Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4 Ending (WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS)



  • Wait, if you had three sticks, that'd mean you could have created both a sword and a shovel!

    I made a shovel, thinking I might be able to save the remaining diamonds for later.


    Reuben Has slain by witherstorm




  • Change your thread title! Your featuring a massive spoiler.

  • I dont understand the fuss about a dead pig, just get another,there are plenty around. I'm happy reuben died, he was useless

  • he was useless

    Yeah, except that without him the Wither Storm would never have been destroyed...

    I dont understand the fuss about a dead pig, just get another,there are plenty around. I'm happy reuben died, he was useless

  • Yep but the several times he ran off into danger balance that out

    he was useless Yeah, except that without him the Wither Storm would never have been destroyed...

  • Once you make a weapon the game proceeds.

    IceKane posted: »

    Wait, if you had three sticks, that'd mean you could have created both a sword and a shovel!

  • edited December 2015

    LOL that is exactly the death that i was thinking about.

    Yeah for example How To Train Your Dragon 2 - Hiccup's father dies.

  • I've heard that there's something called "affection" that binds humans to other humans or even animals, hence the fuss.

    I dont understand the fuss about a dead pig, just get another,there are plenty around. I'm happy reuben died, he was useless

  • guys follow this why the kill reubin f*ck them I hate them but I play episode 4 and 5 I never play minecraft story mode I delete that

  • Do you have a pic?

    Shovel is the coolest looking by far and goes well with the armour I chose (dragon's-bane). It's purple and spiky. Really cool.

  • Looks neat, still think sword or axe is the best though, just got the shovel left to see, I have a feeling it looks like a spear when enchanted

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I use the pickaxe in my alternate playthrough, this is what it looks like

  • I tried hoping I could make both a sword and shovel but it didn't work

    IceKane posted: »

    Wait, if you had three sticks, that'd mean you could have created both a sword and a shovel!

  • They have been really secretive about episode 5 for whatever reason

    Mega Arceus posted: »

    I cried but why would they do that unless they had a plan to do something with it in the next episode I mean hell they didn't even show a trailer just words saying the adventure continues in episode 5 alongside a freeze frame of the ending

  • To keep the plot interesting

    Yep but the several times he ran off into danger balance that out

  • The Ending was soooo sad i just done Episode 1 to episode 4 in one day and im regreting it cuz if i just done one episode per day there would be more questions like what happens next but atm i want to know wat happens in episode 5 cuz i have the retail disc (Basicly i have the Season Pass) so i can play it when it comes out But anyway WHY DID RUBEN NEED TO DIE WHY NOT SOREN And did anyone notice that Soren wasnt at the place in the end and they really should of added a option where you could invite Lucas onto the platform :D!!

  • Why is the question what are they hiding? I also have a person working on why they killed Reuben.

    They have been really secretive about episode 5 for whatever reason

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They are hiding information and keeping it a secret so they can surprise people when it does release, they most likely decided to kill Reuben to make the ending dramatic and sad.

    Mega Arceus posted: »

    Why is the question what are they hiding? I also have a person working on why they killed Reuben.

  • soren probably ran off back to the end

  • No, but I might replay it and if I do I'll screencap it for you.

    Do you have a pic?

  • It's like a regular shovel but with a purple head that has a few spikes on it.

    This video shows it off:

    Looks neat, still think sword or axe is the best though, just got the shovel left to see, I have a feeling it looks like a spear when enchanted

  • I'm happy reuben died, he was useless

    You DID NOT play episode 4

    I dont understand the fuss about a dead pig, just get another,there are plenty around. I'm happy reuben died, he was useless

  • Telltlae how could you kill Ruben I loved him and cried for 3 min after his death. I don't care how stupid it may come across please bring Ruben back to life. PLEASE TELLTALE, PLEASE. I LOVED RUBEN ;(

  • Well he was a pigglet he was cute. In episdoe 4 he saved everyone, without him who would have gave the wepon back to Jesse, yeah no one becaus eno one was with him apart from Ruben and the Wither Storm wouldn't let him go so he would just have to wait until the Wither Storm desided to kill him. I don't think you played episode 4

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm happy reuben died, he was useless You DID NOT play episode 4

  • I think you replied the wrong comment

    Well he was a pigglet he was cute. In episdoe 4 he saved everyone, without him who would have gave the wepon back to Jesse, yeah no one beca

  • I was wondering, what happened to Soren (the order's leader). He completely disappeared in the end, I liked the guy!

