They most likely would have done it if he would have won. Cato probably saved the life of that tribute's family when he killed him. The problem with Haymitch is that he won with such a trick. It really was an extremely petty and evil thing to do, but considering how fragile the whole system in Panem is, it's understandable that Snow takes such drastic measures anytime someone threatens to put the capitol and the games in a bad light.
Goddamnit Capitol XD Haymitch didn't even humiliate you with the forcefield thing. He just used it. If that's true, they should have killed that one tribute's family too for digging up the mines around the cornucopia.
They most likely would have done it if he would have won. Cato probably saved the life of that tribute's family when he killed him. The prob… morelem with Haymitch is that he won with such a trick. It really was an extremely petty and evil thing to do, but considering how fragile the whole system in Panem is, it's understandable that Snow takes such drastic measures anytime someone threatens to put the capitol and the games in a bad light.
I really liked it, as always. I still don't like Penn as a character, but I like her storyline. I also like Dray, both, his character and his role in the story and it was nice that this part developed him even more.
Man, it is hard!. I think I put my 2 cents on Marten. I mean, he is in the "grey zone", he is a killer, but looks like an ok person apart from that. The others are cool too, but he is my fav. Theo is a really close second.
It goes to Snow. He is crazy, he is bad at governing a dictatorship (poor Machiavelli rolls in his grave).
Aura's dad seems a bit strange.
Well, Penn might get into trouble, Saul vs Munrow tension, maybe Marten will get some more "feelz".
Hey guys, we're exactly halfway through Book 1 now. So it's Mid-book feedback quiz time!
* Who is your favorite POV character thus far?… more
* Favorite non-POV character?
* Least favorite character.
* Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
* Any suggestions for my writing?
Definitely both Aura, and Saul. Their parts managed to strike me with da feels. Marten and Penn aren't as bad too!
Favorite non-POV character?
Snow, that little cunt. Even though I hate him with all of my heart, he never fails to intrigue me. Moreover, the fact that his character is almost unpredictable proves my point of him being interesting, therefore I have to give the prize to him.
Least favorite character.
Haven't really gotten one yet. Though I'm aware this will obviously change as we progress through your story.
Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
Dray falling into trouble within District 9's premises which could possibly result in his death or a sentence to prison. I also think that Saul might have a few tricks up his sleeve.. though I'm not entirely sure.
Any suggestions for my writing?
No, no, not at all! Your writing is honestly amazing. In my opinion, it's one of the best well written fanfictions I've ever participated in. Just keep on doing what you're doing and you'll be fine!
When Penn took her first step into the town, she knew where she was going. It was a large, yet shoddy village that looked as though it had rust growing on every square inch of each building. She was surprised when she saw it. It was quite different than the style and architecture in District 1. Everything seemed out of place here. Everything seemed alien.
Men and women shot her looks of confusion as she walked past. One woman washed her clothes in a basin full of dirty water. Three little boys ran through the road, playing games with each other, and none of them had a shirt. Penn could see their bones peeking through their skin. Dray leaned in closer to her and whispered in her ear lightly. "I know you don't know it, but this is really strange, even for me."
"How can people live like this?" Penn asked. "These people... They have nothing... I don't get it."
"Not all of the Districts are as privileged as One, Penn." He answered. "Ours is wealthy because we win the Games so often. Most of the other non-Career districts live like this."
"This is terrible." She sighed, looking around at the living conditions of the people around them. "I'm glad we're giving my winnings to these people. They need more help than I do..."
Penn and Dray strode through the town. Everywhere they went, people saw them and looked confused. She wore jeans and a white blouse while their clothes seemed dirtier, as if they were washed in muddy water. Dray was soaked in dirt, but he still seemed a bit cleaner than the people on the street.
"There are no Peacekeepers..." Dray mentioned. Penn hadn't noticed before, but she gazed around and saw that he was right. There were no men dressed in white standing above the people. There was only the people. She thought this strange, as there were constantly many more guards patrolling the city back in District 1.
"You're right." She replied. "Why would that be? One was teeming with them."
"Maybe the Capitol isn't as afraid of Nine as they are of us..." Dray suggested. "They don't feel like they need Peacekeepers here."
"I wouldn't be surprised." She shrugged. "These people look like they barely have enough food to survive, let alone make an escape." She paused for a moment, and looked around at the buildings around her. None of them looked familiar. "Where do you suppose the mayor would be?"
"I don't know." Dray replied. By the time he turned around, Penn had already gone to run up to one of the townsfolk. "Penn, wait!"
She stepped up to an older woman, sitting on an old rickety rocking chair in front of her home. She had a sort of scowl on her face, but Penn didn't care. "Mam, we're looking for the mayor. Where would he be?"
She looked at them and spat on the ground. "You kids ain't from 'round here." She said.
"How can you tell?"
"I can smell it on ya." She replied. "You don't have the weathered hands of someone who's had grain running through her fingers. Your clothes aren't stained with sweat. You ain't from 'round here. So where you from?"
Penn was taken back for a moment. She didn't realize it was so glaringly obvious. So she decided to withhold the truth. "My family just moved here from across the district. You didn't answer my question. Where is the mayor?"
"You got lucky, girl." She spat on the ground again. "Mayor Pike lives in a town east of here, but he's visiting for the week."
"Visiting? For what?"
"To reap from the children." She rocked back and forth slowly. "I'd advise you not to bother him until after his meeting. He's been very irritable the past few days. Worked up over something or other."
"Where can I find him?"
"In the building down the way with the concrete pillars."
"Thank you." Penn said, before turning and walking back in the direction the woman pointed.
Dray came up next to her within a moment. "So what's the plan here, babe?" He asked.
"I have an idea." She replied. "You should just stand to the side and back me up. I'll do all the talking. Don't want you to get involved any more than you have to."
"Right. Okay." He answered.
The two of them walked farther down the road until they reached the building with the pillars of stone. It was the grandest building in the town, and it looked as though it's where the most important people would be. Penn prepared herself for what she would find inside as she reached down and grabbed her boyfriend's hand. She squeezed it tight and whispered, "this is it." This was the moment she was waiting for.
"Good luck."
She strode through the large metal doors, casting them open as hard as she could. Inside she found a gathering of five people. There was a man in a short, dirty top hat and a thick black mustache. She assumed him to be the mayor. Around him was another man with crazy green hair and eye shadow, standing out from the rest of them. Penn knew him to be from the Capitol from Dray's description of their citizens. There stood a young boy and girl around Penn's age and one man with the same shade of brown hair as the girl.
