Ughhhh , so busy with school. I can't bring out more stuff for now , sorry guys , life sucks sometimes. Besides it's 11 PM and I'm too tired to stay awake.
So instead I'm just reuploading an image I've done a while ago for some folks here that probably didn't see it.
I'll try to figure my head around on theories and possible Rhyiona , and also bringing out as much content as I can in the weekend.
Ughhhh , so busy with school. I can't bring out more stuff for now , sorry guys , life sucks sometimes. Besides it's 11 PM and I'm too tired… more to stay awake.
So instead I'm just reuploading an image I've done a while ago for some folks here that probably didn't see it.
I'll try to figure my head around on theories and possible Rhyiona , and also bringing out as much content as I can in the weekend.
Holy sh-, that was awesome! And that means a lot, because I normally don't like reading fanfics for some reason.. but this.. god, I can't wait to read more! LOVE IT!
It's finished, you guys.
Finally. I tried to keep it short, but that doesn't usually work for me. There can never be too much Rhyiona, th… moreough, right? This takes place during the transit to the Atlas Dome in Ep. 3 (so basically the opening credits) and I know Vaughn is supposed to be paralyzed with the "Trust Fiona" option, but I remembered that halfway through and didn't feel like changing it. So like I said earlier: artistic liberty. Anyway, here ya go! I'll end up putting it up in my collection on in a bit, so if you have any suggestions or edits, just let me know and I'll revise it! Enjoy!
Fiona knew it would happen eventually. Away from the sterile air of Helios, coupled with the number of people they'd come into contact with, and the physical exertion they'd was nearly inevitable. So when she saw him curled up in the booth, bleary-eyed and wrapped in a blanket, she shouldn't have been surprised. Irritated by … [view original content]
Ughhhh , so busy with school. I can't bring out more stuff for now , sorry guys , life sucks sometimes. Besides it's 11 PM and I'm too tired… more to stay awake.
So instead I'm just reuploading an image I've done a while ago for some folks here that probably didn't see it.
I'll try to figure my head around on theories and possible Rhyiona , and also bringing out as much content as I can in the weekend.
Ughhhh , so busy with school. I can't bring out more stuff for now , sorry guys , life sucks sometimes. Besides it's 11 PM and I'm too tired… more to stay awake.
So instead I'm just reuploading an image I've done a while ago for some folks here that probably didn't see it.
I'll try to figure my head around on theories and possible Rhyiona , and also bringing out as much content as I can in the weekend.
It's been a couple of weeks since she first allowed herself to accept a certain degree of intimacy with him.
It's strange how things chan… morege -- he doesn't need to invite her in anymore and, before she knows it, she always finds herself underneath the covers he deliberately leaves hanging to his side so she can step in comfortably.
They'll need to leave this place soon, she makes a mental note, but Fiona really does wonder if they're gonna be keeping this up even when it's not necessary anymore.
An unpleasant twist in her gut tells her she doesn't really want the answer.
Now, as his chest is pressed against her back and she can his breath puff in her ear, she admits she doesn't want to let go of something she was reluctant about accepting not too long ago.
She opens her eyes, drowsiness long gone after her musings, and peeks at the alarm clock before letting a sigh escape her lips. They don't have long before they have to keep mo… [view original content]
Ughhhh , so busy with school. I can't bring out more stuff for now , sorry guys , life sucks sometimes. Besides it's 11 PM and I'm too tired… more to stay awake.
So instead I'm just reuploading an image I've done a while ago for some folks here that probably didn't see it.
I'll try to figure my head around on theories and possible Rhyiona , and also bringing out as much content as I can in the weekend.
Sorry I haven't been around much today but we all have lives out this thread but I've been trying to keep around a lot.
Also, turns out I've been playing tales offline so I never got my achievements in ep2-ep5, so I'm going to have to play the thing again and get them. Now I regret selling my xbox and having to rebuy the game ._.
On the brightside… I can get more screenshots. Anyways, night kids!
Thanks, that's really sweet. It's not that I don't give myself credit, I just think I can improve to become a lot better. I enjoy your writing because everything seems very cohesive and planned out and it all comes together really well. You do a great job writing thoughts and emotions.
You are an amazing writer though! You know how to engage the reader from beggining to end -- you need to give yourself more credit.
I'm very, very happy you enjoy my stuff though, thank you so much.
Ughhhh , so busy with school. I can't bring out more stuff for now , sorry guys , life sucks sometimes. Besides it's 11 PM and I'm too tired… more to stay awake.
So instead I'm just reuploading an image I've done a while ago for some folks here that probably didn't see it.
I'll try to figure my head around on theories and possible Rhyiona , and also bringing out as much content as I can in the weekend.
Sorry I haven't been around much today but we all have lives out this thread but I've been trying to keep around a lot.
Also, turns out I… more've been playing tales offline so I never got my achievements in ep2-ep5, so I'm going to have to play the thing again and get them. Now I regret selling my xbox and having to rebuy the game ._.
On the brightside… I can get more screenshots. Anyways, night kids!
Holy sh-, that was awesome! And that means a lot, because I normally don't like reading fanfics for some reason.. but this.. god, I can't wait to read more! LOVE IT!
Wait I can link it lmao.
I could probably make a few of these for people. If anyone does want one. Best wait until I spend some of my money on some better editing tools first though.
