paid it no mind. This made it very hard for Saul to understand why they jerked so hard on his… [view original content]
"I plead guilty." Saul spoke quietly. Everyone in the room looked shocked, and the judge lifted his hand to his ear. He raised his voice. "Guilty. I'm guilty."
He was taken aback, but Saul's utterance didn't change the judge's mind. "Well, that's awfully sporting of you. We don't usually get this kind of courtesy from delinquents."
Saul clenched his fist when he heard the words. He was far from a delinquent. The reason he'd plead guilty seemed obvious to him. The prosecutor and judge had already made up their minds before Saul even arrived in the hall. It was the best way to keep the heat off himself, and it would keep Peara innocent.
"Why are you guilty?" Peara asked, pulling his sleeve down toward her. "You didn't do the things they said you did."
"I know." Saul whispered back. It hurt him to see the confusion on his sister's face. She was too sweet. She didn't deserve to be wrapped up in all of this. It was no doubt the fault of Munrow... "We're safer this way. I won't let anything bad happen to you, okay?"
"Okay..." She turned back to the room. The judge turned his lazy gaze back to her.
"What do you plead, miss?" He asked her.
Peara looked up at her older brother for advice, and he only nodded in her direction. "Guilty." She whimpered. She sounded as though she were about to cry. "Can I go home now?"
The prosecutor let out an audible laugh, filling the room with bad breath. "You ain't getting out of here for at least six months, girl."
A tear dropped from her eye, and she began to weep. Saul bent down to comfort her, but the judge struck the wooden block on his podium with its gavel. "Order in the court. Attorney, I did not authorize permission to counsel the defendant."
Saul shot him an annoyed look and flashed him the middle finger just before turning back to his sister. "You'll be okay, Peara. Everything's-"
The moment he said this, he felt a sharp sting in his neck. He covered it with his hand and felt a slight trickle of blood. He turned to find Clemaine standing above him with a syringe. He could feel the daylight fading slowly. "What the hell did you do?!" Saul shouted at him.
"Don't struggle..." Clemaine smiled. "It makes the symptoms painful."
"I, Judge Farley Rudwick, sentence Saul-"
"What?!" Saul turned back around. He tried to stand up and run to the other side of the room before the Peacekeepers could catch him. "Where's the trial? I deserve- We deserve a fucking say!"
"I hereby sentence Saul and Peara Arrem to die for their district."
The sentence hit Saul like a bag of bricks, and he collapsed onto the ground under the weight of the tranquilizer before the Peacekeepers even reached him. "No..." He said. It was growing more and more difficult to stay awake, but he wasn't going to give those assholes the satisfaction of drifting off quietly. "Peara..."
"Saul!" His sister cried, as she was taken into custody by two of the guards. She fought her best to get free, but she was physically weak. She was a small, fragile girl. This world was eroding away her selfless nature. Soon she would break, and Saul wasn't sure how long he could stand it after that. "Where are you taking me?! Let me go!"
"Let her..." Saul said, blinking his eyes. When they carried her, kicking and screaming from the hall, he watched through slowly blackening vision as Judge Rudwick, Clemaine and Munrow all stood above him as though they had done some great deed in defeating him. "Why did you..."
There was a small splash on the ground near Saul's face, and when he tried to make out what it was, he found it was a ball of spit mustered by the prosecutor. "You may be associated with that Albar trash, but you're a fighter. I'll give you that."
He proved them right as Saul worked up every ounce of strength he had left in his mind to hold himself up to meet their foul gazes. Rudwick looked apathetic as usual, Munrow was actually displaying a bit of guilt, and Clemaine seemed as though he was actually enjoying seeing a seventeen-year-old kid helpless on the ground before him.
"" Saul muttered with difficulty. "All of... you... This is a court... Justice is... supposed to be served here... But instead... you've corrupted this hall... with lies... You'll burn for this..."
"Burn? We're not the ones who burn." Munrow spoke down to him. It angered Saul even more that the man had the stones to lie to him even now. "You and your white-ass sister torched our field... And to think I trusted you..." His words were harsh, but when he thought about it, Saul found that there was a sense of doubt in his tone...
At last, Saul collapsed, his eyes closed. He couldn't bear the weight of his own body anymore. As the world faded around him, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever wake up. Then again... Peara was the only reason he would ever want to...
Farley Rudwick sighed. "They had the least to lose..." Saul heard him say this before he let himself pass out. "No parents... No anyone except them... No one will miss them..."
"It was a brilliant choice, your Honor." Clemaine agreed. "Leave the Games to those who have nothing left, and you will find yourself and no one is hurt when they disappear forever."
"I will take him." Monroe spoke softly. "He had to rest somewhere before the train arrives..."
The Games...? Saul felt as though he knew what they were talking about... But the more he thought, the more tired he became... He wanted to know... He wanted to know... What did he want to know...? Saul drifted gently away...
57% of readers chose to [A. Plead guilty.]
"I plead guilty." Saul spoke quietly. Everyone in the room looked shocked, and the judge lif… moreted his hand to his ear. He raised his voice. "Guilty. I'm guilty."
He was taken aback, but Saul's utterance didn't change the judge's mind. "Well, that's awfully sporting of you. We don't usually get this kind of courtesy from delinquents."
Saul clenched his fist when he heard the words. He was far from a delinquent. The reason he'd plead guilty seemed obvious to him. The prosecutor and judge had already made up their minds before Saul even arrived in the hall. It was the best way to keep the heat off himself, and it would keep Peara innocent.
"Why are you guilty?" Peara asked, pulling his sleeve down toward her. "You didn't do the things they said you did."
"I know." Saul whispered back. It hurt him to see the confusion on his sister's face. She was too sweet. She didn't deserve to be wrappe… [view original content]
57% of readers chose to [A. Plead guilty.]
"I plead guilty." Saul spoke quietly. Everyone in the room looked shocked, and the judge lif… moreted his hand to his ear. He raised his voice. "Guilty. I'm guilty."
He was taken aback, but Saul's utterance didn't change the judge's mind. "Well, that's awfully sporting of you. We don't usually get this kind of courtesy from delinquents."
Saul clenched his fist when he heard the words. He was far from a delinquent. The reason he'd plead guilty seemed obvious to him. The prosecutor and judge had already made up their minds before Saul even arrived in the hall. It was the best way to keep the heat off himself, and it would keep Peara innocent.
"Why are you guilty?" Peara asked, pulling his sleeve down toward her. "You didn't do the things they said you did."
"I know." Saul whispered back. It hurt him to see the confusion on his sister's face. She was too sweet. She didn't deserve to be wrappe… [view original content]
57% of readers chose to [A. Plead guilty.]
"I plead guilty." Saul spoke quietly. Everyone in the room looked shocked, and the judge lif… moreted his hand to his ear. He raised his voice. "Guilty. I'm guilty."
He was taken aback, but Saul's utterance didn't change the judge's mind. "Well, that's awfully sporting of you. We don't usually get this kind of courtesy from delinquents."
Saul clenched his fist when he heard the words. He was far from a delinquent. The reason he'd plead guilty seemed obvious to him. The prosecutor and judge had already made up their minds before Saul even arrived in the hall. It was the best way to keep the heat off himself, and it would keep Peara innocent.