The five of them looked as though they had been in an intense argument beforehand, but all looked bewildered as they pondered her entrance. She stepped through the aisle towards the stage at the end of the room, and the mustached man spoke up first. "Who are you, girl? We have business to accomplish here."
"I am your business." Penn said confidently, standing before their judging eyes. "My name is Penn Cassidy, and I volunteer as tribute."
There was a moment of shared silence. The five on the stage looked back and forth between Penn, Dray and each other as though none could comprehend the situation. The mayor, however, looked straight ahead into Penn's eyes and stared her down. He received the same from her.
"What are we going to do here, sir?" The man from District 9 asked the mayor in confusion.
The mayor averted a glance to the floor before he stroked his mustache and answered his question. "We haven't heard more than a few words from this girl. Let us wait before we jump to conclusions, Ulysses."
The man called Ulysses shot the same look hesitantly back at Penn. She could tell he didn't quite know what was going on. Penn started to walk forward. "I come from the land over the hill." She told him. "My home is District 1."
"You come from...District 1?" The mayor questioned her. "How did you...? No, never mind. Why did you come here? You're a long ways from home, little lamb. What brings you to our bountiful District?"
"I'm hoping, I can take your spot as the female tribute." Penn told the group.
The mayor paused for a moment, and then gestured for the two of them to approach the stage with them. "Come. Let us find common ground where there is so little."
Penn took the suggestion and followed up the stairs. She turned as she walked to see Dray stepping closely behind her. The mayor strode over to an off-white plastic table placed on the back of the stage. The four others followed him and sat down at it. When Penn took her seat, she took the one adjacent to no one. She trusted no one. Dray took the seat to her right, and was pinned between her and the young boy from District 9. No one spoke for a moment again, and the mayor broke the silence. "Well, there is tension here, and I'm not one to abstain from it. But I will begin by introducing us. My name is Herman Boz. I am the elected official for our District."
"And as such, he will have the final say in the matter of the tributes for this year's Hunger Games." The man with the fluffy green hair exclaimed. They way he was constantly smiling made Penn feel uneasy. "He handles their affairs. You are sitting beside them now. Say hello to the nice girl, Emmy."
"Hello..." The girl seemed very timid. She look about three years younger, and was too soft to go into the Games. Penn could tell from her voice. Emmy wanted as much as her will allowed not to be in that room. At least she wouldn't have to.
"And you too, Willem."
"No." He responded confidently. Penn liked his spirit more. Willem's hair was short and bristly. His eyebrows were thick and chin defined. He had a very roguish look about him. He was a bit taller than Dray... Better looking...
"Sorry." He replied in a sarcastic tone. "No, sir."
Mayor Boz seemed annoyed with the man's outburst. "Yes. And this would be our beloved escort from the Capital, Mr. Fivel."
"You can call me Cedrick, dear." He was smiling again within seconds, revealing a shade of lipstick that matched the color of his hair. This man was the strangest Penn had ever seen.
"I don't think that I will." Boz replied.
"Can we discuss the matter at hand?" A wide-eyed Ulysses asked loudly, slamming his hand on the table. Penn knew he was on the right track. The others, even Mayor Boz, didn't have the important things in mind.
"Quiet." The mayor elevated his voice slightly, yet was still able to raise it above the level Ulysses had shouted in his intensity. She knew this man was not one to be tested. He let out a long sigh and opened his eyes in Dray's direction. "I know who you are, Penn Cassidy, but who is your friend?"
The way his question was phrased sounded awkward to Penn. All they knew about her was her name and her quest. They knew nothing of her person. Yet, she decided to roll with it. "I'm Dray." He answered. Penn looked over at him, and he shot her a glance back. She could tell he was having a difficult time
"Your last name, boy." He asked again. "I'm sure you've come a long way to be here, but I've come an even greater distance. District 9 is farther across than any gap between. So if you wish to speak to me and interrupt my meeting, you will not waste my time."
"Colby... Dray Colby..." He told Boz. He was more hesitant this time. "Sorry, sir..."
"You are covered in dirt and grime, Dray Colby." He squinted. "How do you ever expect me to take you as a serious offer when you look as though you slept with a pig last night?"
"Well, I do-"
Penn interrupted him, since she knew Dray would only make the situation worse. "You aren't taking his offer, you're taking mine, Mr. Boz." His gaze was directed back at her. "And... how can you make a comment on my boyfriend's dirty clothes, when the clothes on your people look like they were made out of grain sacks?"
Ulysses scowled at her from across the table. He looked to his left at the mayor and barked at him. "She has no right to insult our people like this! Our hard-working people..."
"Daddy..." Emmy complained, attempting to calm down her father. It wasn't working.
"Yeah, you heard me." Ulysses shouted. He stood up and looked down on the Mayor. "She has no right. Just like you have no right to throw my daughter into something like this. She committed a petty theft. Don't be an asshole and kill her for it."
Boz didn't raise his voice, or even get out of his seat. "You may shout at me the next time stealing half of someone's entire grain storage is considered petty theft, Ulysses. Sit down, or I will be forced to expel you from this meeting." Ulysses grumbled words under his breath and ran a hand through his gray hair, but reluctantly returned to his seat.
Fivel looked rapidly between each of the people on the table and clapped his hands together, still smiling. His fingernails were painted blue to offset his hair. "I know what we should do!" He proclaimed. "Let us have the young intruder and her friend explain themselves. I feel as though they should at least present their side of the arrangement."
Willem looked over at Penn and smiled. She couldn't help but smile back. When Dray took her by the arm and spun her around, she had to shake her head to remember what she was thinking about. "Just a moment." Dray told the group from Nine. He turned Penn away and whispered to her in private conversation. "I know you said you had this before, but I would really like to help you here. How can I just sit back and watch you make all the decisions. They mock my clothing... and that's all I get in the conversation."
"Okay." Penn answered quietly. "So what do you think?"
"I think that you should show these people what you're made of." Dray suggested. "You brought your knife along with you, right? Do some target practice. You are a Career, babe. Let them know you can kill."
"I can kill." It felt weird saying the words aloud. She always thought them, but this was the first time since she woke up that she had spoken the word kill. It left a different taste on her tongue than she expected.
