It's not like we know each other at all, but I think it's saying a lot about this community that you felt like sharing this with the people in here. I can only speak for myself, but I'm absolutely sure nobody on here is going to be mad because you "killed the mood" or anything.
I-I've got ya!'re pretty hEA-
It'll be the best thing that's happened to this thread so far!
that was your own fault
This gif is glorious
"Hello Darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again..."
Of course I have, I just don't know them by that name.
I think it might be rather, eh, unnecessary for them to be called that here in Sweden
Well, other than Rhyiona becoming canon.. ehtntehngrsngfsngsrnsgrngbnwgffhfddcxstmb
Nope still not over it.
SCREAMS. I Love The Person Who Did The Paperman cover love them
What are they called in Sweden? I've never heard of this before!
you da best
i want rhys to wear my apron forever in my memory
They're sold by Malaco as pastellfiskar (= pastel fish) but I'd say we mostly refer to them as candy fish.
wat a loser
Haha! For some reason I find this really amusing. XD
clears throat Is this your definition of "prove them wrong", Rhys?
we'll force him
but pls try to live
It's not like we know each other at all, but I think it's saying a lot about this community that you felt like sharing this with the people in here. I can only speak for myself, but I'm absolutely sure nobody on here is going to be mad because you "killed the mood" or anything.
I hope things will be looking up for you soon!
tfw you confuse tomato juice for blood #justvampirethings
tfw you order a pizza with no garlic... But it comes with breadsticks. #justvampirethings
I'm happy to amuse
If you like Swedish fish then you'd probably love Zoo, it's chewy red monkey-shaped candies
i just confused soap with toothpaste and i brushed my teeth with soap i understand you supernatural being
So, like Swedish Monkeys? Or, Pastel Monkeys? :P
Awww look at that sad face, okay, I'll cut you some slack.
im not supernatural
im just misunderstood
Happens to me every time I have my periods... Damn, it would be better if it was tomato juice... #justwomanvampirethings
Hey @HandsomeChef there's something I've been meaning to ask you about...
On nohuhuh's Rhyiona poster who are you?
but garlic is good for rotting flesh contrary to popular belief #justnerdvampirethings
You're kidding, right? Those can't actually exist...
how are you alive after this
He's there, no a little upper, nope the other way, almost... There you go! He's just there!