Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Yep, though I don't know why they'd go back there. Unless it's for something like, I dunno... help rebuild the town? Seems like leaving would be a better idea, since the town seemed to be on its way out anyway.

    Yeah. There would either be no final choices or something like: Leave with Chloe or go back to Arcadia Bay.

  • Well, I'm selfish. just like this guy:

    enter image description here

    Good thing I never gave him any shit, otherwise, I'd be a hypocrite.

    Bay> Bae

  • After Remember Me bombed, they seemed to be in pretty bad shape. I think they even filed for bankrupcy? Good thing they're doing fine now, after LIS. Would be a shame if all those people lost their jobs.

    Dontnod have a lot of potential. And I am glad to know that their situation might not be bad.

  • edited October 2015

    I dont get it though, wont chloe just die soon anyway? Or another tornado or something will start wherever they go.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well, I'm selfish. just like this guy: Good thing I never gave him any shit, otherwise, I'd be a hypocrite.

  • I can't really answer that. Since the game's co-director, Michel Koch, commented on how this was a "fresh start" for Max and Chloe, and how it was pretty much a trade between the lives of the citzens of AB, I'd like to think that's not the case. In that regard, it sounds almost like a ritual for Chloe's 'resurrection'.

    I dont get it though, wont chloe just die soon anyway? Or another tornado or something will start wherever they go.

  • Oh hush. I'm allowed to criticize the game however I like no matter how harsh it may come across. Anyone that has a problem with it is their problem.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Megami usually acts like an ass whenever someone criticizes Life is Strange. Well when people like you spam the thread wit hateful insults I'm sure people get sick of it

  • Am I the only one who thinks they slightly improved the graphics over the course of the episodes? Mostly just the lighting.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • I understood that Max caused a disruption within the universe after saving Chloe. What I didn't understand is how a tornado was the out come of her doing that.

    Kotaku did an article about the ending to Life is Strange, and it brought up something in addition to consider:

    If using my powers was causing so much havoc—if the only way to stop the tornado from getting more powerful was to STOP rewinding time—then why would it matter if I chose to go back and let Chloe die? That would still require a massive time jump! Wouldn’t that hurt Max somehow, like the other big time rewinds did? If the issue was with my saving Chloe, why did that one choice matter so much more than the hundreds of smaller changes I had made in alternate timelines? Wouldn’t those have added up and made things awful in some way? I know it can’t be my reversing her murder, because I had altered the deaths of many other characters, too.

    I think they could have solved this issue with the tornado had the developers gave Chloe the ability to manipulate the weather, an ability that got out of control as the narrative progressed..

    MosesARose posted: »

    Yeah, that didn't make any sense to me either. It feels like they just thought up of the tornado bit and then just moved along thinking they

  • Nice. Wish them much success in the future.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I haven't seen this posted here yet, but here is Dontnod on the development costs of LIS:

  • I think they could have solved this issue with the tornado had the developers gave Chloe the ability to manipulate the weather, an ability that got out of control as the narrative progressed..

    Oh yeah, that would have made so much more sense!! Then her death would have an actual connection to this tornado. Awesome Idea.

    I understood that Max caused a disruption within the universe after saving Chloe. What I didn't understand is how a tornado was the out come

  • I think it and GOT meet neck and neck with Tales being below either

    Better than most definitely. Though I think Tales gave it a run for its money

  • edited October 2015

    That's what a loser would say.

    Oh hush. I'm allowed to criticize the game however I like no matter how harsh it may come across. Anyone that has a problem with it is their problem.

  • I'm just waiting for a remake of this game.

    Better models and stuff.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Am I the only one who thinks they slightly improved the graphics over the course of the episodes? Mostly just the lighting.

