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Probably. I don't doubt they'd be a little hard to control, but... from their song, it seems that they feel a… moret least some need to murder the Whitehills for the Forresters. They all seem to believe that the Forrester's are the 'good' people in this fight. I mean, that's disregarding the fact that the song turns into nothing but fighting half way through. xD
I did the same thing man. I choose Rodrik because I wanted to stick with my decisions. But I misunderstood the last choice. So I stick with my decision that I wanted in the first place. Asher will kill every Whitehill. He will avenge his brothers with his Asher Grin.
'Fight for the Forresters, fight for the good! Hey, ho, northward ho, I'll fight for the riches and Ironwood!'
I don't understand anything at the end though.
Well.... only another 18 days to do.... not bad I guess... the initial pain from the extended wait time has numbed off now.... in fact I'm quite content with patiently waiting, and holding no more than moderate expectations.
You forgot TWAU. And it's TWD, not WD. But other than that...pretty accurate actually
But to be fair, every fandom does that. Everyone writes DMC instead of Devil May Cry and many say ME instead of Mass Effect. It's just that if you use those names a lot (like obviously on a forum for the games), then you don't want to write The Walking Dead: Season 1 or Tales from the Borderlands every single time ;P
So this is a bit off topic, so I'll probably be taken out back and put out of my misery, then buried in a 2 foot deep grave, buuuuut. I dunn… moreo that I've ever seen a community that loves acronyms as much as this one hahaha. I can't even keep up.... what do we have now? TTG, GoT, TTGoT, MCSM, WDS2, WDS1, TFTB? Are there more? Are those right?
Well.... only another 18 days to do.... not bad I guess... the initial pain from the extended wait time has numbed off now.... in fact I'm quite content with patiently waiting, and holding no more than moderate expectations.
You forgot TWAU. And it's TWD, not WD. But other than that...pretty accurate actually
But to be fair, every fandom does that. Everyone w… morerites DMC instead of Devil May Cry and many say ME instead of Mass Effect. It's just that if you use those names a lot (like obviously on a forum for the games), then you don't want to write The Walking Dead: Season 1 or Tales from the Borderlands every single time ;P
Oh, and graves are usually 6 feet deep.
Rodrick survived in my canon playthrough, so im good.
Im not good at english with no subtitles.
Can someone tell me what do they say in this "Northward Ho"? I always wanted to know
I would be willing to bet that Beskha takes out Harys
'Fight for the Forresters, fight for the good! Hey, ho, northward ho, I'll fight for the riches and Ironwood!'
I don't understand anything at the end though.
I did the same thing man. I choose Rodrik because I wanted to stick with my decisions. But I misunderstood the last choice. So I stick with my decision that I wanted in the first place. Asher will kill every Whitehill. He will avenge his brothers with his Asher Grin.
Hope gifs are okay too.
Thank you, the only thing i understood was "Fight for the Forresters"
God I love her.
I think she might be my favourite ever Telltale character.
I love Beskha so much...
More bacon and potatos!
2 words. Fast Metabolism.
My cholesterol levels are good as well. For now. I doubt I will have a heart attack at 22 years of age.
(?) Everyone won't forget that.
It would be funny if this were a third option since...Valar Moghulis
It's Rodrik, not Rodrick ;p
Exactly. I just love that post-apocalyptic setting.
Well.... only another 18 days to do.... not bad I guess... the initial pain from the extended wait time has numbed off now.... in fact I'm quite content with patiently waiting, and holding no more than moderate expectations.
Wait a second. Did they actually misspell Beskha?
Not even developers can get it right.
You forgot TWAU. And it's TWD, not WD. But other than that...pretty accurate actually
But to be fair, every fandom does that. Everyone writes DMC instead of Devil May Cry and many say ME instead of Mass Effect. It's just that if you use those names a lot (like obviously on a forum for the games), then you don't want to write The Walking Dead: Season 1 or Tales from the Borderlands every single time ;P
Oh, and graves are usually 6 feet deep.
The wait gets easier with each passing day.
Helping Telltale with the quotes.
NGI 01/01
OMG they did! I had to double check when I saw your comment. I'll be so pissed if they misspell Rodrik
True, I guess it doesn't help that telltale is constantly working on like 5 titles at the same time haha.
I wanted to be a bit exaggerated, I prolly should've just said a shallow grave haha.
17 Days...
Yes m'lord we will prepare the horses
I'm glad that I had Rodrik say that. Such a badass moment.
Yup, i did it too, one of the best frases on the game along with "Kill all the ravens!"
Poor ravens. Couldnt they just let them free?
My Inspiration
I feel like "November 17th" is some fucking big inside joke at telltale about "February 17th".
"hahaha this'll piss them off"