Telltale should have chosen another DC Title

Choosing Batman was a poor choice. Now please, before you get all upset and start insulting me, please hear me out.
Batman has already gotten a terrific game series, that explored the character. But... he's getting a whole lot of everything. Batman has dominated the DC franchise lately, whether in comics, games, animated movies, and if the rumors are true, the upcoming DCCU series.
Telltale should have taken this chance to explore characters in which other games can't do. In that, their abilities make it so hard to make a gameplay focused game on them. We all know Telltale is more story than gameplay, so they have the perfect format to make a game about other characters. Most notably, Superman.
People toss aside Superman as "OP, boring, and predictable", which is a clear indication they haven't read any actual Superman storylines in their life because he is FAR from that. Sadly, most people are too ignorant to pick up a comic, so a game by Telltale would have had been a perfect chance just to show what a great character he is.
Not just Superman. A game based around the Green Lantern Corps? Sign me the fuck up. A game about the Flash? Making a game based on someone who can move faster than light is hard, but like I said Telltale would have been PERFECT for it. Constantine or Zatanna, maybe the whole Justice League Dark maybe? Intense witchcraft, witty humor, a perfect combination of light and dark? Hell yeah man.
Please not this is not a Batman bash thread. Batman is a great character. The theme that you can rise to be someone great in the face of tragedy is a popular storyline and Batman is one of the few who have done that theme justice. He has had stories that have influenced the entire comic industry (in a good way). He is not a bad character.
But he is seen in so much media it gets annoying. What I said about Batman being a good character is true, but the same can be said for so many other DC characters and yet more and more they get constantly overshadowed because they just want to punch out another Batman title. Which is why you have to see why I find it hard to see this as anything but a cash cow.
Now before you start bashing, I just have to get these points out:
I am not a Telltale hater. I am yet to be disappointed by a Telltale game, and I don't think Batman will be the first. I just think it was a poor choice when they could have done so much more.
I am not a Batman hater, like I stated. I think he is a great character but is getting too much limelight and is overshadowing other characters who deserve screentime
I know how these forums can get (I had a profile during The Walking Dead season 2 release), and try to be respectful. Most of what I've stated is essentially just boiled down to personal opinion, so try to be respectful and not a dick about it.
Thank you
A Teen Titan game by TTG would be promising.
I kind of agree. I'm not really sure how much more you can explore his character since we're basically going to keep rehashing the same ground until someone does something bold with his characterization.
Yes it would have been. Especially since I heard that the live action Teen Titans show was cancelled.
I don't see how it could be a bad thing, as Batman is DC's most popular character, and their most well known. It would make sense to start with one that has the strongest possibility to attract a wide audience.
If this succeeds, it's possible it could lead to Telltale doing games based on other characters from DC Comics. After all, the excellent and well received Batman: The Animated Series led to the creators working on shows that had characters from almost the entire roster of the DC Universe.
To me it is a bad thing because it just ends up overshadowing other DC characters who deserve just as much if not more love than Batman. It doesn't give them the respect they deserve. I hope essentially you are right about Telltale expanding their DC universe if Batman does well. That would be a great thing.
Wowwwwwwwww so funny and original man.
I'm not really hating on Telltale or Batman. If you're just upset because you think I am, actually read the thread please.
The problem with starting with another character for a debut game is that Batman already overshadows the other characters in the eyes of the public. The other heroes in the DC roster don't really sell, outside of comics, where they're already established, unless they're tied to Batman first. It's the reason the new Justice League formation is starting with Batman V. Superman in the cinema. If they're in the same universe as an already established Batman story, people will be more willing to see it. It happened with DCAU, and it will likely happen with the new DC shared universe films (although the verdict is still out on those, as the first film in the series hasn't yet premiered).
Your point that batman is over saturated doesn't really convince me Telltale should've picked something else. I've read the thread. Your acting like the entire focus will be on Batman when the teaser was mainly focusing on the life Bruce Wayne and his struggles of being Batman. Will he be Batman in the game? Very likely, yeah, but it's not the main focus of what Telltale is planning.
As taken from Telltale's description from the Teaser.
I'll admit adding a tasteless dank meme was dumb, but your argument with Batman is their's too much which is kinda of a lame argument, especially since Batman is not the main focus in this series. It's the man behind the cap, Bruce Wayne.
Your point that batman is over saturated doesn't really convince me Telltale should've picked something else. I've read the thread. Your acting like the entire focus will be on Batman when the teaser was mainly focusing on the life of Bruce Wayne and his struggles of being Batman. Will he be Batman in the game? Very likely, yeah, but it's not the main focus of what Telltale is planning.
As taken from Telltale's description from the Teaser.
