Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Did anyone else find the finale as disappointing as I did?

    A whole lot of people thought the finale sucked.

    gijoe528 posted: »

    Did anyone else find the finale as disappointing as I did? I found it seriously heartbreaking since I had loved the series so much up to that point. I deleted the game very soon after I finished it, no interest in a potential season 2.

  • Congrats!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • The finale was good in a narrative standpoint; however, it was bad in the game mechanic standpoint.

    gijoe528 posted: »

    Did anyone else find the finale as disappointing as I did? I found it seriously heartbreaking since I had loved the series so much up to that point. I deleted the game very soon after I finished it, no interest in a potential season 2.

  • Omg her voice

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • I wasn't that big on the whole series, the finale just made it worse.

    gijoe528 posted: »

    Did anyone else find the finale as disappointing as I did? I found it seriously heartbreaking since I had loved the series so much up to that point. I deleted the game very soon after I finished it, no interest in a potential season 2.

  • edited November 2015

    I enjoyed playing the game (just finished playing it), though like many others, I was let down by such a predictable finale.....

    I guess next to play for me is Tales from the Borderlands, until Game of Thrones final episode is out (I always wait until whole season is out before playing them).

  • Tales from the borderlands was epic IMO. You have a treat in store for you :)

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I enjoyed playing the game (just finished playing it), though like many others, I was let down by such a predictable finale..... I guess

  • I feel like she earned it but even not liking Until Dawn I have to say Rami Malek (voice of Josh) should have been nominated for how good he did

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    Really? Because I have hardly seen any. I've seen some say it wasn't as good as they thought it would be, but only once or twice have I seen someone say it sucks. Just because you like to hate on the game doesn't mean everyone else has to.

    Did anyone else find the finale as disappointing as I did? A whole lot of people thought the finale sucked.

  • hair on fleek

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • I thought you loved the series?

    I wasn't that big on the whole series, the finale just made it worse.

  • I loved the entire series as a whole. Never before has a game made me care about any character in it like this one did. I was shedding manly tears at the end. With all that being said, the finale was just to predictable for me. Seeing how I played it a certain way there really was no hard decision to be made at the end. I was really hoping DONTNOD would do something different at the end like they did in EP 1-4. Those were well done and I loved them.

    If there ends up being a season 2 I will play it, but only after all ep's are out and I read some FB on it.

  • Well, the finale pretty much dissapointed me. Episode 1 and 2 were good. Not amazing but good. Episode 3 and 4 were amazing, no doubt. Episode 5 was a huge dissapointment IMO which pretty much made me uninstall the whole game... And if there's going to be a season 2, I'm not sure if I'm going to buy it, probably just going to watch some playthroughs of it.

    gijoe528 posted: »

    Did anyone else find the finale as disappointing as I did? I found it seriously heartbreaking since I had loved the series so much up to that point. I deleted the game very soon after I finished it, no interest in a potential season 2.

  • You're going to love Tales, definitely Telltale's best game to date.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I enjoyed playing the game (just finished playing it), though like many others, I was let down by such a predictable finale..... I guess

  • I have seen some reviews on Steam from people who said they were disappointed with how the game ended, some chose to not recommend the series because of it, despite loving the previous 4 episodes.

    Really? Because I have hardly seen any. I've seen some say it wasn't as good as they thought it would be, but only once or twice have I seen someone say it sucks. Just because you like to hate on the game doesn't mean everyone else has to.

  • Seriously, right now I was going to say the same thing x)

    I have seen some reviews on Steam from people who said they were disappointed with how the game ended, some chose to not recommend the series because of it, despite loving the previous 4 episodes.

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Seriously, right now I was going to say the same thing x)

  • edited November 2015

    I found for me what ruined the finale was the dream sequence. Although it had some good ideas, it went on for much too long and most of it didn't serve much to the plot other than filler. I think another thing that did it in for me was that despite Max and Chloe knowing this tornado was coming, even if it was caused by Max's powers, one of their main objectives aside from finding out what happened to Rachel, should've been trying to get everybody out of that town. To have seen them at least attempting to convince people to leave or even a few of their friends who might've believed them, it would've made for something at least instead of keeping shush shush about a secret that could get so many killed like that.

    I do still like the game, and I wish DONTNOD all the best for the future for how original Life is Strange is, but I do think the finale could've been handled a little bit better.

    gijoe528 posted: »

    Did anyone else find the finale as disappointing as I did? I found it seriously heartbreaking since I had loved the series so much up to that point. I deleted the game very soon after I finished it, no interest in a potential season 2.

  • Wow, those are literally the same complaints my family and I had. My family likes to watch me play these epsisodic games more than they like to play them, so they watched the finale and we all seriously said that the dream sequence was too long and too pointless and that it should have ended with Max going back and convincing the people to leave. I do hope dontnod does well, but they will most likely have to make do without my money, which is actually my dad's money, but you get my point.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I found for me what ruined the finale was the dream sequence. Although it had some good ideas, it went on for much too long and most of it d

  • Tales will rock your world man, seriously great stuff!

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I enjoyed playing the game (just finished playing it), though like many others, I was let down by such a predictable finale..... I guess

  • I never considered buying an episodic game till it's complete . sure the wait can be long and painful, but you get to have your own theories, read people's thought, see their reaction, you play and replay the episode to see what you missed, to find the elements that fortifies your theories and so on. I enjoy the game better that way. I remember finishing TWD's season 1 in two days (got the whole game as a gift) and it wasn't as satisfying, I really think I missed a big part of the game -> "waiting" and interacting with the community too I guess.
    (my opinion)

    mmoblitz posted: »

    I loved the entire series as a whole. Never before has a game made me care about any character in it like this one did. I was shedding man

  • Doesn't mean she didn't deserve the award. Voice acting is also about showing real emotion (not just ''adding some attitude''), which she delivered very well. Dave Fennoy, who voices Lee, sounds the same in every game but that doesn't mean he's a bad voice actor.

