What do you think the choices will be?
This thread is where you can predict of what the choices will be. So heres mine:
I think we will get a choice like Break the thug's leg Or Show mercy (you can predict more than one, i just decided to do one)
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Bro, I'm totally breaking that thug's leg XD
I imagine there will be choices similar to TWAU where you pick which location to investigate first.
[Investegate the jewelry store for clues] or [Question Hugo Strange]
Such as.
[Save Alfred] or [Save Dick]
Both will be alive anyway and will treat you differently.
Batman doesn't kill (correct?) so I'd say you can get interactive hook-grapple spots to go to and they'd count as the extra choices. But a main choice could be to chase after, well let's say The Penguin (you have not been forgotten) and The Joker are both being evildoers in separate areas of Arkham. ...You get the gist. I know more people would go after The Joker obviously but hey I tried
I know it is extremely unlikely or downright impossible. But what if we are given the option to Kill? I know it is out of character for Batman, but it is still our choices to do so. What if Telltale gives us the opportunity to decide if we can live up to Batman's mantle and morals by giving us Kill choices?
Telltale can't bend the canon of the comics THAT much. It would fuck all he stands for.
Batman pretty much always leaves all the thugs with broken bones in the canon.
I don't know, but if there's an option to say "I'm Batman." I'm taking it. I'd imagine that a lot of the choices would be similar to what we did in TWAU, where we had to choose to go to a certain place first.
[Slap Robin]
[Don't slap Robin]
You and 100% of the players chose to slap Robin
I know. Like in Arkham knight, Batman one time broke a thug's arm.
I would go after Scarecrow. (If he is a bigger threat than Joker) To me, it depends how big of a threat the villian is.
[Kiss Robin]
[Don't kiss Robin]
This better be the first choice in the game.
One time? Every thug you fight in the arkham games is literally left on the floor with broken bones every time.
Well maybe in this series, that will be our choice to do that or not.
“Robin was a mistake” - Bob Kane.
You know everyone is gonna say that. :P
It's the master ship and whoe else would he be shipped with?
If batman just went around petting every thug, gotham would be on fire. I don't see any other way to disable a thug, batman doesn't always have his batmobile that shoot friendliness rockets.
Literally if you don't disable them then they'll just come back seconds later to stab your back. He's already making it hard for himself by not killing them, leaving them unharmed?
[Justice] or [Batman Justice!]
But on a more realistic note, assuming that we're playing as Bats, what if we had an option where we had to chose between saving the hostages or getting the crucial information? The information could potentially be the only thing to save all of Gotham, or do you pick the people in danger now? [Save the Hostages] or [Save Gotham].
I can also easily imagine Telltale giving us something similar like what they did in Wolf where we have two maybe three villains splitting off and we can only snag one. [Capture Joker] [Capture Scarecrow] [Capture Poison Ivy]
And for those good ol', who do you trust more questions, I bet we're going to see choices like; [Trust Godon] or [Trust Catwoman]. We could see something more on the lines of, [Warn Robin] or [Warn Alfred].
I hope the notification says
(?) You're Batman
Just posted a thread about this. It could work, if it took place in like a "last Batman story ever" scenario.
You and 100% of players shipped Robin and Batman
High Five Robin
Leave Robin Hanging
Although he doesn't kill anyone in the comics, we should really have a choice in the last episode. Like, we catch the villain, but he pulls a gun and shoots someone, and you get the choice
[Kill Him] OR [Disarm Him]
Hopefully Telltale does this. Because I want Batman to KILL.
[Gather info by attemping to solve the Riddler's riddles] [Refuse to play the Riddler's games]
You would probably see
You and 93.5% of the players refused to play Riddler's games.
Well, depending on the situation, you might get an opposite.
I figure a lot of the choices will be a bit like Wolf Among Us where you decide where to go first in Gotham and that affects gameplay, say tackling one villain over another will have consequences - maybe Poison Ivy will have brain washed Robin to do her bidding in one run, or Hush went and captured Catwoman in the other. Two different rescue attempts with different requirements in the next episode.
[Cry about dead parents]
[Cry alot about dead parents]
[Cry just a little bit about dead parents]
[Create a new ocean from your tears from thinking of your dead parents]
No thank you. That would be so out of character!
[Dispose of the bomb where the family of ducks is swimming]
[Keep running]
If you can recall that scene then I appreciate your existence. (If you can't, don't worry I still appreciate you
Bat nipples or no bat nipples.
If you say no bat nipples, you're a liar.
Yeah, I know, but it would be interesting. At least I get to break some bones.
"I want a car! Chicks dig the car!"
[Slap Robin]
[Slap Robin]
[Slap Robin]
Hmmm, perhaps a choice if Batman confronts Catwoman to either get a jewel she stole back from her, be 'persuasive' in a good way, say nothing until she just hands it over or convince her to by threatening her.
That fucking movie...
"This is why Superman works alone"
"Hey Freeze, I'm Batman"
"What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!"
I think I'm gonna love using the silence option in this game. Batman's pretty scary when he doesn't talk.
You and 100% of players said "BECAUSE I'M BATMAN"