Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4 Ending (WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS)



  • Ivor never wanted to lie... I don't know.

    It seems, based on what Soren says and on what Ivor says to Gabriel, that they had a deal. The rest of the Order got the fame, and Ivor got their treasures, all in exchange of their silence. It seems that at some point after agreeing with it Ivor decided that either the fame was too much for them or that their treasures were not enough for him, thus deciding to teach the Order a lesson. That's what I gathered from the whole situation at least. I hope we will get more answers regarding exactly what happened between them on the next episode.

    I wonder where did Soren go now, too. I hope he didn't just vanish from the game. I still really like him, even after everything.

  • Me too. I can't expect it to end too early. Lukas is still angry thought...

  • Yeah, love Soren too! He's a really funny and interesting character, was at least... The fight between him and Ivor gave more drama, which I liked.

    Now, thinking of Ivor keeping the treasures in exchange for silence, he is greedy. My thought is that he thought the fame was too much for the order, just like you said.

    Well, we hopefully find out where Soren got to.

    Abeille posted: »

    Ivor never wanted to lie... I don't know. It seems, based on what Soren says and on what Ivor says to Gabriel, that they had a deal. The

  • I played this along with my grandson, and we were both so disappointed that Reuben didn't live after he was such a hero and helped Jesse destroy the Witherstorm. He was such an adorable little character. All the other human characters who were thought to be dead or sick were restored in the end. This didn't seem right. Sometimes movies offer alternative endings, and I wish the game designers would consider doing this or find a way to update the story so Reuben could live.

    verunder posted: »

    I would like to know if there is a choice that does not lead to Reuben's death. Please-please.

  • All i have to say right now after beating episode 4 is WHY TTG WHYYYYYYYY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL RUBEN IT MADE ME CRY!!!!!!

  • I was beginning to think MSM would be the first modern Telltale game to not make me cry, but no, Telltale wouldn't allow that, would they?

    enter image description here

    Also I blame @puzzlebox for making me so complacent - knowing how much she loved Reuben I NEVER thought they'd kill him!

  • Jack! It's been a long time since I saw you post lol, after TFTB ended you never really visited the forum :(

    I didn't expect Reuben's death at all tho

    I was beginning to think MSM would be the first modern Telltale game to not make me cry, but no, Telltale wouldn't allow that, would they?

  • I HOPE that the final episode is going to hold up. Hopefully the whole episode is going to be to find a way to get Reuben back, that would've been awesome, and I want him THE F*CK back.

  • I want Soren to die for what he did!!!!

  • What has he done to deserve death? It as just a lie, calm down...

    AronDracula posted: »

    I want Soren to die for what he did!!!!

  • Who else cried when Reuben died?

  • umm but... if in the end of episode 1 I save gabriel.... Petra is going to be the "new gabriel"????


  • edited December 2015

    His lie got Reuben and Magnus/Ellegaard killed. I hate liars, he is a coward and he needs to die.

    What has he done to deserve death? It as just a lie, calm down...

  • edited December 2015

    I did. His final oinks are so tearful. Why does every penultimate episodes from every Telltale game have a very disappointing choice?

    Who else cried when Reuben died?

  • Jesse, Axel, Olivia, Petra and Lukas are the new Order of the Stone

    hirridok posted: »


  • I dont think Lukas is, he goes back to his old friends, he isnt in the jump at the end, even if he comes with you.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Jesse, Axel, Olivia, Petra and Lukas are the new Order of the Stone

  • Seriously telltale this is a kids game and you HAD to bring the feels.

  • Wow, That's pretty messed up.I agree with you that he's a liar and a coward but I don't think he should die for it lol.

    AronDracula posted: »

    His lie got Reuben and Magnus/Ellegaard killed. I hate liars, he is a coward and he needs to die.

  • It Sucks That Ruben Died i Never Imagine That Will Happen. I hope They Will make Season 2 Of This Game After Episode 5. I Love All The TTG Games They Are Very emotional And Very Cool Is A Movie Game Thats How I Like It.

  • Same Here

    I was beginning to think MSM would be the first modern Telltale game to not make me cry, but no, Telltale wouldn't allow that, would they?

  • Everybody in the Order lied, and Ivor was the one who created that monster to begin with.

