The craziest incident that ever occurred at your school thread

in General Chat
the craziest incident that ever happened at my school was about ten years ago when this kid jumped on another kid and bit him super hard, he was bleeding and everybody tackled on each other and everyone ran after and he got sent to the office. What was your most shocking incident at your school.
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I once blinked twice in a row.
But seriously I have no idea, I move every three years so maybe I only ever get the boring three years.
The craziest year of all time was in fourth grade, ten years ago. The other crazy incident was when this boy hugged another boy and the boy said get off my dickwad. He got in huge trouble and the teacher called the prioncilae and he dragged him outside and suspended him for a day I think. There was a lot of bullying with the boys. This boy once he a girl in the nose and she stared bleeding all over the place and he got suspended for two days I think.
There was this boy in 6th grade where he would bully me, and call me names.
One time, while I was talking to my friends, he got the handkerchief I was holding and ran away.
I ran after him, and we basically ran around the whole school but I easily caught him since he was quite slow.
After that, I just snapped and tackled him to the ground and slapped him across the face and kicked him in the stomach.
That kid
That's awesome though. Good you stood up for yourself.
My favorite teacher in junior high got arrested right after the school day was over.
Many handjobs were given out at the back of history. Most by my ex-girlfriend apparently. I remained completely opinionless on the matter. And that's just among other things.
Apparently people often talk about about the spotless saints that 2003's seniors were. Hahahahahahahahahaha.
I've had a bunch of experiences. But I think these are the craziest for me:
The first happened to me in elementary school. I was sitting on the ground with other kids at a talent show in the gym. A little girl was on stage and halfway through her performance she started to cry. I was casually talking to my friend next to me like any normal kid would do. When suddenly, an older woman came out of nowhere, squatted down in front of me. She told me to look at her, which I did for some reason. Then she ranted into my face about how "very difficult" it is to get up on stage and other crazy nonsense I don't even remember. All the other kids around me were quiet and she just calmly walked away afterwards. She later quit her job at the school the next year. I still don't know why she did what she did to me. I think she has serious mental problems.
The second was in high school. It was during lunch break and I was by the front office with other students around me. When suddenly, someone ran by me then ran across the road down a sidewalk. Shortly after this, a cop ran by me trying to pull out his taser. And a cop car came around the corner and sped down the road after the person.
The third was during English class at high school. A student's cell phone went off during class and the teacher told him to give it to him. The student refused and the teacher told him to go to the office. The student then got angry, grabbed his desk, and violently pushed it away from him before leaving. The class was awkwardly silent the whole time.
Here's some I've heard from my friends at school: A girl tongued-kissed every boy at someone's birthday party(which I was invited to, but didn't go). One student stabbed another student in their face with a pair of scissors. A girl scratched a teachers car for sending her to the office. Two girls were caught having sex in a bathroom.
This event happened only a few weeks ago when I was at college. On Monday, December 7th, 2015, at around 10:30 at night, one of the custodial workers was approached by this man, described as middle eastern, who was armed with a gun. The man approached the worker and asked him where the administrative buildings were. The worker misled the man and directed him towards Leahy Hall, where campus security was located, he then himself contacted campus security, describing the event that happened and telling them that the man was armed. Campus as well as local police responded and, after talking to the worker as well as reviewing other tapes, deemed it a credible threat and decided to place the whole campus on lockdown, which was sent out at around 12:30 in the morning (2 hours after the incident was reported) and police began searching the campus. The school sent out texts, phone calls, and posted on Facebook that students should remain in their dorms, students who were in the library studying for finals were escorted to their dorms by police. Around 2:30, the lockdown was lifted after the police couldn't find anything, but the police, along with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, were all over campus the next day investigating.
The funny thing though, I had no idea that any of this was going on. I went to bed around 11:00 and had my phone on silent. I wake up the next morning with a bunch of texts (half of which were from my mom asking if I was okay) and a couple missed phone calls and voicemails. I had no idea that any of this had happened, needless to say that's a hell of a thing to wake up to.
Some kid reported a false report on a some guy with a gun a school and put everything on lockdown and had swat teams storm the school
Goes back to 6th grade, One of my classmates was going to the bathroom, and then he/she told us that one of the teachers, was in the phone and speaking unfoul language to the person who he/she was talking to, but then, one teacher found that out, all the directives of my school had to talk to her, but the mistery was that the teacher fired or not.