  • eh, telltale never show their finale in the after credits. so there is no ''next time'' as far as the end of ep4. I think that's normal in how telltale work.

    They have been really secretive about episode 5 for whatever reason

  • the fact that when i played Soren ran away. he kiiiiinda deserved 2 die, not rueben. he could have ran away but he went with jesse and saved the world. Soren was no help to me in my opinion

  • i am used to it. Rueben died, that broke my heart. i feel heartless now.

    Life is and never will be fair. Get used to it.

  • He ran out like a coward. Very useless

  • True. But Reuben proved himself useful by helping Jesse kill the witherstorm!

    I dont understand the fuss about a dead pig, just get another,there are plenty around. I'm happy reuben died, he was useless

  • It's so unnesessary sad.

  • I was going to respond with something dry and sardonic because that previous comment irritated me, but I could not have done it any better. Well said.

    And personally, having just finished the episode (three times for the last chapter, trying to save said pig with different choices) and having cried like a wee tyke, I'd say TTG did an excellent job emotionally investing me in what happened to Reuben.

    I've heard that there's something called "affection" that binds humans to other humans or even animals, hence the fuss.


    Zimmer11dk posted: »

    It's so unnesessary sad.

  • Omg TTG! I hate you so much right now!! Watching Reuben die was horrible... My son loves this game and adores Reuben... He will be heart broken when he gets to chapter 4... I admit I cried until the credits got done rolling... It was so very upsetting... I agree why not kill off the coward!

  • I hate that Reuben died... why???? It was totally unnecessary, cruel, and senseless. There's enough negative energy in the real world... why add pain to children's fantasy? If it's for adults and teens only, then change your marketing strategy and stop tArgentina kids..

    My grandson cried uncontrollably and I would never have allowed him to play this game if I had known. He LOVED Minecraft, but this has altered his opinion. Reuben needs to be revived in the next episode. Some type of warning for parents needs to be put on the box. Not cool, telltale... NOT COOL!

  • I miss Reuben. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

  • edited December 2015

    My son, who is 8, and I have been eagerly waiting for and then playing through each episode of the series. It's been a lot of lighthearted fun, but you, Telltale, really blew it with Reuben. My son cried after his death, and hell I pretty much felt like crying too. Admittedly, making Reuben the hero was a nice touch, but it was ruined by his unnecessary death. The whole rest of the episode rang hollow after that. I purchased this game for my son and now, similar to other posters, it has caused him distress. That sucks. I'd imagine most kids and their parents will bail on this series after this misstep and drop episode 5 and certainly skip season two if it is released.

    Really Telltale, If you didn't target it at kids that would be different, but I just saw your TV commercial on freaking Disney Jr of all places with the quote "It's a great game to play with your kids!" This isn't The Walking Dead, or GoT, which are clearly made for an adult audience. This was your chance to make a game for the whole family and you blew it. Majorly.

    So bring the damn pig back in episode 5, and do it RIGHT. It can't be a similar Reuben from a different Minecraft world, or a lookalike Reuben 2, it needs to be a rescued, real Reuben. You could have the characters use the command block to go back to a previous Save and rescue him, and re-fight the Witherstorm AND the Ender Dragon or something crazy like that, but we need him back. I'm sure Episode 5 is either complete or nearly complete, and maybe you already have something planned to bring him back, but if not and there's still time to change it, please, do it. We need our pet pigs to be able to save the world and not die, and you need customers who aren't going to bail on your otherwise great series because you upset their kids!

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