"Why are you guilty?" Peara asked, pulling his sleeve down toward her. "You didn't do the things they said you did."
"I know." Saul whispered back. It hurt him to see the confusion on his sister's face. She was too sweet. She didn't deserve to be wrappe… [view original content]
57% of readers chose to [A. Plead guilty.]
"I plead guilty." Saul spoke quietly. Everyone in the room looked shocked, and the judge lif… moreted his hand to his ear. He raised his voice. "Guilty. I'm guilty."
He was taken aback, but Saul's utterance didn't change the judge's mind. "Well, that's awfully sporting of you. We don't usually get this kind of courtesy from delinquents."
Saul clenched his fist when he heard the words. He was far from a delinquent. The reason he'd plead guilty seemed obvious to him. The prosecutor and judge had already made up their minds before Saul even arrived in the hall. It was the best way to keep the heat off himself, and it would keep Peara innocent.
"Why are you guilty?" Peara asked, pulling his sleeve down toward her. "You didn't do the things they said you did."
"I know." Saul whispered back. It hurt him to see the confusion on his sister's face. She was too sweet. She didn't deserve to be wrappe… [view original content]
Ok, so I was taking all of my chapters thus far and putting them into a neat little word document as a backup. I do this with all my books, because it's fun to see what it looks like in book format. So I just got done, and Part 1 so far is 139 pages already... I'm considering changing the name from Part 1: The Pawns to Book 1: The Pawns.
And here's the Table of Contents for you guys. Feel free to theorize over it.
P: The Events of Tomorrow
1: The Family Legacy
2: The Dark Canopy
3: Blood in the Water
4: Forgotten
5: The Twenty-Fifth
6: What If It Were Me
7: The Tributes
8: The Ultimate Price
9: Trial by Fire
10: The Concept of Hope
11: The Last Supper
12: The Dimmer Light
13: House Arrest
14: The Underbrush
15: Foreign
16: Less Travelled By
17: They Were Dead
18: The Recruit
19: Town Hall
20: The Scorch
21: A Matter of Luck
22: Warm Winds
23: Goodbye
24: His Plan
25: A New Home
26: To Die With
27: Stay Close to Me
28: The Peacekeeper
29: The Sunrise
These are, for the most part, placeholder names. They may change slightly for each chapter, but this is my outline.
Ok, so I was taking all of my chapters thus far and putting them into a neat little word document as a backup. I do this with all my books, … morebecause it's fun to see what it looks like in book format. So I just got done, and Part 1 so far is 139 pages already... I'm considering changing the name from Part 1: The Pawns to Book 1: The Pawns.
And here's the Table of Contents for you guys. Feel free to theorize over it.
P: The Events of Tomorrow
1: The Family Legacy
2: The Dark Canopy
3: Blood in the Water
4: Forgotten
5: The Twenty-Fifth
6: What If It Were Me
7: The Tributes
8: The Ultimate Price
9: Trial by Fire
10: The Concept of Hope
11: The Last Supper
12: The Dimmer Light
13: House Arrest
14: The Underbrush
15: Foreign
16: Less Travelled By
17: They Were Dead
18: The Recruit
19: Town Hall
20: The Scorch
21: A Matter of Luck
22: Warm Winds
23: Goodbye
24: His Plan
… [view original content]
57% of readers chose to [A. Plead guilty.]
"I plead guilty." Saul spoke quietly. Everyone in the room looked shocked, and the judge lif… moreted his hand to his ear. He raised his voice. "Guilty. I'm guilty."
He was taken aback, but Saul's utterance didn't change the judge's mind. "Well, that's awfully sporting of you. We don't usually get this kind of courtesy from delinquents."
Saul clenched his fist when he heard the words. He was far from a delinquent. The reason he'd plead guilty seemed obvious to him. The prosecutor and judge had already made up their minds before Saul even arrived in the hall. It was the best way to keep the heat off himself, and it would keep Peara innocent.
"Why are you guilty?" Peara asked, pulling his sleeve down toward her. "You didn't do the things they said you did."
"I know." Saul whispered back. It hurt him to see the confusion on his sister's face. She was too sweet. She didn't deserve to be wrappe… [view original content]
Oh yes, I like theorizing I have no idea for most of these chapters, but some of them give me an idea what might happen. Witness me being ridiculously wrong with my speculation:
10: The Concept of Hope
This one should be a Theo chapter. In the preview at the very beginning of this story, I remember that Snow said something about the concept of Hope, so I think the scene where Theo encounters the president will happen in this chapter.
11: The Last Supper
I guess this one will be an Aura chapter. Last time we saw her, she was about to head home for dinner, so I assume this dinner scene will happen there.
13: House Arrest
This sounds a lot like a chapter for Saul, where he is under house arrest, presumably at Munrow's place if I got that line at the end of the last chapter right, until he gets shipped of for the games.
15: Foreign
I don't know, but I have the feeling this could be a Penn chapter. After all, in some way, after the loss of her memories everything around her is foreign to her.
20: The Scorch
Considering that fire is a recurring theme for Saul, I highly assume this will be a chapter for him.
23: Goodbye
I have the feeling this could be an Aura chapter, where she says goodbye to her brothers. If I am right, this could be the most heartbreaking chapter so far.
24: His Plan
And I guess this will be a Theo chapter. He is the guy with the plan, after all.
25: A New Home
Here I am reasonably sure that it will be a Penn chapter, where she arrives at District 9.
26: To Die With
I have no idea who the PoV in this chapter will be, but I am very afraid for it.
27: Stay Close to Me
Most likely this will be a Saul chapter, because he has a good reason to say such a line to his sister.
29: The Sunrise
And I don't know why, but I think this could be a chapter for Theo. He had the prologue, so it would make sense if he also gets the final chapter of the first Book.
Ok, so I was taking all of my chapters thus far and putting them into a neat little word document as a backup. I do this with all my books, … morebecause it's fun to see what it looks like in book format. So I just got done, and Part 1 so far is 139 pages already... I'm considering changing the name from Part 1: The Pawns to Book 1: The Pawns.
And here's the Table of Contents for you guys. Feel free to theorize over it.
P: The Events of Tomorrow
1: The Family Legacy
2: The Dark Canopy
3: Blood in the Water
4: Forgotten
5: The Twenty-Fifth
6: What If It Were Me
7: The Tributes
8: The Ultimate Price
9: Trial by Fire
10: The Concept of Hope
11: The Last Supper
12: The Dimmer Light
13: House Arrest
14: The Underbrush
15: Foreign
16: Less Travelled By
17: They Were Dead
18: The Recruit
19: Town Hall
20: The Scorch
21: A Matter of Luck
22: Warm Winds
23: Goodbye
24: His Plan
… [view original content]
Feel free to theorize over it.
Oh yes, I like theorizing I have no idea for most of these chapters, but some of them give me an ide… morea what might happen. Witness me being ridiculously wrong with my speculation:
10: The Concept of Hope
This one should be a Theo chapter. In the preview at the very beginning of this story, I remember that Snow said something about the concept of Hope, so I think the scene where Theo encounters the president will happen in this chapter.
