I'm pretty sure there's a Star Wars movie coming out next year but not a main one, and same here, I was too young to see the other movies so… more I'm glad I got to experience the premier for Episode VII with my friends and other Star Wars fans, so much laughter and nostalgia lol
I get the whole Kylo is a loser complaint, but the reason I think it works is that the film accepts it and that's kind of the point of the character. He knew he could never be as great as Vader, that he was a poor mans Darth Vader. His desire to be that "great" coupled with how he was a complete psychopath is what makes him so dangerous and such a great villain imo.
Agree that Snoke was super lame however, they need to work on him a lot before the next one.
A LOT of people have brought up the resemblance between this and A New Hope, but many felt that it was them playing it safe and giving peopl… moree what they wanted
Definition of almost all of Disney's sequels LOL.
A bunch of people have praised Kylo Ren (Including me) for being humanized. He's not emotionless like Darth Vader. You can see that he throws temper tantrums, he cries, he shows emotion.
I like emotion, but I have seen emotional teenage girls that didn't seem as bitchy as him- maybe it's the actor, but he didn't seem badass yet he didn't seem "humanized" either, he seemed like a plot device IN MY OPINION (Don't gang on me forum pls)
Snoke will more than likely be given more explaining in later sequels. And how does he look like a larger version of The Thing lol? One's a rock monster and another is a giant Smeagol.
Oh...he kind of looked like a Rock Monster lol, I had to look up Smeagol but yeah, he does look like that- a giant one
Man, Chewie's reaction just crushed me inside (cheered out loud when he shot him), as well as the fact that they named Kylo Ben. Plus how Han touched Kylo's face. The feels
At that scene, I knew it was either one or the other that would go, my friend told me that he felt a death coming as soon as Han and Chewie split up ;-;
Man, Chewie's reaction just crushed me inside (cheered out loud when he shot him), as well as the fact that they named Kylo Ben. Plus how Han touched Kylo's face. The feels
Just got back from it. So the thoughts are fresh. Great story telling done very well! The treatment of the old cast may offend some longtime fans. Though those who were on Mr Fords side about the fate of Han Solo during the OG Trillogy, should be pleased. The rest of us are at best feeling hurt by the choice to (spoiler here) kill Han:( It just felt contrived to me. Its interesting to note the new cast is awsome and I feel could have done this film by themselves! What was the point of making us watch Han die! Dick move movie! dick move! Still loved it but damn. Then the whole R2 in "sleep mode" BS Chewy misses the laser bolt shot of his life. The mere fact 3po is still .... pointless! Also the new deathstar may have. been Endor proper,you know the one with the "forrest moon". So longtime fans may come off this movie like their childhood just died! All that said still better than it has any right to be a cash grab#TRUTH. Go see it and complain for yourself old timers! Just mind that PG 13 rating the grit is real with this one! May the force be with you!
Unfortunately, I don't think anyone was going to get in Harrison's way of finally getting Han Solo killed off. But thank goodness, that they did it in one of the best ways possible. They made Han extremely likable in this movie from the start, and he was a central character all the way through!
And the overhead shot on the bridge, of Han falling into the unknown abyss. Was such a tragic sendoff. J.J. worked with what he had, and he did it impeccably.
My biggest disappointment: The über weapon... the concept was meh (sun powered, hyper beam weapon, fire and forget planetary tracking...???) and again, foiled by a few explosives and a ship shooting at a "critical" component.... that was pure BS.
He didn't die for nothing. He died because he wanted to prove to Ben that he was still his son and was not yet too far gone. I think he did sacrifice himself for something. He sacrificed himself for the hope that one day, his son would come home.
Meh, I'm disappointed that he died for nothing- literally, nothing.
Harrison Ford aside, the movie overall disappointed me and I'm surprised that people hate the prequels but not this.
