To be honest, yes there's something.
But really you can say everything about it : glad to have a close friend, awesome adventure just hap… morepened and he's thinking about all of that...
Telltale is genius in the animation direction cause you can imagine ANYTHING !
A Rhyshan will see friendship and a Rhyionan will see love.
Back to the "tear scene", Rhyshan will see love and Rhionan will see friendship.
It's like a Facebook relationship : complicated.
no i'm kidding actually i think about rhyiona while listening to cheesy 90s songs all the time
before rhyiona i was a heartless, cold, romance-repulsed bitch and look at me now, i have a heart
Yeah, tell me about it. When I came here I didn't even like Rhyiona that much. I just thought they look cute together and she's much better than Sasha.. about two days here and from now, everyday I'm like:
It's been a couple of weeks since she first allowed herself to accept a certain degree of intimacy with him.
It's strange how things chan… morege -- he doesn't need to invite her in anymore and, before she knows it, she always finds herself underneath the covers he deliberately leaves hanging to his side so she can step in comfortably.
They'll need to leave this place soon, she makes a mental note, but Fiona really does wonder if they're gonna be keeping this up even when it's not necessary anymore.
An unpleasant twist in her gut tells her she doesn't really want the answer.
Now, as his chest is pressed against her back and she can his breath puff in her ear, she admits she doesn't want to let go of something she was reluctant about accepting not too long ago.
She opens her eyes, drowsiness long gone after her musings, and peeks at the alarm clock before letting a sigh escape her lips. They don't have long before they have to keep mo… [view original content]
That was my thoughts, exactly. I'm not obsessed with shipping, but I thought that was gonna be a thing throughout the game. Then they shipped Rhys with Sasha and I just rolled with it. I'm honestly surprised when I saw how popular this thread was about how many people wanted these two together instead of Sash. Now again, I'm not obsessed with shipping, (Especially since it gets lewd one place or another) but I've learned to respect other people's opinions. I'm all for seeing what all they do plotwise with both possible relationships.
EDIT: The part where I said "my thoughts exactly-" I meant with the person who said they'd be together since their first scene together
She's like, "If we make it out of this alive...I will eat your face."
I know I've said this 67,384 times, but... -deep breath-
There is no way anyone can convince me that Rhyiona wasn't the intended pairing ALL ALONG.
That picture caught me totally off guard and almost made me spit my drink all over my desk.
But it's perfect. I think that's how everyone here feels.
Feeding the addiction...
i worry immensely
Should've seen that coming.
Look, me and Fi...
Me and Fi have been out of it, at the time, alright?
W… moree had a couple of drinks, and one thing led to another.
The only thing that I can remember from that moment... that selfie I made.
I was making Rhys McSmooth edits and my friend tried to help but all her pick up lines are dirty af.
Romance is dead.............
why is everyone so dirty, where's the pure rhyiona...
There is a reason why a ship hits you in the feels. And I'll explain why these ones get to me.
Snow x Bigby, for a start, it was because in TWAU they both clearly like each other, and clearly the attraction is a mutual one, but they both won't say shit because it's weird for them as people who have gone through the grinder of a tough life. Then I read Fables, and holy fuck my heart melted into liquid butter.
Volume 3 of Fables, has a cover that always makes me sad but happy when I see it. It's just Snow looking terrified with Wolf Bigby next to her growling. Now this Volume is where it pretty much becomes official in Fables, that Snow x Bigby is a thing, because something happens that affects them both forever.
Now afterwards it gets sad, They have a fight and they both leave. Snow goes to the Farm and Bigby leaves the country! 3 years later they reunite, and all that time apart, they both wanted to be with each other. So when he comes back, it's true love forever more. Beautiful, I think about them every single day.
Now Rhyiona is different to me, it doesn't hit me as much as Snigby does, but that's cuz TWAU and Fables take their relationship very seriously, but TFTB takes romance with a small pinch of salt. It's not THAT important to the plot, it's just there. But Rhyiona is special cuz they clearly like each other, even if they won't accept it. Fiona definitely likes Rhys, though it may not actually be love just yet. Rhys seems undecided as fuck! He doesn't know whether he should be Fiona's accomplice or friend, let alone her lover.
Should they be in a relationship? Hell fucking yes! Sasha in my eyes is too girly and almost too young-in-personality for Rhys. But Fiona is more mature and is actually more like Rhys in a way. Plus, Rhys spends more time with Fiona than Sasha, so why the hell would he be interested in the other sister?
