You know, I have a confession to make. I have a love/hate relationship with you and your writing. I love it because it's AMAZING. Seriously. It's so good. I also hate it because it's amazing and it makes me wonder why I'm never quite as happy with the stuff I write. You should take this as a compliment, though, since I also see it as a challenge to keep honing my own skills.
It's been a couple of weeks since she first allowed herself to accept a certain degree of intimacy with him.
It's strange how things chan… morege -- he doesn't need to invite her in anymore and, before she knows it, she always finds herself underneath the covers he deliberately leaves hanging to his side so she can step in comfortably.
They'll need to leave this place soon, she makes a mental note, but Fiona really does wonder if they're gonna be keeping this up even when it's not necessary anymore.
An unpleasant twist in her gut tells her she doesn't really want the answer.
Now, as his chest is pressed against her back and she can his breath puff in her ear, she admits she doesn't want to let go of something she was reluctant about accepting not too long ago.
She opens her eyes, drowsiness long gone after her musings, and peeks at the alarm clock before letting a sigh escape her lips. They don't have long before they have to keep mo… [view original content]
GOT is already confirmed to have a Season 2.
Yeah, I know. Telltale has a multi-deal (or something like that) with HBO.
And se… moreeing as MC:SM Ep.2 got released today, it'll probably be over before we know it...
I hope so. I'm not really a big fan of the series =/
You know, I have a confession to make. I have a love/hate relationship with you and your writing. I love it because it's AMAZING. Seriously.… more It's so good. I also hate it because it's amazing and it makes me wonder why I'm never quite as happy with the stuff I write. You should take this as a compliment, though, since I also see it as a challenge to keep honing my own skills.
Basically, yes, this is good, keep doing this.
I didn't say, but I'll keep you updated with the designs!
2 new designs added!!!
You know, I have a confession to make. I have a love/hate relationship with you and your writing. I love it because it's AMAZING. Seriously.… more It's so good. I also hate it because it's amazing and it makes me wonder why I'm never quite as happy with the stuff I write. You should take this as a compliment, though, since I also see it as a challenge to keep honing my own skills.
Basically, yes, this is good, keep doing this.
(In an Irish accent)
Fight any man?
Swear on ye Mam?
I say that Snow White is the prettiest woman Telltale has ever made ya lil shit! Come at me, mush >:D
It's been a couple of weeks since she first allowed herself to accept a certain degree of intimacy with him.
It's strange how things chan… morege -- he doesn't need to invite her in anymore and, before she knows it, she always finds herself underneath the covers he deliberately leaves hanging to his side so she can step in comfortably.
They'll need to leave this place soon, she makes a mental note, but Fiona really does wonder if they're gonna be keeping this up even when it's not necessary anymore.
An unpleasant twist in her gut tells her she doesn't really want the answer.
Now, as his chest is pressed against her back and she can his breath puff in her ear, she admits she doesn't want to let go of something she was reluctant about accepting not too long ago.
She opens her eyes, drowsiness long gone after her musings, and peeks at the alarm clock before letting a sigh escape her lips. They don't have long before they have to keep mo… [view original content]
Unfortunately I don't think that's how it will go down
If Minecraft continues on this schedule, it'll be over by December, but that will… more be when TWD Michonne will start, so if that ends by, let's say Spring 2016, Telltale will probably have a dry season where they're releasing nothing until the Supershow. And either when that is going on, TWD S3 will start either then, or in 2017, the same year Marvel starts. Plus, sequel seasons always take really long to release, I think it was like a year after TWD S1 when S2 came out, and at this rate S3 might not start till 2 years later. As much as I want Tales to return, it probably won't for a few more years
Awww, you're so good too though! Don't be jealous, your writing is awesome! (Sidenote: I watched your playthrough of Episode 5 and it was absolutely fabulous.)
Look at us, all complimenting each other. I love it. -emotional sobbing-
aww yea
I never trusted that Rhyshan.
Just to mess with him
Yeah, I know. Telltale has a multi-deal (or something like that) with HBO.
I hope so. I'm not really a big fan of the series =/
Aw thanks, Special K
You know, I have a confession to make. I have a love/hate relationship with you and your writing. I love it because it's AMAZING. Seriously. It's so good. I also hate it because it's amazing and it makes me wonder why I'm never quite as happy with the stuff I write. You should take this as a compliment, though, since I also see it as a challenge to keep honing my own skills.
Basically, yes, this is good, keep doing this.
I still cannot believe that it has only been 14 days since Ep.1 got released, and we have Ep.2 already...
But that's at Vaughn!?!?!?!?!?!
Which one do you hear making the inevitable: "Boop" sound when their noses touch? I think Rhys
Your stuff is SPECTACULAR THOUGH! I read your fanfic earlier and got so jealous by how amazing it was! You deserve way more praise than me, Peanut.
Wait.. they can kiss in that scene?! WHAT. So.. their relationship could be more than just friendship?
I wanted to come up with some pun, but i was stunned by that luminous wink, dayum. Glorious work, K c;
Okay someone draw Rhys growing a beard to look more rugged for Fiona
(I can't draw worth crap :P)
Thank you brother.
I am, I am, just still gathering the older ones. :P
Thanks bud.
I KNOW, RIGHT?! How about we both hug my avatar?! GROUP HUG TIME!
Thank you father.
Slips link under table
Well, if you choose to sacrifice Chloe, then they kiss...
Although I think you should at least not kiss Warren so you can kiss Chloe... I'm not really sure x'3
You are an amazing writer though! You know how to engage the reader from beggining to end -- you need to give yourself more credit.
I'm very, very happy you enjoy my stuff though, thank you so much.
Snow and Elaena are tied for second imo :P But Fiona is SO DAMN GORGEOUS
Aw, so cute
Rhys sleeps with teddy bears? Yeah, I can see that happening.
D-did you just thank me?...
You forgive me for the Engorge business, right?
I forgive you, father.
Thank you, buddy.
I definitely think so. :P Fiona's his new teddy bear though. Or maybe he can fit both in.
Y-you truly are?!...
Don't forget Mr Froggy Wiggles
You guys think it would be wise to link this thread on the video I made with the Rhyiona choice?... it's been getting pretty popular lately!
Heck yeah, anything for Rhyiona.
Am i the only one who wants the Borderlands 3 cast to be Vaughn, Sasha, August and someone else? lmao
He's probably lost him by now. ;-;
Sorry man but I want my TWAU S2 before TFTB S2...
Awww, you're so good too though! Don't be jealous, your writing is awesome! (Sidenote: I watched your playthrough of Episode 5 and it was absolutely fabulous.)
Look at us, all complimenting each other. I love it. -emotional sobbing-
Do you have my dinner? ~
I tried to, but I ship Pricefield more
Why not? Link it Paul!
Well... thanks.