"Hey." Boz called their attention quickly. "I'll have you know, District 1, that I have seven Peacekeepers that are my bodyguards backstage. They will believe any word I say, so I implore you to choose wisely..."
"I don't know..." Penn told Dray. "If I just told them about how good I was with a knife... I could pretend I don't have one... They might believe me. Whipping out my knife in front of the Mayor of District 9 might have certain repercussions we won't expect."
"Fuck repercussions." Dray told her. "You came this far through sheer force of will. Forgive me, but they are not going to believe the bullshit story of a girl who broke capital law. These people need to see to believe. They need to see you..."
Fuck repercussions! Demonstrate your skills, Penn! The fact that they didn't know District Nine was one of the districts to be treated unfairly by the Capitol just shows how corrupt their District is to be honest. Anyways, I loved this part! It was well worth the wait
Adding on, I know Penn's a bit cocky, but I loved it when she said that she's glad she'll be able to help the people of nine if she wins the games. It shows that she isn't entirely selfish, I guess!
Chapter 15: Foreign
Penn Cassidy
When Penn took her first step into the town, she knew where she was going. It was a large, yet shoddy… more village that looked as though it had rust growing on every square inch of each building. She was surprised when she saw it. It was quite different than the style and architecture in District 1. Everything seemed out of place here. Everything seemed alien.
Men and women shot her looks of confusion as she walked past. One woman washed her clothes in a basin full of dirty water. Three little boys ran through the road, playing games with each other, and none of them had a shirt. Penn could see their bones peeking through their skin. Dray leaned in closer to her and whispered in her ear lightly. "I know you don't know it, but this is really strange, even for me."
"How can people live like this?" Penn asked. "These people... They have nothing... I don't get it."
"Not all of the Districts are as privil… [view original content]
Fuck repercussions! Demonstrate your skills, Penn! The fact that they didn't know District Nine was one of the districts to be treated unfai… morerly by the Capitol just shows how corrupt their District is to be honest. Anyways, I loved this part! It was well worth the wait
Adding on, I know Penn's a bit cocky, but I loved it when she said that she's glad she'll be able to help the people of nine if she wins the games. It shows that she isn't entirely selfish, I guess!
Oh well, Penn is still Penn, I guess. A mixture of selfishness, a sick thirst for blood and stupid naivety. I'm actually surprised everything went so well for her, at least for now. I'm still absolutely certain that things will end horribly for Dray, but I doubt she truly cares as long as she gets her big wish of ruining her own life and the lives of some of the other tributes. Yep, I guess I still hate her with a passion. I liked Willem though. While it is a bit too early to say I like him, I guess I should be able to like him in the future, at least if he is not some sort of jerkish Penn-like asshole. For this choice, I chose to demonstrate Penn's skill. It is her best chance to win them over and since I really don't like her, to say the least, I am not concerned for any repercussions she might suffer.
Chapter 15: Foreign
Penn Cassidy
When Penn took her first step into the town, she knew where she was going. It was a large, yet shoddy… more village that looked as though it had rust growing on every square inch of each building. She was surprised when she saw it. It was quite different than the style and architecture in District 1. Everything seemed out of place here. Everything seemed alien.
Men and women shot her looks of confusion as she walked past. One woman washed her clothes in a basin full of dirty water. Three little boys ran through the road, playing games with each other, and none of them had a shirt. Penn could see their bones peeking through their skin. Dray leaned in closer to her and whispered in her ear lightly. "I know you don't know it, but this is really strange, even for me."
"How can people live like this?" Penn asked. "These people... They have nothing... I don't get it."
"Not all of the Districts are as privil… [view original content]
Ok guys, so I'm gonna make an announcement. It's something I've been working on for the past two years or so. I was going to keep it under wraps until it happened, but I figure there's little consequence to telling you guys. So I've been writing the script for a Telltale game. Yeah, an actual game. I haven't pitched the idea to them yet, but I'm going to try to finish up the script and then show it to them. They might take me a bit more seriously if I already have the whole thing written out beforehand. It's a completely original idea that I've titled "The Vigilant Sky." It will be roughly the length of three of their average season lengths. Do you guys think it would be a good idea? And would you like a game with a 15 episode season, or a normal 5 episode season where each episode is 3 times the length?
Also I would pref 5-6 episodes, but, and this is a big but, if the episode is 3 times longer, the development time takes longer.
So I would pref 2-3 hour episodes.
Ok guys, so I'm gonna make an announcement. It's something I've been working on for the past two years or so. I was going to keep it under w… moreraps until it happened, but I figure there's little consequence to telling you guys. So I've been writing the script for a Telltale game. Yeah, an actual game. I haven't pitched the idea to them yet, but I'm going to try to finish up the script and then show it to them. They might take me a bit more seriously if I already have the whole thing written out beforehand. It's a completely original idea that I've titled "The Vigilant Sky." It will be roughly the length of three of their average season lengths. Do you guys think it would be a good idea? And would you like a game with a 15 episode season, or a normal 5 episode season where each episode is 3 times the length?
I hope they will like it.
Also I would pref 5-6 episodes, but, and this is a big but, if the episode is 3 times longer, the development time takes longer.
So I would pref 2-3 hour episodes.
But first thing first, your writing is great.
Thanks haha. I'll try to shorten it, but it might seem rushed if I try to squeeze all of it into 5 or 6 2 to 3 hour episodes. Although, if I have everything written beforehand, they won't need to spend time on that. They'll just need to flesh it out with models and stuff. So that should speed up production.
I hope they will like it.
Also I would pref 5-6 episodes, but, and this is a big but, if the episode is 3 times longer, the development time takes longer.
So I would pref 2-3 hour episodes.
But first thing first, your writing is great.
That sounds awesome! If you do pitch the idea, you could also point them to this story. They view these forums too and this is really, really good. The more work you can show, the better right?
I like their 5-6 episode system they have now, but if the story is really engaging and I enjoy it I wouldn't mind having more in a season.
Ok guys, so I'm gonna make an announcement. It's something I've been working on for the past two years or so. I was going to keep it under w… moreraps until it happened, but I figure there's little consequence to telling you guys. So I've been writing the script for a Telltale game. Yeah, an actual game. I haven't pitched the idea to them yet, but I'm going to try to finish up the script and then show it to them. They might take me a bit more seriously if I already have the whole thing written out beforehand. It's a completely original idea that I've titled "The Vigilant Sky." It will be roughly the length of three of their average season lengths. Do you guys think it would be a good idea? And would you like a game with a 15 episode season, or a normal 5 episode season where each episode is 3 times the length?