Man, Chewie's reaction just crushed me inside (cheered out loud when he shot him), as well as the fact that they named Kylo Ben. Plus how Han touched Kylo's face. The feels
He didn't die for nothing. He died because he wanted to prove to Ben that he was still his son and was not yet too far gone. I think he did sacrifice himself for something. He sacrificed himself for the hope that one day, his son would come home.
Ehh, he could have done that without killing himself- I just saw it has Harrison Ford getting what he wanted, an event mirroring to the mentor deaths in the beginning of the Prequel and Original trilogies, and an excuse for the audience to be sad. This might sound harsh but anyone who couldn't tell Solo was gonna die when he yelled "BEN" and walked out is probably a 5 year-old.
WHY AM I SOUNDING SO HARSH!? I didn't like it but I feel like I'm kind of being a douche to people here...
He didn't die for nothing. He died because he wanted to prove to Ben that he was still his son and was not yet too far gone. I think he did sacrifice himself for something. He sacrificed himself for the hope that one day, his son would come home.
I liked it, I thought it was a well executed Star Wars film. I have some issues but it's just nice to see Star Wars go back to being a fun, gritty space opera/adventure again.
The film certainly is getting a lot of polarizing opinions and I fear the film is just going to cause an even bigger divide between fanbases.
I think the biggest strength in the movie for me, was the characters. I care more about Rey, Finn, Poe, the original trio and some other characters, more than I ever did with the prequel characters.
I liked it, I thought it was a well executed Star Wars film. I have some issues but it's just nice to see Star Wars go back to being a fun, … moregritty space opera/adventure again.
The film certainly is getting a lot of polarizing opinions and I fear the film is just going to cause an even bigger divide between fanbases.
Oh yeah, what matters here are the characters and the storytelling and I thought it was handled incredibly well in Force Awakens. I keep saying nowadays that if A New Hope was released now, it would get about as much criticisms and polarizing opinions as Force Awakens whenever it comes to its characters and storytelling.
Of course, I keep hearing that Phantom Menace got a positive reception when it first came out but then gradually became one of the most disappointing things in cinema history as time went on and I'm not sure if Force Awakens will or will not get the same treatment.
I can guarantee that Force Awakens might get the same kind of cult following the prequel trilogy mustered over time if kids see this film in the same way people were kids when they saw The Phantom Menace.
I think the biggest strength in the movie for me, was the characters. I care more about Rey, Finn, Poe, the original trio and some other characters, more than I ever did with the prequel characters.
There has been some criticism from some viewers about the lightsaber battle between Kylo Ren and Rey. There was the complaint that it was unrealistic because if Rey never had lightsaber training then why was she able to go toe to toe with Kylo Ren? I think there are flaws in that complaint.
Rey is force sensitive and it does effect her dueling performance reflex wise;that's why Finn didn't last long against Ren because he wasn't force sensitive
Kylo Ren was injured by Chewbacca's bow caster bolt after he killed Han. Kylo Ren was in a weak condition during the duel. Note when he was pounding his side.
Those critics focused so much about how Rey had no lightsaber training but never really questioned whether or not Kylo Ren had any lightsaber training or experience with lightsabers. Overall there is no Jedi in the galaxy left other than Luke Skywalker. So its likely that he had little to no experience in dueling. Throughout the movie Kylo was reckless with his lightsaber; using it to smash monitors and so on. Darth Vader would never do that. Darth Vader (not prequels Anakin) was cool headed and stoic while using a lightsaber in any duel and Kylo Ren was emotionally reckless during the duel and Rey on the other hand was cool headed. That explains why Snoke wanted to train Ren later on so he can teach him to control his anger properly.
Rey might of not had lightsaber training but she had experience in melee combat (her staff). Remember when she took down those three thugs all by herself with her staff?
