Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4 Ending (WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS)

I wanted to start this discussion because I couldn't keep the ending a secret anymore. P.S Episode 4 is out on IOS right now.
At the end of the episode Jesse and Reuben go inside the Wither Storm to destroy the command block and Jesse uses a enchanted diamond sword (you can also choose which diamond tool you want to make) to break the command block, Gabriels/Petras wither sickness gets cured and the end. Jesse breaks the command block and Reuben falls out of the Wither Storm and dies of fall damage, Jesse and the gang become the new order of the stone.
There that is basically what happens at the end of the episode if you want to know more spoilers about the episode then ask me a question in the comments below.



  • So what is the real story of the ORDER OF THE STONE?

  • Could you show an image of reubens death?

  • The order used a command block to make the ender dragon vanish basically they never rlly killed it and thats why Ivor left the order

  • There is a video online showing Reubens death

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Could you show an image of reubens death?

  • Any screenshots/videos of the cure? Or do you know who cured it?

  • I thought the Episode is meant to release on December 22nd?

  • It released early on IOS.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I thought the Episode is meant to release on December 22nd?

  • I watched it online because I don't have a phone. God... that episode destroyed me. Only Telltale could get me to cry about a pig.

  • edited December 2015

    I find the lack of Lukas in some choices disturbing. Man, I'm glad he's my bro in my playthrough.

  • edited December 2015

    Is he cool again if he stays around? Also, is this based on whether or not you gave him the cookie? In the playthrough I watched, he left and only showed up again at the end, looking pissed off. I suppose that means no Lukas on episode 5?

  • They get insta-cured as soon as the Wither Storm is dead.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Any screenshots/videos of the cure? Or do you know who cured it?

  • edited December 2015

    Life is and never will be fair.

    Get used to it.

  • Yeah, he acts as Lukas from episode 1 and 2, and things are based on whether you were friendly towards him or not. I gave him my cookie, I stood up for him to Axel, I thanked him for saving Reuben (went for the amulet), I told him about Gabe's sickness, what else... Oh, I convinced him to stay in the shelter... And I don't know... They might had to do something with him staying because he mentioned he sees us like friends, but I also told him something similar to "You are helping your friends by staying with us and helping." So he stayed.

    And him being pissed off in the end is one of many possibilities. Just sayin', you can be friends with him and he stays, you can be friends with him and he goes, you can be his enemy... etc. At least, that's how I see things. In mine... Let's say I'm proud of my choices :)

    Abeille posted: »

    Is he cool again if he stays around? Also, is this based on whether or not you gave him the cookie? In the playthrough I watched, he left and only showed up again at the end, looking pissed off. I suppose that means no Lukas on episode 5?

  • Well ios users usually get new episodes after all other systems so i guess that's makin up for it

  • That's good to know. I'm really pissed off with what they did to Soren on this episode. No, it is not his fault, it is still Ivor's fault. Oh he just wanted to teach the Order a lesson... By putting the whole world in danger. Yes, yes, that's totally okay because he had good intentions, right? He was the only one wanting to say the truth, right? Well, he wanted to say the truth AFTER he went away with all of the Order's treasures. Am I the only one that forgives Soren, but is still pissed at Ivor?

    Also, is there any way of having Soren along with the other members of the Order in the end of the episode? In the playthrough I watched, the player was somewhat rude to Soren and defensive of Ivor, and after Soren ran away cowardly he didn't show up again. I really, REALLY hated that.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Yeah, he acts as Lukas from episode 1 and 2, and things are based on whether you were friendly towards him or not. I gave him my cookie, I s

  • The episode clears most things with the order but just 2 questions that are unanswered and I doubt we discover the answer in epiosde5 because my guy says so

    Firstly we don't know why Magnus and Ellegaard hated each other so much

    Secondly Soren says he found the command block? You don't just find command blocks?!

    Also this just came to my head when Gabriel hands the amulet to the new order of the stone wouldn't still track the old order?

