Anyone else sick of people raving about how good weed is?

You wouldn't believe how many people have told me to just "Smoke weed, live a little, have some fun in your life". Then when I say that I don't want to try it, they just keep saying how I'm "ignorant". I'm sick to hell of all these fucking people. No, I don't want to fucking smoke weed, why can't people just get that through their heads?
How do you guys feel about weed? I understand that it can help you, it relieves pain, makes you feel good, etc. And I'm all for legalizing it, but I have no interest in it.
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I've never heard anyone ever talk about weed except on the news, so I dunno. I'll never smoke or drink so weed's definitely off the table for me.
It should be legalized. Personally I'm not the biggest fan of it, but I don't see how it's any worse than smoking or drinking.
I don't smoke so I don't really care about weed. If people enjoy it and it helps others then cool.
I can definitely symphasise. I had a friend who was always going on about weed so we argued quiet a bit, I'm not a fan of it so I was always uncomfortable when he talked about getting high with some friends.
Never tried it and I certainly don't intend to! I don't need to create any false sense of happiness or relaxation. That's what we have Arrested Development and sleeping for!
I also think a big number of teens get into it simply because it's still illegal.
I remember someone on here a while back (can't remember the username) that was really passionate about how healthy weed is for you. I agree that it should be legalized, and I'm ok with people doing their own thing, but don't go around spreading misconceptions about how great weed is just to make you feel better about yourself.
I know a couple of friends who use weed and I never see them rave about how amazing it is. I don't really talk to them about it and vice versa.
Sometimes weed smoker here.
Weed is nice, but not really the life-changing experience that some teenagers make it out to be.
I self-medicated with it for a few months when I had a blood disease and medicine with shitty side effects. It was expensive and contributed to some weight gain, but it made life a lot more tolerable. I still occasionally indulge if I can find a good deal, but fail to see why it's such a passion for some people. I'm still 100% for legalization too.
Oh, and never try synthetic weed, it's addictive and extremely potent. My friend is an EMT and she sees K2 overdoses almost every night.
Didn't the guy have a weed avatar too?
Yeah, synthetic weed is trouble. It made me and other people I know temporarliy insane. Not going around trying to eat people like bath salts, just extremely paranoid to the point of delusions. It also can render you incapable of carrying on a conversation. And yes, it's addictive.
You're lucky, those drugs are so unpredictable. Some people have seizure or go into comas that they never recover from.
K2 addiction/overdose had become an epidemic among homeless people because of how cheap and readily available it is.
yeah LMAO
Personally, I think whatever. If people choose to smoke it, so be it. It's their lives their they are shortening to enjoy one of earths beautiful creations. That is just my opinion.
It's never really appealed to me, I'd rather spend my money on other things, and I don't like some of the culture surrounding it.
I never saw anyone who needed medical attention from it, but I did hear about people who did. They are very unpredictable. You never know the potentcy until you try it.
Yes, I watched a short documentary on homeless people in the UK who are addicted to spice. I believe it was on Vice/Vice News youtube.
What I hate is how I get confronted with "Oh it's good for you, tell me how many deaths were recorded of overdose of marijuana!" I-I... Can't... I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
I always thought that people were only joking about taking Weed but apparently some people at my school actually have?! It's surprising to me, especially after all the stuff we did on studying several types of drugs. But hey, it's their life, I'm addicted to video games and forums and I wouldn't want someone to take that away from me
I smoke weed. And I am sick to death of everyone gushing about it.
Well, it CAN shorten your life if you combust it. Vape it, and well, too much of anything is bad for you, but it's hardly like nicotine.
It shouldn't be legalized.Not even for recreational use . Do you have friends that smoke it? I do or did. We no longer speak.
I smoked weed through all of university and got A's everywhere. Easily outclassed my best and most sober peers in every regard, demonstrating a strong understanding and analysis of any material I was given. I worked in multiple research labs and did all kinds of experiments using biometric technology, microscopy, and other fascinating equipment. These are boring, lazy stereotypes you are presenting that have long been debunked.
As some stoners lazy? Sure, so are a lot of sober people.
Things aren't so simple, and the drug war has never, ever, worked or helped anyone.
It was obviously a bait post.
Oh... well some people seriously still believe this nonsense...
I don't buy it.
No it's definitely true. People have crazy ideas about all drugs, really. Legal and illegal.
Even after what I said in the original post, I have to disagree.
Got a kid in my Spanish class who's constantly raving about smoking (cigarettes) and smoking weed. I just want him to shut the hell up.
Weed isn't for everyone. If you are normal happy person, stay the fuck away. If you have emotional problems and need help releasing stress, then i don't see why not. I use it to keep me from getting Angry, it helps with my PTSD. It helps in a multitude of health problems, sixty years of research gone down the drain that should of been done, could have been done, wasn't.... because of this "Reefer Madness." , if people knew anything would know it was just a shot at minorities.
maybe you shouldn't be so judgemental.
I like weed, though I don't talk about it all the time to everyone. I find it relaxing and fun from time to time and there's nothing wrong about it. In fact, my mother spoke to a doctor a few months ago and he said that weed would be helpful with her health problems. Though she doesn't want to buy it because she's afraid of the law.
It isn't a bait post. I've always felt this way about marijuana.
I know I shouldn't . But sometimes it can't be helped.
Well maybe it should .
I'm kinda tired of weed culture, but i don't give enough shits about it to have a full opinion on the subject.
No it shouldn't. If you want to live in a moralistic theocracy, move to Iran.
You'll love it there, they hang homosexuals and drug addicts from cranes.
you're absolutely right, George. I've read some of the early drug war propaganda from the 20's and 30's and it's insane.
The government claimed that marijuana would "make the normally docile negro fly into a murderous frenzy." They also liked to scare people by claiming "treacherous Chinamen" were purposefully trying to get white women hooked on opium to undermine American society.
The drug war was powered by racial hysteria.
Wot m8? Is this true?
I saw that documentary too, it was nuts.
People were fiending and going through withdrawal like it was heroin or something. Crazy shit. Companies that push that shit are the scum of the earth.
I get that you're just defending your drug-of-choice. But America will be smoke-free one day.
It's not really my thing, but I'm all for legalization too.