Opinions for Episode 2. + My review.

If there is already a thread about this, then my apologies. Also don't only put your opinions about how short it is, otherwise thats what will all the opinions will be. Not saying you can't talk about it's length, but also talk about the content.

Pros: I found this episode not as good as the first but still good. I like how your choices matter in this series, like you take different paths depending what choice you made in episode 1. Not to mention either Petra or Gabriel will get the wither sickness, Depends who you save in episode 1 And the battle with Ivor was entertaining. Thats pretty much all the Pros:

Cons: Short, took me an hour and 10 mins to finish. Also found a lot of glitches on this one. (Which is understandable since they rushed on this one) Also whats the deal with the language changing? When i was playing, the subtitles were in Portuguese. (Turns out im not the only one having this problem) To me is not that bad, because i understand Portuguese. But still i rather have english subtitles.

Overall: This was not as good as Episode 1 only because is rushed, You know with the glitches, the length, the language problem. But for the story content, was just as entertaining as the 1st episode. Although i am kinda hoping Telltale will take their time with the rest of the 3 episode. It will be tough waiting, but it will be worth the wait once it comes out.

Rating: I give this episode 8/10.



  • Shortest episode of a telltale game and it's way too early to be released two weeks later.

  • Besides that. -.-

    AronDracula posted: »

    Shortest episode of a telltale game and it's way too early to be released two weeks later.

  • I don't think I have a problem with the second ep, but it was good.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Besides that. -.-

  • Wasn't all that great. The set-up for the next episode was good though. As long as future episodes are longer I won't mind.

  • They weren't kidding on how a few of the choices you made last episode altered certain parts of this episode.

  • Worse than the first.

  • I think It would be fair to Play the Episode two times (At least the First half) to See the difference of your Choices in the First Episode. If you Play it once, you will miss 1/3 of the Episode.

  • I'd definitely say it's too short, but Job said the 2 episodes were parts 1 and 2 of the beginning of the story. So basically MC:SM is going to be 4 episodes, 2 and 1 are both halves of one part.

  • Oh so thats why they released episode 2 very early, ok that makes a lot of sense now. :D

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I'd definitely say it's too short, but Job said the 2 episodes were parts 1 and 2 of the beginning of the story. So basically MC:SM is going to be 4 episodes, 2 and 1 are both halves of one part.

  • I wouldn't say game of the year, but I'm liking it so far.

    JackBauer24 posted: »


  • I really liked it, but it was really short. Actually it was the first time I've ever noticed how short an episode was. But anyway, I really liked the Gabriel wither sickness thing. I hope we're able to cure it, because I like that guy.

  • Despite its short length, I actually like the episode. A fair amount of stuff happens. This is my first playthrough and I haven't seen Magnus' path yet or my other choices in another playthrough.

    My Jesse went with Olivia to find Ellegaard. I was fairly surprised that she was trying to make a command block. Since she couldn't do it, then it raises questions on how Ivor managed to accomplish such a feat. I was glad to see that Petra was there. But I was fairly pissed when Axel didn't stay behind to help Lukas and went on his own to find Magnus. Granted I know it is to advanced the plot, I'd still would have liked the option of scolding him for his decision. I like the zombie fight in the forest and the events in Soren's castle. I do like the climax of the episode, where Jesse and Petra fought Ivor. Despite his smugness, I do actually find him credible enough as a villain now. I am interested to see what happens next.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited October 2015

    I just finished my first playthrough and i enjoyed it despite it's shorter length, i went with Ellegaard at then end of episode 1 so in my alternate playthrough it will be interesting to see what the Magnus version is like.

    I will update this after i finish my alternate playthrough but overall i would rate it 8/10

    Edit: I just finished my alternate playthrough, i think preferred the Magnus version but they are both still enjoyable.