11: The Last Supper
I guess this one will be an Aura chapter. Last time we saw her, she was about to head home for dinner, so I assume this dinner scene will happen there.
13: House Arrest
This sounds a lot like a chapter for Saul, where he is under house arrest, presumably at Munrow's place if I got that line at the end of the last chapter right, until he gets shipped of for the games.
15: Foreign
I don't know, but I … [view original content]
Feel free to theorize over it.
Oh yes, I like theorizing I have no idea for most of these chapters, but some of them give me an ide… morea what might happen. Witness me being ridiculously wrong with my speculation:
10: The Concept of Hope
This one should be a Theo chapter. In the preview at the very beginning of this story, I remember that Snow said something about the concept of Hope, so I think the scene where Theo encounters the president will happen in this chapter.
11: The Last Supper
I guess this one will be an Aura chapter. Last time we saw her, she was about to head home for dinner, so I assume this dinner scene will happen there.
13: House Arrest
This sounds a lot like a chapter for Saul, where he is under house arrest, presumably at Munrow's place if I got that line at the end of the last chapter right, until he gets shipped of for the games.
15: Foreign
I don't know, but I … [view original content]
Feel free to theorize over it.
Oh yes, I like theorizing I have no idea for most of these chapters, but some of them give me an ide… morea what might happen. Witness me being ridiculously wrong with my speculation:
10: The Concept of Hope
This one should be a Theo chapter. In the preview at the very beginning of this story, I remember that Snow said something about the concept of Hope, so I think the scene where Theo encounters the president will happen in this chapter.
11: The Last Supper
I guess this one will be an Aura chapter. Last time we saw her, she was about to head home for dinner, so I assume this dinner scene will happen there.
13: House Arrest
This sounds a lot like a chapter for Saul, where he is under house arrest, presumably at Munrow's place if I got that line at the end of the last chapter right, until he gets shipped of for the games.
15: Foreign
I don't know, but I … [view original content]
Ok, so I was taking all of my chapters thus far and putting them into a neat little word document as a backup. I do this with all my books, … morebecause it's fun to see what it looks like in book format. So I just got done, and Part 1 so far is 139 pages already... I'm considering changing the name from Part 1: The Pawns to Book 1: The Pawns.
And here's the Table of Contents for you guys. Feel free to theorize over it.
P: The Events of Tomorrow
1: The Family Legacy
2: The Dark Canopy
3: Blood in the Water
4: Forgotten
5: The Twenty-Fifth
6: What If It Were Me
7: The Tributes
8: The Ultimate Price
9: Trial by Fire
10: The Concept of Hope
11: The Last Supper
12: The Dimmer Light
13: House Arrest
14: The Underbrush
15: Foreign
16: Less Travelled By
17: They Were Dead
18: The Recruit
19: Town Hall
20: The Scorch
21: A Matter of Luck
22: Warm Winds
23: Goodbye
24: His Plan
… [view original content]
Well, there are plenty of chapters left where I have absolutely no idea who the PoV could be and I am sure some of them will be Marten chapters. I just don't know enough about him and the direction his story could go yet, so I can't make any speculation about which chapter titles hint at his chapters
Theo arrived at the steel gates of the Capital with the eagerness and fear of a man who might never return. The building was enormous and painted white. It was as though President Snow had deliberately made to look like a castle. Yet, as it reached into the sky and broke the clouds, it still didn't stand as high as Snow's own ego.
Theo checked the time on his pocket watch and saw the hour hand arrive on three. As he stepped up to the gate and looked upon its artistic design with flourishes and the white rose crest of the Snow family in the metalwork, there was an echoing voice that spoke from both directions. "State your business." It said.
"I was summoned here four hours ago." Theo replied, not quite sure where to look to meet their gaze, since no camera was visible.
"You the new Gamemaker?"
The gates began to open slowly and grew quicker. Once they were ajar, Theo stepped through onto the marble pathway to the Capital building. On either side, it dropped off into a giant fountain enveloping the entire building like a moat. It was easily the largest fountain Theo had ever laid eyes upon, with spouts laid fifteen feet apart from each other. There wasn't any railing on the path, making it difficult for him with his bad leg.
When he finally managed to hobble the entire way down the path, the doors opened for him automatically. This place was way over the top... even more so than the rest of the Capital city. A land of glimmering skies and a hope for tomorrow... That's what they called it. Theo though that of mentality as bullshit.
"Ah, you're the new Gamemaker on the panel!" The secretary greeted him with her wide smile of purple lipstick. He walked into the room on his cane and stood in front of her, expecting directions. "He's been expecting you, Mr. Warrik."
"Who has been expecting me?" Theo questioned.
"President Snow himself." She smiled. He felt as though his eyes had just gone wide. He hadn't dreamed of ever meeting the President. He was so exclusive, hardly anyone was able to meet him these days. "Tell me, what's it like being a Gamemaker? It has to be exciting, right? Like playing in your own personal sandbox!"
"Yes. It's exciting." Theo replied in the most disdainful way possible without coming off as though it wasn't the truth. Theo joined the panel for only a few reasons, and none of them were personal enjoyment. "I would ask where I go for this meeting."
"Oh, no problem." She told him, going back to her computer and typing on the holographic keyboard. "A man should arrive shortly to escort you to the meeting area. You can take a seat and well will be with you in just a moment."
Theo took one last look at the secretary, and had a chuckle about her green, curly hair contradicting with her blue eyes and purple lips. He never did understand the Capital's need for vibrant color. Maybe it was the lack of any in the architecture and world around them... Maybe over time, the color was taken out of the world and was transferred into the citizens of the Capital. No... That's exactly what happened.
When Theo sat in this room, it felt as though he were very small. He had a feeling that was the intent of the room. It was too large for simply an information desk and a few rows of waiting chairs. Yet, for the most part, it felt empty. That was President Snow's way. He would belittle everyone by overwhelming them with the altitude of his own ego, or that's how Roman put it. Yet, there was something in him that Roman admired. It was the same thing that Theo despised. It was his inability to care.
After approximately five minutes, there was a ring on the elevator and the doors slid open. A man stepped forth with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face. He stood very tall, as though to appear formal. His hair was well-coiffed, and for once, was a natural shade of brown. Just from looking at him, Theo was refreshed. He found Theo in the waiting seats and called out for him. "Mr. Warrik!" Theo rose and limped over to where the man stood. He extended his hand for a shake and Theo took it. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Mick Proden. I am the President's personal advisor, and I will show you to your meeting hall!"
He walked into the elevator, and Mick slipped a small silver key into a slot above the normal buttons just before it flashed yellow. The elevator began to fly upwards, almost knocking the old man off his feet. "You're his advisor, huh?" He asked. "What is this meeting about?"
"No way to tell for sure, sir." Mick responded. "It's always something different with him. He's got that sort of personality, always moving onto new tasks... I can tell you however that he usually makes it a priority to speak to whoever joins the panel of Gamemakers, and seeing as you happened on the task this year, I'd say he has readied his speech. I imagine your coworkers would be better candidates for the question. You know he was the one who actually invented the concept of the Hunger Games? So, technically, without him, you wouldn't have a job right now!"
"What do you advise him on?" Theo scratched his face, keeping his gaze focused on the front of the elevator. He knew very the answer to his question, yet refused to respond to it. "Because I imagine he gets a lot of his own ideas..."
