OMG, Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa! This year went by so fast! I can't believe that just in a few days it will be 2016!
Ahh Christmas. The time of year where I'm forced to socialize, I feel nothing but guilt, and remember some of the worst times of my life, which, coincidentally, happened right around Christmas time. But hey, Egg Nog.
OMG, Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa! This year went by so fast! I can't believe that just in a few days it will be 2016!
Ahh Christmas. The time of year where I'm forced to socialize, I feel nothing but guilt, and remember some of the worst times of my life, which, coincidentally, happened right around Christmas time. But hey, Egg Nog.
Merry Christmas! I love you guys.
enter link description here
Lmao that made me laugh a lot for some reason xD
Those high notes tho xD
Yeah... x3
Also, dem lyrics xDD
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Everyone Christmas Merry!
enter link description here
Holiday Armadillo, please
ha ha ha, anyway merry Christmas I hope you have or had a good one
*ho ho ho you wanted to say
merry Christmas!
Yes but I was saying ha ha ha to the fact you called me holiday armadillo
but traditionally its hohoho
I didn't mean to call you that, I just asked you to post Armadillo too, since you chose Friends gif
merry chrismas to all i was going to make a thread about this but it already done so less work for me lol
enter link description here
It's my Christmas tradition to watch this every year
is that a tv show?
Happy Christmas everyone!!!
OMG, Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa! This year went by so fast! I can't believe that just in a few days it will be 2016!
Merry Christmas everybody.
enter link description here
Ahh Christmas. The time of year where I'm forced to socialize, I feel nothing but guilt, and remember some of the worst times of my life, which, coincidentally, happened right around Christmas time. But hey, Egg Nog.
Then you will be a happy lovely person
It's already December 25th here in Spain, so MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! Hope you have an awesome time!
Šťastné a veselé Vánoce!
Merry Chrismas to you too
And Merry Chrismas to all you guys
Feliz Navidad Vaxij
Should i be sad that only three people in the picture aren't......angels (dead)
Happy potatoe day
Is that Lord Walder?
Wow muchas gracias Lord!!! :P
Good thing Lord Walder is in a "generous mood" on Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a happy new year!
Yes, Friends is the best series I've ever seen
and here he is! The Holiday Armadillo!

No I know Friends, through I haven't seen all the series. I didn't know about ""The Holiday Armadillo"" episode thanks for explaining
Merry Christmas
Hey I feel ya. I like getting gifts, but Christmas is the one day of the hear I have to pretend I'm happy
Merry Christmas you all.