Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I'm doing Fantastic! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    Just playing some Heroes and always checking the thread when a match is over. :P

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Finally, I got my achievements! Anyways how are you guys doing?

  • Would he flood the house?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    A lot. And I mean a lot.

  • Fiona would just drink some coffee and wait for him to stop whining.

    She's used to it.

    Well, Rhys is probably the biggest pushover out there. So he probably would,

  • Yes.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Would he flood the house?

  • Hey! Sick, tired... but at least I managed to do the work I needed to do today. :)

    How've you been?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    TFW when you finally finished homework. Anyways,how're y'all today?

  • Hope you get better HellFish!

    HellFish posted: »

    Hey! Sick, tired... but at least I managed to do the work I needed to do today. How've you been?

  • of course, kids are blatantly honest

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Everyone bullies Rhys. As we all know. But would his own child bully him? I mean, it's Fiona's kid too so surely...? How much Rhys would cry about it? Discuss.

  • edited October 2015

    I'm doing good. Need to study a little for tommorow. Also I'm a bit shocked, because I've just seen the video where Sasha didn't hug Rhys.. I didn't know it's possible.. she annoys the hell out of me lately.. :P

    Aaand I've replayed to the wrong post. I think I need a nap or two..

    Farauna posted: »

    I'm doing Fantastic! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Just playing some Heroes and always checking the thread when a match is over. :P

  • edited October 2015


    Cold af since I left my window open all night buut other than that I'm fine, still got tons of stuff to do today so just taking advantage of the time I have beforehand.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Finally, I got my achievements! Anyways how are you guys doing?

  • will rhys ever get any rest?

    i hope not.

    rhonu posted: »

    of course, kids are blatantly honest

  • good, just as I imagined.

    I hope they make him clean everything up on his own.

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • It's 2 AM in the morning.

    Rhys's kid is playing on his console.

    -Fiona:Rhys,go tell Jack to turn that thing off.

    -Rhys:Why don't you go and tell him yourself?

    -Fiona pulls out her pocket pistol:I don't like repeating my words,MOVE >:I

    -F-fine,j-just don't kill me,please ;_;

    -Fiona goes back to sleep without saying a word.

    -Rhys gets out of the room:Hey Jack,turn that thing off now or-makes a shocked face when he sees Jack sitting on Dumpy.

    -Jack:Yes,daddo >:)

    -Rhys:How many times did I tell you not to touch Dumpy goes from angry face to puppy face.

    -Jack brushes it off

    -Rhys goes back to angry face again:Fine,you're not listening,you're gonna regret this,SHUT THAT THING OFF DUMPY.

    -silence fills the room as Dumpy does nothing


    -Even more silence

    -Rhys:Hey Dumpy,are you alrigh--Why are you coming towards me now O_O Jack,what did you do?

    -Jack:Some modification :P

    -Rhys:Oh you little--Dumpy zaps RhysAAAHHHH ;-;

    -Fiona covers her head with a pillow while Dumpy proceeds to zap Rhys even more,Rhys is crying in agony while Jack doesn't give a crap.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Everyone bullies Rhys. As we all know. But would his own child bully him? I mean, it's Fiona's kid too so surely...? How much Rhys would cry about it? Discuss.

  • edited October 2015

    The only problem is that we have lot of expressions and vocabulary! And a lot of synonyms too (?) but don't worry, maybe you can use my fanfics to learn a little more as I do with English <3333

    I can't wait to read these Spanish Rhyiona fanfics, providing my Spanish isn't crap.

  • Knowing Fiona she will.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    good, just as I imagined. I hope they make him clean everything up on his own.

  • Oh,hope you do fine not Telltale soon ;)

    HellFish posted: »

    Hey! Sick, tired... but at least I managed to do the work I needed to do today. How've you been?

  • I have no troubles with it, go ahead.

    Daryace posted: »

    I want to write some Rhyiona fanfics, but I'll do it in Spanish because I have more freedom expressing myself. Would you mind if you have to translate it with some translator ? It's not going to be the same, ofc, but I prefer this way!

  • Homework? who makes homework?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    TFW when you finally finished homework. Anyways,how're y'all today?

  • Fiona:Rhys,go tell Jack


    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    It's 2 AM in the morning. Rhys's kid is playing on his console. -Fiona:Rhys,go tell Jack to turn that thing off. -Rhys:Why don't yo

  • Damn, what's keeping you awake then?

    eyy Zap. I'm tired, even though I overslept... again.

  • i don't think jack would like to reincarnate as Rhys' kid lmao

    ZapThroat posted: »

    It's 2 AM in the morning. Rhys's kid is playing on his console. -Fiona:Rhys,go tell Jack to turn that thing off. -Rhys:Why don't yo

  • good, this is why everyone loves Fiona.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Knowing Fiona she will.

  • Yeah,quite fits the bully character he has.

    Fiona:Rhys,go tell Jack Jack

  • Yes, I need Jack as child of the Rhyiona family.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    It's 2 AM in the morning. Rhys's kid is playing on his console. -Fiona:Rhys,go tell Jack to turn that thing off. -Rhys:Why don't yo

  • Fiona is bae.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    good, this is why everyone loves Fiona.

  • absolutely tell some teacher who's trustworthy and fair

  • HandsomeChefHandsomeChef Banned
    edited October 2015

    My love for Rhyiona

    Damn, what's keeping you awake then?

  • NO TE DEJARÉ SOLA NUNCA MÁS. Te declaro mi hermana oficial <3 ( Y sí, yo también estoy contenta de que POR FIN alguien entenderá mis fanfics ;///////; *la apachurra fuerte *) puede que esta tarde, si no me duermo, escriba y suba alguno <3 luego te envío un privado! Se me ha ocurrido algo.... *inserte aquí a Fiona guiñando un ojo sensualmente (?) *

    rhonu posted: »

    DIOOOOS POR FIN hay alguien aquí que habla mi idioma, no me lo creo, voy a llorar :__) a mí me pasa lo mismo, yo cuando escribo en español u

  • In my main playthrough,Rhys idolized Jack so much,so he decided to name his son Jack as a memory of him however,things didn't turn out so well :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i don't think jack would like to reincarnate as Rhys' kid lmao

  • Thanks, I definitely hope so too. :)

    Hope you get better HellFish!

  • That love? ;)

    My love for Rhyiona

  • Oh god, what if Rhys' and Fiona's child was the spitting image of Handsome Jack?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Yeah,quite fits the bully character he has.

  • enter image description here

    rhonu posted: »

    wow rhys that's risky, what if you got her pregnant

  • tfw you still haven't

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    TFW when you finally finished homework. Anyways,how're y'all today?

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, thanks, I'd really appreciate being fine before Friday afternoon, but I'm not sure it will work out... :)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Oh,hope you do fine not Telltale soon

  • Oh, hey guys! What did I...

    enter image description here


  • Thanks sugar <3

    I have no troubles with it, go ahead.

  • I think it's funny that Rhys can be said to be Jack's biggest fan but he can still shit all over him for four episodes. :P

    I know I did.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    In my main playthrough,Rhys idolized Jack so much,so he decided to name his son Jack as a memory of him however,things didn't turn out so well :P

  • you missed things

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Oh, hey guys! What did I... ...miss?

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