Also like someone pointed out earlier today, Fiona almost seems to be jealous that Rhys likes Sasha. Maybe even because Rhys isn't checking Fiona out at all, and she feels self-conscious because of it...
Shipping aside, I think Fiona's feelings, at least to start, are more of a strong respect and friendship. She sees a guy from Hyperion who has come down to her planet, proven himself to her, and slowly changed his motives from money and personal gain to loyalty and friendship and made a name for himself outside of his old Hyperion image.
For Rhys, I think it's kind of the same way. He was expecting to find nothing but killers and bandits down on Pandora, but what he found was a couple of sisters who care about not only each other, but he and Vaughn, and the other people who helped them. Sure, they're criminals, but they're not cold-hearted.
Both of them had to look beyond their assumptions, and in doing that, they found that they could rely on and trust each other. I agree that they should be in a relationship more than Rhys should be with Sasha. I like Sasha, as a character, don't get me wrong, and I understand where Telltale was coming from, giving us a semi-planted romance with her.
But in terms of actual personality, I think Fiona is much better suited to Rhys. They are very similar. But they're also just different enough to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. Sasha always seemed less mature, like you said, and just something about seeing her in a relationship with Rhys rubs me the wrong way for reasons I can't quite put my finger on.
Besides, knowing Sasha, she'd get bored, I think. She wants to be where the action is, fighting and generally being a badass. Not that Fiona doesn't, but Fiona is much more content to sit and think things through before acting. I feel like she would be happy spending time with Rhys while he went about his corporate duties (whatever those are), whenever she had time off between Vault hunting missions. I feel like she and Rhys would be able to entertain themselves by virtue of their own personalities, whereas Sasha would get fidgety after a while.
You know, this is something I have to say here:
There is a reason why a ship hits you in the feels. And I'll explain why these ones get t… moreo me.
Snow x Bigby, for a start, it was because in TWAU they both clearly like each other, and clearly the attraction is a mutual one, but they both won't say shit because it's weird for them as people who have gone through the grinder of a tough life. Then I read Fables, and holy fuck my heart melted into liquid butter.
Volume 3 of Fables, has a cover that always makes me sad but happy when I see it. It's just Snow looking terrified with Wolf Bigby next to her growling. Now this Volume is where it pretty much becomes official in Fables, that Snow x Bigby is a thing, because something happens that affects them both forever.
Now afterwards it gets sad, They have a fight and they both leave. Snow goes to the Farm and Bigby leaves the country! 3 years later they reunite, and all that time apart, the… [view original content]
Well Borderlands universe has never been about the romance. IMHO, the Borderlands Universe is a lot harsher world than the other two you mentioned, corrupt mega-corps control everything, the only planets where they don't rule everything are ones like Pandora where it's pure chaos. Though it's sometimes hard to see it through the humor and when your a billionaire death machine. Hence why I loved the idea that neither Rhys nor Fiona were Vault Hunters cause they can't just shoot their problems away. But even the Vault Hunter's life is very hard and trying, but they really bond with each other because of the shit they go through, I love that Lilith, Brick, and Mordy are Super BFFxForever. I love the idea that Axton acts like Gaige's Dad, or the same with Brick and Tina (well that's more of a brother sister in my opinion).
Got off track, where was I?
Of course Fiona is jealous that Rhys takes an interest in Sasha. I got annoyed with Sasha too, when she had 3 different guys ogling her but no one noticed Fiona. Sasha isn't Moxxi (deja vu), she's more of a self reliant tomboy, which I normally am attracted to, not the over the top sex appeal that the writers seemed to be making her(more deja vu). As far as writing goes, they did a good job of giving Rhys plenty of times with both. In truth, I can understand where it's awkward for a writer where you have to come up with a conversation for 2 characters where both can have multiple potential lines. I also get that gameplay wise, it's a little redundant to have the 2 playable characters in the same spot all the time.
You know, this is something I have to say here:
There is a reason why a ship hits you in the feels. And I'll explain why these ones get t… moreo me.
Snow x Bigby, for a start, it was because in TWAU they both clearly like each other, and clearly the attraction is a mutual one, but they both won't say shit because it's weird for them as people who have gone through the grinder of a tough life. Then I read Fables, and holy fuck my heart melted into liquid butter.
Volume 3 of Fables, has a cover that always makes me sad but happy when I see it. It's just Snow looking terrified with Wolf Bigby next to her growling. Now this Volume is where it pretty much becomes official in Fables, that Snow x Bigby is a thing, because something happens that affects them both forever.