Your argument with Batman is there is "too much" which is kinda of a lame argument, especially since Batman is not the main focus in this series. It's the man behind the cap, Bruce Wayne.
Not necessarily. Man of Steel was one of the best selling movies of 2013. Green Arrow and Flash have become immensely popular due to the CW shows. Batman is the most popular, yes, but saying that other characters "don't really sell" isn't accurate. And actually the DCCU started with Man of Steel. Batman vs Superman is essentially a sequel but really more of an expansion of the universe. And it is already confirmed with the new DC universe movies, there are solo movies announced for all the Justice League characters.
I honestly doubt that Telltale were even given a choice of any DC character to choose from. WB probably just went up to them, asked if they wanted to partner up again (Because of the success of The Wolf Among Us) and make a Batman game and they said sure.
I could be wrong but I think that this was the likely scenario.
Um, no? A lot of Batman stories focus on the inner demons/struggles of Bruce Wayne and what makes him the Batman. If this a prequel, like Gotham (god forbid its as bad as the show), then that would be more interesting but essentially doesn't change the fact that every DC character has great things behind their character when they are not fighting crime. Plenty of comics to prove it. Choosing Batman out of all the characters still seems more because of money and not story.
Static Shock baby!
I get that your upset that Telltale is choosing a property you didn't want since there's just "too much" Batman, but at least give it a chance before dismissing the idea as a whole. At least in video game iterations we haven't seen much of Bruce Wayne (outside of some tiny segments from Arkham Orgins) wouldn't it be interesting for it to be the other way around. We don't have too much to go off of, but as more details start to emerge I'm sure we'll get something different we haven't seen from any Batman game.
I'd love to see a Static game (although I'd prefer they explore the adult Static from Justice League Unlimited, as that version really seemed like it had potential).
There's rumors of a live action Static series. That definitely has the potential to be good.
I'm not dismissing the idea as a whole. I have immense faith in Telltale. It just would have been nice to see them take on some more under appreciated characters with their talent.
I'll give you that. Batman and Superman are the best selling heroes though, and Batman is the most popular, so out of the two, he's the hero that DC Comics would most likely be willing to license out. It's probably a dip in the water to test how it goes type of deal, I'd assume, since outside of The Wolf Among Us (which Telltale also partnered with DC Comics for, so they technically already have tackled a DC property other than Batman), they're not really known for creating games based on comic book heroes.
I personally would love for Static to be in Injustice 2. Both Him and Beastboy
Let's hope it is and that it leads to more.
I mean sure, but what's done is done. It would of been nice to get another obscure property for Telltale to work on, but I'm more than happy with them tackling a batman game.
Green Arrow!
Yeah it was announced a while ago that there would be a live action Static Shock series. Starring none other than... Jaden Smith.
Gotham season 1 was pretty bad. But season 2 is fantastic so far
Batman is a detective these games involved detecting
“But what if i don't control eletricity, but eletricity controls me?”
Well, there goes my childhood. Time to celebrate the death of my own innocence.
I would love Black Cat game. I would really like to explore her character. I mean, spider man is so overrated, especially spidey x mj. Black Cats deserves more attention.
Black Cat is Marvel. But I guess that means your wish could potentially come true (since Telltale partnered up with Marvel for 2017)
I doubt they'd choose Black Cat. If they do, I'm gonna be super happy. I would also like an open eorld Black Cat game
Sorry but whatever anyone says, superman is boring as hell. He IS op, and the kryptonite thing is just so stupid.
you know what really gets my panties in a bunch
when somebody doesn't even know who owns a hero
Well im excited for this because Batman is my favorite Superhero! (When i was child, my favorite used to be Spiderman) But is your opinion, so i respect it.
you know what pisses me off?
when somebody misread my posts
I never said that Black Cat was a DC property. I said I would like to play as her.
I'm not too well versed with comic franchises (unless you count the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which I like), but from what I know about DC and Marvel, I think that Batman is the strongest DC franchise Telltale could choose that would work will as a Telltale game with a strong narrative. I'm also excited to see what Marvel game they are working on, but back to Batman and DC, I think the moral ambiguity will be pretty fitting for Telltale's type of choice making.
If your main concern was wanting Telltale to work with a smaller and more niche franchise, I think Watchmen could also be an interesting Telltale game from what I've heard/read online about the source material.
Uhm cupcake are you alright? You dont want Batman game becuase Batman is overused and then you write Superman as alternative? Superman is as overused as Batman.
You posted that you wanted to play as black cat on a thread called "Telltale should have chosen another DC Title"
I'm pretty sure I didn't misread anything.
Batman is the best that dc has to offer. why would they choose anything else
I wondered about what they're gonna do with marvel too. Maybe an avengers game where you control all the avengers sorta like in got