"Yeah." The man smiled. "He's a very self-made man. He's the kind of man I would like to be similar to someday. You think that could ever happen?"
He seemed confused and a bit hurt. "What do you mean, sir? I think everyone can have their own role model..."
Theo didn't respond, yet only looked forward at the wall in front of him. Mick took the hint that Theo wasn't the type to get into small talk conversations. There was one reason, and only one reason he was here in the first place. Once his goal was accomplished, Theo would leave, and if he was lucky, he would never have to come back.
The doors of the elevator slid open, and there was another room presented to him. It was a long hallway with a meeting table extending down the entire way. The lights were hung off the high ceiling and were dimly lit, only barely casting light on the navy blue wallpaper. At the other end of the hallway was not a wall, but the entire space was left open. Only a railing could be seen there, with gray sky behind it. Leaning on the railing was a man. He couldn't have been more than thirty. It was President Coriolanus Snow.
"Gamemaker, step into the room." He called from the other side. His voice sounded clearer and more pristine than it did on his recordings. "Mr. Proden, you may leave our presence. We have to discuss a simple matter..."
"Yes, sir." Mick told him. He knocked Theo on the arm just before he let him step into the room. The doors closed behind him and Theo was in the room alone with the most important man in all of Panem. He was trapped.
"You may approach me. Let us look upon our nation together." He called to Theo. He held up a glass of what looked like white wine. Theo limped on his cane to the other side of the room and stood there beside the man. He leaned on the railing with him and looked out at the city below. It was gray and white buildings, halls and streets as far as the eye could see. It was like a sea of industry. This was the nation of Panem.
"Theoram Warrik..." The President slowly spoke. Theo looked at him and saw a man who looked wise for his years. His blonde hair was cut very short, and his blue eyes felt just as piercing as a dagger. In his breast pocket, a small white rose could be seen. "I like that name. I had a second cousin once who bore it. A strong man, but not of build... He was strong of will. I imagine you are no different."
"I could say so of myself, Mr. President." Theo replied. He felt nervous, one wrong word could mean the end. Snow was particularly notable for his low patience.
He took one look at Theo's face and then looked back out on the Capital below. They were a long way from the street level. It was the highest he had ever been. "That's good. Will is what defines a man. It isn't his wealth... Or his mannerisms... It's his will to stand in what he believes in like his shoes. He has to wear his values like an undershirt and his dreams as his jacket. I look at you... and the other Gamemakers and I see a bunch of people in their jackets, sitting at a computer and doing what they love. This defines you, does it not?"
"Yes." He said. "I have wanted this for a long time."
Snow put on a satisfied face. "It's a noble thing to want: to serve me and this country. I'm sure you are aware of the purpose of the Games." Theo nodded yes slightly, yet it didn't seem to be enough of a clear answer to him. "You are an old man. Surely you were alive during the Great War?"
"The world has never had a chance to properly thank you for ending that unspeakable terror." Theo told him.
"Ah. The Games have a way of keeping the twelve districts in their places. If one rises up, as Thirteen did so long ago, we will crush it into a fine paste so that the world doesn't remember it existed in the first place. But I digress..."
Theo turned around and leaned against the railing on his back for a moment. He couldn't stay still for too long or his joints would lock up. Snow picked up the rose in his pocket and stared into it longingly. "This nation is on a slow incline to perfection. When my father was in charge, he was weak. He was not able to keep the masses in order, but I have been able to accomplish what he never could. It's why I wear this rose."
"Why's that?"
"My father often wore a red rose similarly. I've inherited his way and perfected it. Nothing can slip through the cracks anymore. You look to the south and you see order. You look to the north and you see tranquility. This is a world I want to be able to raise my children in. Don't you agree?"
That was a great part! I was looking forward for Snow and I have to say, he definitely did not disappoint. He was brilliantly written and gave me the chills. As for this choice, I think it is a test. Snow probably wants to find out if Theo is able to think for himself and would most likely be pleased if he disagrees with him. However, I chose to agree with him, mostly because it can only be good for Theo if Snow thinks of him as a drone, not able to think for himself. That way, he maybe has a chance to catch him off guard with his plan. In the presence of Snow, it can only be good if Theo hides his true intelligence.
Chapter 10: The Concept of Hope
Theoram Warrik
Theo arrived at the steel gates of the Capital with the eagerness and fear of a man who… more might never return. The building was enormous and painted white. It was as though President Snow had deliberately made to look like a castle. Yet, as it reached into the sky and broke the clouds, it still didn't stand as high as Snow's own ego.
Theo checked the time on his pocket watch and saw the hour hand arrive on three. As he stepped up to the gate and looked upon its artistic design with flourishes and the white rose crest of the Snow family in the metalwork, there was an echoing voice that spoke from both directions. "State your business." It said.
"I was summoned here four hours ago." Theo replied, not quite sure where to look to meet their gaze, since no camera was visible.
"You the new Gamemaker?"
The gates began to open slowly and grew quicker. Once they were ajar, Theo st… [view original content]
That was a great part! I was looking forward for Snow and I have to say, he definitely did not disappoint. He was brilliantly written and ga… moreve me the chills. As for this choice, I think it is a test. Snow probably wants to find out if Theo is able to think for himself and would most likely be pleased if he disagrees with him. However, I chose to agree with him, mostly because it can only be good for Theo if Snow thinks of him as a drone, not able to think for himself. That way, he maybe has a chance to catch him off guard with his plan. In the presence of Snow, it can only be good if Theo hides his true intelligence.
Chapter 10: The Concept of Hope
Theoram Warrik
Theo arrived at the steel gates of the Capital with the eagerness and fear of a man who… more might never return. The building was enormous and painted white. It was as though President Snow had deliberately made to look like a castle. Yet, as it reached into the sky and broke the clouds, it still didn't stand as high as Snow's own ego.
Theo checked the time on his pocket watch and saw the hour hand arrive on three. As he stepped up to the gate and looked upon its artistic design with flourishes and the white rose crest of the Snow family in the metalwork, there was an echoing voice that spoke from both directions. "State your business." It said.
"I was summoned here four hours ago." Theo replied, not quite sure where to look to meet their gaze, since no camera was visible.
"You the new Gamemaker?"
The gates began to open slowly and grew quicker. Once they were ajar, Theo st… [view original content]
Chapter 10: The Concept of Hope
Theoram Warrik
Theo arrived at the steel gates of the Capital with the eagerness and fear of a man who… more might never return. The building was enormous and painted white. It was as though President Snow had deliberately made to look like a castle. Yet, as it reached into the sky and broke the clouds, it still didn't stand as high as Snow's own ego.
Theo checked the time on his pocket watch and saw the hour hand arrive on three. As he stepped up to the gate and looked upon its artistic design with flourishes and the white rose crest of the Snow family in the metalwork, there was an echoing voice that spoke from both directions. "State your business." It said.
"I was summoned here four hours ago." Theo replied, not quite sure where to look to meet their gaze, since no camera was visible.
"You the new Gamemaker?"
The gates began to open slowly and grew quicker. Once they were ajar, Theo st… [view original content]
Wow it made me split it up into two.