Now afterwards it gets sad, They have a fight and they both leave. Snow goes to the Farm and Bigby leaves the country! 3 years later they reunite, and all that time apart, the… [view original content]
Wow, I'm glad there's someone with me on lewd and prude stuff. Like who disagrees with it all. It's honestly affecting the new generation to much to where humanity might aswell be screwed now. Luckily there's those (Like you) who bring me hope. Just a glimmer... of hope
I was making Rhys McSmooth edits and my friend tried to help but all her pick up lines are dirty af.
Romance is dead.............
why is everyone so dirty, where's the pure rhyiona...
I got annoyed with Sasha too, when she had 3 different guys ogling her but no one noticed Fiona.
Thank you. Someone else said it. Part of me is annoyed because she's the one wearing the cut-off shirt and Fiona's outfit is fairly modest, but that could just be me reading way too far into character design. If I had to pick between the two sisters, I'd definitely go with Fiona. Her personality just seems a lot more interesting to me.
Which then brings up, well, okay, are the guys only after Sasha because of how she looks? Is it a sort of gut-reaction, "oh, she's cute" thing that they're doing? Because I see Sasha as the type to attract a lot of crushes, but not a long-term relationship (sorry, Sash). Fiona, on the other hand, once you earn her trust (and, by extension, her love), you're not likely to lose it too fast, as evidenced by Felix, and Rhys. My Fiona, at least, understood what Felix was doing when Sasha was unwilling to look deeper than the surface. In Rhys' case, even though Fiona seemed hurt and betrayed in the present after they were reunited, once the Vault was open again, she quickly understood that this was, in fact, the same Rhys she'd come to trust earlier.
Well Borderlands universe has never been about the romance. IMHO, the Borderlands Universe is a lot harsher world than the other two you men… moretioned, corrupt mega-corps control everything, the only planets where they don't rule everything are ones like Pandora where it's pure chaos. Though it's sometimes hard to see it through the humor and when your a billionaire death machine. Hence why I loved the idea that neither Rhys nor Fiona were Vault Hunters cause they can't just shoot their problems away. But even the Vault Hunter's life is very hard and trying, but they really bond with each other because of the shit they go through, I love that Lilith, Brick, and Mordy are Super BFFxForever. I love the idea that Axton acts like Gaige's Dad, or the same with Brick and Tina (well that's more of a brother sister in my opinion).
Got off track, where was I?
Of course Fiona is jealous that Rhys takes an interest in Sasha. I got annoyed with Sasha t… [view original content]
Wow, I'm glad there's someone with me on lewd and prude stuff. Like who disagrees with it all. It's honestly affecting the new generation to… more much to where humanity might aswell be screwed now. Luckily there's those (Like you) who bring me hope. Just a glimmer... of hope
I agree, but there is romantic implication, and I'm not just saying this because I wish it, I think it to. Adding to what you said, those things, the trust that's built, seeing multiple sides of someone, especially their faults and still sticking with them can develop strong feelings. They're next to constantly around, or in contact with each other. They're dialogue as well. They're together and they know it. Inseparable and connected and destined to experience adventure together. Especially how they mimicked when they found the, was it Gortys key?(inside the old Atlas place), and when they opened the chest. Remember that?(warmed my heart) It's hard to describe, but that connection between them and simply how they talk to each other and act around one another is what I think makes people ship them so much. You can feel it, it's that feeling. I'm not sure if this is a good example, but Dean and Castiel from Supernatural? Their relationship/connection just has this extra spice or something that gives it romantic flare even though it could also be hardcore platonic fluff or whatever. Plus Sasha doesn't seem to care about Rhys romantically at all, the whole thing felt practically shoved in there, I mean, That one part where Sasha was ready to leave him in a heartbeat without any concern when FIona was more hesitant and on his side, and depending on some choice, when she says,"I thought you were dead" hugs Vaughn instead. She just, doesn't have the feeling. Now they have a more friendship, I might even say good acquaintance relationship thing going on. @HazzatheMan
Shipping aside, I think Fiona's feelings, at least to start, are more of a strong respect and friendship. She sees a guy from Hyperion who h… moreas come down to her planet, proven himself to her, and slowly changed his motives from money and personal gain to loyalty and friendship and made a name for himself outside of his old Hyperion image.
