Marvel's Jessica Jones (Out now on Netflix)
Premiere Announcement - Marvel's Jessica Jones
I'm so hyped for this after Daredevil. What are your thoughts?
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Premiere Announcement - Marvel's Jessica Jones
I'm so hyped for this after Daredevil. What are your thoughts?
Krysten Ritter seems like a killer choice for the lead. I'm curious if it meets the Daredevil quality.
David Tennant is in this show too.
I remember the days when my Telltale profile picture was of the Tenth Doctor. Now it's a smeghead.
New teaser for Jessica Jones!
Good Morning Teaser
I'm not familar with Jessica Jones, could someone give me a quick summary of her character?
I don't know about this Jessica, but according to wikipdia, she is a superhuman. With flights, super strength, durability and psionic protection.
I personally hope that they put some limits to her powers, so she is more relatable.
EDIT: Just saw the clip, yep she does have super strength.
Again, according to Wikipedia, Jessica Jones is a formal superhero who went by the name Jewel but retired after a traumatic experience with a supervillain, and she later went on to open a private detective agency.
Another new teaser!
Nightcap Teaser
I found another teaser.
Evening Stroll Teaser
Damn. Too bad my internet is too slow to get netflix.
Did she fly or did she simply jumped?
I'm guessing she jumped. I heard that they decided not to use her comic counterpart's flying ability so she isn't too overpowered.
Super excited for this. After the masterpiece that Daredevil was I really can't wait.
Aye. I don't want her to be too overpowered.
I wonder what is the extent of her super strength. Is it Superman level or is it Captain America level? I personally hope that her super strength is like Captain America, but downgraded more. But then again, she did made quite a jump, so she is probably stronger than Captain America.
So since it came out today I thought this should make a return, I've watched 3 episodes and I'm liking it so far, the villain's pretty creepy and I'm interested in seeing where it's going.
I have only watched half of the season, but I'm liking it so far. The first episode was rough, and I almost gave up on it half way through, but I'm glad I stuck with it. It got much better towards the end of the first episode, and it's only been getting better as the season goes on, so far at least.
i quite liked it, good villain, and a complete story, maybe my only criticism is that (especially compared to daredevil) the stunts/fights weren't as good, they weren't as visually impressive or intense, and sometimes the super humans seemed to have very inconsistent strength, i guess there could be reasons for this, like the characters not being trained fighters and not wanting to make them seem unbeatable, but that doesn't explain the cinematography criticisms, that said it didn't ruin it and it is just one thing, but it was noticeable to me.
So far, I've only watched the first episode but the premise seems interesting. The first episode started out kind of slow, but was good by the end.
Is it any good? I never really cared much for marvel, but I heard great things about Daredevil (yeah still haven't watched it lol). I don't really know anything about comics, but I'm more of a DC guy. Their shows are easily accessible to newbies
i knew nothing about jessica jones before i watched it, i didn't even watch any trailer or read anything about it, and i felt like the show explained what it needed to, really i think not knowing anything about it is the best way of watching it, that way any reveals or history is all for what you are watching and not "oh, i was waiting for this to be shown" or things like that
It is slightly difficult to begin with, because it is different from Daredevil. But once the introduction is over, the characters are established and Killgrave gets mentioned, it starts being exciting. And once Killgrave gets more screentime, the show becomes compelling.
Personally? I think it's pretty phenomenal. It's dark and gritty and realistic. Daredevil gets tired from fighting. You see him feel the hits he takes and what they do to him. It's violent and gory. The fight scenes are also incredibly well choreographed. If you've seen any of the Marvel movies and you watch this, you'll realise how completely different they are. And it all takes place in the MCU too.
You don't need to know anything about the comics to watch this, you just pretty much need Netflix
I've seen 5 episodes, so far I like it. Killgrove is such a creepy villain.
Well, I watched the whole thing recently. IMO, it started out promising but I felt like the third act really dropped the ball. Everyone started behaving like absolute idiots for no apparent reason, the tone and focus were all out of wack, and hanging threads were resolved very anticlimactically. Eventually, instead of rooting for Jessica or empathizing with her situation, I just found myself frustrated with her hypocrisy, her brainless schemes, and her screwed up sense of priority.
I've been looking for stuff to watch on netflix
Thread: Jessica Jones TV series
So I finally finished watching the show, I thought it was very good. Did anyone else see it, what did you think?
I thought it was really great and David Tenant is a fantastic Kilgrave! Really makes you feel like he's a slimy bastard.
I loved it, but I'm bumping this to let you know I'd really like a Telltale Jessica Jones game. I think that would be perfect. Preferably in canon with the TV series, or at least directly inspired by the TV series (with your connection with Marvel now, I suspect that could be a possibility), but even if it's its own thing, I'd love it.
Consider this my official request.