Favorite song in the game?
Tough call because I liked them all enough to get them on my ipod except for episode 3's intro song.
That's not to say "pieces of the people we love" isn't good.
i'd have to go with the credits song at the end of the vault of the traveler, "my silver lining". That along with the different style of drawing the characters was a great send off to the first season. One of the best games of the year !
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Retrograde is my favorite, it captured the mood of the intro pretty well. At first I didn't really like it when I played the episode, but when I replayed the song I just fell in love with it. Also lyrics actually make sense for what just happened
Yeah, I agree. One of the best games of the year indeed.
Definitely My Silver Lining. In terms of songs for the game, then the Orchestra version of the Main Theme.
TFTB: To The Top
Borderlands: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
you mean to the top lad
Bitch I got confused with another song, I feel odd now....sorry about dat
Good afternoon everyone:) how are your lives going?
Wrong thread
Yep :P !
Anyway I should respond to this one!
My favourite song is the Galatarium -
Tea Time
Makes me smile just hearing this
enter link description here
One of the most played songs on my phone. It's too catchy.
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked from Borderlands, and Retrograde from Vault of the Traveler.
Episode 5 intro song. Tbh, the Menu screen song was best. Tbvh, none of the songs are up to my expectations, but those are the best ones.
I agree. Retrograde is super special.
I knew Retrograde before I played the episode, which hadn't happened since Busy Earnin'. So when it started I freaked out a little and knew it would be so special and perfect.
But I do think Kiss the Sky was the best for the series. It fit it wonderfully. I'll never forget watching that opening of episode 2 for the first time ever.
Episode 1 intro song.
I really can't decide. They're all just too fucking good omf
Busy Earnin'!
can't get enough!
Sets up the tone of the game perfectly.
My favourtie game song in game when Jesse and Olivia are entering Redstonia
enter link description here
Wrong game.
I love almost all the songs
Busy earnin', kiss the sky, pieces of the people we love, to the top.
Also, there's the song from the episode 1 free trailer - I think it's called "Never let up" but I have no idea where to get it! I tried shazaming but had no luck. Anyone know?
They're all Awesome, But When i First saw the Intro with Kiss the Sky, i had goosebumps everywhere. But, this is no lie, i teared up a Little during the Intro of EP. 4 Because i am a Borderlands Fan since the First Game And i was just so fucking proud of Telltale And gearbox.
I liked the song that was good.
The first intro song is called Busy Earnin'
You missed "my silver lining" the end credits song in episode 5 and some people really like the intro song retrograde too
Saame bruh
I loved them all, but Twin Shadows "To the Top", justed topped the rest of them for me.
RIP Scooter......Step 3, you lucky bastard.
My feelings, the goggles do nothing!
Lol dude, your crazy. That gif makes me laugh so hard, no matter how many times I see it
I'm sorry I wasn't clear - I really like Busy Earnin' - the one I don't know is the one from the trailer announcing episode 1 was free to download. I can't find it anywhere!
Kiss the sky. the second episodes intro
I think Never Let Up is some kind of remix created for the trailer, here's a link to the audio on YT:
I love this one, too
"To the Top" was awesome but then again all of them were great and worked well with the opening credit scenes for each episode.
I know this song was in the game, because of the Spotify list. I love this song with a passion.
enter link description here
Tales From The Borderlands Episode 2 intro/credit song (Kiss the sky)
because why the fuck not?
this song gives me goosebumps along with the intro were rhys and fiona split-up while getting chased by that huge monster thingy 
enter link description here
Ahh yes I remember this in TFTB, I think it's around the bit when Sasha rides Loader Bot and you go after August in ep 3
A tie between "Silver Lining" and "Back to the Top"