For Rhys, I think it's kind of the same way. He was expecting to find nothing but killers and bandits down on Pandora, but what he found was a couple of sisters who care about not only each other, but he and Vaughn, and the other people who helped them. Sure, they're criminals, but they're not cold-hearted.
Both of them had to look beyond their assumptions, and in doing that, they found that they could rely on and trust each other. I agree that they should be in a relationship more than Rhys should be with Sasha. I like Sasha, as a character, don't get me wrong, and I understand where Telltale was comin… [view original content]
I got annoyed with Sasha too, when she had 3 different guys ogling her but no one noticed Fiona.
Thank you. Someone else said it. Pa… morert of me is annoyed because she's the one wearing the cut-off shirt and Fiona's outfit is fairly modest, but that could just be me reading way too far into character design. If I had to pick between the two sisters, I'd definitely go with Fiona. Her personality just seems a lot more interesting to me.
Which then brings up, well, okay, are the guys only after Sasha because of how she looks? Is it a sort of gut-reaction, "oh, she's cute" thing that they're doing? Because I see Sasha as the type to attract a lot of crushes, but not a long-term relationship (sorry, Sash). Fiona, on the other hand, once you earn her trust (and, by extension, her love), you're not likely to lose it too fast, as evidenced by Felix, and Rhys. My Fiona, at least, understood what Felix was doing when Sasha was unwilling to look … [view original content]
There is definitely romantic implication between the two, yes. The trust and friendship that they have could (and....will? hopefully?) turn into something more romantically solid as they spend more time together. I'd meant to come back around to that, but got carried off on a tangent, lol.
And oh dang, you mentioned the "it's the last one, let's do it together" line.....yes. That was probably the best moment in that entire Vault scene. They have great chemistry together, which is what makes Rhyiona seem (at least in my eyes) much more plausible than Rhysha.
I think Sasha is a lot more fickle, and unforgiving, than Fiona, which could be a problem when it comes to Rhys. He's prone to making mistakes. Sometimes huge ones. He needs someone who is willing to work it out with him and stick around even though he may have screwed up. And Sasha does not seem like that kind of person.
I agree, but there is romantic implication, and I'm not just saying this because I wish it, I think it to. Adding to what you said, those th… moreings, the trust that's built, seeing multiple sides of someone, especially their faults and still sticking with them can develop strong feelings. They're next to constantly around, or in contact with each other. They're dialogue as well. They're together and they know it. Inseparable and connected and destined to experience adventure together. Especially how they mimicked when they found the, was it Gortys key?(inside the old Atlas place), and when they opened the chest. Remember that?(warmed my heart) It's hard to describe, but that connection between them and simply how they talk to each other and act around one another is what I think makes people ship them so much. You can feel it, it's that feeling. I'm not sure if this is a good example, but Dean and Castiel from Supernatural? Their relationship/con… [view original content]
no i'm kidding actually i think about rhyiona while listening to cheesy 90s songs all the time
before rhyiona i was a heartless, cold, romance-repulsed bitch and look at me now, i have a heart
A constant smile is the best response. Ever.
You said it perfectly. I think that's why everyone is so happy with how the last episode turned out.
that doesn't sound like you at all, who is this and what did you do to rhonu
I'm so glad someone mentioned about this asdjafska so cute hajkhsdahda
That picture caught me totally off guard and almost made me spit my drink all over my desk.
But it's perfect. I think that's how everyone here feels.
Feeding the addiction...
Should've seen that coming.
Look, me and Fi...
Me and Fi have been out of it, at the time, alright?
We had a couple of drinks, and one thing led to another.
The only thing that I can remember from that moment... that selfie I made.
What does that even mean?...
Wait... you meant force feed, right?
Wait where is the last story?!? AND THIS IS FLAWLESS
yeah, sorry
that's a pretty awful typo tho, ouch
I posted it one or two days ago, shouldn't be that far.
thank you so much. 
That was my thoughts, exactly. I'm not obsessed with shipping, but I thought that was gonna be a thing throughout the game. Then they shipped Rhys with Sasha and I just rolled with it. I'm honestly surprised when I saw how popular this thread was about how many people wanted these two together instead of Sash. Now again, I'm not obsessed with shipping, (Especially since it gets lewd one place or another) but I've learned to respect other people's opinions. I'm all for seeing what all they do plotwise with both possible relationships.
EDIT: The part where I said "my thoughts exactly-" I meant with the person who said they'd be together since their first scene together
One thing I haven't seen yet, obligatory beach trip fanfic/fanart for Rhyiona!
