comes back to see all the member x member ships
In all seriousness, if I'm not on here as I used to be then it's because I've been finding myself feeling really upset lately and I don't even know why.
comes back to see all the member x member ships
In all seriousness, if I'm not on here as I used to be then it's because I've been finding myself feeling really upset lately and I don't even know why.
Fiona: So, Rhys, about what you said earlier, about being interested in someone else
Rhys: Yeah, what about it?
Fiona: Is it me?
Rhys: You was right
comes back to see all the member x member ships
In all seriousness, if I'm not on here as I used to be then it's because I've been finding myself feeling really upset lately and I don't even know why.
Fiona: So, Rhys, about what you said earlier, about being interested in someone else
Rhys: Yeah, what about it?
Fiona: Is it me?
Rhys: You was right
You want to break up because you rarely see me? If you leave then you will never see me!
If you want to talk whenever you can always p.m. me! That way we can still talk even if the other is sleeping.
finished episode five and ASDFGTEdrrrrrrr it's so much better playing it than watching it.
Well, my choices always glitch out and whenever I try to log in into this account on my console, it says there are errors. (I'm on Xbox 360.) Anyways, I'll try to tell you everything I did.
As Rhys, I saved Yvette instead of leaving her or dropping her. I kept Rhys' eye, played bad cop (fiona knows rhys likes to play bad cop ), and said that I liked Fiona.
As Fi, I killed Finch on the spot, played good cop, and told Rhys to stay away from Sasha (She wanted to pretend that she didn't have a crush on Rhys at that moment, because she knew they would end up together).
finished episode five and ASDFGTEdrrrrrrr it's so much better playing it than watching it.
Well, my choices always glitch out and wheneve… morer I try to log in into this account on my console, it says there are errors. (I'm on Xbox 360.) Anyways, I'll try to tell you everything I did.
As Rhys, I saved Yvette instead of leaving her or dropping her. I kept Rhys' eye, played bad cop (fiona knows rhys likes to play bad cop ), and said that I liked Fiona.
As Fi, I killed Finch on the spot, played good cop, and told Rhys to stay away from Sasha (She wanted to pretend that she didn't have a crush on Rhys at that moment, because she knew they would end up together).
I had Clap-Trap, Zer0, and August on my team.
mfw sasha only hugged rhys.
A-are you alright, Sasha?... you seem to be having identity issues...
I will stay pure.
Check your PM. I got something to show you.
Cheer up! You can't ship the best ship ever that is Rhyiona when you're upset!
Hope everything gets better for you.
I'm usually not for making animal equivalents of characters, but you're making exceptions to that rule.
I already told you that I'm Drogon! I'm not Sasha!
Whenever references that, all I can think of is this version
enter link description here
You want to break up because you rarely see me? If you leave then you will never see me!
If you want to talk whenever you can always p.m. me! That way we can still talk even if the other is sleeping.
Hahaha, I'm over it, totally over how they're looking at each other. No big deal. i'm over it. I'm...
Thanks, Wolf. I don't know what even caused me to feel like this, to be honest.
Sometimes there's no reason for feeling down, it just happens, don't let it get to you. You'll be alright.
it's like they wanna kill me
cause my heart can't take this
Alright, I've already sent it to her, so might as well make it official:
Got the inspiration off of @Kracmos's birthday gift to me... big thanks goes to him for bringing me this idea in the first place!
I'm one of the people just sitting here like:
Ayy, I'm tired and I could really use some sleep. Slept for 6 hours... again ;-;
Good night, guys! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams!
I don't want to break up with you! I never want to leave you, like you wouldn't want to. I just didn't know if HandsomeLife could work.
finished episode five and ASDFGTEdrrrrrrr it's so much better playing it than watching it.
Well, my choices always glitch out and whenever I try to log in into this account on my console, it says there are errors. (I'm on Xbox 360.) Anyways, I'll try to tell you everything I did.
As Rhys, I saved Yvette instead of leaving her or dropping her. I kept Rhys' eye, played bad cop (fiona knows rhys likes to play bad cop
), and said that I liked Fiona. 
As Fi, I killed Finch on the spot, played good cop, and told Rhys to stay away from Sasha (She wanted to pretend that she didn't have a crush on Rhys at that moment, because she knew they would end up together).
I had Clap-Trap, Zer0, and August on my team.
mfw sasha only hugged rhys.
Next season hype intensifies
man oh man
there's like fifty billion ships here, wait until you fall victim
Well I tried. But I guess innocence can't be saved from this pic.
Just you wait...
Cupid's coming for you!
we're proud of you :')
No one is over it
if there's no kiss option I'm gonna flip
I still can't believe it.
the face you make when you become cannon
Me neither bro
Rhys face when you save him from Rhysha
If there isn't a "bang for entire season" option I'm gonna flip.
What DO you want Chef?
And I'm not in any of them :P
What an endurance test!...
Rhys will get through it doe.