That sounds awesome! If you do pitch the idea, you could also point them to this story. They view these forums too and this is really, reall… morey good. The more work you can show, the better right?
I like their 5-6 episode system they have now, but if the story is really engaging and I enjoy it I wouldn't mind having more in a season.
63% of readers chose to [A. Demonstrate your skills.]
Penn reached to her belt and felt the cool touch of her knife against her fingers. She knew she had the ability to show them what she was made of. The thought didn't take long before festering and turning into a burning desire for respect. She withdrew the knife and held it up for the people of District 9 to see.
All except the mayer were taken by surprised, and lurched backward in self-defense. "What are you doing?" Ulysses yelled nervously. "Put that down!"
The boy, Willem, on the side of her looked shocked and frightened. It was the first time since she entered the room he showed any sort of emotion. But after a moment, the dust settled, and he came to his senses. "Penn, put that away before someone gets hurt." He encouraged her.
Penn ignored him. She leaned down to her boyfriend and smiled at him. He shot her a mirrored expression. "Fuck it." She said. She lifted the knife above her head and threw it to her right, after a brief glance in the direction. The blade sailed from her fingertips smoothly and landed directly where she intended: embedded in the wall twenty feet away.
"Crazy bitch!" Fivel screamed. "She'll get us all killed! Boz, you can't stand for this!"
"Let her perform." The mayor spoke softly, eyes fixed on Penn. He rested his head on his hands and continued to observe her. "Girl, you would wish to take the place of Emmy here?"
"Yes, sir." Penn replied to him, walking over to the right. She placed her hand on the knife and gave it a sharp tug to remove it.
"And you expect to bend my whims to that of a girl who just put a nice chip in a good wall?" He frowned. "As you can see, our District is running out of architecture in peak condition. Please, if you wish to demonstrate, do so in a well-mannered fashion."
Emmy looked over at Dray, and then to Penn. She seemed nervous, as though she didn't know what was going on around her. In a way, Penn felt pity for her. "You want to take my place? You want to rescue me?"
"Careful." Boz diverted his attention to her. "If you are not in the Games, you will simply serve out a prison sentence." The threat made the girl sink back again into her seat.
"That's my daughter you're talking to!" Ulysses shouted at him.
"And I would advise you to be careful as well." He responded. "You and your family have been treading on very thin ice for the past month. All it would take is one strike from my Peacekeepers to crack it and submerge you." He turned to Fivel, who seemed to remain in shock from the weapon in Penn's hand. "Frankly, I am not one for the technicalities of the Capitol. Mr. Fivel, is there any chance admitting Penn would be a legal maneuver?"
The green-haired man seemed to calm down upon being asked the question. "I suppose it could be tiptoed around. So long as the answer is never revealed, I could see it going smoothly with little consequence. Although, I do question the ethical value of the choice. The girl is a runner. Do you know what the Capitol does to runners? They make them into avoxes. Are you really considering a criminal as our tribute?"
"Yes." Boz answered plainly. "Emmy is a thief. Willem has already served time. I see no difference between them and a runner."
Fivel took a moment, and then shook his head. "In the rules, it clearly states, 'A male and female tribute will be chosen from each District.'" He pointed harshly in Penn's direction. "She is not from the District!"
The mayor shook his head in response. "Was there not an announcement of the amendment of the rules? We choose our own tributes this year. The girl seems more than happy to take the part, which is more than I can say than any other child I've pursued on the topic."
Fivel and Boz shared a moment of debate, and one took the other by the arm, leading them away from the table to talk in private. Dray tapped Penn on the shoulder and she turned to find a confused face. "This isn't going well." He said. "I thought it would be easier than this."
Penn took her knife in both hands and looked down at it. It had a hilt wrapped in black felt and a dented blade. She assumed it had been her father's. "I'm not so sure I can do this anymore, Dray." She admitted to him something she wasn't even sure she could admit to herself. "What if they don't accept me? Part of me wishes I hadn't even tried so I couldn't have the fear of not knowing."
"What?" He acted surprised. "You've come all this way and you want to back out now? You can do this, Penn. It's the moment you've been preparing for your whole life."
"My muscles are getting all tense, and I feel like a stranger to them." She flexed her left hand, and tightened her grip on the blade in the right. "It feels like the stress may cause me to make a mistake."
"You just need to relax, babe." He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "No matter what, at the end you will know. You won't have to worry any more. You're so close to the finish line, Penn. Don't stop now."
"Thanks..." She started to turn away but stopped herself. She placed her hand on his. "I love you..."
"I love you too..." Tears began to well up in his eyes, but he fought to keep them away. Something about seeing Dray like this made her feel like everything would be alright. And her muscles began to relax.
"Penn Cassidy!" The mayor shouted from across the room. He took off his top hat and used it to wave to her. "We have decided that you shall take the place of District 9's tribute!" Strangely enough, Emmy was the one to jump up in excitement at the announcement. "But you must demonstrate to us what you tried to before."
"I can hit a target from thirty feet away with my knife." She spoke confidently.
"Perfect!" Fivel exclaimed, clapping his hands together. Somehow, he seemed back on board the idea. Mayor Boz must have convinced him of the plan. He walked over to the curtain of the stage, and pointed to a spot on it. It was already in tatters, so he didn't have any hesitation asking for another mark. "Hit this spot." He asked.
Penn happily obliged and threw it as hard as she could. She knew, after the moment it left her fingers it would hit its mark. And without a doubt, when she looked, it had pierced exactly in the place Mr. Fivel had asked. As she walked over and ripped the knife from the curtain, Fivel pointed to two more places on it, and Penn repeated the process, managing to hit both targets with perfect aim just as well.
"Well, I'm convinced." Mayor Boz nodded his head. He looked over to Fivel beside him. "Are you convinced?"
"I think we have our tribute." Fivel laughed.
As Penn took the knife in her hand once more, she felt a surge of the same type of adrenaline that she felt when she had first decided to demonstrate her aim for District 9. She smiled and turned around quickly, aiming for the doorway. She had stolen a quick glance at it before hand and knew exactly where it was and what she was aiming for. There was a hole in the glass of the window.