Life is strange?

She's thinking about how she wont get to kiss him till season two which is coming out.
Going to dinner! Brb maybe guys, If not, goodnight!
Good night!... just in-case. ;p
...challenge accepted.
Nick: Ok, Rhys, you need to stop living in dream land...
Please don't
Hey! I can write good romance mate! Not everything I write has to begin with sex! XP
I thought we already had beach fanart of Rhyiona?
You know, this is something I have to say here:
There is a reason why a ship hits you in the feels. And I'll explain why these ones get to me.
Snow x Bigby, for a start, it was because in TWAU they both clearly like each other, and clearly the attraction is a mutual one, but they both won't say shit because it's weird for them as people who have gone through the grinder of a tough life. Then I read Fables, and holy fuck my heart melted into liquid butter.
Volume 3 of Fables, has a cover that always makes me sad but happy when I see it. It's just Snow looking terrified with Wolf Bigby next to her growling. Now this Volume is where it pretty much becomes official in Fables, that Snow x Bigby is a thing, because something happens that affects them both forever.
Now afterwards it gets sad, They have a fight and they both leave. Snow goes to the Farm and Bigby leaves the country! 3 years later they reunite, and all that time apart, they both wanted to be with each other. So when he comes back, it's true love forever more. Beautiful, I think about them every single day.
Now Rhyiona is different to me, it doesn't hit me as much as Snigby does, but that's cuz TWAU and Fables take their relationship very seriously, but TFTB takes romance with a small pinch of salt. It's not THAT important to the plot, it's just there. But Rhyiona is special cuz they clearly like each other, even if they won't accept it. Fiona definitely likes Rhys, though it may not actually be love just yet. Rhys seems undecided as fuck! He doesn't know whether he should be Fiona's accomplice or friend, let alone her lover.
Should they be in a relationship? Hell fucking yes! Sasha in my eyes is too girly and almost too young-in-personality for Rhys. But Fiona is more mature and is actually more like Rhys in a way. Plus, Rhys spends more time with Fiona than Sasha, so why the hell would he be interested in the other sister?
Also like someone pointed out earlier today, Fiona almost seems to be jealous that Rhys likes Sasha. Maybe even because Rhys isn't checking Fiona out at all, and she feels self-conscious because of it...
What do you think guys?!
Uhhh.... I don't know! It's buried in the thread somewhere!! :I
Shipping aside, I think Fiona's feelings, at least to start, are more of a strong respect and friendship. She sees a guy from Hyperion who has come down to her planet, proven himself to her, and slowly changed his motives from money and personal gain to loyalty and friendship and made a name for himself outside of his old Hyperion image.
For Rhys, I think it's kind of the same way. He was expecting to find nothing but killers and bandits down on Pandora, but what he found was a couple of sisters who care about not only each other, but he and Vaughn, and the other people who helped them. Sure, they're criminals, but they're not cold-hearted.
Both of them had to look beyond their assumptions, and in doing that, they found that they could rely on and trust each other. I agree that they should be in a relationship more than Rhys should be with Sasha. I like Sasha, as a character, don't get me wrong, and I understand where Telltale was coming from, giving us a semi-planted romance with her.
But in terms of actual personality, I think Fiona is much better suited to Rhys. They are very similar. But they're also just different enough to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. Sasha always seemed less mature, like you said, and just something about seeing her in a relationship with Rhys rubs me the wrong way for reasons I can't quite put my finger on.
Besides, knowing Sasha, she'd get bored, I think. She wants to be where the action is, fighting and generally being a badass. Not that Fiona doesn't, but Fiona is much more content to sit and think things through before acting. I feel like she would be happy spending time with Rhys while he went about his corporate duties (whatever those are), whenever she had time off between Vault hunting missions. I feel like she and Rhys would be able to entertain themselves by virtue of their own personalities, whereas Sasha would get fidgety after a while.
words of wisdom, my friend
His heartbeat's outta control
Well Borderlands universe has never been about the romance. IMHO, the Borderlands Universe is a lot harsher world than the other two you mentioned, corrupt mega-corps control everything, the only planets where they don't rule everything are ones like Pandora where it's pure chaos. Though it's sometimes hard to see it through the humor and when your a billionaire death machine. Hence why I loved the idea that neither Rhys nor Fiona were Vault Hunters cause they can't just shoot their problems away. But even the Vault Hunter's life is very hard and trying, but they really bond with each other because of the shit they go through, I love that Lilith, Brick, and Mordy are Super BFFxForever. I love the idea that Axton acts like Gaige's Dad, or the same with Brick and Tina (well that's more of a brother sister in my opinion).