Theo took Rhetora by the arm. "It's okay. We're done now. We should leave."
"Well..." She sighed. "Okay."
When they left the building and emerged outside, Theo felt that it was warmer than before. It was closer to noon. Yet, Caesar still wouldn't stop complaining. "Hey, kid." Theo said to him. Caesar paid no mind. "Caesar."
When the boy turned in his direction he frowned. "What do you want?"
Theo bent down to eye level with the boy and waved his mother off with the flick of his wrist. "Why are you so angry? What has happened in your life that you are not able to let go of your wants for more than a few minutes?"
Caesar seemed less rambunctious than before and more curious. He calmed down and Rhetora let go of his arm. "Sir? I'm just a kid."
"I know that you're just a kid, Caesar." Theo continued. "But I'm going to talk to you as though you are an adult like us. Wouldn't you like that?"
Caesar nodded. "I wanna be on TV when I grow up."
"I have no doubt that you will." He smiled. "But one thing that people on TV have to do is talk to people. They do this a lot. How can you talk to them if you're so angry all the time?" Caesar shrugged. "You see, each one of them is someone just as human as you. Each have their own lives and feelings. Everyone has something about them that's special. Every single one of them has a demolition show they'd rather be watching. I want you to remember this."
Caesar nodded. "I will, Mr..."
"Warrik." Theo replied. "You may call me Mr. Warrik."
"But why, Mr. Warrik? If those people are all grown-ups, they can go to the demolition show whenever they want. Why don't they go now?"
He shook his head. "That's because life moves on around them. If you don't take a minute to stop and observe it, you'll go your whole life without ever seeing what's really there. Go today, and instead of rushing from one place to the next, take a minute to stop and appreciate the Golden City."
"Okay." Caesar smiled. He began to look around immediately. Theo reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out of it a small coin. When the boy turned back to him, Theo put his hand behind his ear and pulled it out, coin displayed. "How did you do that?" He asked excitedly.
Theo cranked his leg and stood up firm. "You can find a lot of things around you when you look hard enough." He set the coin in the boy's hand. "Look for the good in the world. Look for the good in other people. If you search long enough, you'll find something worth discovering."
Caesar looked very happy as he turned to his mother. Rhetora grabbed him by the hand again and led him off to the east. The wind blew softly and the birds were chirping and Theo found it amusing to watch Caesar looking around at everything he could set his eyes on. As they left, Rhetora turned and mouthed the words "Thank you."
"You're really good with him." Kirt said. "Have you had experience with kids?"
"Not much." Theo replied. "I had a daughter..."
"Had?" He asked. When he saw Theo's head slowly shaking, he knew it best not to ask. "So, Mr. Warrik, I assume if you gathered us all here today, you know exactly what you're doing. I would hope so."
Theo laughed and put his hand on his friends shoulder. He squeezed tightly, trying to send a message. They were outside of the museum now. Their conversation was being overheard by the second. "Yes." He said. He began to weave around a lie. "The museum is a perfect place to set up the study group. We will have to do this more often."
Kirt nodded his head. He then understood the ruse, and followed along. "I found the dusty portrait to be quite fascinating."
"I will meet you here, next week at around the same time."
"Agreed." Kirt laughed. "Goodbye my friend."
"Until we meet again." Theo shook the man's hand and casually turned in the opposite direction. As they walked away from each other, Theo knew his plan had begun. He limped across one block and the next. The neon lights around him flickered, pointing to their respective stores and restaurants. He wasn't sure why he was being summoned to the Capitol, but he fought off his nerves. He forced himself to believe it would be okay.
Lynona had one thing right. There was a considerable chance they could fail. This was the first time Theo really felt as though he were gambling with death.
End of Chapter 8
Wow, that was a great chapter and a super huge part
In his first chapter, Theo striked me as an okay guy, but what prevented me from really liking him until this chapter was his job as a gamemaker. Now that he revealed his true colours, I freaking love him! I really hope this story won't stick to the canon, or else things can't end well for him. But regardless of wether or not he succeeds, after this part I am not only impressed by him, but also deeply intrigued by his storyline!
Haha unfortunately, this is canon to the books. What did you think of the various other characters?
Ah, that's unfortunate. I was hoping for Theo to end up as a big damn hero who would save my favourite characters from a gruesome death
Anyway, I don't really have an opinion on Kirt for now. I guess he's alright, but he did nothing to particularly stand out so far. Rhetora and Caesar are interesting characters, even though I am not sure why Caesar was with them at this meeting. As a child, I wouldn't trust him to keep such a secret and he doesn't seem to be extremely mature for his age. It has definitely been a risky move by Theo to tell him about his intention. Finally, Lynona is perhaps the most interesting of the new characters in this chapter in my opinion. However, I have a bad feeling for her, since she just left Theo's little conspiracy group and since she does not seem to be that much against the games as the others. I am afraid she could ruin the plan by alerting Snow.
You noticed who Caesar was right?
Damn, I knew that name was familiar O.O I haven't noticed it until you pointed it out, even though I probably should have, since he is my favourite Capitol person from the novels
Theo sort of provided an inspiration for what he was in the novels.
Chapter 9: Trial by Fire
Saul Arrem
Saul was dragged through the grand wooden doors by his bound wrists. When he entered the room, a Peacekeeper behind him forcefully shoved him in the direction of the front. The judge stood there at his podium with the relaxed eyes of someone who had already made the call. Saul shook his head in anger, not knowing whether it was regret he was feeling or the lack thereof.
He glanced around at his audience, and from one look around he knew the only people here were the judge, the Peacekeepers and himself. But then he saw the prosecutor's desk, and there was a gruff looking man with a bald head who sat there staring at him with apathy. It was as if no one cared about this case. Yet, of course, there wasn't any reason to. Hundreds of people had snuck past the gate before. Most of the time, even the Peacekeepers paid it no mind. This made it very hard for Saul to understand why they jerked so hard on his arm. Why was he different than any other escapee?
The Peacekeepers threw him down onto the ground in the center of the floor. He shot them an annoyed look and moved quietly to his seat at the defendant's table. He knew little of law, but that District 11 was not known for being particularly respectful of it.
"Prosecutor Clemaine, you may read the charge." The judge said with a wave of his hand. He hadn't even taken the time to put on his fluffy wig. His gold-rimmed glasses were too low on his nose to even see Saul clearly, and he was slouching in his desk.
"Thank you, your honor." He responded.
Just as he was about to speak, there was the creak of the door opening. There were more Peacekeepers, dragging a second victim by the wrists. Saul clenched his teeth when he saw it was his little sister, Peara with her mop of white-blonde hair. He was confused and angry that they had brought her here over his actions, but that hardly mattered now. They gave her a large shove and Saul stood up in contempt. "Don't fucking touch her!"
"Saul!" She cried. "I'm okay! I'm-"
"Shut up!" One of the Peacekeepers shouted, and hit her in the face with the butt of his gun. She was knocked to the ground.
Saul immediately rushed up in a surge of anger and ran down the empty aisle towards his sister. When he arrived, one of the soldiers in white drove his fist right into Saul's stomach and knocked the wind out of him. He fell right next to his sister. "You... Won't take... Us..." Saul wheezed as the troop lifted each of them off the ground and set them back in their seats.
