Sounds like a nice plan, it's cool of you to cheer her up and I hope you have fun, she mentioned the kids on her street get pretty excited
Sadly not, we don't go trick or treating here in Sweden There are parties, my school organizes a Halloween party every year but that's a week in advance and I didn't want to attend.
Well, I'm driving over to Cara's, and probably just watching movies and handing out sweets. Obviously, she'll be quite upset but I hope I can cheer her up tomorrow. Are you?
you're making this really awkward, how the heck do I bite someone when you keep saying that and making it seem like something else
they're gonna misunderstand
i dont want his blood, it's tainted
Thanks, ma!
Sounds like a nice plan, it's cool of you to cheer her up and I hope you have fun, she mentioned the kids on her street get pretty excited
Sadly not, we don't go trick or treating here in Sweden
There are parties, my school organizes a Halloween party every year but that's a week in advance and I didn't want to attend.
Then bite Marijaa's neck
aw shucks gimme a hug buddy... I REGRET IT ALREADY
*horny vampires
who knows, anyone is fair game
first chance I get, someone's getting attacked
Refreshed the page and this is the first thing I see.....this is gonna be fun...
But you ain't approaching Rhys and Kawaiii (Fiona [?]). You won't bite their necks >_>
you're making this really awkward, how the heck do I bite someone when you keep saying that and making it seem like something else
they're gonna misunderstand
I'm leaving in 2 minutes
lmao your loss then keep being LOVELESS
you're welcome, after all i made you
well your dad helped
Don't worry! You're a Sane Werampire! and I'm the horny vampire
are people really gonna even believe that?
I don't want to get slapped tomorrow
you can't say I didn't try to be cool with you
Lewd... so lewd...
Wait, who's the father?
Bye everyone! Have a lewd day!
Happy birthday , lottii-lu!
Here's what I made for you , sorry for being so late , but I hope you like this. @2614118
this is exactly why we need a Rhyiona vampire AU
Where did I leave my locker...?
rhys' party hat reminds me of one of these
I wasn't the one who punched you though.
I talk but I don't hurt you.
You've still laughed at me...
but... that's how babies are made
if i could just download the baby i would
but I would never punch you.
Fuck me... why do I have a dirty mind...? ;-;
my husband
yeah i had to enlarge it because he has a big head
all that head and still no brain
I know, unfortunately... ;-;