How good is this one if you arent too familiar with Borderlands?
I played the first borderlands all the way through and the second about halfway..
Is this title fun enough to stand alone if you aren't too familiar with all the charecters?
How long is it to finish if you are casually playing through it and not rushing?
How many times did you guys play it after beating it the first time?
Do choices impact the game much or is it just the feeling of choice?
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You can definitely play it with some or no knowledge, knowing more is just a bonus. I'd probably say it's about 10-11 hours if you don't rush it. I don't ever do replays. If you've played previous Telltale games you know that it's more the feeling of impact, however there were a lot more variations than usual. I'd say the story is more customized to your choices.
Absolutely. I haven't actually played Borderlands before TFTB and that didn't matter at all. Also, the main characters from Tales haven't previously existed in Borderlands.
I'd also say 10-11 hours.
I did two complete playthroughs so far (which I never did with any of the previous Telltale series).
Choices don't impact the main plot, but they do have an impact on relationships between characters.
I knew nothing about Borderlands until Tales. It really got me into the universe and I eventually played the other games.
It's fantastic. I actually haven't played any Borderlands game before trying out the first episode. It was SOOOOO good for me! The story is explained in a nice, easy way, all the crucial details that happened in the Borderlands games and are vital for this one are already said or referenced, so you won't get lost. Knowing the original lore is just a bonus, as you may meet some characters you love from the games (Zer0
). Only in the wait break between EP1 and EP2 I finished Borderlands 2 and I watched some of the let's plays from the Pre-Sequel.
I literally bought the handsome Jack collection right after I finished tales. You don't need to play the games to understand tales... But the borderlands universe is epic and it's cool not leaving just yet.
But I cried every time I had to shoot a loaderbot... Literally
I didn't know anything about Borderlands before getting this, and I must say that I never enjoyed a TellTale game nearly as much as I enjoyed this one.
I really enjoyed playing Tales from the Borderlands - without knowing anything about Borderlands.
But I did buy the original games after playing this.
These comments.. It is incredible to see how the game turn out to be, This successive.
I, Myself is very familiar with the series, It really amaze me, How TFBL affect the new-comer. It made me happy somehow.
Thanks a lot for the replies guys.
Wolf among us has been my favorite telltale title so far, especially considering I didn't know what to expect and was very pleasantly surprised.
After listening to how many loved this one it looks like ill love this title just as much if not more. I'm vaguely familiar with Borderland as I have played half of the three? releases so far by playing the first one all the way through and and borderlands 2 about halfway before getting sidetracked. Maybe playing this through will get me back into it so I finish lol.
I went from finishing TWAU to playing the demo for this with no background in borderlands at all.
If it hadn't had a demo, and I hadn't been looking for a TWAU replacement I probably wouldn't have tried it as a spinoff of a series I don't play.
But I had no trouble following it and really loved the characters, and I think it might now be my all time favorite Telltale.