The doors opened again, and the one who strode through them was none other than Mr. Munrow, sporting a nice suit he shouldn't have been able to afford and a mocking grin. He sat down next the Clemaine man in the seat across the aisle.
"Would you kindly read both our defendants their charges..." The judge sighed.
"Yes." Clemaine stood up and held a paper in his hand. He read off of it: "Saul Arrem, charged with leaving the District and arson. Peara Arrem-"
"Arson?" Saul complained. "Arson?! You're charging me for the fire that I was trying to warn you about? That's bullshit!"
"Order in the court." The judge exclaimed unenthusiastically. Saul wondered how he ever kept this job as judge with his lack of concern.
"Peara Arrem." Clemaine read, smiling maliciously. "You are charged with arson as well as your brother."
"Objection!" Saul shouted.
The judge put his hand on the bridge of his nose and sighed. "That's not how you use... What is your claim?"
"We are innocent!" He shouted. He could feel the emotion behind his own voice. "That fire was not caused by us. Munrow's the one to blame! He shot a flaming arrow-"
"Overruled." He said, not even listening to the rest of his explanation. Saul couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger any time his eyes fell upon any single individual in the room, except his sister. Saul and Peara had been through hell together... This was just icing on the cake.
The two of them were true brother and sister, yet many people in District 11 didn't perceive it as so. Saul's skin was a very dark shade, while Peara's, being albino, was almost white in color. Her eyes were red like the sunset, and no matter how many times people at her school told her she was ugly or she didn't belong with them, he never looked at her differently. She was 12 years old and had never known her parents. Their orphanage's director was the closest thing she'd ever had to a parental figure.
People hated Peara. It wasn't because of how she acted, or because of her beliefs. People hated her because she was white. And they hated Saul too for sticking up for her. In District 11, it generally went that the darker skin you had, the more respect you got in business. Darker meant more hours in the sun, and more hours in the sun meant higher pay grade; most of their jobs were outside. There were very few light-toned people, and they were viewed as outcast, generally found on the streets. They called them Albars. Peara was considered one of them.
"I don't want to go to jail..." She whispered, clutching Saul by the arm.
"We won't." He told her. "You don't have to have a guilty conscience. We're completely innocent."
She began to weep silently to herself, and Saul put his arm around her. He knew she was only scared. He felt overwhelmed himself. He didn't know why they were being taken to court, as both were minors... Then again, Saul had never seen the inside of a court room. He knew beforehand that District 11 law was nothing like any other law. Most of the time there was no jury... No bailiff... Not once had he ever seen a case where the defendant had won. Saul still kept up his hopes.
"If the defendant would stop muttering to his accomplice, I'm sure we could all move on with our lives." The judge said in an annoyed tone. "Prosecutor, I would ask you to make your opening statement to the jury, but seeing as we have none, we will skip this phase. Mr. Arrem, who would you name as defending attorney?"
"I guess I'll represent myself." Saul replied. There was no one in this damn district that cared enough about him or his sister to represent in trial. Ethel was the only one close, and she hadn't even attended.
The judge looked unimpressed, but convinced, yet looked down at his desk and scribbled something down with an ballpoint pen. "And you, miss?"
"Can Saul represent me?" Peara asked, trying to wipe the tears away long enough to ask the question.
"I don't see any reason why not." The judge shook his head. Clemaine snickered off to the left, but Saul paid him no mind. "Defendant, I would ask you how you plead."
Saul looked down into the eyes of his younger sister. She nodded, letting him know his decision stood for both. He knew the truth, but without a jury to back him up, he wasn't sure how well he could support his claim. He simply cringed every time he thought of his backstabbing master. This day couldn't possibly grow any worse than it already was...
@mr.quality @janitor @TheLier @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing Hey guys.
Yay, it's back! I chose to not plead guilty. It isn't his fault. Also, fuck that peacekeeper for hitting Peara.
Awesome part! Fuck D11 and peacekeerps! xd. Chose to plead guilty.
Oh sheeet! Good chapter
This one is sehr gut!
You're tempting fate, Saul. You're tempting it so hard...
Anyway, that was a great part! Saul is simply a nice character and I like him and Peara a lot. I took a closer look at the tribute list and damn... It seems like Saul's and Peara's day can and will get a lot worse. Anyway, I chose to plead guilty because they are not going to be declared innocent either way, I guess Munrow made sure of that. However, by boldly admitting his guilt, Saul could end up attracting potential sponsors from the Capitol, to help him and Peara in the game. I'm also pretty sure that it will be at least something Munrow has not expected, perhaps it will even baffle him enough to believe that Saul follows some kind of plan.
Haha yeah Saul's kind of getting the shaft.
Well, this got a little bad, a lot quick. Great part!
57% of readers chose to [A. Plead guilty.]
"I plead guilty." Saul spoke quietly. Everyone in the room looked shocked, and the judge lifted his hand to his ear. He raised his voice. "Guilty. I'm guilty."
He was taken aback, but Saul's utterance didn't change the judge's mind. "Well, that's awfully sporting of you. We don't usually get this kind of courtesy from delinquents."
Saul clenched his fist when he heard the words. He was far from a delinquent. The reason he'd plead guilty seemed obvious to him. The prosecutor and judge had already made up their minds before Saul even arrived in the hall. It was the best way to keep the heat off himself, and it would keep Peara innocent.
"Why are you guilty?" Peara asked, pulling his sleeve down toward her. "You didn't do the things they said you did."
"I know." Saul whispered back. It hurt him to see the confusion on his sister's face. She was too sweet. She didn't deserve to be wrapped up in all of this. It was no doubt the fault of Munrow... "We're safer this way. I won't let anything bad happen to you, okay?"
"Okay..." She turned back to the room. The judge turned his lazy gaze back to her.
"What do you plead, miss?" He asked her.
Peara looked up at her older brother for advice, and he only nodded in her direction. "Guilty." She whimpered. She sounded as though she were about to cry. "Can I go home now?"
The prosecutor let out an audible laugh, filling the room with bad breath. "You ain't getting out of here for at least six months, girl."
A tear dropped from her eye, and she began to weep. Saul bent down to comfort her, but the judge struck the wooden block on his podium with its gavel. "Order in the court. Attorney, I did not authorize permission to counsel the defendant."
Saul shot him an annoyed look and flashed him the middle finger just before turning back to his sister. "You'll be okay, Peara. Everything's-"
The moment he said this, he felt a sharp sting in his neck. He covered it with his hand and felt a slight trickle of blood. He turned to find Clemaine standing above him with a syringe. He could feel the daylight fading slowly. "What the hell did you do?!" Saul shouted at him.
"Don't struggle..." Clemaine smiled. "It makes the symptoms painful."
"I, Judge Farley Rudwick, sentence Saul-"
"What?!" Saul turned back around. He tried to stand up and run to the other side of the room before the Peacekeepers could catch him. "Where's the trial? I deserve- We deserve a fucking say!"
"I hereby sentence Saul and Peara Arrem to die for their district."
The sentence hit Saul like a bag of bricks, and he collapsed onto the ground under the weight of the tranquilizer before the Peacekeepers even reached him. "No..." He said. It was growing more and more difficult to stay awake, but he wasn't going to give those assholes the satisfaction of drifting off quietly. "Peara..."
