Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4 Ending (WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS)



  • enter image description here

    Quiff posted: »

    he didn't die in vain... plus now they have porkchops to go with the potatoes

  • Thread: Warning: Episode 4 ending spoilers!

    Poor Reuben! We will all miss the pig that made Jesse smile in the hardest of times. Goodbye....best friend. You will be missed.

    So anyone glad or sad that Reuben died? I was really upset at that. :(

  • InGen's wish to eat Porkchops will finally come true! He must be so happy. :P

    Quiff posted: »

    he didn't die in vain... plus now they have porkchops to go with the potatoes


    ...Sorry, just had to let it out. This episode, guys!

    I do wish TellTale would make another season, though, to keep up what made 3 and 4 so fantastic!

  • I was upset too

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Thread: Warning: Episode 4 ending spoilers! Poor Reuben! We will all miss the pig that made Jesse smile in the hardest of times. Goodbye....best friend. You will be missed. So anyone glad or sad that Reuben died? I was really upset at that.

  • telltale better make a season 2 even though it probably wont happen

  • Am I a dick for saying that I'm glad Reuben's dead? He did nothing useful except for getting the sword to Jesse, and he always put himself in danger.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Thread: Warning: Episode 4 ending spoilers! Poor Reuben! We will all miss the pig that made Jesse smile in the hardest of times. Goodbye....best friend. You will be missed. So anyone glad or sad that Reuben died? I was really upset at that.

  • Me too :'( still crying right now. F*** telltale games for killing off the most innocent character in the game.

    I actually cried. I'm kinda mad at myself because I legitmately cried. I didn't love the hell outta Rueben, but those squeals and final look of pain in his eyes fucking did it for me.

  • I'm still crying. I'm a 16 year old, crying over a game. Wow :'(

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Thread: Warning: Episode 4 ending spoilers! Poor Reuben! We will all miss the pig that made Jesse smile in the hardest of times. Goodbye....best friend. You will be missed. So anyone glad or sad that Reuben died? I was really upset at that.

  • I'm convinced it will. I've been researching tiny details and evidences of it, and it turns out, episode 5 is like the trailer for the next season.

    Pvzfan10 posted: »

    telltale better make a season 2 even though it probably wont happen

  • Ikr. Why kill off the most innocent character? Olivia should've been killed instead. She whines and is always negative.

  • You ''almost'' hate them for that? I HATE them. They should learn which characters to kill off first, not the most innocent character in the game.

  • Yeah for example How To Train Your Dragon 2 - Hiccup's father dies.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Well, this death IS heartbreaking, but if you think about it, there are some kids movies that do have some emotional deaths. At least i remember of it.

  • you know what. I hate them now

    You ''almost'' hate them for that? I HATE them. They should learn which characters to kill off first, not the most innocent character in the game.

  • edited December 2015

    I'm 17. The only time I cried in a game was because of Omid's death in Walking Dead and the Wellington ending.

    I'm still crying. I'm a 16 year old, crying over a game. Wow

  • So most Telltale Games destroy the heart strings.


    Like I was surprised when magnus died.




  • Theyre scumbags for doing this.

  • sweet

    I'm convinced it will. I've been researching tiny details and evidences of it, and it turns out, episode 5 is like the trailer for the next season.

  • Guys according to the guidelines you cannot insult anyone including telltale members

  • Did anyone else make a diamond hoe when they heard "you can make whatever you want!"? xDThe percentage of making a diamond hoe as a weapon

  • edited December 2015

    The main reason I cared about Reuben was because of Jesse. He/she truly valued Reuben, and as a pet he made for a formidable companion. It's not that I didn't like him, his death was still a powerful moment, but if not for the bond between him and the main character established from the start there might have had to be more to him to maintain the impact of his transformation into ham. I think TellTale's works have a way of making a player more apathetic to other characters dying, having deaths aplenty, so it makes sense that trying to make the player care gets harder with each attempt.

