How did you feel about Jack's final moment?



  • See ya!

    I guess just to keep a memory, then! If your Rhys still looked up to Jack, I guess. Anyways, thank you for the discussion! And sorry for my confusion!

  • I felt an intense sadness and pity for Jack. Even after he tried to kill me. And since I sided with him the entire game, his anger at my sudden betrayal really hurt. He was my hero, and while I can freely admit I'm a bit of a Jack sympathizer, despite the hard life he had, there is no denying a lot of bad he suffered, he deserved. Like Rhys, I was forced to face the truth: that death would be the only peace Handsome Jack can have now.

    What makes me the saddest regarding Handsome Jack's death, though, was that in the end, this wasn't the real Handsome Jack. He was an AI programmed with the personality of a psychopath. AI-Jack didn't know any better, and when he realized he was going to die, his fear and begging broke my heart. I wished to God I didn't have to destroy my cybernetics, but I had no choice. That's why I chose to say "I'm sorry" in the end. None of this was AI-Jack's fault; it was the fault of the insanely obsessed Nakayama for creating and programming the AI in the first place.

    I couldn't even bring myself to destroy the AI. After everything I had to do, I didn't have the heart or energy to destroy him for good. If Anthony Burch truly did write this scene, then even I have to give him some props. Also 10 points for Daemon Clark's performance, it takes a truly fantastic actor to make a scene like this heartbreaking. It affected me in a major way, and I doubt I'd ever be able to play this part of the episode again without breaking down. It's bitter and sad, and there is NOTHING to celebrate once it's done.

  • I crushed his AI core without any hesitation.

    Rest in pasta Jack you psycho yet entertaining bastard.

  • The way I see it, Tales from the Borderlands are two tales. One is in the past, which are the tale that we play most of the game. The second takes place in the present day, where Rhys and Fiona tell their tale to the Stranger.

    In that regard, you can see Rhys removing his cyborg arms and defeating HJ as the ending to his tale and Fiona destroying Gortys as the end of her tale. Their tales ends on a bittersweet note.

    This was the way I could only dream of ending Jack's story. It's better than what BL2 dealt him and they also stop his story from becoming j

  • I'm pissed off that there wasn't a way to not make him angry. I mean, I understand that Rhys kinda had to remove his cybernetics but couldn't there just an option to either betray Jack or maybe Fiona could of done it, giving Rhys another reason to be angry with her.

  • I liked how it paralleled his death in Borderlands 2.

    There he was defiant.

    In TFTBL, he's begging to be spared.

  • well, I felt sorry for him. I don't think he was a happy man when he was alive and neither when he was a hologram.

  • This. Thanks to the fact that AI Jack was 'born' a little bit BEFORE Angel's death, we get to see him mentally break down in two completely seperate ways now.

    The-Qing posted: »

    I liked how it paralleled his death in Borderlands 2. There he was defiant. In TFTBL, he's begging to be spared.

  • Yeah 'keepin it' means hes imprisoned since hes still alive and could be freed if he's connected to anything.

    TWAU21 posted: »

    This scene had a major effect on me. Till this point, I had spent the entire game hating Jack. I trusted Fiona over him, refused to accept a

  • "Hit the road Jack. And don't you back no more, no more, no more, no more. Hit the road Jack. Don't you come back no more."

    Something like that. I have little to no pity for the man who enslaved his child (using her for his selfish gain-BEFORE anyone had "betrayed" him). The douche bag committed genocide against a whole planet that was perfectly content to be a shit hole, just because he thought his way of life was better and "superior". Oh and he tortured hundreds of thousands of innocent people and his employees, like an A-HOLE. Then he manipulated, threatened, and belittled Rhys, pleading with me to spare him after he forced Rhys to brutally rip out his cybernetics to be somewhat safe from him. I love the charismatic bastard to pieces, but he is an EVIL TWISTED BASTARD who got what was coming to him. Screw that guy. I told him, "asta la vista." and crushed him. (Although Dameon Clarke did an excellent job, the man is so talented. Handsome Jack would NOT be half as amazing as he is without such a wonderfully talented VA.)