Those critics focused so much about how Rey had no lightsaber training but never really questioned whether or not Kylo Ren had any lightsaber training or experience with lightsabers. Overall there is no Jedi in the galaxy left other than Luke Skywalker. So its likely that he had little to no experience in dueling. Throughout the movie Kylo was reckless with his lightsaber; using it to smash monitors and so on. Darth Vader would never do that. Darth Vader (not prequels Anakin) was cool headed and stoic while using a lightsaber in any duel and Kylo Ren was emotionally reckless during the duel and Rey on the other hand was cool headed. That explains why Snoke wanted to train Ren later on so he can teach him to control his anger properly.
I wonder why critic never think of these kind of things, coming to their own conclusions.
And I don't want. It's another try to pull money out of your pocket, this Star Wars fever. Solo and Leia are way too old, Luke looks like Jabba and there's a poor copy of Vader with silly sword. New young characters look dull, one is black because... pc probably. Nah. There are three parts of Star Wars - "A New Hope", The Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi". No more.
Although I can see parallels to all of the over movies, especially A New Hope. Trench run, Death Star, mentor dying, droid with important data, and Han's death and Ren vs. Finn and Rey. Those scenes had Qui-Gon's death in TPM, Luke vs. Vader in TESB and ROTJ, and Obi-Wan vs. Anakin in ROTS.
It was still really good, and the good outweighed the bad.
I would say that parrales with New Hope were intentional, but they managed to create new story. Important thing is that they cant give us everything in one movie becuase then episodes VII and IX wouldnt hava anything to feature.
Okay so that was Nien Nunb! I knew Ackbar was there, but I thought the sullustan could be anybody. Good to know he's still with the resistance. I wonder where Lando is though?
I'm kind of split on how I thought it was. It's a good looking movie, and the characters/ acting were pretty good as well. It was Star Wars. On the other hand, there were some bad aspects of it, in my opinion. It did a massive recycling of the plot from the original three movies, and it was painfully obvious to the extent that it kind of took me out of the story at times. The vast majority of the plot was a reflection of "A New Hope", and some parts of "Return of the Jedi" as well. I mean really, the movie starts off with a droid that is carrying vital information narrowly escaping a surprise attack from some evil faction led by a dark lord looking for that information. After realizing that the droid had escaped, a huge search was started. The droid then just so happened to stumble into possession of a Skywalker, who at the moment did not understand how strong she was with the Force. She didn't even know that her father was a Jedi. The evil faction then tracked down the droid, and Skywalker escaped the planet on the Millennium Falcon (with the help of someone else, of course). Han Solo and Chewbaca are more or less met at the same time, and they joined in on the mission to get the droid's data back to the "resistance". Shortly after, the resistance finds out that the "New Order" (evil faction, whats left of the Empire from the original movies) has a super weapon that can blow planets up, and that their base of operations is the next target. They understand that time is short, and that they have to destroy the weapon. Luckily they just so happen to have the blue prints of said weapon, and they quickly flesh out a plan to go fly in and destroy it at the last minute. All of these events from "The Force Awakens" are directly from a "New Hope", with some added detail. I don't mean to sound like I'm being overly critical, because I did enjoy it, but I really wish more effort would have been put into coming up with an original story. It seems like the makers of the film were basing the potential success of their movie off of the success and love for the originals. Even aside from the plot, there were a ton of little nods to the old movies.. which by itself I think would have been cool, but again, it just seems like this movie was completely based upon the love for the old movies.
All of that said, hopefully the next movie(s) can be a little more original, because there is definitely potential.
The new characters are great. You have no idea how much or little the "old" characters are in it. Kylo Ren is brilliant, and his silly sword is part of his back story. This film is great and a worthy new entry to the Star Wars universe. Infact it is probably my favourite of all. I'd give it a try before you shut it down, I think you'd enjoy it!
I. Did not.
And I don't want. It's another try to pull money out of your pocket, this Star Wars fever. Solo and Leia are way too old, Luk… moree looks like Jabba and there's a poor copy of Vader with silly sword. New young characters look dull, one is black because... pc probably. Nah. There are three parts of Star Wars - "A New Hope", The Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi". No more.