Two students got in a fight near the teacher's office and the principal and a few teachers had to restrain them.
I got into a serious fight back in 4th grade with some 6th grader, who was way bigger than me. He had been talking shit about my friend so I decided to go talk to him. It resulted into a fight, which I eventually won. His nose got pretty fucked up, but nothing serious never came out of it :-D Well, at least he never bullied my friend again :-P
when i was at school years ago two twins used to pick on me one day after school they went up to me and i punched one of them in the nose and his brother laughed and got one too i still dont know why i did thatvbut they annoyed me through most of my primary school life i got in trouble by his form teacher but it was worth it and my parents didnt care that they got punched because they knew they deserved it never got picked on at that school again till we moved to another place
A student once attacked one of my teachers at my high school, the teacher proceeded to chase the kid down and tackle him. Students had to pull the teacher off the kid because they were afraid he was going to kill the kid. The kid got back up and took off running, only to trip on his pants and get arrested.
Another time, two kids got in fight in my high school weight room. One kid beat the other unconscious with a dumbbell and left him there like nothing happened. Needless to say, one kid went to the hospital while the other went to jail.
Another time, my entire high school got kicked out of a local amusement park because two kids were caught having sex on a kids ride.
High school is the best years of my life.
Man, that's some scary shit. Glad nobody got hurt.
I went to a quiet, rural high school so this one stood out.
Some kid a couple grades below me walked up to another kid in the cafeteria, pulled out a Swiss Army knife and stabbed him right in the gut. The response was pretty spectacular. Somebody screamed "____ HAS A KNIFE!" and like 40 of us (including the poor kid that got shanked) dogpiled the guy. In hindsight, it was stupid but in the crowd hivemind it made perfect sense!
The guy who got stabbed didn't even notice at first, but the knife punctured some organs. Thankfully medical staff was there really quick.
Other than that, nothing EVER happened.
But everyone blamed me though, so my classmates and schoolmates suck.
Luckily, I didn't give a shit.
In my senior year, a group of kids somehow managed to lock the gates that the school used to close down parts of the school for events, and lock the outside doors. They did this when the principal was outside of the school. They then went to several teachers and began beating them, including one teacher who had just had surgery for brain cancer. Several teachers went to help the teachers being beat, and they were beat as well, with at least one of them getting a cracked rib. When the fight broke out, it became chaos, and other kids that weren't in on it started beating on random kids (luckily, I wasn't there as I had half a school day because I was going to college at night due to no one besides me wanting to take the computer science course, and it happened right before school let out in the afternoon).
The police were called, the kids who planned it were arrested, and the kids who didn't plan it but were fighting were suspended. The schools in my area had extra security measures and metal detectors after that. Two high schools in my area, including that one, have since been merged, and the building of my old high school is now used for a middle school (and the old middle school is now used for offices). There's still a ton of violence in the public schools here. My friend's son has brain damage because his head was slammed into the pavement multiple times at school because he's gay. However, it hasn't gotten to that extreme level of uncontrollable violence since then.
There was this one time my English teacher in 7th grade gave us a lecture on how to dispose of a dead body. She was telling us how they're heavier than non-dead bodies, and said something against trying a car with it into the water. Yeah she was new and got fired that year.
Last year, on a day we shouldn't have had school because it was snowing, we had quite an interesting day. I go to school about a hour before it starts, so I'm never late and can chat with my friends. Because of this, I avoided most of the delays on the road. Around the bell that let us go to 1st period I went to my Spanish class with like one girl and our teacher. We were on our phones looking for a cancellation notice, nothing came, but on the loudspeaker they called everyone done to the auditorium because there wasn't enough teachers there's . So for I think about a hour (probably way less than that) we were in there talking, one of my friends saying 'Start a revolution.' Eventually enough came and we went off to do the school day.
But that wasn't it. Later, we hear the fire alarm when it's snowing outside. We go outside and chat in the cold as eventually police show up. Turns out the fire alarm was pulled by the staff because a kid had told them another kid has a gun. They went into his locker and found a like airsoft or BB gun, he was expelled I think. We eventually returned back inside and the next couple days of school we had two hour days and closings.
I've gone to Catholic school since kindergarten, and not a lot of violence happens in it.