  • also it never explains how Gabriel/Petras wither sickness is cured

    The episode clears most things with the order but just 2 questions that are unanswered and I doubt we discover the answer in epiosde5 becaus

  • The wither storm was defeated, apart from the destroyed land everything returns to normal including the sickness dissapearing

    also it never explains how Gabriel/Petras wither sickness is cured

  • :x

    It released early on IOS.

  • Not entirely related to the ending, but I started watching a playthrough, and I really have to say, this game actually impresses me more with each consecutive episode. I felt sort of ehhh about it with episode 1, really enjoyed the story tailoring in episode 2, just overall liked episode 3, and so far episode 4 is continuing that trend. It's not my favorite Telltale series (with all due respect to the team behind it, it's still great), but it definitely isn't the worst like some people make it out to be.

  • I have some major issues with episode 4, but overall, I liked the series so far.

    Deltino posted: »

    Not entirely related to the ending, but I started watching a playthrough, and I really have to say, this game actually impresses me more wit

  • I cant wait till episode 5!! I wonder what they will do!! Will it carry on from that day, or will it go to '1 year later' or something xDD and what will happen to Lukas if he doesnt come with uuuu!!

  • I'd expect that he just fades away

    michyxox posted: »

    I cant wait till episode 5!! I wonder what they will do!! Will it carry on from that day, or will it go to '1 year later' or something xDD and what will happen to Lukas if he doesnt come with uuuu!!

  • What issues?

    Abeille posted: »

    I have some major issues with episode 4, but overall, I liked the series so far.

  • Yes, Ivor is still the one that started all of it, but that doesn't erase that Soren is a liar and a coward.

    Abeille posted: »

    That's good to know. I'm really pissed off with what they did to Soren on this episode. No, it is not his fault, it is still Ivor's fault. O

  • Maybe lukas will be the next ivor.

    michyxox posted: »

    I cant wait till episode 5!! I wonder what they will do!! Will it carry on from that day, or will it go to '1 year later' or something xDD and what will happen to Lukas if he doesnt come with uuuu!!

  • I saw this on youtube:
    the groups become the next order and jesse is the leader, Jesse creates a diamond item and enchants it with a command block book and then soren/ivor (not sure who) creates new armors to all the group. Ivor and soren reteat and the gang must be the order of the stone V2 to kill the witherstorm. They get endermans to slow down the witherstorm's attacks. Jesses build something to get into the wither's body by the player choice. Reuben comes in addicently and flys with jesse to the body. Jesses find the command block and when he first hitted it some mutated tentacles summoned on the witherstorm and even some inner heads jesse attacks the command block again and it left only 1 hit then a head gets jesse's sword and pulls it down. reuben helps jesse and then the witherstorm bite him when he get the sword. reuben dies and jesse must finish the wither storm then jesse hit the command block then a big boom happens. reuben dies and petra got her mind back. 1 week ago then they were in the funeral of reuben and then the new order annouced. jesse must say a winning speech by the players choice and then gabriel comes and annouce the NEW ORDER: Jesse the marksman,Petra the barbarian,Axel the assassin And oliva the mercenary. Then he gives jesse a new amulet and then THE STORYS END! But ivor angrys a little on jesse and lukas too. POSSIBLE TEAMUP AT EP 5?

  • Its already on Android and it is friggin awesome

  • edited December 2015

    Everybody in the Order are liars, including Ivor. Ivor agreed to keep quiet in exchange for the Order's treasures. He got what he wanted, and even so, he went and did what he did. I think he is the worst of them all because of that.

    But yes, Soren is a coward. Which is strange, since he hadn't been a coward before. He went and helped building the distractions for the Wither Storm, he wanted to help the Endermen when they were walking towards the Wither Storm and Jesse had to convince him to run, and then suddenly he didn't want to help the Endermen or the gang and just ran away. This inconsistency is one of the issues I have with this episode.