    SonicGX98 posted: »

    Am I a dick for saying that I'm glad Reuben's dead? He did nothing useful except for getting the sword to Jesse, and he always put himself in danger.

  • Someone's salty.


  • Yes, if you listen to what Soren says it proves that Soren is the only fraud "none of the other members knew what I was doing"

    I still see the rest as heroes including Ivor now but Soren no way

    AronDracula posted: »

    He is the only one who used the command block to "kill' the ender dragon.

  • I think Marteen Pyro got him into the new order, after all I just don't see him getting new armour and wearing it with his old friends

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I think there will only be 4 members of the new order, Lukas was always concerned about his friends from the ocelots even if you could convince him to stay with you so he would prefer to stay with them rather than joining the new order.

  • edited December 2015

    So far I am trying to get a look at all of the tools, there may be images up for all of them now because it's out on most platforms. I have seen the axe it looks cool still trying to see what the pick axe, shovel and hoe look like

    If you could upload a picture of any that would be nice thx

    ChocoMocoHD posted: »

    Did anyone else make a diamond hoe when they heard "you can make whatever you want!"? xD

  • I tried to think about a tool that was most fitting for Minecraft, so I went with a pickaxe. I might try a shovel or a hoe in later playthroughs, though. :)

    ChocoMocoHD posted: »

    Did anyone else make a diamond hoe when they heard "you can make whatever you want!"? xD

  • Felt like I was putting my dog down all over again.... thanks telltale for those feels

  • Do you have a picture of the ultimate diamond pick axe you can share, I can't find any of the ultimate diamond tools on Google images

    Tohabath posted: »

    I tried to think about a tool that was most fitting for Minecraft, so I went with a pickaxe. I might try a shovel or a hoe in later playthroughs, though.

  • None at the moment, I'm afraid. Later, perhaps!

    Do you have a picture of the ultimate diamond pick axe you can share, I can't find any of the ultimate diamond tools on Google images

  • enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Rest in Rueben. Im glad they made him turn into a porkchop after he died, felt correct way to get "emotional."

  • I cried but why would they do that unless they had a plan to do something with it in the next episode I mean hell they didn't even show a trailer just words saying the adventure continues in episode 5 alongside a freeze frame of the ending

  • I made a diamond hoe, just cause I thought it would be funny. But once I got in there, I regretted my discussion.
    I have survivors guilt, that maybe I could have saved Rueben if I picked a better tool.

    ChocoMocoHD posted: »

    Did anyone else make a diamond hoe when they heard "you can make whatever you want!"? xD

  • Went for the pickaxe, too. Thought it would speed up the process. Besides, if we're going to an ocean monument in Episode 5, that'd be helpful.

    Tohabath posted: »

    I tried to think about a tool that was most fitting for Minecraft, so I went with a pickaxe. I might try a shovel or a hoe in later playthroughs, though.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I use the pickaxe in my alternate playthrough, this is what it looks like

    enter image description here

    Do you have a picture of the ultimate diamond pick axe you can share, I can't find any of the ultimate diamond tools on Google images

  • I made a shovel, thinking I might be able to save the remaining diamonds for later.

    ChocoMocoHD posted: »

    Did anyone else make a diamond hoe when they heard "you can make whatever you want!"? xD

  • enter image description here

    I regret nothing...

    ChocoMocoHD posted: »

    Did anyone else make a diamond hoe when they heard "you can make whatever you want!"? xD

  • I teared up..

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Thread: Warning: Episode 4 ending spoilers! Poor Reuben! We will all miss the pig that made Jesse smile in the hardest of times. Goodbye....best friend. You will be missed. So anyone glad or sad that Reuben died? I was really upset at that.

  • Shovel is the coolest looking by far and goes well with the armour I chose (dragon's-bane). It's purple and spiky. Really cool.

    So far I am trying to get a look at all of the tools, there may be images up for all of them now because it's out on most platforms. I have

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