  • edited October 2015

    People seem to forget what a horrible person Jack was both during his lifetime and as an AI. Over the entire story, it was shown what a manipulative and through and through evil person Jack is. I know that he also has a few good sides, but quite honestly: Jack is as close as you can get to pure evil.

    Him 'helping' Rhys was obviously him just saving his own digital skin. As soon as he was out of Rhys' head, he decided to kill him off instantly. In fact, he had probably decided that the moment he saw Rhys. One of his very first lines in the game is 'And then I'll probably kill you.' That wasn't just empty talk, he was being serious about that, believe me.

    I know the Darkness sounds like a horrible place to be, but to be honest...he deserved it. He deserved it for enslaving his own daughter, for commiting genocide and for bringing nothing but pain and death to everyone around him, friend or foe. Jack got what was coming to him, and I feel not the slightest bit of regret for doing it to him.

  • While I'm not a big fan of that, I do like having him imprisoned

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Yeah 'keepin it' means hes imprisoned since hes still alive and could be freed if he's connected to anything.

  • For a guy that I've resented and disagreed with every single time, I could see that all of his pleading and begging was pure fear.

    I felt sorry enough for him to be kept as a little memento. And this is coming from someone who absolutely hated him (not his humor, but just him as an overall person).

  • I never trusted IT and crushed IT, with no emotions!

    I like Jack as an opponent, but he deserves to get extinguished just for what he had done to Helena Pierce and she was only one of his countless victims.

    AI Jack is just a programm, what tried to act like Handsome Jack. Crushing the Hardware broke the medium where It was saved.
    These one's and zero's that store his variables are destroyed and there is not an emptiness for AI Jack after that, the program just doesn't exist anymore and hasnt a mind in the first place.
    The emptiness AI Jack.exe mentioned is logical the result of his program running inside Nakayama's ID drive without any activated Hardware, so his Scripts don't get any Input.


    A fact for the Handsome Jack fanboys and girls.... when you write a program or script for whatever, you make always backups and not only backups of the final program, you make backups of every minor step. So unless all of Nakamura's backups are destroyed there should be a lot of identical or older versions of AI Jack.

    sorry for my english.

  • Even though I thought it was early in the episode for Jack to die, I was satisfied with how it turned out and it was such a badass scene with Rhys removing his cybernetics. I friggin loved how Jack went from threatening to murder Rhys when he least expects it, to begging for his life. There were a few times I felt sympathy for the character, such as when talking about his daughter and such, but I never trusted Jack, not even when I chose to ask for his help at the end of Episode 2, I only did so because the situation called for it.

    I did say sorry to him at the end, but I made sure to destroy him, because having him turn psycho and kill more people wasn't an option. He had to be stopped. Unless it's putting Jack in a toaster or those cyber toys thingys [I forgot the name I had one as a kid] like I keep seeing artwork on, then, that's the only way I want to see him come back XD

  • Tamagotchi Handsome Jack in Borderlands 3 confirmed. XD

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Even though I thought it was early in the episode for Jack to die, I was satisfied with how it turned out and it was such a badass scene wit

  • I feel the beginning of Ep. 5 was unnecessary. I feel that we could have at least tried to convince Jack to test the endo-suit on someone else, and remained President with Jack being our friend. I hated having to insult him, but saying see ya kiddo was kind of fun. After the crash I really felt for Jack when he was in the computer, and I felt really bad when I was taking myself apart. I told him Sorry when I ripped out my eye and I kept it. Also, I feel they killed him way too early in the episode. I mean the character that, due to choices based around him, shaped the game dramatically is killed in the first 30 minutes. This may just me being a Jack fanboy though.