    After seeing the differences i will still rate it 8/10

  • edited October 2015

    I really liked this episode. Sure it took me like 80 minutes, but a good 35-45 minutes of the episode is brand new stuff. If your unsatisfied with the length I highly recommend playing through the other path you didn't take. You might be surprised how much changes. I'm incredibly happy to see that choices matter in Story Mode. One thing that seriously bothered me though was the lip synching. It was some of worst I've seen from Telltale! (A lot of the time characters mouths were not even moving). I'm going to check out Magnus's path in the morning, but as of now I'll give it a 8/10.

    Edit - Just finished Magnus's route. His path is significantly shorter and took me about 30 minutes before meeting with Elegard (the whole episode took about an hour which is like 15 minutes shorter than my first playthrough ) which I'll admit is disappointing. Choosing to go at night gives you a very quick cutscene of everyone getting ready to sleep where you'll get a quick chat with either Ellegard or Magnus, but it's just the same conversation you would've gottten if you walked at night. The wither storm does end up showing up, but despite freaking out the gang nothing different happens. Also going down either hallway to look for Magnus/Ellegard doesn't matter as you'll just end up in the same location when you fall down. If I didn't pick Ellegard I would probably give the episode a 7.5/10. Boom Town was fun, but it's just a lot more cutscene than action.

  • It's probably around the same length as Cry Wolf was for me, about an hour and 10 minutes.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Shortest episode of a telltale game and it's way too early to be released two weeks later.

  • Meh. It wasn't bad, but it could have been better. Choices were great, looking forward to seeing a play through of someone who picked Ellegard, but it was so short and they could have added a lot more to it to make it longer. Probably a 6/10.

  • Petra will have the Wither sickness if you saved her in Episode 1.

    I really liked it, but it was really short. Actually it was the first time I've ever noticed how short an episode was. But anyway, I really liked the Gabriel wither sickness thing. I hope we're able to cure it, because I like that guy.

  • edited October 2015

    Not played it yet, but is it safe to say they're really starting to make choices matter more then? Even so though, I assume you still have to find the other character? Anyhow, glad they're trying to make things better, and I thought it'd be like this given how different the preview for episode 2 seemed. Will be a bit disappointed about the length, but that's no biggie, given it's the quality that counts anyway.

    Edit: Oh, btw . . . this kind of took me by surprise. Before thanksgiving? ;) Quite a bit before thanksgiving if you ask me! Not a complaint, but just a surprise.

  • edited October 2015

    The other character will already be there when you get back. It's the first half of the episode that changes depending on who you decided to go after.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Not played it yet, but is it safe to say they're really starting to make choices matter more then? Even so though, I assume you still have t

  • Cheers, Metallica. I didn't figure they'd go that route, though I was sure that the other character would be introduced anyway for story reasons. Figured they'd go The Wolf Among Us route where you go to pick them both up and there are slight alterations depending on the order.

    But good to know it's substantially different then! I went with Ellegard, I think.

    The other character will already be there when you get back. It's the first half of the episode that changes depending on who you decided to go after.

  • edited October 2015

    The Wolf Among Us route where you go to pick them both up and there are slight alterations depending on the order

    I was thinking the exact same thing. That would've made the episode longer, but I'm happy with an entirely different first half and some different conversations depending on who you went to find.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Cheers, Metallica. I didn't figure they'd go that route, though I was sure that the other character would be introduced anyway for story rea

  • I liked it. Though once again had a slow start. I'm pleasantly surprised with the amount of variation and branching.

  • XD I'm sorry. That's just funny.

    JackBauer24 posted: »


  • Episode 2 was way too short. I had 64 minutes on my steam counting time. I hope they take their time with episode 3. And what was up with the episode 3 preview showing Jesse in the amulet place instead of Soren. Placeholder or not.

  • I really enjoyed it, it was fun to play and I think I like it just as much as episode 1. Everyone always complains about the length of an episode but that never really matters in my opinion, I enjoyed the episode and that is the only thing that matters to me.