    Clord posted: »

    Voice actor got nominated by using almost their real voice? Wow. Usually voice actors change their voice quite a bit to make it fit to the role. She basically just added some attitude to her real one and done.

  • edited November 2015

    Comment was eaten by Crips.

    renard999 posted: »

    I never considered buying an episodic game till it's complete . sure the wait can be long and painful, but you get to have your own theories

  • Last Thursday I finished Finale.

    It's was AWESOME. Even If was predictably.

    10/10 for Finale and game from me.

    I sacrifice Arcadia Bay.

    Chloe's life no less important than the fate of others.

    It had to happen.

    You must be able to live with the consequences.

    She should be happy after all the years of sadness. She changed her character. Max changed her and I'm happy about it.

    NowMax and Chloe will be together forever :)

    Also somebody noticed It?

    enter image description here enter image description here

  • edited November 2015

    From 'Muzzled the Musical'

    enter image description here enter image description here

  • 'Chloe's life no less important than the fate of others' but surely less important than the fate of thousands of others including children?

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Last Thursday I finished Finale. It's was AWESOME. Even If was predictably. 10/10 for Finale and game from me. I sacrifice Arcadia

  • I guess I'll be the guy that says how much I love Telltale's Game of Thrones.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I enjoyed playing the game (just finished playing it), though like many others, I was let down by such a predictable finale..... I guess

  • Game of Thrones is my favourite!

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I guess I'll be the guy that says how much I love Telltale's Game of Thrones.

  • I don't get it.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Comment was eaten by Crips.

  • Seriously? I hated her performance.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    Actually it's more complex than that.

    But yeah, a lot of villains or desperate people justify their sacrificing a few for the majority in various fictional works.

    The Hunger Games (in this case majority are semi-slaves though.)

    The Maze Runner

    And what else.

    Flog61 posted: »

    'Chloe's life no less important than the fate of others' but surely less important than the fate of thousands of others including children?

  • I love Game of Thrones too.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I guess I'll be the guy that says how much I love Telltale's Game of Thrones.

  • Really?

    Yeah. I seen plenty of negative reactions towards the finale- more so of the ending- from the LiS subreddit and in the comment sections of some of the reviews I have read for episode 5.

    Just because you like to hate on the game doesn't mean everyone else has to.

    Gijoe528 asked if he/she was the only one who found the finale disappointing. I replied saying that a lot- but not everyone- of the fans felt the same way. Nowhere in that comment was me trying to persuade him to dislike the series.

    Really? Because I have hardly seen any. I've seen some say it wasn't as good as they thought it would be, but only once or twice have I seen someone say it sucks. Just because you like to hate on the game doesn't mean everyone else has to.

  • Warren dead.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • In what way is it more complex?

    If you sacrifice Arcadia Bay, thousands of people will die. If you sacrifice Chloe, one person dies. Seems simple enough.

    Clord posted: »

    Actually it's more complex than that. But yeah, a lot of villains or desperate people justify their sacrificing a few for the majority in

  • thousands of people will die

    You always speak of thousands of deaths at the end of sacrificed Arcadia Bay I see 6 dead.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    PS. : Okay, we can not see into the building into whether in there dead or injured lying.Only concerns me the question who has covered most of corpse ?

    Flog61 posted: »

    In what way is it more complex? If you sacrifice Arcadia Bay, thousands of people will die. If you sacrifice Chloe, one person dies. Seems simple enough.

  • I don't think there's thousands of people in Arcadia Bay, it seems like an incredibly small town. At the very most, I'd say at least 2-3 thousand.

    Flog61 posted: »

    In what way is it more complex? If you sacrifice Arcadia Bay, thousands of people will die. If you sacrifice Chloe, one person dies. Seems simple enough.

  • Yes, it sounds simple enough to you and is because the situation is merely fictional. You're not actually present in a real life situation where your choice is to sacrifice your closest friend vs mostly strangers. Heck if we want to go far enough, you can see it mirror that part in episode 4 where Chloe asks for assisted suicide. Indeed she does similar request in episode 5 in different context.

    In real life, it's not simple as that. Not even most of those who chose Sacrifice Chloe as rational choice would do so in a real life situation. We are not Vulcans who would kick someone front of the train if that somehow meant to saving a lot of people instead of a few. Not really a that good comparison but the point is, we don't usually work like that outside of fictional decisions.

    Unlike fictional Vulcans, the humans generally favor people they know over the strangers. They might want to save everyone, but prioritize to people they know without even much thinking about it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    In what way is it more complex? If you sacrifice Arcadia Bay, thousands of people will die. If you sacrifice Chloe, one person dies. Seems simple enough.

  • Only concerns me the question who has covered most of corpse ?

    Probably someone who cared about and/or was related to the person, whose life is probably ruined and will be full of grief and despair for years to come

    Maybe that was someone's brother, or their son/daughter

    There's a lot of possibilities there, and quite frankly, all of them are pretty terrible

    thousands of people will die You always speak of thousands of deaths at the end of sacrificed Arcadia Bay I see 6 dead. P

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