Yet, as she turned, she was met with the shock of members at the table. She didn't have time to stop herself before Willem reached up quickly and grabbed onto the arm the knife was held in. It curved the trajectory of the throw enough to the point that she wasn't sure where it would go. "What the hell!" She cried, angry at Willem. But when she glared up at him, his face was was pointed in another direction, wide-eyed. She followed his gaze and found at the end of it, the lifeless body of Emmy.
The knife had pierced through her right eye and into her skull. The blade only stopped flying when the guard made contact with her forehead. When it struck, her body fell backward into its seat, letting blood trickle onto the floor. Her left eye now hung forever open against the elements. Emmy was dead.
There was dead silence in the room as everyone attempted to find a reasonable explanation to what had happened. Unfortunately, before anyone was able to, Ulysses exploded in a ball of anger and tears. "MURDERER!" He cried in a shrill way that dug into Penn's soul. "MY FUCKING DAUGHTER! YOU KILLED HER!"
"Oh my god... Oh my god..." It was the only thing Willem could say as he held his head in his hands.
"Sir, calm down!" Mayor Boz screamed in his direction, but this time, even his striking tone couldn't beat out Ulysses' despair. "Let's talk about this like rational adults!"
"ADULTS? MY DAUGHTER WAS NO ADULT, AND SHE'S DEAD NOW!" He could not stop screaming at the top of his lungs. Penn looked around the room and saw, in the doorway, a few of the citizens of District 9 who had come to investigate the noise. "SHE HAS TO SERVE JUSTICE FOR THIS!"
"She will already serve her time in the arena." The mayor spoke, as calmly as he could. Penn could tell even he was losing his edge. "There's no need for vigilante justice."
"NO! Someone's gotta die for this. Here and now." He stood up and slammed his hands against the table, sending an echo throughout the hall. "I'm not walking out of this room until I have someone's head."
"You can't kill her!" The mayor shouted to match his tone. "She's too important! You kill her and the Capitol torches us all."
"I know." Ulysses cried into his hands for just a few moments before reaching his hand into the back of his jeans and withdrawing something from it. There wasn't much time to act as Penn made out what it was, but it was sleek and colored black and the moment it stopped moving, Penn knew what it was. It was too late. There was a loud bang and the next time Penn looked to her right, Dray laid on the floor with a bullet between his eyes.
63% of readers chose to [A. Demonstrate your skills.]
Penn reached to her belt and felt the cool touch of her knife against her fingers… more. She knew she had the ability to show them what she was made of. The thought didn't take long before festering and turning into a burning desire for respect. She withdrew the knife and held it up for the people of District 9 to see.
All except the mayer were taken by surprised, and lurched backward in self-defense. "What are you doing?" Ulysses yelled nervously. "Put that down!"
The boy, Willem, on the side of her looked shocked and frightened. It was the first time since she entered the room he showed any sort of emotion. But after a moment, the dust settled, and he came to his senses. "Penn, put that away before someone gets hurt." He encouraged her.
Penn ignored him. She leaned down to her boyfriend and smiled at him. He shot her a mirrored expression. "Fuck it." She said. She lifted the knif… [view original content]
Fucking Penn! Fuck her! Just as I started to consider that she might deserve more credit than I was willing to give her, that she might be not all that bad, she had to pull such a move and kill a fucking child for no reason. Seriously, after the last part, I had a somewhat hard time upholding my intense hatred for Penn. Now, I won't have this problem anymore. Penn crossed a line in this part and at least in my eyes, she can't come back from this. And Dray is entirely on her as well. While it was Ulysses who pulled the trigger, I think anyone else would have done the same in his situation. Penn is at fault for Dray. She is the only murderer here and I hope she gets the horrible death she deserves. I am sad for Dray, as he has been my favourite character from Penn's storyline, but I knew it would end badly for him. At least, Ulysses spared him the torture the Capitol would have undoubtedly put him through.
As for this choice, surprisingly I chose the option that could be better for Penn, namely mourning Dray instead of rushing Ulysses. This is not because I sympathize with Penn all of a sudden, but more because I deeply sympathize with Ulysses. That man just lost his beloved daughter because of a bloodthirsty, violent and uncontrollable bitch from District 1 decided that it is her destiny to participate in the games and these corrupt assholes in charge of the District don't even punish her for it. Seriously, in his case I would have shot her without thinking about the consequences. She would have deserved it. Sure, it is sad for Dray, but his death is entirely Penn's fault. Ulysses is the victim here and he does not deserve to get attacked by that fucking bitch.
63% of readers chose to [A. Demonstrate your skills.]
Penn reached to her belt and felt the cool touch of her knife against her fingers… more. She knew she had the ability to show them what she was made of. The thought didn't take long before festering and turning into a burning desire for respect. She withdrew the knife and held it up for the people of District 9 to see.
All except the mayer were taken by surprised, and lurched backward in self-defense. "What are you doing?" Ulysses yelled nervously. "Put that down!"
The boy, Willem, on the side of her looked shocked and frightened. It was the first time since she entered the room he showed any sort of emotion. But after a moment, the dust settled, and he came to his senses. "Penn, put that away before someone gets hurt." He encouraged her.
Penn ignored him. She leaned down to her boyfriend and smiled at him. He shot her a mirrored expression. "Fuck it." She said. She lifted the knif… [view original content]
Fucking Penn! Fuck her! Just as I started to consider that she might deserve more credit than I was willing to give her, that she might be n… moreot all that bad, she had to pull such a move and kill a fucking child for no reason. Seriously, after the last part, I had a somewhat hard time upholding my intense hatred for Penn. Now, I won't have this problem anymore. Penn crossed a line in this part and at least in my eyes, she can't come back from this. And Dray is entirely on her as well. While it was Ulysses who pulled the trigger, I think anyone else would have done the same in his situation. Penn is at fault for Dray. She is the only murderer here and I hope she gets the horrible death she deserves. I am sad for Dray, as he has been my favourite character from Penn's storyline, but I knew it would end badly for him. At least, Ulysses spared him the torture the Capitol would have undoubtedly put him through.
As for this choice, surprisingly I … [view original content]
I have to ask, why is Ulysses the bastard now? That man just lost his daughter, which had been entirely Penn's fault and I can't blame him for what he did. Frankly, after the casual way the District 9 officials have reacted to this, anyone would have snapped in his situation. The only one to blame for Dray's death is Penn herself. Sure, maybe it wasn't fair to shoot Dray instead of her, but at the very least he got a quick death now. Ulysses is definitely not the bastard here.