Solo and Leia aren't riding off of the fame they had in the previous Star Wars films. Yes it's great to have them back, but the thing about them is that they have strong relevancy to the film. They're not there because "Oh remember me I'm the badass smuggler." Not. At. All.
The new characters are awesome man. You gotta give it a chance, don't be one of those guys that won't see it for nostalgia purposes. I understand you will always love the original, but don't undermine this great film.
I. Did not.
And I don't want. It's another try to pull money out of your pocket, this Star Wars fever. Solo and Leia are way too old, Luk… moree looks like Jabba and there's a poor copy of Vader with silly sword. New young characters look dull, one is black because... pc probably. Nah. There are three parts of Star Wars - "A New Hope", The Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi". No more.
I don't think Han Solo was much of a mentor. More like a great friend because Rey didn't any form of mentoring. What did he teach Rey? The mentor is going to be Luke Skywalker in the next films. The villain was really well fleshed out because he has reason. He has more backstory. I do admit that he was very whiny, but this is only the beginning. There are going to be more films later on that are going to flesh him out even more, and may even reveal some more stuff to us.
Yea, I hate him for what happened. I'm literally praying that Solo survived somehow, even though it's most likely not the case. All I could say is: DAMN IT BEN U WHINY SHIT!
I love both JeremyJahns, Chris and Boogie's opinion about the movie.
Actually their opinions, made me understand Kylo Ren's character. Although I will never forgive him for what he did.
I saw it yesterday and absolutely loved it. Yes at times, it did feel a little too much like A New Hope, but at the same time, it still felt original and brought something new to it, even if it was taking influence from the older Star Wars movies. For example, BB8 is kind of like a new R2-D2, but at the same time, he's not a carbon copy of him and adds something fresh to the franchise, and he can actually be funny without being annoying (Jar Jar).
I thought the characters were great, and the chemistry between them was genuine and you actually cared about them. The action scenes were great, especially the fight in the forest between Kylo Ren and Rey. While I liked the fights in the Prequels, they were too choreographed and flashy, while here, it felt like the old Star Wars again, which I liked. Speaking of old Star Wars, I loved the how they incorporated old characters or references to the original trilogy in the movie. It didn't just feel like it was fan service or relying on people's nostalgia, they actually contributed to the plot and played a big role in the movie, and that was something I was worried about going in. They didn't just make Han the same old Han from the originals, they added more to his character, he's clearly hurt by what happened to his son, as was Leia, but both dealt with it in different ways, and I thought that it was great.
Overall, my second favorite Star Wars movie (behind Empire Strikes Back), I'd rate it a 9/10.
I don't think Han Solo was much of a mentor. More like a great friend because Rey didn't any form of mentoring. What did he teach Rey? The mentor is going to be Luke Skywalker in the next films.
"Mentor" might be the wrong word but basically the father figure they all dramatically yell "NOOOO" when they're killed (Just like how Liam Neeson and Obi Wan were)
The villain was really well fleshed out because he has reason. He has more backstory. I do admit that he was very whiny, but this is only the beginning. There are going to be more films later on that are going to flesh him out even more, and may even reveal some more stuff to us.
"Reason"? I wouldn't call that "reason" YET, as you said, we'll see that later but it seemed like this was his once a month fit... I'm calling it right here,right now- Next one he'll be all big and bad and kill some other important character and by the end of the trilogy he'll die trying to redeem himself in the last 10 minutes and the characters and audience will act like they care about his death- Idk if it was the actor or what but he really seemed BITCHY- I usually like movies like this but for some reason I couldn't like this.
I don't think Han Solo was much of a mentor. More like a great friend because Rey didn't any form of mentoring. What did he teach Rey? The m… moreentor is going to be Luke Skywalker in the next films. The villain was really well fleshed out because he has reason. He has more backstory. I do admit that he was very whiny, but this is only the beginning. There are going to be more films later on that are going to flesh him out even more, and may even reveal some more stuff to us.
