Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and Fröhliche Weihnachten. Those are the languages I know how to wish people a "Merry Christmas" in. Hope everyone on these forums have a lovely day and even if you don't celebrate, have a great day in general.
Ha! Hard to believe that was the temparature yesterday. Now, it has cooled right down into the low twenties and is raining heavier than sin. Then again, that is Victoria for you; all four seasons in a single week.
Ha! Hard to believe that was the temparature yesterday. Now, it has cooled right down into the low twenties and is raining heavier than sin. Then again, that is Victoria for you; all four seasons in a single week.
De nada amigo
This is from An Adventure in Space and Time where he played actor that portrayed the First Doctor (Who).
Frohe Weihnachten! (Merry Christmas!)
May the food be filling and the laughter be hearty!
And may us Aussies be cooked as by 30-degree-Celsius heat!
And just like that, it's already Christmas. Man, that was fast.
Merry Christmas TT community!
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and Fröhliche Weihnachten. Those are the languages I know how to wish people a "Merry Christmas" in. Hope everyone on these forums have a lovely day and even if you don't celebrate, have a great day in general.
Yes I will
Ha! Hard to believe that was the temparature yesterday. Now, it has cooled right down into the low twenties and is raining heavier than sin. Then again, that is Victoria for you; all four seasons in a single week.
Merry Christmas.
Hey I'm not complaining. Tonight's been the first night in a while that we haven't had to have the fan on.
Yeah, you and I both.
Merry Christmas for everyone
Happy new years eve, 2016 Is here