Fucking Penn! Fuck her! Just as I started to consider that she might deserve more credit than I was willing to give her, that she might be n… moreot all that bad, she had to pull such a move and kill a fucking child for no reason. Seriously, after the last part, I had a somewhat hard time upholding my intense hatred for Penn. Now, I won't have this problem anymore. Penn crossed a line in this part and at least in my eyes, she can't come back from this. And Dray is entirely on her as well. While it was Ulysses who pulled the trigger, I think anyone else would have done the same in his situation. Penn is at fault for Dray. She is the only murderer here and I hope she gets the horrible death she deserves. I am sad for Dray, as he has been my favourite character from Penn's storyline, but I knew it would end badly for him. At least, Ulysses spared him the torture the Capitol would have undoubtedly put him through.
As for this choice, surprisingly I … [view original content]
Yeah, I have noticed it and I wouldn't go as far as implying that Penn murdered Emmy on purpose. I know it was more of a tragic accident, but since it was the result of Penn's ruthless and selfish actions, I still fully blame her. If she would have actually considered that there might be people in harm's way, it could have been prevented, but I guess she just does not care enough for other people. But I wonder, why has Willem tried to stop her? The way I read it, I had the opinion that he realized that Penn would hit Emmy and that he tried to stop her from throwing the knife at all, or at least tried to deflect her knife, but failed to do so. If he wouldn't have caught her arm, would there have been any danger for Emmy?
I have to ask, why is Ulysses the bastard now? That man just lost his daughter, which had been entirely Penn's fault and I can't blame him f… moreor what he did. Frankly, after the casual way the District 9 officials have reacted to this, anyone would have snapped in his situation. The only one to blame for Dray's death is Penn herself. Sure, maybe it wasn't fair to shoot Dray instead of her, but at the very least he got a quick death now. Ulysses is definitely not the bastard here.
Death. It was a word Penn thought she knew. Before that moment, she thought she understood what she wanted. She would tell herself she was destined for the Hunger Games. But, now, two lay dead around her, both by her hand. And for the first time since she woke up, Penn was paralyzed with a sense of life and death. Two lives were just ripped away... Because she had been foolish enough to throw that knife one last time. The next tears that fell from her eyes felt like the first she would ever take in a long stream.
Dray's face looked confused, and it would forever remain that way. To an extent, Penn felt the same way. She asked herself why this had to happen. But then, she knew she had the answer... If she hadn't dragged Dray along on her journey to District 9... If she hadn't decided to throw that one last knife... He would still be alive. Penn was the center of attention now. But it was not as she imagined.
A crowd had amassed from the street, wide-eyed and concerned. Peacekeepers were bursting from the walls to join them, drawn to the sound of the gunfire. Within a moment, their guns were trained on Ulysses, whose hand was still holding the gun in the direction Dray had been. "Drop it!" One of the armored guards shouted. "Fucking drop it!"
Penn only had a moment to gaze down upon her boyfriend. She never got to say goodbye. And that felt like the most real of anything happening. It was almost as if she had been living a dream up until this moment. And that bullet between Dray's eyes was the rude awakening. She only had a moment to ponder this before her entire person filled with rage and she turned her eyes sharply to the man holding the guns.
Penn stood up and charged toward Ulysses as fast as she could. He didn't have any time to react before Penn was able to leap on top of the man and pin him to the ground with his wrists trapped down. "It was a fucking accident!" Penn screamed at the man. "How could you?!"
"Ms. Cassidy. Remove yourself from him." The mayor spoke in an edgy voice. It was likely he was having a difficult time processing what was happening to.
Penn looked up at him and saw all the guns were now trained on her. "He killed my boyfriend! I have the right to be angry!"
"Fuck you..." The man uttered from the ground. Tears were beginning to pour down his cheeks.
"And you killed his daughter." Boz replied.
"It was an accident!"
"Yes, but she's dead nonetheless."
"I should be blamed too." Willem spoke up. His face was red from holding it in his hands. He looked very guilty. "I tried to stop her. I only made the situation worse."
"You are being blamed here, son." The mayor replied. "Both of you will serve your time in the Games."
"What happened here, sir?" One of the Peacekeepers asked, walking over to Boz and confronting here. "Who should we take in?"
"The matter will be dealt with internally." He said. "The girl that was killed was an intruder from another District along with her father."
"What?" Ulysses cried from the ground. "What are you saying? Bastard!"
The mayor looked pained as he spoke the words. Penn could see what he was doing. He was doing his job... "Luckily, both of our tributes survived the event. If you will escort the gentleman on the ground to a cell, it would be much obliged."
"Yessir." The Peacekeeper responded. "You heard the man!"
Four Peacekeepers approached Penn and forcefully ripped her off of the man. One of them grabbed the gun on the ground and the others lifted him up, restraining his wrists behind his back. He began screaming, tears running through his beard. "You can't do this to me!" Ulysses shouted. They turned him towards the door hanging ajar and began to push him through it and past the number of staring citizens. The remaining troop of soldiers followed him away. After they left the room, faint utterings from the man could be made out through the door. "Boz! You know this ain't right! Boz! Dammit!"
"Out!" The mayor bellowed, and the villagers began to move out of the room. When they closed the door, the room was silent. Penn and Willem took a moment to look down at the bodies of Dray and Emmy, and then back up to the mayor. "Happy Hunger Games..." He whispered.
"You... Lied to them..." Willem spoke softly. "Why?"
Mayor Boz turned away from them and slipped his hands into his pockets. "Murder...Is an offense punishable by death." He told them. "However, Leaving your district... That is a federal offense. It's punishable by the total eradication of one's family line. Penn Cassidy... I just saved the lives of whatever family you still have out there."
The man did Penn a favor, so why did it still feel so shitty? Somehow, it felt as though he had dug a knife deep in her just as she had done moments before... No... She was the one who threw the knife. She was the one who would feel the pain. She found herself wondering how things had gone so downhill so quickly. One minute everything was going well, and the next...
"You sent that man to die..." Willem said, turning toward the door.
"No, Willem." He replied. "He sent himself to die the moment he took that gun from its holster. It may not seem like it, but I am still looking out for the best interest of everyone."