I don't think Han Solo was much of a mentor. More like a great friend because Rey didn't any form of mentoring. What did he teach Rey? The m… moreentor is going to be Luke Skywalker in the next films.
"Mentor" might be the wrong word but basically the father figure they all dramatically yell "NOOOO" when they're killed (Just like how Liam Neeson and Obi Wan were)
The villain was really well fleshed out because he has reason. He has more backstory. I do admit that he was very whiny, but this is only the beginning. There are going to be more films later on that are going to flesh him out even more, and may even reveal some more stuff to us.
"Reason"? I wouldn't call that "reason" YET, as you said, we'll see that later but it seemed like this was his once a month fit... I'm calling it right here,right now- Next one he'll be all big and bad and kill some other important character and by the end of the trilogy he'll die trying to r… [view original content]
I said Father Figure because Neeson was Obi Wan's master, Obi-Wan kind of was to Luke I guess, and they kept mentioning Han as being "the father Rey never had". I guess Idol is a better word though.
At first when they said he was Han's son I was like "Oh shit, this guy's gonna be a pussy" and then when he took the mask off I was like "He's not interesting to me anymore, someone kill this PMSing bitch please". I might be overly harsh on the guy but he just isn't intimidating to me yet he doesn't seem like a fully fleshed out character either.
Father figure doesn't seem right either. Maybe idol?
I do admit that his face reveal made him seem like a spoiled rich kid that cries whenever he doesn't get what he wants.
Look at the bright side, if the General Hux dude could have found that little wounded bitch Ben in that forest area and escaped with him before the planet blew up- Then Han could have easily survived with that logic
Aye, the lightsaber fight in this movie was sooo emotional like in the original trilogy. You can just feel the weight and emotions behind those lightsabers clashes. I love it!
Great movie. Great characters, humour, banter, everything really.
It was funny how it only took about ten minutes for me to realize this was a lot better than the prequels. It was when Poe and Finn were fleeing the First Order and they immediately and naturally formed a bromance - something the prequels couldn't do in three goddamn movies. :S
Yeah it's called Star Wars: Rogue One. It's going to be about the team of Rebels that stole the plans for the Death Star just before A New Hope.
I get the whole Kylo is a loser complaint, but the reason I think it works is that the film accepts it and that's kind of the point of the character. He knew he could never be as great as Vader, that he was a poor mans Darth Vader. His desire to be that "great" coupled with how he was a complete psychopath is what makes him so dangerous and such a great villain imo.
Agree that Snoke was super lame however, they need to work on him a lot before the next one.
Man, Chewie's reaction just crushed me inside (cheered out loud when he shot him), as well as the fact that they named Kylo Ben. Plus how Han touched Kylo's face. The feels
I didn't think I was going to see the Premier of a movie in 2016 but I guess I'm wrong..
That moment was filled with love, even in the face of death and despair ;-;
Just got back from it. So the thoughts are fresh. Great story telling done very well! The treatment of the old cast may offend some longtime fans. Though those who were on Mr Fords side about the fate of Han Solo during the OG Trillogy, should be pleased. The rest of us are at best feeling hurt by the choice to (spoiler here) kill Han:( It just felt contrived to me. Its interesting to note the new cast is awsome and I feel could have done this film by themselves! What was the point of making us watch Han die! Dick move movie! dick move! Still loved it but damn. Then the whole R2 in "sleep mode" BS Chewy misses the laser bolt shot of his life. The mere fact 3po is still .... pointless! Also the new deathstar may have. been Endor proper,you know the one with the "forrest moon". So longtime fans may come off this movie like their childhood just died! All that said still better than it has any right to be a cash grab#TRUTH. Go see it and complain for yourself old timers! Just mind that PG 13 rating the grit is real with this one! May the force be with you!