  • Not bad, not bad at all. I could complain about the time, but I honestly thought the 60 minutes thing was fitting. Loved the episode, their personalities again spoke wonders, the writing was so good, and It was an all around awesome episode.

    Also, SERIOUSLY TELLTALE?! You're killing off Lee AGAIN? What the hell, guys?! Not to mention, having wither is a simple fix. If you drink a bottle of milk, the wither infliction automatically heals. Take it from a Minecraft player. Anyway, You CAN'T just kill off Dave Fenoy's character 2 f**king times!

  • Well, you've gotta understand that the Minecraft animation, while difficult to put together, is extremely simple with the art style it's in. So of course it's going to be shorter wait periods. If popular Minecraft animators such as element animation can animate a 5 minute video in 8 days flat, imagine what a team of Telltale staff members can do in 2 weeks.

  • You're not exactly the most open minded human being, are you?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Worse than the first.

  • Oh. Well same goes for her, but I like Gabriel more.

    Petra will have the Wither sickness if you saved her in Episode 1.

  • I played with the Petra/Ellegard main choices in my main playthrough, and played through Boom Town with random generated choices. I liked a lot about the episode, especially the fact that the paths are so different. It plays out like the choose one path and the other still happens technique that started back in The Wolf Among Us, but this time since the paths continue onto the next episode they feel like they matter a whole lot more. I also liked the buildup towards what seems to be the main series reveal of Ivor's involvement in the Order of the Stone (probably, though at this point it's hard to say, as I was wrong in thinking that Clementine's humanity would be the main point of season two, when it was just a background point that seems to be being saved for season three). I also liked how you had multiple choices of which weapon to use in fights.

    I agree with everyone else though, that it felt quite short. I clocked three hours of playtime for both episodes according to Steam, including the random generated choices to play through Boom Town. I liked it despite the length, but because of the short length I didn't like it quite as much as episode 1 (which I really loved). Hopefully the third episode will be meatier.

  • edited October 2015

    Overall, I really liked the episode.

    I don't like that Dave Fenoy's character is AGAIN having an "incurable" (but not really this time, though it seems that he thinks it is) disease spreading from his arm and slowly killing him. That makes me scared that TellTale might throw my poor Lukas in a frozen lake full of zombies too.

    But I think it was a cool episode overall, despite being very short. Another issue was that, in the playthrough I was watching, Lukas's model kept disappearing randomly. But wasn't Lukas adorable in this episode? And he was fighting, too. He is not the coward I thought he was, now that he got a weapon.

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Telltale is out of good games at the moment.

  • On my playthrough, Petra is the one having the disease.

    Abeille posted: »

    Overall, I really liked the episode. I don't like that Dave Fenoy's character is AGAIN having an "incurable" (but not really this time, t

  • edited October 2015

    I like Petra more than Gabriel.

    I really liked it, but it was really short. Actually it was the first time I've ever noticed how short an episode was. But anyway, I really liked the Gabriel wither sickness thing. I hope we're able to cure it, because I like that guy.

  • Oh no, poor Petra :c

    Smellmeh posted: »

    On my playthrough, Petra is the one having the disease.

  • I enjoyed it but wow, was that short. But at least choices matter, or so I've heard. I went with Magnus and I saved Petra in EP1 so she had the Wither Sickness instead of Gabriel. So is Gabriel dead now? Wow, nice, I left a member of the order to die, good going!

  • It's way too shorter than that.

    It's probably around the same length as Cry Wolf was for me, about an hour and 10 minutes.

  • I still have hope for Gabriel. Maybe the Wither Storm doesn't kill people. Maybe it warps them to the End (and if Gabriel is in the End, the amulet can't track him).

    Please let it be so ;-;

    Crips posted: »

    I enjoyed it but wow, was that short. But at least choices matter, or so I've heard. I went with Magnus and I saved Petra in EP1 so she had

  • I quite like the game so far. I ve never was fan of Minecraft but I had faith in Telltale and it paid off. I would give this 7/10. Only minus is that this episode 2 was so short.

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