  • They should have done that anyway. Think about the present timeline when Rhys and Fione were captured by LB.

    I feel the beginning of Ep. 5 was unnecessary. I feel that we could have at least tried to convince Jack to test the endo-suit on someone el

  • Every single PT, I'm crying, when Jack is begging. It's so sad, pathetic, yet unavoidable, what's gonna happen: he'll disappear.

    Geez, this scene is one of them moments, for me ...

  • A fitting end to such an awesome character. I think I like how he died in this game compared to BL2. Such a wide variety of emotions and thoughtfulness put into his final moments. This is really why I like playing TT games, because of moments like these.

  • Yeah, he's a total charismatic sociopath.

    I didn't play the original games, so when he mentioned the daughter 'betraying him' I looked it up. His take on every relationship he's ever had is completely self-serving, even towards the end. I'm sure his fear was real, but that didn't stop him from being a completely malevolent user of people.

    That I still managed to feel bad making that choice is a testament to the voice actor I think.

    People seem to forget what a horrible person Jack was both during his lifetime and as an AI. Over the entire story, it was shown what a mani

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2015

    I could not give enough praise to how amazing this entire scene is. Even extending to before you confront Jack

    Walking through the ruins of Helios, dead silent except for the sound of fire crackling in the distance and the creaking of metal was amazing in itself. I like how the scene just plays the destruction of Helios straight; no music or overly dramatic presentation of it, just you wading through the debris and chaos.

    Then you have the setting of the Jack confrontation; the ruins of his office. It really makes Jack come full circle when you think about it: Handsome Jack was 'born' in that office, and Handsome Jack is defeated/killed in the ruins of that office.

    Then you have the whole scene of talking to him, which from an audio perspective was really well done. Not only do you get to see Jack speak in a tone you almost never see him talk in (somber, solemn, and just... empty, for lack of a better term), you have it complimented by the broken, glitching monitor causing slight voice distortions. Literally and figuratively, Jack is broken at this point. Couple that with the fantastic somber track that plays underneath the scene, and it's even better.

    Then the acknowledging of Rhys crashing Helios. It's nice to see that not being glazed over and is actually brought to attention. And let's be honest, no matter how much of a murderous psychopath Jack is himself, he has a point in that Rhys has a lot of blood on his hands. It's not really a matter of Jack forcing his hand in the situation, because Rhys is the one that decided to pull the trigger in the end. There's so many games, movies and other things that tend to glaze over the protagonist/hero doing something that would result in the deaths of hundreds of people, if not just flat out ignore it. It's good to see not only the game acknowledging it, but Rhys himself acknowledging it as well. And for better or for worse, it ties into Jack's infamous line during that scene.

    And then you have the rather cringey scene of removing the cybernetics, which doesn't need much explanation. And it also makes Rhys come across as a bit of badass because seriously, it takes some real strength and resolve to forcefully mutilate yourself just to get rid of someone. And finally, the climactic ripping out of the ECHO-eye, while Jack falls to his knees and starting begging you to spare him. And furthermore, I think that Jack's desperation at the end there was actually real, and not just a facade. At that point, Jack has been reduced to nothing. Just a scared, broken man afraid of death, afraid of losing his legacy. Afraid of dying alone.

    And the final touch that I love about this scene is that final desperate charge he makes at Rhys before he disappears. And it just circles right back to the previous point; even in the face of death, he won't accept it or let it happen. His final action is trying one last time to lunge at and kill Rhys, purely out of spite and/or desperation.

    So yeah, I give Telltale huge kudos for this scene. And in all honesty, it's a great send-off for Jack, far better than his BL2 death, that's for sure. It's only fitting that a great villain gets a death scene that has some real value and weight to it. Jack's death in the main game is pretty much shooting him in the face, and then most likely you and your friends doing inappropriate things with his body. Which totally makes sense given the game, but Jack really deserved better, so I'm glad he got what he deserved (in both a good and bad way) in Tales.

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