Unfortunately, I don't think anyone was going to get in Harrison's way of finally getting Han Solo killed off. But thank goodness, that they did it in one of the best ways possible. They made Han extremely likable in this movie from the start, and he was a central character all the way through!
And the overhead shot on the bridge, of Han falling into the unknown abyss. Was such a tragic sendoff. J.J. worked with what he had, and he did it impeccably.
8/10 "Too much Nostalgia"
My biggest disappointment: The über weapon... the concept was meh (sun powered, hyper beam weapon, fire and forget planetary tracking...???) and again, foiled by a few explosives and a ship shooting at a "critical" component.... that was pure BS.
Han totally shot first. Right? ....RIGHT?!
He didn't die for nothing. He died because he wanted to prove to Ben that he was still his son and was not yet too far gone. I think he did sacrifice himself for something. He sacrificed himself for the hope that one day, his son would come home.
This scene was utter gold. I honestly think the best line in the entire goddamn movie is just Han Solo shouting "BEN!"
Oh man, when he fell over I almost just bawled right in the cinema :P
Dramatic music, a sudden revelation!
"Misa Darth Plague is."
Ehh, he could have done that without killing himself- I just saw it has Harrison Ford getting what he wanted, an event mirroring to the mentor deaths in the beginning of the Prequel and Original trilogies, and an excuse for the audience to be sad. This might sound harsh but anyone who couldn't tell Solo was gonna die when he yelled "BEN" and walked out is probably a 5 year-old.
WHY AM I SOUNDING SO HARSH!? I didn't like it but I feel like I'm kind of being a douche to people here...
I have to wait until January since it won't get to my local theater until then.
I liked it, I thought it was a well executed Star Wars film. I have some issues but it's just nice to see Star Wars go back to being a fun, gritty space opera/adventure again.
The film certainly is getting a lot of polarizing opinions and I fear the film is just going to cause an even bigger divide between fanbases.
I think the biggest strength in the movie for me, was the characters. I care more about Rey, Finn, Poe, the original trio and some other characters, more than I ever did with the prequel characters.
Oh yeah, what matters here are the characters and the storytelling and I thought it was handled incredibly well in Force Awakens. I keep saying nowadays that if A New Hope was released now, it would get about as much criticisms and polarizing opinions as Force Awakens whenever it comes to its characters and storytelling.
Of course, I keep hearing that Phantom Menace got a positive reception when it first came out but then gradually became one of the most disappointing things in cinema history as time went on and I'm not sure if Force Awakens will or will not get the same treatment.
I can guarantee that Force Awakens might get the same kind of cult following the prequel trilogy mustered over time if kids see this film in the same way people were kids when they saw The Phantom Menace.
There has been some criticism from some viewers about the lightsaber battle between Kylo Ren and Rey. There was the complaint that it was unrealistic because if Rey never had lightsaber training then why was she able to go toe to toe with Kylo Ren? I think there are flaws in that complaint.
Rey is force sensitive and it does effect her dueling performance reflex wise;that's why Finn didn't last long against Ren because he wasn't force sensitive
Kylo Ren was injured by Chewbacca's bow caster bolt after he killed Han. Kylo Ren was in a weak condition during the duel. Note when he was pounding his side.
Those critics focused so much about how Rey had no lightsaber training but never really questioned whether or not Kylo Ren had any lightsaber training or experience with lightsabers. Overall there is no Jedi in the galaxy left other than Luke Skywalker. So its likely that he had little to no experience in dueling. Throughout the movie Kylo was reckless with his lightsaber; using it to smash monitors and so on. Darth Vader would never do that. Darth Vader (not prequels Anakin) was cool headed and stoic while using a lightsaber in any duel and Kylo Ren was emotionally reckless during the duel and Rey on the other hand was cool headed. That explains why Snoke wanted to train Ren later on so he can teach him to control his anger properly.