I am as well, and I'm sure it was scary, for the people who were awake as it was happening. Like I said, I slept through the whole thing and didn't even know it. The next day though I was a bit nervous when I left my dorm, police were all over campus, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one that was feeling it. Honestly, I was afraid of leaving my room for a bit, I'm not kidding. What made it worse was the timing and where my school is located. This was only a few days after the San Bernadino shooting, it was the day before the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, at The Catholic University of America, in Washington D.C.
Well this one happened outside of school where one my classmates were shot to death by a gang or cops I think.
Someone lit a trash can on fire.
One area of the school caught on fire and everyone had to evacuate.
Some guy brought a bb-gun and people thought it was real and they reported him (I forgot what happened to him)
This didn't happen at my school but a school near by where some kids from my class and grade were going to had a bomb threat and they had to lockdown the school.
I think it's a rumor but there was this one math teacher (I had him too), that sexually touched a student there and she left the school because of it. Then her parents came in to beat him up and reported him, they didn't have enough evidence I think so he didn't go to prison. He does have that pedo feel tho.
Back in 3rd grade a girl got crushed by a bathroom door. It just fell off the hinges and landed on her, and this was some heavy duty door, it was made of wood, maybe 5 inches thick and 7 feet high.
Also in 8th grade one of my teachers want us to be quiet, so he slammed the door closed, which lead to half the door cracking off.
Yeah, I have alot of weird school door stories.
Wait, you don't know if one of your classmates was shot by cops or a gang outside of school?
I remember once that my friend had brought a considerable amount of money to school,after a while they were stolen when we were in our lunch break.Him,me and a couple of other students were ordered to come to the principal's office,he asked every single one of us if he had stolen from my friend and the expected answer was "No!",so I with my sheer stupidity decided to tell him I would go and look for it in my bag,I went back to him after that and told him that I found nothing,so he immediately suspected that I stole the money but didn't tell me anything.Then,came the next day and he told me to give the money back or he would've to call my parents,I was like "WTF?" and tried to explain to him that I didn't steel anything but of course..he wouldn't listen,so my father came to the school the day after and it was too late for me to try to explain anything.The result?I got grounded for about a month.It felt so weird participating in a crime that I didn't commit..
The other thing happened to the same person,but this time his finger was cut,I didn't know why I was laughing at the time :P
I know he was shot 3 times but different people kept saying it was the cops or a gang.
In Secondary school every classroom door had a window on it. Someone I knew to be a major asshole was fucking around with his friends and classmates after school and for some reason he thought it would be a good idea to ram himself into the glass. Long story short he needed to get sent to the hospital and all the glass from each classroom door was replaced with glass with wire mesh inside of it.
After school, a student was out with his friends in the nearby shopping centre. He was lagging behind a bit from them and then some guys grabbed him without alerting his friends, brought him to the underground car park, beat him up and stole his wallet, phone and whatever valuables he had on him then just left him there. He trudged back to school and told someone about what happened. The principal/vice-principle told everyone the story during assembly.
Someone who used to bully me a lot was doing his thing (Annoying me and whatnot), I couldn't take it anymore and I threw my awesome dinosaur metal pencil box at him from like 15-20 feet away. He tried to dodge it but it smacked him right in the head. Heard a whine, went over to see him in small puddle of his own blood. My pencil box cut open his forehead. I thought that I was gonna get murdered, but long story short, we were both sent to the infirmary (I was just brought there because), they called his mom and they made him apologise to me, cause it was pretty much his fault, whilst he held a towel to his head. He got a few stitches and he was back in class a couple weeks later. Don't really regret honestly since it got him to stop bullying me. Plus we ended up being friends after that
There probably would've been huge public outcry if the cops shot him. If it's just a rumor, then it probably didn't happen that way.
Mmmm, there was a guy who's girlfriend was cheating on him. He smashed the mirrow in the men's bathroom and it sliced a huge gash that ran up his entire forearm. I remember watching him run out and blood was dripping everywhere.
And there was an incident involving two or three students, drinking, and driving. They all got killed. I clearly remember the mass counseling the school attempted for them.
One year, a student went into the girl's bathroom and attacked a friend of my sister's. Luckily someone was walking by at the time and defended her. I didn't go to school there until the following year, but needless to say, it was pretty crazy.