"Is it over?" Penn heard from behind the room. She looked to where the voice was coming from and found the green-haired head of Mr. Fivel popping out from behind the curtain. Before anyone could respond, he stepped out onto the stage and began to shake his head. "Oh my goodness! That was quite a rush! I don't do very well around blood, but-" He looked down to find the two bodies scattered on the floor and froze up. "Get those disgusting things out of here!"
"Those disgusting things are people!" Willem shouted at the man. "Or they were..." Penn felt a twinge of anger upon hearing the man call her dead boyfriend disgusting. "Have some respect for the dead."
"Regardless of my respect, I need them out of the room in order to continue business." He told them. "Clean them up and we will finish up here."
"We do not simply clean dead bodies in District 9, Mr. Fivel." Boz told him. "I don't know how you behave in the Capitol, but here, we respect a different method. The bodies will be taken care of by a crew that-"
"In the Capitol, we don't have to worry about these dead bodies! In the Capitol we are at peace with each other. The only bodies I've seen are the ones shown in the Games."
"Yes. So what exactly qualifies you to make executive decisions about the handling of our cadavers?"
"The same thing that gives the Capitol the power to govern the Districts..." He frowned at all of them. His reaction was met with scorn. "So, if you would, Mr. Boz, please remove these sacks of flesh from our sight so we may proceed."
"Cedrick!" The mayor bellowed. "Leave us!"
Fivel was struck down for a moment, but then puffed himself up taller and attempted to stand up for himself. "I have served for this District for far too long to have to listen to this! You know I don't care to come to this yellow shithole. And I'm going to lie to the Capitol for you! Betray my honor as a man... I demand respect."
"You will get none." The mayor shot back.
The two men began to shout at one another violently. They were locked into their argument and looked as though they would not let up for anyone. Penn felt a tug on her shoulder and turned to see Willem's deep blue eyes looking back at her with concern. "We need to leave now..." He whispered. "They won't notice. If we run, we could escape the District. You had a way in, what if-"
"What are you saying?" Penn pulled her arm away. "You're suggesting I give up and run away? I paid my boyfriend's life for this. There's no way I'm backing down now."
The man took a moment to look bewildered in front of her. She really did not understand why it was so hard for people to understand her intentions. "Wait..." He said. "You actually want to be in the games?"
"You think? I wasn't chosen in my District. That's why I ran. This year is my last chance to make it big... Get the respect of my District... And the Capitol."
"Do you even know what the Hunger Games is?" He asked. "You clearly don't if you think it's this easy. Wait, what District did you say you were from?"
"One." She answered. "And what's it to you?" Penn wanted so badly to call him out for killing Dray, but the more she felt the thought in her mind, the more she told herself she had an equal share in the blame.
"Oh God..." He placed his head in his hand. "You're a Career..."
"I know what the fucking Hunger Games are, asshole." She scowled at him. She felt tears start to well up in her eyes. It felt like everyone was against her. She just wanted it all to stop.
"Tell me then. What are they?"
"Twenty-four tributes go into the arena and fight to the death..." She answered, crossing her arms and scooting away from him.
"No." Willem shook his head. "The Hunger Games. Twenty-three families have to live with that for the rest of their lives." He pointed sharply toward the body of Dray resting on the ground. Penn didn't care to follow his direction. "And the twenty-fourth tribute, though she may be alive, she has the blood of all the others on her hands. Sure, you may have the respect of the Capitol... Less than ten thousand people who don't give a shit about anything other than their fancy colored hair and exquisite dining... But you have the scorn of the Districts. You don't go back a hero. If you go back at all, you go back a traitor."
"How the hell can you say all that...?" The more she thought about it, the less she felt attached to her previous views. So she shut them from her mind. "The Hunger Games are my last hope of having a purpose in life!"
"How can you say that?!" He screamed, still not as loudly as Boz and Fivel. "What has happened in your life that you feel so highly against cold-blooded murder!"
"I lost my memory! Okay?!" Tears began to pour from Penn's eyes and she couldn't help but shoot a glance at Dray's emotionless eyes on the ground. "I can't remember anything past a few days ago!"
"552 people can't remember anything at all now because they're fucking dead, Penn!" He bellowed. "And you're about to join their ranks! How can you not understand that?!"
Penn fell back into her seat, pouring tears into her fingers. She couldn't handle this. She just wanted all of it to stop. She wanted Dray back. And for the first time, she felt regret. She would gladly sit back in District 1 and watch the games if it meant he would be with her again. But now, he never would be. So Penn responded the only way she knew how. "Shut the fuck up!"
"Enough!" Boz called, pulling silence through the loud arguments. He let out a long sigh and looked in Penn and Willem's direction. "I suppose we should say hello to our new tributes."
"Hello..." Fivel muttered through his teeth. "And I will escort you to the Justice Building."
"We're leaving now?" Willem asked, his eyes going wide. "The train doesn't leave for a few days."
"The train may not leave, but you will have to stay there." He continued. "It has rooms for those unfortunate enough to not have a place to stay."
"This is bullshit!" Willem cried. "I demand to spend the next few days with my family!"
Boz shook his head. "I wish I could believe that Mr. Thomsen. You do not have a family."
"I have friends I can go to! I'm not alone!"
"I don't know if you remember this, but you are a prisoner." Boz shot him a stern look. "Prisoners belong in their cells."
Willem and Penn looked towards eachother, and then to the men standing in front of them. Penn knew that they were defeated. She knew she would be spending the next few days entrapped in a room along with Willem. Fivel clapped his hands and stepped towards the two of them. "Well, if that's all done and settled, we will take our walk."
He stepped out to them and grabbed each by a shoulder, spinning them around toward the door. As he started to step forward, Boz began to follow along with him. "Where is the Justice Building?" Penn asked, wiping a tear from her eye. She began to try to rebuild her previous frame of mind.
"Not too far." Fivel smiled. "The placement of the Justice Building is the same in every District. You should know that."
"Oh..." Penn sighed. One more fact to add to her climbing memory.
When they approached the door, Penn took one last look back at the room behind here. The two bodies lay on opposite sides of the table, one facing the door and the other away. Emmy's head fell just off the stage enough to let her eyes hang in Penn's direction. They would remain that way forever. She wanted to look away, but at the same time, wanted to punish herself for what she had done. And to punish Willem... Guilt flowed over Penn's consciousness like a stone in a flowing river.