Rey might of not had lightsaber training but she had experience in melee combat (her staff). Remember when she took down those three thugs all by herself with her staff?
I wonder why critic never think of these kind of things, coming to their own conclusions.
I. Did not.
And I don't want. It's another try to pull money out of your pocket, this Star Wars fever. Solo and Leia are way too old, Luke looks like Jabba and there's a poor copy of Vader with silly sword. New young characters look dull, one is black because... pc probably. Nah. There are three parts of Star Wars - "A New Hope", The Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi". No more.
Great movie, I really enjoyed.
Although I can see parallels to all of the over movies, especially A New Hope. Trench run, Death Star, mentor dying, droid with important data, and Han's death and Ren vs. Finn and Rey. Those scenes had Qui-Gon's death in TPM, Luke vs. Vader in TESB and ROTJ, and Obi-Wan vs. Anakin in ROTS.
It was still really good, and the good outweighed the bad.
And Nieb Numb and Admiral Ackbar were in it!
I would say that parrales with New Hope were intentional, but they managed to create new story. Important thing is that they cant give us everything in one movie becuase then episodes VII and IX wouldnt hava anything to feature.
Okay so that was Nien Nunb! I knew Ackbar was there, but I thought the sullustan could be anybody. Good to know he's still with the resistance. I wonder where Lando is though?
I'm kind of split on how I thought it was. It's a good looking movie, and the characters/ acting were pretty good as well. It was Star Wars. On the other hand, there were some bad aspects of it, in my opinion. It did a massive recycling of the plot from the original three movies, and it was painfully obvious to the extent that it kind of took me out of the story at times. The vast majority of the plot was a reflection of "A New Hope", and some parts of "Return of the Jedi" as well. I mean really, the movie starts off with a droid that is carrying vital information narrowly escaping a surprise attack from some evil faction led by a dark lord looking for that information. After realizing that the droid had escaped, a huge search was started. The droid then just so happened to stumble into possession of a Skywalker, who at the moment did not understand how strong she was with the Force. She didn't even know that her father was a Jedi. The evil faction then tracked down the droid, and Skywalker escaped the planet on the Millennium Falcon (with the help of someone else, of course). Han Solo and Chewbaca are more or less met at the same time, and they joined in on the mission to get the droid's data back to the "resistance". Shortly after, the resistance finds out that the "New Order" (evil faction, whats left of the Empire from the original movies) has a super weapon that can blow planets up, and that their base of operations is the next target. They understand that time is short, and that they have to destroy the weapon. Luckily they just so happen to have the blue prints of said weapon, and they quickly flesh out a plan to go fly in and destroy it at the last minute. All of these events from "The Force Awakens" are directly from a "New Hope", with some added detail. I don't mean to sound like I'm being overly critical, because I did enjoy it, but I really wish more effort would have been put into coming up with an original story. It seems like the makers of the film were basing the potential success of their movie off of the success and love for the originals. Even aside from the plot, there were a ton of little nods to the old movies.. which by itself I think would have been cool, but again, it just seems like this movie was completely based upon the love for the old movies.
All of that said, hopefully the next movie(s) can be a little more original, because there is definitely potential.
The new characters are great. You have no idea how much or little the "old" characters are in it. Kylo Ren is brilliant, and his silly sword is part of his back story. This film is great and a worthy new entry to the Star Wars universe. Infact it is probably my favourite of all. I'd give it a try before you shut it down, I think you'd enjoy it!
Solo and Leia aren't riding off of the fame they had in the previous Star Wars films. Yes it's great to have them back, but the thing about them is that they have strong relevancy to the film. They're not there because "Oh remember me I'm the badass smuggler." Not. At. All.
The new characters are awesome man. You gotta give it a chance, don't be one of those guys that won't see it for nostalgia purposes. I understand you will always love the original, but don't undermine this great film.
