Insults and harrassment are never okay, no matter what the circumstance. If reporting it would help, and maybe bring some kind of punishment, then do it, by all means.
Well let me break down the pairings of this first Season for all of you. First you got the surprising big swing to the silly shipping, then the swing back to the sensible shipping, and then the tendency to wabble up and down on the middle because the screw is loose.
Edit: props if you know which sketch I'm referencing
Well, yeah, principal shouldn't even be an option, you know how those people are. They don't actually care but I still think your teacher might care;it's just that she can't do much about it without alarming everyone else.
Rest in Reeses.
Here we see the McLosus Extremus after being rejected by his mate.
I wish I could sleep that long.
Gosh dang it, Rhys, your face is perfect.
Also, good morning everyone!
Having been rejected, the McLosus Extremus proceeds to try and get accepted by his mate again for the fiftieth time-
Good Morning! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Looks like I have a lot of work to do for school... Great...
I'll be back soon. c;
Umm wow that's a lot. Yeah maybe confide in your favorite teacher if you trust them not to say anything.
Here lies Rhys-
He never even got to second base- 1669 ~ 2K15
exclusive footage of him planning his next move
Insults and harrassment are never okay, no matter what the circumstance. If reporting it would help, and maybe bring some kind of punishment, then do it, by all means.
He might be going in to grab the booty. Or more than that... ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ
senpai's attention unlocked
Rhys is just looking a tad bit nervous.
i think she's trying to tell him something
did she kill him
Tell the teacher in charge of the class but I somehow doubt anything much will happen to him.
as always
Nervous, but blushing...?
.....ah, you like it, Rhys...
maybe she's about to... "la petite mort" as they call it in french
-insert suggestive eyebrow gif here-
.......................i should not have googled that
Well let me break down the pairings of this first Season for all of you. First you got the surprising big swing to the silly shipping, then the swing back to the sensible shipping, and then the tendency to wabble up and down on the middle because the screw is loose.
Edit: props if you know which sketch I'm referencing
Well, yeah, principal shouldn't even be an option, you know how those people are. They don't actually care but I still think your teacher might care;it's just that she can't do much about it without alarming everyone else.
You know she wants you, when she look at you that way.
and yet he still thinks senpai doesn't notice him
Wow, okay, sounds strict. You should talk to him, then.
damn it hawk
you know just the way into my heart

idk I feel like he's trying to tell her something too