  • My theory is that the tornado isn't connected to Chloe dying, but Max's powers...if she discovered her power when she knocked her camera over, then that would be the catalyst for the tornado all the just so happens the event she discovered her powers with was watching Chloe get shot

    Why the universe gave Max her powers, though, just to tell her to never use it is beyond me

    MosesARose posted: »

    Firstly you don't have to be so rude, I'm just trying to understand the story better. If this topic is too sensitive for you to discuss then

  • edited October 2015

    Life Is Strange: The Director's Cut. New endings + better graphics (lighting, shadows and character models) Now running on UE4. Coming 2017 for the PC, PS4, XBO, Android, IOS and Nintendo's NX.... maybe.

    I'm just waiting for a remake of this game. Better models and stuff.

  • Yeah I was genuinely shocked and excited at the episode 4 reveal because he had the potential to be a really cool creepy villain, but instead he turned into a cartoony supervillain revealing his plan like he's in a damn James Bond movie...and that voice he had in episode 5...was he trying to be creepy? Because it failed and just came off as weird and laughable

    Clemenem posted: »

    Is anyone disappointed with how Jefferson turned out as a villain. I loathe IGN but even they noticed how uninteresting and generic of a villain he is. Anyone else kinda bummed out he wasn't better written?

  • edited October 2015

    To be frank I wasn't blown away by the ending.

    Strangely enough Frank was blown away by the ending.

    pr0dz posted: »

    Time for some dark humor. Kate has been improving herself by leaps and bounds.

  • It's not exactly denial. Sure, it's one way to interpret it, but it also can be this way - Max accepts that she cannot change everything to her liking. She must live with the consequences of her actions, every one of them. She cannot just always rewind to fix everything. She moves on and accepts everything she's done, for better or worse.

    Her power is what everyone wants: to be with someone you love for a longer period of time. It could because we didn't have a chance to sa

  • I freaking hate that word so much

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Bae > Bay

  • I think where mean to believe the tornado destroying the town was the Price (no pun intended) to pay to keep Chloe alive. Death for life. For Chloe to live another(the town) must die in her place.

    I dont get it though, wont chloe just die soon anyway? Or another tornado or something will start wherever they go.

  • You could say I was in total Danaial

    armis37 posted: »

    What a victorias pun.

  • edited October 2015

    Would've made the choice alot easier if Joyce and Warren and Frank and his dog got out. Those were the only 4 I cared about that was still in town

    One thing that annoys me most about Life Is Strange. Why didn't everyone just leave Arcadia Bay when the storm was coming? Then everyone would've been okay.

  • She was an assassin in that timeline

    AronDracula posted: »

    You wanna hear something funny? Kate knows how to do a Leap of Faith, in the "PT" scenes.

  • Principle Wells wont be happy with the publicity this will bring.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The real David Madsen? enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    But it is connected to Chloe's death given the fact you have to go back in time, using max's powers, to let Chloe die in order to stop the tornado. She uses her powers one last time to let Chloe die. If it was connected to her powers then her using her powers at the end should cause further damage but it doesn't. Rather or not Chloe dies dictates the tornado.

    My theory is that the tornado isn't connected to Chloe dying, but Max's powers...if she discovered her power when she knocked her camera ove

  • That's because he didn't cut the wind with those beans he was eating.

    Onmens posted: »

    To be frank I wasn't blown away by the ending. Strangely enough Frank was blown away by the ending.

  • edited October 2015

    She uses her powers one last time at the lighthouse to make sure she never used them in the first place (by not saving Chloe). And by making sure she never used her powers in the first place, she didn't mess up time, thus the tornado never happened, so she never had to use her powers one last time at the lighthouse. It's a causal loop.

    Consider this, too. If Chloe dying is what prevents the tornado. Then why didn't it stop coming once Chloe died at the end of episode 4? All the other times Chloe died, Max saved her immediately with her rewind, but in the junkyard she couldn't because she was drugged. Chloe was dead for real and yet the storm still came. If Chloe had just jumped off the lighthouse clifftop to her death instead of giving Max the butterfly photo, that wouldn't have worked either. The tornado would still be there.