I don't think Han Solo was much of a mentor. More like a great friend because Rey didn't any form of mentoring. What did he teach Rey? The mentor is going to be Luke Skywalker in the next films. The villain was really well fleshed out because he has reason. He has more backstory. I do admit that he was very whiny, but this is only the beginning. There are going to be more films later on that are going to flesh him out even more, and may even reveal some more stuff to us.
People should watch this review by Chris.
enter link description here
I love both JeremyJahns, Chris and Boogie's opinion about the movie.
Actually their opinions, made me understand Kylo Ren's character. Although I will never forgive him for what he did.
Yea, I hate him for what happened. I'm literally praying that Solo survived somehow, even though it's most likely not the case. All I could say is: DAMN IT BEN U WHINY SHIT!
I saw it yesterday and absolutely loved it. Yes at times, it did feel a little too much like A New Hope, but at the same time, it still felt original and brought something new to it, even if it was taking influence from the older Star Wars movies. For example, BB8 is kind of like a new R2-D2, but at the same time, he's not a carbon copy of him and adds something fresh to the franchise, and he can actually be funny without being annoying (Jar Jar).
I thought the characters were great, and the chemistry between them was genuine and you actually cared about them. The action scenes were great, especially the fight in the forest between Kylo Ren and Rey. While I liked the fights in the Prequels, they were too choreographed and flashy, while here, it felt like the old Star Wars again, which I liked. Speaking of old Star Wars, I loved the how they incorporated old characters or references to the original trilogy in the movie. It didn't just feel like it was fan service or relying on people's nostalgia, they actually contributed to the plot and played a big role in the movie, and that was something I was worried about going in. They didn't just make Han the same old Han from the originals, they added more to his character, he's clearly hurt by what happened to his son, as was Leia, but both dealt with it in different ways, and I thought that it was great.
Overall, my second favorite Star Wars movie (behind Empire Strikes Back), I'd rate it a 9/10.
"Mentor" might be the wrong word but basically the father figure they all dramatically yell "NOOOO" when they're killed (Just like how Liam Neeson and Obi Wan were)
"Reason"? I wouldn't call that "reason" YET, as you said, we'll see that later but it seemed like this was his once a month fit... I'm calling it right here,right now- Next one he'll be all big and bad and kill some other important character and by the end of the trilogy he'll die trying to redeem himself in the last 10 minutes and the characters and audience will act like they care about his death- Idk if it was the actor or what but he really seemed BITCHY- I usually like movies like this but for some reason I couldn't like this.
Father figure doesn't seem right either. Maybe idol?
I do admit that his face reveal made him seem like a spoiled rich kid that cries whenever he doesn't get what he wants.
I said Father Figure because Neeson was Obi Wan's master, Obi-Wan kind of was to Luke I guess, and they kept mentioning Han as being "the father Rey never had". I guess Idol is a better word though.
At first when they said he was Han's son I was like "Oh shit, this guy's gonna be a pussy" and then when he took the mask off I was like "He's not interesting to me anymore, someone kill this PMSing bitch please". I might be overly harsh on the guy but he just isn't intimidating to me yet he doesn't seem like a fully fleshed out character either.
Look at the bright side, if the General Hux dude could have found that little wounded bitch Ben in that forest area and escaped with him before the planet blew up- Then Han could have easily survived with that logic
Well...I guess this is unrelated but for the hell of it- Which trailers were shown in your theater before the movie started?
For me, some Pixar movie and the Captain America: Civil War trailers were shown.
Aye, the lightsaber fight in this movie was sooo emotional like in the original trilogy. You can just feel the weight and emotions behind those lightsabers clashes. I love it!
Great movie. Great characters, humour, banter, everything really.
It was funny how it only took about ten minutes for me to realize this was a lot better than the prequels. It was when Poe and Finn were fleeing the First Order and they immediately and naturally formed a bromance - something the prequels couldn't do in three goddamn movies. :S