So I have an idea,everyone say their real name so we could enforce our relationships a bit,we did this before in the Rhysha chat and it turned out to be good
I'll start by saying I'm Adam,nice to meet you too
Until my Jathena prayers were answered, I thought Athena was incapable of having a sexuality, you know like it was brainwashed out of her through years of Atlas training.
So I have an idea,everyone say their real name so we could enforce our relationships a bit,we did this before in the Rhysha chat and it turned out to be good
I'll start by saying I'm Adam,nice to meet you too
So I have an idea,everyone say their real name so we could enforce our relationships a bit,we did this before in the Rhysha chat and it turned out to be good
I'll start by saying I'm Adam,nice to meet you too
So I have an idea,everyone say their real name so we could enforce our relationships a bit,we did this before in the Rhysha chat and it turned out to be good
I'll start by saying I'm Adam,nice to meet you too
So I have an idea,everyone say their real name so we could enforce our relationships a bit,we did this before in the Rhysha chat and it turned out to be good
I'll start by saying I'm Adam,nice to meet you too
So I have an idea,everyone say their real name so we could enforce our relationships a bit,we did this before in the Rhysha chat and it turned out to be good
I'll start by saying I'm Adam,nice to meet you too
I'll make one for Natalie
Greetings Adam, I'm Siri :^)
I need a threesome
Of Rhys and Fiona and ten million dollors ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
enter link description here
Until my Jathena prayers were answered, I thought Athena was incapable of having a sexuality, you know like it was brainwashed out of her through years of Atlas training.
I kno write ;-;
true stories man, true stories
From her. I'm still here.
I'm Cooper, nice to see ya.
Imagine if Handsome Jack finds the R34 on Angel
enter link description here
dramatic voice
*school was lewd all along...? *
With rule 34 everything is possible**
Lmao. Can't wait
umm.... I don't think Handsome Jack is going to be 'upbeat' and 'joyful' like the song like any parent if they found r34 of their child.
It's 30th October, I think.
Awesome art though
Hello Siri.
Also there is one of him and Angel (cringe)
Well I'm off to bed guys. It's been a nice day to hang out with the elite. May my dreams be guided by visions of Rhyona!
Are you with the CIA?
I'm Jaroslav, but my friends (and basically everybody) call me Slávek. Nice to meet you, Adam!
Greetings, Adam. My name is Mario(s).
O' sweet Rhyiona dreams await thee in the land of slumber!
@OfficialSheriffMaybe dis 4 u felicia
Hides Badge No,what's a CIA anyway?
Hello Slaَvek,nice to meet you too,
It's a you,Mario.
JK,nice to meet ya
Now make one for Paul LMAO ;^)
cant now
busy lel
Seriously, though. No super Mario jokes on me. I fucking hate them =\
Fuck... ;-;
I hope everyone's necks are ready cause I'm here to bite them.
I'm Ray, nice to... meet you? But I already know you. :P
Have I been summoned?
Juvia will protect me.
Hello Adam, I'm Joanna. But of course you already knew that
Are you sure you're not a vampire?
That's the point. I was promoted to vampire last night.
Gotta make a living.
Hah, it's okay. You didn't know that I hated the 'Super Mario jokes' before ^-^
At least now you know
yes, do it
Ray?What a cool name to have
And you know,it's just a..ya-know,that kinda thing where you and me and uuh..J-just
Thanks buddy.
BUT... BUT... it doesn't make sen-
Ohh. Okay.