    All right, so maybe Chloe specifically had to die in the bathroom at that exact time. That implies that Chloe's bathroom 'destiny' is a fixed point in time, meaning if it's averted somehow it causes the fabric of time to break down, but I believe that's a misconception. I think if Nathan had shot Max instead of Chloe in the bathroom it would have had the same effect of fixing everything, because that would also have prevented Max from time-travelling enough to mess everything up. Max doesn't realise it, but the snow, the eclipse, the dead animals and the two moons are all warnings from the universe for her to stop time-travelling or face the consequences.

    I mean, if you're wondering why the outcome of all this was a tornado, it's because we're talking magic realism here. The cause-and-effect of Max's actions is supernatural. Think about it, if there was an E6 tornado coming off the coast of Oregon, meteorologists would have known about it in advance and warned the town to evacuate. But no-one saw this coming. It just sort of blinked into existence on Friday. Because it's supernatural. The tornado isn't actually a tornado, it's the destructive physical form of an unstable timeline collapsing on itself. You could even interpret it as a force that's come to cauterize the town of all of the time aberrations that Max has caused over the week.

    MosesARose posted: »

    But it is connected to Chloe's death given the fact you have to go back in time, using max's powers, to let Chloe die in order to stop the t

  • Assuming they disappear again once Chloe dies in the bathroom, perhaps the universe gave Max the powers so she had a chance to take a few minutes to say goodbye to Chloe properly, which is why it automatically bumped her back to class. The problem was, Max didn't recognise that it was Chloe in the bathroom and didn't understand why she'd gone back in time, so she changed everything, rather than accepting it. The universe had already shown Max a premonition of a possible future that would be caused if Max abused the power (the tornado), but again, Max didn't understand that's what that meant. The universe continued to warn her that she was abusing her powers with the snow, the eclipse, the dead animals and the two moons, and tried to kill off Chloe in hope that would be enough to prevent the storm, but it wasn't. So it mainly just comes down to the universe being terrible at miscommunication.

    My theory is that the tornado isn't connected to Chloe dying, but Max's powers...if she discovered her power when she knocked her camera ove

  • edited October 2015

    I don't think it just blinked into existence because of the multiple signs there were before it, the simple weather changes, the two moons and even Max saw it coming. I believe that last jump in time was the same as all others, it is no different, she used her powers. In that last moment she still altered the timeline just like in every other scenario, and that should have caused damage as well. If using her powers = chaos, then her using her powers to fix everything still should render the same out come. There weren't any exceptions before, so why would there be one at the end?. Every other time Max used her powers things got worse, even after correcting Willam's death things didn't go back to how they were before she made that jump to the past, the whales were still dead.

    That's why I say the tornado is connected to Chloe's death, not to mention every other time the universe tried to correct itself by trying to kill Chloe. I truthfully think this entire thing boils down to Dontnod not fully explaining what they were going for.

    She uses her powers one last time at the lighthouse to make sure she never used them in the first place (by not saving Chloe). And by making

  • I know how you feel, I felt like I fell in a black well.

    You could say I was in total Danaial

  • edited October 2015

    I don't know that seems a little far fetched. Max wasn't bumped to the class room, that's where she rewound not knowing she'd just been given that power after Chloe was shot. If your theory is true, I would ask why give Max that power at that crucial moment. Even if she did know her powers were only to properly say good bye to Chloe, would she have used it properly knowing her friend was going to get shot? Plus why didn't the universe just take Max powers away after that first rewind? If Max powers did create that tornado, and it wasn't dictated by Chloe's death, then I have to ask: Why was the player even given a choice to sacrifice Chloe? The tornado gets things back into balance, and using her powers in essence creates more problems than solutions. So why give her the choice to use them again.

    As I see it, choosing rather Chloe dies or not dictates the tornado, given the choices the player have. Also Dontnod may not have had the time to think things through. But I love how you think :)

    Assuming they disappear again once Chloe dies in the bathroom, perhaps the universe gave Max the powers so she had a chance to take a few mi

  • You jinxed it, now Dontnod will close down before the year ends. ;P

    Nice. Wish them much success in the future.