But I also have one in most recent memory. This happened a few months ago actually. I'm in a video program at a technical school and our teacher will usually let us film stuff around campus if we're finished with all of our assignments. So some kids took a camera and a mono pod and headed out. A few minutes later, the school was placed under lockdown. We were told there was someone with a gun outside the school. Naturally, I was really freaked out. We hid in the green screen room that we have in our classroom in total darkness. After about half an hour, we were released and we learned that there was no gunman and what happened. Apparently, one of the kids that was out filming stuff was being a dumbass and pretending to use the mono pod as a gun. There's a community college right next to our school so I guess one of the students misinterpreted that for a gun and called the cops. Pretty crazy, but at least no one was hurt.
I was in 8th grade, and some guy tried to sign his kid out over at the High School, but they wouldn't let him for reasons I'm unaware of. Dude said he'd be back, and sure enough he came back a little while later with a weapon. I can't remember exactly what it was, but he was stuck outside of the High School with it. He also had a kid at the Middle School (where I was because we don't have a Jr. High,) so we went into lock-down as well. We were told to get under our desks and what resulted way 3-4 hours of sitting under my desk. Unfortunately, the desks weren't all the big, so I got a kink in my neck from Hell from this.
Also, this didn't happen at my school, but Good Lord, it's so damn weird I have to share this story. I was sitting on the bus going to school, and over the radio I hear "Dunbar Middle School went into lock down this past Monday because of a belieber." I thought I heard it wrong, so I was like "wut." I didn't hear it wrong. The woman continued "A man with marijuana in his system came into the school's office and demanded to be allowed to sing Justin Bieber over the intercom." I laughed so hard I was in tears. I had this image in my head of this dude kicking down the door and just being like "I WANNA SING JUSTIN BIEBER!" and the staff was like "OH GOD, IT'S A CODE RED!"
Back in middle school a skater kid thought it would be hilarious to start a food fight with his friends in the school cafeteria, especially since it was their last year at that place anyway. They mentioned their plan to a couple dozen 8th graders before the big day too. Nonetheless, when the date and lunch period finally came, he yelled 'food fight!' and threw his pizza (if I remember correctly) up towards the ceiling. Pretty much everyone (6th and 7th graders included) started throwing their food everywhere. Sadly, the fight only lasted for about a minute when the Dean stormed into the room. He was pissed! But then again, he seemed to be always pissed for a guy that took his job way too seriously. He was also mean to every student from what I remember seeing and hearing.
Going back to the food fight, when the food started to fly, I threw my milk at some kid's back. I could've thrown my sandwich at someone else as well but I didn't want to waste it, as I was still pretty hungry at the time, haha.
A guy in my class punched a teacher in the face for taking his phone. She even told him she would give it back to him after class, but nope.
Not too long ago, I was just hanging around with my friends at lunch (And this is in high school). And we're all just sitting down, having a grand time, and then in front of us, we see two guys looking at each other. One small guy and one big guy. And then a circle begins to form around them.
Of course, in history it's known that the classic beginning of a fight is to have a big circle formed around you. So We watched as a huge circle formed around these two guys (Who we could still see) and that some monitors were coming to eventually keep the peace. And then before we know it, the big guy drops down and does the splits. Seamlessly and effortlessly. The big circle cheers and disperses, and the monitors don't know what to do with themselves.
When I was in Primary School my friend almost jumped out from a window. We were just standing in the corridor by the window, which was open. My friend was playing a game on his phone. Our friend came to us. I was talking with him. My friend raged at the game and he threw the phone out of the window and he was like "No!!!" and he jumped for it. The phone fell from second floor so there were no chances to save it. My friend and I catched his legs. He was swinging. He was so scared that he passed out. Everyone in the school heard his "No!!!" so alot of ppl came to help, even 2 teachers. It was so scary, but when I think of it now, it makes me laugh.
I don't know if I should be amazed from the fact that your friend jumped out the window after a phone, or that you both managed to catch his legs like it's right out of a movie.
There were a lot of problematic ppl here was very interesting.
Once a teacher broke her first tooth or something and she was so embarrassed and scared to talk that she only quickly told about the new lesson and only the all thenstudents sould ask her question. It lasted a month.
Lmao @ this, a guy from my class after PE was pretty sweaty, buuut the worst thing was that back of his pants were wet too! Therefore his ass was pretty...sweaty I guess. He covered himself and went home after lying that he had to go to a doctor.
In the 8th grade some kids gave a teacher a leaf as a gift bc they were going to high school. She cried.
Props to the smart custodian!
That's completely terrible. Violent, bigotted people who would do things like that are just the scum of the earth.