    Yes, Ivor is still the one that started all of it, but that doesn't erase that Soren is a liar and a coward.

  • Why do I feel like the Wither storm plot line concluded an episode early?

  • My biggest issue was Soren running away out of nowhere, since he didn't run away voluntarily before. In fact, when he saw the Endermen walking towards the Wither Storm, he wanted to stay and Jesse had to convince him to leave. It doesn't seem consistent. He could at least had been hit or at least almost hit by the Wither Storm so that would scare him and he would run. It was not consistent with his earlier scenes to run simply because not all Endermen were removing the blocks, as he didn't run before on the scene I mentioned even though he didn't know that's what the Endermen were doing back then.

    My other issue is Reuben dropping a porkchop, as he is too small to be an adult pig and baby pigs don't drop anything. It also seemed like a mean spirited joke to make him drop a porkchop. Besides, I think the "killing the pet" trope is cheesy and overused and I was hoping they wouldn't go there. You might know that trope as "Dog Dies At The End" (a pig that often behaves like a dog on Reuben's case). But then again, this game is a lot like old family movies so this is no surprise, as this trope was widely used in this kind of movie.

    The playthrough I watched had some very annoying bugs, like the tractor beam not being visible when Jesse was running around the Endermen. Lip sync was also pretty bad in many scenes. At least Ivor's chin and Lukas were not blinking in and out of existence like in previous episodes, so there's that.

    Other than that, I'm fine with it. The other characters behaved in character, and you are given the choice to either keep blaming Ivor and calling him a madman, which would be my choice, or being like "Oh ok, you created a monster in the middle of a full convention and almost caused the destruction of the entire world, but you just wanted to teach the order a lesson because they lied about killing a dragon, so that's fine". I kinda expected a bigger thing to be the cause of the conflict between the members of the Order, but I'm okay with the reason in the end. I still want to know what Soren meant when he said that all of them turned on him, but we still have one episode to go, so maybe we get more answers.

    What issues?

  • Do choices matter?

  • reuben dies??? I WANT MY MONEY BACK

  • OMG i just played episode 4 and its amazingggg!! And I didn't even die ONCE!! :D its so sad though...

  • I would like to know if there is a choice that does not lead to Reuben's death. Please-please.

  • Fortunately all the episodes flew by real fast

  • This is my video about Episode 4 Ending. Reuben death ):

    Can't wait for Episode 5 !

  • I do too, feel like after the formida bomb failure taht the wither storm was no longing an actual threat, with Ivor working with us I feel like there is nothing to fight against

    Why do I feel like the Wither storm plot line concluded an episode early?

  • Idk, if there is one, I used a potion of leaping but I swear he jumped with me instead of grabbing me right before I was about jump, also if he grabbed my leg how would I jump high enough? Wouldn't you stop mid-run up before the jump?

    verunder posted: »

    I would like to know if there is a choice that does not lead to Reuben's death. Please-please.

  • Oh, about Soren running away. He will run away no matter what I guess, I was hoping for Lukas to convince him (so taking him with you to the finale will change many thing), like an architect will listen to another one, but no. And I didn't see Soren in the end, only the one we didn't take the armor from, Gabriel and Ivor.

    Yes, all of the members of the order lied, but Ivor never wanted to. Yes, he's a fool for not thinking what might happen if he couldn't control the Storm. Soren... Him running away surprised me, because he never acted like a coward before, just like you said. Ivor technically never told us the truth about the order, Jesse found out on his/her own. But, yeah...

    Just like ep3 changed Lukas, ep4 changed Soren. Luckly Lukas is now Lukas (choices matter), and we might find out what's up with Soren in the last episode. Ivor, I really like him, that's why I might sound like I'm defending him or if I sound like that at all. He's in my top 3, after Lukas and Olivia of course.

    Abeille posted: »

    Everybody in the Order are liars, including Ivor. Ivor agreed to keep quiet in exchange for the Order's treasures. He got what he wanted, an

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