  • But she never used her powers throughout the week. That's the point. None of that ever happened now. She never saved Chloe from a train. She never saved William. By changing what happened in the memory of the bathroom she never did any of that. All the time-travelling she did over the week which culminated into the storm, never happened. And the little bit of rewinding she did before the bathroom wasn't enough to cause anything on it's own. Using her powers as much as she had caused the chaos. Using them once to erase all the other times would fix it.

    So now the official timeline is - Max has a dream of a possible future involving a tornado. Max goes to the bathroom and sees a girl get shot. The universe sends Max back in time a few minutes and she discovers she can time travel. Max goes to the bathroom and takes a photo of a butterfly. Max hides as the girl is shot. David arrests Nathan and Max discovers that the girl is Chloe and, presumably, her rewind power is gone. Max does not time travel multiple times throughout the week. The future with the tornado does not happen.

    I don't think it just blinked into existence because of the multiple signs there were before it

    Not signs of a 'tornado' there weren't. No-one except Max and 'the universe' knew about a tornado before Friday. Sure they saw the cryptic signs the universe was sending them, but it's not like there were any news reports of a tornado forming two days out to sea. An unscheduled eclipse isn't normally a sign that a tornado is coming.

    even after correcting Willam's death things didn't go back to how they were before she made that jump to the past, the whales were still dead.

    Possibly because the dead whales was just another sign 'the universe' was sending Max to stop rewinding. They'd be there whether she fixed William's death or not. She didn't specifically cause that or the other signs. She only caused the tornado.

    Here's a question. If Max had stayed in that alternate universe with paralysed Chloe would the tornado still arrive on Friday? How would Max fix it? In this reality, Chloe wasn't shot in the bathroom. Max didn't save her. Max doesn't have a butterfly photo to jump into the past with. Yet the whales are still dead. The signs are still happening. The tornado is still coming. So what caused the tornado in Universe B? The thing that Universe A and B have in common isn't 'Chloe being shot in the bathroom and Max saving her', it's Max time-travelling through them.

    That's why I say the tornado is connected to Chloe's death, not to mention every other time the universe tried to correct itself by trying to kill Chloe

    And it succeeded at the end of episode 4, but the tornado still came. And the tornado still came because Max had been, and still was, time-travelling.

    Now I recognise the irony in time-travelling in order to stop yourself from time-travelling, but there was never really going to be another way to solve this. So much of time travel is paradoxical by nature already.

    MosesARose posted: »

    I don't think it just blinked into existence because of the multiple signs there were before it, the simple weather changes, the two moons a

  • Let's just agree to disagree :)

    But she never used her powers throughout the week. That's the point. None of that ever happened now. She never saved Chloe from a train. She

  • No. This isn't X-men. That would just turn it into a completely different story. Especially if Chloe ends up the unintentional antagonist, because of it. Not to mention, if Chloe exhibited those powers from the start, then it'd be obvious what was going to happen and how Max's vision comes to pass.

    I understood that Max caused a disruption within the universe after saving Chloe. What I didn't understand is how a tornado was the out come

  • 'Far-fetched' doesn't mean inaccurate in a time travel story featuring a magic time tornado and a ghost deer.

    Max wasn't bumped to the class room, that's where she rewound

    The rule when Max rewinds is that she stands still where she is and watches everything else move backwards around her second by second. The first time Chloe was shot, Max put up her hand and then woke up in the classroom several minutes earlier. It's the complete opposite of how her power works. Which is what leads me to believe that was caused by the universe, not her. Everything else is explained by the fact that it's a choice-based narrative game.

    If she had used her powers properly, then that would have been the end of the story.

    If her powers were taken away, then that would have been the end of the story.

    If you weren't given the choice to sacrifice Chloe, then that would have been a pretty horrific end to the story. And it wouldn't be a choice-based game.

    MosesARose posted: »

    I don't know that seems a little far fetched. Max wasn't bumped to the class room, that's where she rewound not knowing she'd just been give

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