"Saul!" His sister cried, as she was taken into custody by two of the guards. She fought her best to get free, but she was physically weak. She was a small, fragile girl. This world was eroding away her selfless nature. Soon she would break, and Saul wasn't sure how long he could stand it after that. "Where are you taking me?! Let me go!"
"Let her..." Saul said, blinking his eyes. When they carried her, kicking and screaming from the hall, he watched through slowly blackening vision as Judge Rudwick, Clemaine and Munrow all stood above him as though they had done some great deed in defeating him. "Why did you..."
There was a small splash on the ground near Saul's face, and when he tried to make out what it was, he found it was a ball of spit mustered by the prosecutor. "You may be associated with that Albar trash, but you're a fighter. I'll give you that."
He proved them right as Saul worked up every ounce of strength he had left in his mind to hold himself up to meet their foul gazes. Rudwick looked apathetic as usual, Munrow was actually displaying a bit of guilt, and Clemaine seemed as though he was actually enjoying seeing a seventeen-year-old kid helpless on the ground before him.
"" Saul muttered with difficulty. "All of... you... This is a court... Justice is... supposed to be served here... But instead... you've corrupted this hall... with lies... You'll burn for this..."
"Burn? We're not the ones who burn." Munrow spoke down to him. It angered Saul even more that the man had the stones to lie to him even now. "You and your white-ass sister torched our field... And to think I trusted you..." His words were harsh, but when he thought about it, Saul found that there was a sense of doubt in his tone...
At last, Saul collapsed, his eyes closed. He couldn't bear the weight of his own body anymore. As the world faded around him, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever wake up. Then again... Peara was the only reason he would ever want to...
Farley Rudwick sighed. "They had the least to lose..." Saul heard him say this before he let himself pass out. "No parents... No anyone except them... No one will miss them..."
"It was a brilliant choice, your Honor." Clemaine agreed. "Leave the Games to those who have nothing left, and you will find yourself and no one is hurt when they disappear forever."
"I will take him." Monroe spoke softly. "He had to rest somewhere before the train arrives..."
The Games...? Saul felt as though he knew what they were talking about... But the more he thought, the more tired he became... He wanted to know... He wanted to know... What did he want to know...? Saul drifted gently away...
End of Chapter 9
I don't know if you guys noticed I updated, so bump.
That was.. tense. Off to the Games for now!
Also, sorry for not reading it any sooner! I was busy ;-;
0.O Wut. Just. Happened. Saul... Games... Things... Amazing.
Great part!
Great episode, and we are one step closer to the Games!
Nice use of triple dot. I've been told I use that too much haha.
Ok, so I was taking all of my chapters thus far and putting them into a neat little word document as a backup. I do this with all my books, because it's fun to see what it looks like in book format. So I just got done, and Part 1 so far is 139 pages already... I'm considering changing the name from Part 1: The Pawns to Book 1: The Pawns.
And here's the Table of Contents for you guys. Feel free to theorize over it.
P: The Events of Tomorrow
1: The Family Legacy
2: The Dark Canopy
3: Blood in the Water
4: Forgotten
5: The Twenty-Fifth
6: What If It Were Me
7: The Tributes
8: The Ultimate Price
9: Trial by Fire
10: The Concept of Hope
11: The Last Supper
12: The Dimmer Light
13: House Arrest
14: The Underbrush
15: Foreign
16: Less Travelled By
17: They Were Dead
18: The Recruit
19: Town Hall
20: The Scorch
21: A Matter of Luck
22: Warm Winds
23: Goodbye
24: His Plan
25: A New Home
26: To Die With
27: Stay Close to Me
28: The Peacekeeper
29: The Sunrise
These are, for the most part, placeholder names. They may change slightly for each chapter, but this is my outline.
Yus. I'm excited
I probably do to, people just don't call me out on it. XD
Damn it... I mean, I knew this would happen, but it's still hard. Fuck Munrow and these other guys.
Oh yes, I like theorizing
I have no idea for most of these chapters, but some of them give me an idea what might happen. Witness me being ridiculously wrong with my speculation:
This one should be a Theo chapter. In the preview at the very beginning of this story, I remember that Snow said something about the concept of Hope, so I think the scene where Theo encounters the president will happen in this chapter.
I guess this one will be an Aura chapter. Last time we saw her, she was about to head home for dinner, so I assume this dinner scene will happen there.
This sounds a lot like a chapter for Saul, where he is under house arrest, presumably at Munrow's place if I got that line at the end of the last chapter right, until he gets shipped of for the games.
I don't know, but I have the feeling this could be a Penn chapter. After all, in some way, after the loss of her memories everything around her is foreign to her.
Considering that fire is a recurring theme for Saul, I highly assume this will be a chapter for him.
I have the feeling this could be an Aura chapter, where she says goodbye to her brothers. If I am right, this could be the most heartbreaking chapter so far.
And I guess this will be a Theo chapter. He is the guy with the plan, after all.
Here I am reasonably sure that it will be a Penn chapter, where she arrives at District 9.
I have no idea who the PoV in this chapter will be, but I am very afraid for it.
Most likely this will be a Saul chapter, because he has a good reason to say such a line to his sister.
And I don't know why, but I think this could be a chapter for Theo. He had the prologue, so it would make sense if he also gets the final chapter of the first Book.
Interesting ideas. A few of them are correct.
I'm kinda scared for 26. e.e
I like how in your opinion Marten gets no chapters XD.
Well, there are plenty of chapters left where I have absolutely no idea who the PoV could be and I am sure some of them will be Marten chapters. I just don't know enough about him and the direction his story could go yet, so I can't make any speculation about which chapter titles hint at his chapters
Chapter 10: The Concept of Hope
Theoram Warrik
Theo arrived at the steel gates of the Capital with the eagerness and fear of a man who might never return. The building was enormous and painted white. It was as though President Snow had deliberately made to look like a castle. Yet, as it reached into the sky and broke the clouds, it still didn't stand as high as Snow's own ego.
Theo checked the time on his pocket watch and saw the hour hand arrive on three. As he stepped up to the gate and looked upon its artistic design with flourishes and the white rose crest of the Snow family in the metalwork, there was an echoing voice that spoke from both directions. "State your business." It said.
"I was summoned here four hours ago." Theo replied, not quite sure where to look to meet their gaze, since no camera was visible.
"You the new Gamemaker?"
The gates began to open slowly and grew quicker. Once they were ajar, Theo stepped through onto the marble pathway to the Capital building. On either side, it dropped off into a giant fountain enveloping the entire building like a moat. It was easily the largest fountain Theo had ever laid eyes upon, with spouts laid fifteen feet apart from each other. There wasn't any railing on the path, making it difficult for him with his bad leg.
When he finally managed to hobble the entire way down the path, the doors opened for him automatically. This place was way over the top... even more so than the rest of the Capital city. A land of glimmering skies and a hope for tomorrow... That's what they called it. Theo though that of mentality as bullshit.
"Ah, you're the new Gamemaker on the panel!" The secretary greeted him with her wide smile of purple lipstick. He walked into the room on his cane and stood in front of her, expecting directions. "He's been expecting you, Mr. Warrik."