Kinda shoddy edit which I am pleased with:
Sorry I haven't been around much today but we all have lives out this thread but I've been trying to keep around a lot.
Also, turns out I… more've been playing tales offline so I never got my achievements in ep2-ep5, so I'm going to have to play the thing again and get them. Now I regret selling my xbox and having to rebuy the game ._.
On the brightside… I can get more screenshots. Anyways, night kids!
So.. I was checking tumblr for some time yesterady and I've found this
Pretty sure it was posted here before but I need to say that I instantly loved it, especially the part with Rhyiona, which I think is the best part of course. Now I can't help, but think of Rhyiona everytime I hear this song.. and because of it I can't stop listening to it.. I'm Rhyiona trash and I don't know what to do with myself without knowing if S2 will even be a thing.. Oh Telltale, what do you do to me?
Warning! Bad english below.
So.. I was checking tumblr for some time yesterady and I've found this
Pretty sure it was posted here befo… morere but I need to say that I instantly loved it, especially the part with Rhyiona, which I think is the best part of course. Now I can't help, but think of Rhyiona everytime I hear this song.. and because of it I can't stop listening to it.. I'm Rhyiona trash and I don't know what to do with myself without knowing if S2 will even be a thing.. Oh Telltale, what do you do to me?
Warning! Bad english below.
So.. I was checking tumblr for some time yesterady and I've found this
Pretty sure it was posted here befo… morere but I need to say that I instantly loved it, especially the part with Rhyiona, which I think is the best part of course. Now I can't help, but think of Rhyiona everytime I hear this song.. and because of it I can't stop listening to it.. I'm Rhyiona trash and I don't know what to do with myself without knowing if S2 will even be a thing.. Oh Telltale, what do you do to me?
Thank you so much. I prefer focusing on feelings rather than being too giving of details because I feel that breaks the focus of the story in one-shots. That really means a lot, thank you.
Thanks, that's really sweet. It's not that I don't give myself credit, I just think I can improve to become a lot better. I enjoy your writi… moreng because everything seems very cohesive and planned out and it all comes together really well. You do a great job writing thoughts and emotions.
Ughhhh , so busy with school. I can't bring out more stuff for now , sorry guys , life sucks sometimes. Besides it's 11 PM and I'm too tired to stay awake.
So instead I'm just reuploading an image I've done a while ago for some folks here that probably didn't see it.
I'll try to figure my head around on theories and possible Rhyiona , and also bringing out as much content as I can in the weekend.
Snow is hotter than Elaena Glenmore dude
But fine, Fiona is indeed a very attractive woman
How do you get them to kiss in Ep.5?!
Hopefully I won't regret it. :v
Imo their relationship was always more than friendship and romance. They NEEDED each other! :')
I read both yours and @buntingsir comments in Athena's voice and this exhange just sounds like Athena talking to herself
Maybe if you didn't kiss Warren, then you get Max and Chloe to kiss (if you also choose to sacrifice Chloe)
There's no rush!...
Good night, Brawl!
Holy sh-, that was awesome! And that means a lot, because I normally don't like reading fanfics for some reason.. but this.. god, I can't wait to read more! LOVE IT!
I missed you buddy
Definitely but since Elaena is in a weird medieval period, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. :P
My bro with good taste!
How could I forget about it?...
missed you too
Looking forward to the theories!
GoT rated Rhyiona dreams, Brawl ~-^
One word...
Like every fanfic here!
Good Night, Brawl! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Sorry I haven't been around much today but we all have lives out this thread but I've been trying to keep around a lot.
Also, turns out I've been playing tales offline so I never got my achievements in ep2-ep5, so I'm going to have to play the thing again and get them. Now I regret selling my xbox and having to rebuy the game ._.
On the brightside… I can get more screenshots. Anyways, night kids!
Thanks, that's really sweet. It's not that I don't give myself credit, I just think I can improve to become a lot better. I enjoy your writing because everything seems very cohesive and planned out and it all comes together really well. You do a great job writing thoughts and emotions.
Don't overwork yourself, Night' Brawl! ᵔ_ᵔ
Good Night, lottii-lu! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Wow, that is a huge compliment! Thank you so much!
Love the new profile pic Smol!
You really like using that emoji, huh? ='3
Man, I can't wait for your b-day!...
Good night, lottii!
Haha... ;^)
Y-your avatar!...
Oh yeah that reminds me
3 days...
Night, Paul!
I especially agree cause it has Jontron
Warning! Bad english below.
So.. I was checking tumblr for some time yesterady and I've found this
Pretty sure it was posted here before but I need to say that I instantly loved it, especially the part with Rhyiona, which I think is the best part of course. Now I can't help, but think of Rhyiona everytime I hear this song.. and because of it I can't stop listening to it.. I'm Rhyiona trash and I don't know what to do with myself without knowing if S2 will even be a thing.. Oh Telltale, what do you do to me?
Night, Farauna ;D
I'd say the same to Rhys but Athena damn ;^)
lol still straight as a rule tho
thank you thank you
No need to warn us!... trust me, your English is plenty good enough already!
The same thing that they do with every single finale in their games...
I'm pretty sure TellTale will make a S2 in the future. considering how (if) S1 of Tales sold successfully
Thank you so much.
I prefer focusing on feelings rather than being too giving of details because I feel that breaks the focus of the story in one-shots. That really means a lot, thank you.