Got off track, where was I?
Of course Fiona is jealous that Rhys takes an interest in Sasha. I got annoyed with Sasha too, when she had 3 different guys ogling her but no one noticed Fiona. Sasha isn't Moxxi (deja vu), she's more of a self reliant tomboy, which I normally am attracted to, not the over the top sex appeal that the writers seemed to be making her(more deja vu). As far as writing goes, they did a good job of giving Rhys plenty of times with both. In truth, I can understand where it's awkward for a writer where you have to come up with a conversation for 2 characters where both can have multiple potential lines. I also get that gameplay wise, it's a little redundant to have the 2 playable characters in the same spot all the time.
Sounds like a casual psycho on Pandora. You check out
Wow, I'm glad there's someone with me on lewd and prude stuff. Like who disagrees with it all. It's honestly affecting the new generation to much to where humanity might aswell be screwed now. Luckily there's those (Like you) who bring me hope. Just a glimmer... of hope
Thank you. Someone else said it. Part of me is annoyed because she's the one wearing the cut-off shirt and Fiona's outfit is fairly modest, but that could just be me reading way too far into character design. If I had to pick between the two sisters, I'd definitely go with Fiona. Her personality just seems a lot more interesting to me.
Which then brings up, well, okay, are the guys only after Sasha because of how she looks? Is it a sort of gut-reaction, "oh, she's cute" thing that they're doing? Because I see Sasha as the type to attract a lot of crushes, but not a long-term relationship (sorry, Sash). Fiona, on the other hand, once you earn her trust (and, by extension, her love), you're not likely to lose it too fast, as evidenced by Felix, and Rhys. My Fiona, at least, understood what Felix was doing when Sasha was unwilling to look deeper than the surface. In Rhys' case, even though Fiona seemed hurt and betrayed in the present after they were reunited, once the Vault was open again, she quickly understood that this was, in fact, the same Rhys she'd come to trust earlier.
Yeah, I feel like people pay way too much attention to that. It's just... it feels like people throw away the meaning of things now.
I agree, but there is romantic implication, and I'm not just saying this because I wish it, I think it to. Adding to what you said, those things, the trust that's built, seeing multiple sides of someone, especially their faults and still sticking with them can develop strong feelings. They're next to constantly around, or in contact with each other. They're dialogue as well. They're together and they know it. Inseparable and connected and destined to experience adventure together. Especially how they mimicked when they found the, was it Gortys key?(inside the old Atlas place), and when they opened the chest. Remember that?(warmed my heart) It's hard to describe, but that connection between them and simply how they talk to each other and act around one another is what I think makes people ship them so much. You can feel it, it's that feeling. I'm not sure if this is a good example, but Dean and Castiel from Supernatural? Their relationship/connection just has this extra spice or something that gives it romantic flare even though it could also be hardcore platonic fluff or whatever. Plus Sasha doesn't seem to care about Rhys romantically at all, the whole thing felt practically shoved in there, I mean, That one part where Sasha was ready to leave him in a heartbeat without any concern when FIona was more hesitant and on his side, and depending on some choice, when she says,"I thought you were dead" hugs Vaughn instead. She just, doesn't have the feeling. Now they have a more friendship, I might even say good acquaintance relationship thing going on. @HazzatheMan
Your reply is written like a poem, beautiful, I love it. Also, love the hardcore Rhyiona discussion going on above us. It's super nice!

There is definitely romantic implication between the two, yes. The trust and friendship that they have could (and....will? hopefully?) turn into something more romantically solid as they spend more time together. I'd meant to come back around to that, but got carried off on a tangent, lol.
And oh dang, you mentioned the "it's the last one, let's do it together" line.....yes. That was probably the best moment in that entire Vault scene. They have great chemistry together, which is what makes Rhyiona seem (at least in my eyes) much more plausible than Rhysha.
I think Sasha is a lot more fickle, and unforgiving, than Fiona, which could be a problem when it comes to Rhys. He's prone to making mistakes. Sometimes huge ones. He needs someone who is willing to work it out with him and stick around even though he may have screwed up. And Sasha does not seem like that kind of person.
Aw, thanks! I love to write, if you hadn't noticed. Analysis and essay-esque things like this are right up my alley.