"Who has been expecting me?" Theo questioned.
"President Snow himself." She smiled. He felt as though his eyes had just gone wide. He hadn't dreamed of ever meeting the President. He was so exclusive, hardly anyone was able to meet him these days. "Tell me, what's it like being a Gamemaker? It has to be exciting, right? Like playing in your own personal sandbox!"
"Yes. It's exciting." Theo replied in the most disdainful way possible without coming off as though it wasn't the truth. Theo joined the panel for only a few reasons, and none of them were personal enjoyment. "I would ask where I go for this meeting."
"Oh, no problem." She told him, going back to her computer and typing on the holographic keyboard. "A man should arrive shortly to escort you to the meeting area. You can take a seat and well will be with you in just a moment."
Theo took one last look at the secretary, and had a chuckle about her green, curly hair contradicting with her blue eyes and purple lips. He never did understand the Capital's need for vibrant color. Maybe it was the lack of any in the architecture and world around them... Maybe over time, the color was taken out of the world and was transferred into the citizens of the Capital. No... That's exactly what happened.
When Theo sat in this room, it felt as though he were very small. He had a feeling that was the intent of the room. It was too large for simply an information desk and a few rows of waiting chairs. Yet, for the most part, it felt empty. That was President Snow's way. He would belittle everyone by overwhelming them with the altitude of his own ego, or that's how Roman put it. Yet, there was something in him that Roman admired. It was the same thing that Theo despised. It was his inability to care.
After approximately five minutes, there was a ring on the elevator and the doors slid open. A man stepped forth with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face. He stood very tall, as though to appear formal. His hair was well-coiffed, and for once, was a natural shade of brown. Just from looking at him, Theo was refreshed. He found Theo in the waiting seats and called out for him. "Mr. Warrik!" Theo rose and limped over to where the man stood. He extended his hand for a shake and Theo took it. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Mick Proden. I am the President's personal advisor, and I will show you to your meeting hall!"
He walked into the elevator, and Mick slipped a small silver key into a slot above the normal buttons just before it flashed yellow. The elevator began to fly upwards, almost knocking the old man off his feet. "You're his advisor, huh?" He asked. "What is this meeting about?"
"No way to tell for sure, sir." Mick responded. "It's always something different with him. He's got that sort of personality, always moving onto new tasks... I can tell you however that he usually makes it a priority to speak to whoever joins the panel of Gamemakers, and seeing as you happened on the task this year, I'd say he has readied his speech. I imagine your coworkers would be better candidates for the question. You know he was the one who actually invented the concept of the Hunger Games? So, technically, without him, you wouldn't have a job right now!"
"What do you advise him on?" Theo scratched his face, keeping his gaze focused on the front of the elevator. He knew very the answer to his question, yet refused to respond to it. "Because I imagine he gets a lot of his own ideas..."
"Yeah." The man smiled. "He's a very self-made man. He's the kind of man I would like to be similar to someday. You think that could ever happen?"
He seemed confused and a bit hurt. "What do you mean, sir? I think everyone can have their own role model..."
Theo didn't respond, yet only looked forward at the wall in front of him. Mick took the hint that Theo wasn't the type to get into small talk conversations. There was one reason, and only one reason he was here in the first place. Once his goal was accomplished, Theo would leave, and if he was lucky, he would never have to come back.
The doors of the elevator slid open, and there was another room presented to him. It was a long hallway with a meeting table extending down the entire way. The lights were hung off the high ceiling and were dimly lit, only barely casting light on the navy blue wallpaper. At the other end of the hallway was not a wall, but the entire space was left open. Only a railing could be seen there, with gray sky behind it. Leaning on the railing was a man. He couldn't have been more than thirty. It was President Coriolanus Snow.
"Gamemaker, step into the room." He called from the other side. His voice sounded clearer and more pristine than it did on his recordings. "Mr. Proden, you may leave our presence. We have to discuss a simple matter..."
"Yes, sir." Mick told him. He knocked Theo on the arm just before he let him step into the room. The doors closed behind him and Theo was in the room alone with the most important man in all of Panem. He was trapped.
"You may approach me. Let us look upon our nation together." He called to Theo. He held up a glass of what looked like white wine. Theo limped on his cane to the other side of the room and stood there beside the man. He leaned on the railing with him and looked out at the city below. It was gray and white buildings, halls and streets as far as the eye could see. It was like a sea of industry. This was the nation of Panem.
"Theoram Warrik..." The President slowly spoke. Theo looked at him and saw a man who looked wise for his years. His blonde hair was cut very short, and his blue eyes felt just as piercing as a dagger. In his breast pocket, a small white rose could be seen. "I like that name. I had a second cousin once who bore it. A strong man, but not of build... He was strong of will. I imagine you are no different."
"I could say so of myself, Mr. President." Theo replied. He felt nervous, one wrong word could mean the end. Snow was particularly notable for his low patience.
He took one look at Theo's face and then looked back out on the Capital below. They were a long way from the street level. It was the highest he had ever been. "That's good. Will is what defines a man. It isn't his wealth... Or his mannerisms... It's his will to stand in what he believes in like his shoes. He has to wear his values like an undershirt and his dreams as his jacket. I look at you... and the other Gamemakers and I see a bunch of people in their jackets, sitting at a computer and doing what they love. This defines you, does it not?"
"Yes." He said. "I have wanted this for a long time."
Snow put on a satisfied face. "It's a noble thing to want: to serve me and this country. I'm sure you are aware of the purpose of the Games." Theo nodded yes slightly, yet it didn't seem to be enough of a clear answer to him. "You are an old man. Surely you were alive during the Great War?"
"The world has never had a chance to properly thank you for ending that unspeakable terror." Theo told him.
"Ah. The Games have a way of keeping the twelve districts in their places. If one rises up, as Thirteen did so long ago, we will crush it into a fine paste so that the world doesn't remember it existed in the first place. But I digress..."
Theo turned around and leaned against the railing on his back for a moment. He couldn't stay still for too long or his joints would lock up. Snow picked up the rose in his pocket and stared into it longingly. "This nation is on a slow incline to perfection. When my father was in charge, he was weak. He was not able to keep the masses in order, but I have been able to accomplish what he never could. It's why I wear this rose."
"Why's that?"
"My father often wore a red rose similarly. I've inherited his way and perfected it. Nothing can slip through the cracks anymore. You look to the south and you see order. You look to the north and you see tranquility. This is a world I want to be able to raise my children in. Don't you agree?"
That was a great part! I was looking forward for Snow and I have to say, he definitely did not disappoint. He was brilliantly written and gave me the chills. As for this choice, I think it is a test. Snow probably wants to find out if Theo is able to think for himself and would most likely be pleased if he disagrees with him. However, I chose to agree with him, mostly because it can only be good for Theo if Snow thinks of him as a drone, not able to think for himself. That way, he maybe has a chance to catch him off guard with his plan. In the presence of Snow, it can only be good if Theo hides his true intelligence.
Nice points.
Eh. I dislike Snow. I agreed with him though, since I rather not get my head on a platter.
Liquid took all the words out of my mouth ^^. I chose to disagree.
You dislike him in general or as a character?