@GrowlingPeanut x @Narraya confirmed, one more ship to the tree.
rhyiona bringing all these couples together, beautiful
Which of his recon companions who wear no shirt are you talking about? His loyal wolf?
Or his wife?
ShadowMaster862 posted: »Yeah, I can tell by the fact he goes inside lockers and tends to his business. Oh and how he literally has a recon companion who doesn't wear a shirt or any sort of protection
Yeah, I can tell by the fact he goes inside lockers and tends to his business. Oh and how he literally has a recon companion who doesn't wear a shirt or any sort of protection
i'd probably cry
Green613 posted: »id be proud tbh
id be proud tbh
real talk now, are you my father or are you rhys cause I'm super confused unless you're both at the same time
BigBadPaul posted: »We are with you, Rhysie.... Love you.
We are with you, Rhysie.... Love you.
I'm sorry I wasn't on today lately!...
It's okay. At least you could be here today, even if it was for a short time. =3
Just received some... unexpected news, AND I feel like crap.
Oh... Here... have a hug
Edit: Dem edits though xDD
BigBadPaul posted: »I'm sorry I wasn't on today lately!... Just received some... unexpected news, AND I feel like crap.
I'm sorry I wasn't on today lately!... Just received some... unexpected news, AND I feel like crap.
Truly amazing.
ABigBadWolf posted: »@GrowlingPeanut x @Narraya confirmed, one more ship to the tree. rhyiona bringing all these couples together, beautiful
@GrowlingPeanut x @Narraya confirmed, one more ship to the tree. rhyiona bringing all these couples together, beautiful
real talk now, are you my father or are you rhys
ABigBadWolf posted: »real talk now, are you my father or are you rhys cause I'm super confused unless you're both at the same time
Really proud of this one, Jack took a while
Gotta go bye.
wait so now rhys is my father?? holy shit the plot thickens fast around here
BigBadPaul posted: »real talk now, are you my father or are you rhys
brings a tear to my eye
MichaelBP posted: »Truly amazing.
Don't even mention it...
And bye bye!
Yami_Wolf posted: »Really proud of this one, Jack took a while Gotta go bye.
Really proud of this one, Jack took a while Gotta go bye.
Is Jack a wolf?
I like Jack a thousand times more now
looks like rhyiona is the true cupid afterall
BigBadPaul posted: »Glorious.
Man, you guys are seriously making me jelly of your art skills...
Night, Yami_Wolf!
Haha, up to the part about falling, my thoughts were like "hey, I've already done that!" Well, not exactly, still it's funny.
@HandsomeChef @ABigBadWolf
What's this I hear about... HandsomeWolf?
Uh... oh...
Runs away.
RhyionsIsLife posted: »@HandsomeChef @ABigBadWolf What's this I hear about... HandsomeWolf?
@HandsomeChef @ABigBadWolf What's this I hear about... HandsomeWolf?
the plot thickens fast around here
That's not the only thing...
...that thickens fast around here.
ABigBadWolf posted: »wait so now rhys is my father?? holy shit the plot thickens fast around here
lies and slander, that's what
Yay, more ships ;^)
Yes sadly.
no wonder you keep using rhys gifs and you're a crybaby
what the FUCK, dad
BigBadPaul posted: »the plot thickens fast around here That's not the only thing... ...that thickens fast around here.
the plot thickens fast around here That's not the only thing... ...that thickens fast around here.
What about Rhonu X Wolf?!
Uh... Wolf started it!
Don't you lie to me Wolf!
ABigBadWolf posted: »lies and slander, that's what
I had to keep some things secret!
ABigBadWolf posted: »no wonder you keep using rhys gifs and you're a crybaby what the FUCK, dad
no wonder you keep using rhys gifs and you're a crybaby what the FUCK, dad
excuse me?? you're the one who said I was plain but AWESOME
HandsomeChef posted: »Uh... Wolf started it!
He's desperate for that handsomenes of yours.
Right lumberjack?
I know what u mean
ABigBadWolf posted: »brings a tear to my eye
me keeping up with these plot twists
Don't you dare even try that crap on me!
Thanks to @Yami_Wolf and @rhonu
you guys combined made me think of this as the ending of Season 1 in a nutshell
enter link description here
RhyionsIsLife posted: »Don't you lie to me Wolf!
god, this is probably why I bully you so much...
BigBadPaul posted: »I had to keep some things secret!
D-did you manage to count up all of the plot twists?... I've lost the count at one.
ABigBadWolf posted: »me keeping up with these plot twists
Well then it seems I have some... buisness to attend to with my husband.
BigBadPaul posted: »Man, you guys are seriously making me jelly of your art skills... Night, Yami_Wolf!
Man, you guys are seriously making me jelly of your art skills... Night, Yami_Wolf!
Please rhyions don't hurt me :,(
RhyionsIsLife posted: »Don't you dare even try that crap on me!
@GrowlingPeanut x @Narraya confirmed, one more ship to the tree.
rhyiona bringing all these couples together, beautiful
Which of his recon companions who wear no shirt are you talking about?
His loyal wolf?
Or his wife?
i'd probably cry
real talk now, are you my father or are you rhys cause I'm super confused unless you're both at the same time
It's okay. At least you could be here today, even if it was for a short time. =3
Oh... Here... have a hug
Edit: Dem edits though xDD
Truly amazing.
Really proud of this one, Jack took a while

Gotta go bye.
wait so now rhys is my father?? holy shit the plot thickens fast around here
brings a tear to my eye
Don't even mention it...
And bye bye!
Is Jack a wolf?
I like Jack a thousand times more now
looks like rhyiona is the true cupid afterall
Man, you guys are seriously making me jelly of your art skills...
Night, Yami_Wolf!
Haha, up to the part about falling, my thoughts were like "hey, I've already done that!" Well, not exactly, still it's funny.
@HandsomeChef @ABigBadWolf
What's this I hear about... HandsomeWolf?
Uh... oh...
Runs away.
That's not the only thing...
...that thickens fast around here.
lies and slander, that's what
Yay, more ships ;^)
Yes sadly.
no wonder you keep using rhys gifs and you're a crybaby
what the FUCK, dad
What about Rhonu X Wolf?!
Uh... Wolf started it!
Don't you lie to me Wolf!
I had to keep some things secret!
excuse me?? you're the one who said I was plain but AWESOME
He's desperate for that handsomenes of yours.
Right lumberjack?
I know what u mean
me keeping up with these plot twists
Don't you dare even try that crap on me!
Thanks to @Yami_Wolf and @rhonu
you guys combined made me think of this as the ending of Season 1 in a nutshell
enter link description here
god, this is probably why I bully you so much...
D-did you manage to count up all of the plot twists?... I've lost the count at one.
Well then it seems I have some... buisness to attend to with my husband.
Please rhyions don't hurt me :,(