    Ivor had everything he needed to prove the Order was fake (the ender crystals). He could have exposed them without putting anyone in danger. Why are you blaming Soren only?

    AronDracula posted: »

    His lie got Reuben and Magnus/Ellegaard killed. I hate liars, he is a coward and he needs to die.

  • They killed Rubén off bastards I know what's loosing a pet like

  • Why did telltale kill Reuben. I almost hate telltale for that:(
  • He is the only one who used the command block to "kill' the ender dragon.

    Abeille posted: »

    Everybody in the Order lied, and Ivor was the one who created that monster to begin with. Ivor had everything he needed to prove the Orde

  • I wasn't crying, but I was pretty upset over it. Seriously, can we have one Telltale game where no one dies? I guess not, but still, R.I.P. Reuben, you were a great pet, and an even better friend.

    I watched it online because I don't have a phone. God... that episode destroyed me. Only Telltale could get me to cry about a pig.

  • Good to see you back Handsome Jack, I was worried we'd never see you again after Tales ended. And I was thinking the same thing, even in a Minecraft game, we have to have an emotional death, and it just had to be Reuben didn't it. Damn you Telltale, why must you do this to us.

    I was beginning to think MSM would be the first modern Telltale game to not make me cry, but no, Telltale wouldn't allow that, would they?

  • I wasn't crying, but I was really upset when it happened and it was very emotional. If Telltale can get me emotional over a fucking pig, then they can literally do anything.

    Who else cried when Reuben died?

  • Really Telltale, even in a game directed for kids, you just had to emotionally kill off a character, and it was Reuben nonetheless. Damn you bastards, you guys are just evil.

  • Yes! Rueben is dead! One down.....

    Anyway, I let Lukas go and made Petra stay, both seemed fine at the end, Lukas was happy I let him go.Both as such were not in the episode much but oh well, there decision

    Axel was okay again though not in the episode much.

    The entire order being frauds I honestly thought had already been revealed as it was that obvious though I guess not. Anyway still ambivalent towards all of them.

    Olivia has to be the worst character ever, Shes just so whiny and negative, she needs to die.

    Other than that the episode kept a nice pace throughout apart from those terrible puzzles, particularly the one where you walk atop the maze

  • I actually cried. I'm kinda mad at myself because I legitmately cried. I didn't love the hell outta Rueben, but those squeals and final look of pain in his eyes fucking did it for me.

  • I would of cried, but my father was making comments that made me laugh. When Reuben turned into porkchops, and everyone was surrounding them, he said:

    "That's not gonna be enough to feed everyone."

    Who else cried when Reuben died?

  • So is Lukas in the new Order or not? The original had 5, and only Jesse, Olivia, Axel and Petra jumped at the end - does this mean he will be included? Really hope he is, he's a much better character than Axel/Olivia IMO

  • Felt the same. I was expecting Jesse to pull him up on the stage, but now I'm really confused as to what will happen...

    _jte_ posted: »

    So is Lukas in the new Order or not? The original had 5, and only Jesse, Olivia, Axel and Petra jumped at the end - does this mean he will be included? Really hope he is, he's a much better character than Axel/Olivia IMO

  • Rest in Rueben.

    Im glad they made him turn into a porkchop after he died, felt correct way to get "emotional."

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I think there will only be 4 members of the new order, Lukas was always concerned about his friends from the ocelots even if you could convince him to stay with you so he would prefer to stay with them rather than joining the new order.

    _jte_ posted: »

    So is Lukas in the new Order or not? The original had 5, and only Jesse, Olivia, Axel and Petra jumped at the end - does this mean he will be included? Really hope he is, he's a much better character than Axel/Olivia IMO

  • he didn't die in vain...

    plus now they have porkchops to go with the potatoes

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Rest in Rueben. Im glad they made him turn into a porkchop after he died, felt correct way to get "emotional."

  • So what? How does that change the fact that all of the members of the Order told the same lie, and that Ivor created the monster?

    If anything, that makes Soren the only one of them that can claim he killed the dragon (the dragon is still dead, after all, or the egg wouldn't have spawned), even if the method he used wasn't like what the Order told everybody else.

    AronDracula posted: »

    He is the only one who used the command block to "kill' the ender dragon.

  • Well, this death IS heartbreaking, but if you think about it, there are some kids movies that do have some emotional deaths. At least i remember of it.

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