When the doors slammed behind them, she gazed around District 9. Something was different now that she hadn't noticed before. There were men and women in raggedy clothing lining both sides of the street. Every single one of them stared at Penn with the intense hatred that was held in the eyes of Ulysses. As she began to walk through the aisle that the citizens had built, she looked around at them. Some of them shouted foul words at her, some simply shot her glares of rage. "What's going on?!" Penn asked, swinging her head around to Boz, behind them. She tried to break free of Fivel's grip on her shoulder, but it only tightened. Willem was doing the same. "What the fuck?!"
"Both of you killed a member of District 9." Boz glared directly into her eyes. "A sister in our struggle against opression. The ground we tread is thin, and anyone with too heavy a footstep will sink."
Penn looked back out toward the parted crowd. A particularly ugly lady in the front row sucked back her gut and spat on the ground near her feet. When Penn's eyes found their way down the aisle, she found a large building painted in white at the other end of it, standing taller than any other in town. She assumed it was the Justice Building. But on the road, outlined with the rows of citizens, there was a large wooden pole with leather wrist straps on top of it protruding from the ground. "You can't do this!" Penn shouted. "We're tributes!"
"We're under the protection of the Capitol, you son of a bitch!" Willem added.
Boz looked up towards the sky and took his top hat from his head. He held it in front of him and said, "Penn Cassidy... Willem Thomsen... You have persuaded me to lie to the Capitol. I will not lie to my people."
If Willem hadn't caught her arm, she would have thrown the knife toward the window. Willem thought she was trying to throw it at them, and reached out to catch it, but it didn't work out too well.
Yeah, I have noticed it and I wouldn't go as far as implying that Penn murdered Emmy on purpose. I know it was more of a tragic accident, bu… moret since it was the result of Penn's ruthless and selfish actions, I still fully blame her. If she would have actually considered that there might be people in harm's way, it could have been prevented, but I guess she just does not care enough for other people. But I wonder, why has Willem tried to stop her? The way I read it, I had the opinion that he realized that Penn would hit Emmy and that he tried to stop her from throwing the knife at all, or at least tried to deflect her knife, but failed to do so. If he wouldn't have caught her arm, would there have been any danger for Emmy?
Wait, what? Is Boz a citizen of the Capitol? Or is he just doing what he's doing for show because they're 'criminals'? Ah, things aren't going so well for Penn.. ;-;
80% of readers chose to [A. Rush Ulysses.]
Death. It was a word Penn thought she knew. Before that moment, she thought she understood w… morehat she wanted. She would tell herself she was destined for the Hunger Games. But, now, two lay dead around her, both by her hand. And for the first time since she woke up, Penn was paralyzed with a sense of life and death. Two lives were just ripped away... Because she had been foolish enough to throw that knife one last time. The next tears that fell from her eyes felt like the first she would ever take in a long stream.
Dray's face looked confused, and it would forever remain that way. To an extent, Penn felt the same way. She asked herself why this had to happen. But then, she knew she had the answer... If she hadn't dragged Dray along on her journey to District 9... If she hadn't decided to throw that one last knife... He would still be alive. Penn was the center of attention now. But it was not a… [view original content]
Wait, what? Is Boz a citizen of the Capitol? Or is he just doing what he's doing for show because they're 'criminals'? Ah, things aren't going so well for Penn.. ;-;
This part... so.. intense.. literally.
80% of readers chose to [A. Rush Ulysses.]
Death. It was a word Penn thought she knew. Before that moment, she thought she understood w… morehat she wanted. She would tell herself she was destined for the Hunger Games. But, now, two lay dead around her, both by her hand. And for the first time since she woke up, Penn was paralyzed with a sense of life and death. Two lives were just ripped away... Because she had been foolish enough to throw that knife one last time. The next tears that fell from her eyes felt like the first she would ever take in a long stream.
Dray's face looked confused, and it would forever remain that way. To an extent, Penn felt the same way. She asked herself why this had to happen. But then, she knew she had the answer... If she hadn't dragged Dray along on her journey to District 9... If she hadn't decided to throw that one last knife... He would still be alive. Penn was the center of attention now. But it was not a… [view original content]
They most likely would have done it if he would have won. Cato probably saved the life of that tribute's family when he killed him. The problem with Haymitch is that he won with such a trick. It really was an extremely petty and evil thing to do, but considering how fragile the whole system in Panem is, it's understandable that Snow takes such drastic measures anytime someone threatens to put the capitol and the games in a bad light.
What did you think of that last part?
Ooh! Yay!
I really liked it, as always. I still don't like Penn as a character, but I like her storyline. I also like Dray, both, his character and his role in the story and it was nice that this part developed him even more.
Man, it is hard!. I think I put my 2 cents on Marten. I mean, he is in the "grey zone", he is a killer, but looks like an ok person apart from that. The others are cool too, but he is my fav. Theo is a really close second.
It goes to Snow. He is crazy, he is bad at governing a dictatorship (poor Machiavelli rolls in his grave).
Aura's dad seems a bit strange.
Well, Penn might get into trouble, Saul vs Munrow tension, maybe Marten will get some more "feelz".
Nope, sir.
I like Murphy and Jasper.
Though, another one of my favorite characters don't come in until somewhere in S2, so I won't spoil anything.
Who is your favorite POV character thus far?
Definitely both Aura, and Saul. Their parts managed to strike me with da feels. Marten and Penn aren't as bad too!
Favorite non-POV character?
Snow, that little cunt. Even though I hate him with all of my heart, he never fails to intrigue me. Moreover, the fact that his character is almost unpredictable proves my point of him being interesting, therefore I have to give the prize to him.
Least favorite character.
Haven't really gotten one yet. Though I'm aware this will obviously change as we progress through your story.
Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
Dray falling into trouble within District 9's premises which could possibly result in his death or a sentence to prison. I also think that Saul might have a few tricks up his sleeve.. though I'm not entirely sure.
Any suggestions for my writing?
No, no, not at all! Your writing is honestly amazing. In my opinion, it's one of the best well written fanfictions I've ever participated in. Just keep on doing what you're doing and you'll be fine!
Woah, just realised this fanfiction was posted on June.. o.o time goes fast
Where'd ya go
Into finals lol.
Oh, okay. Good luck!
Chapter 15: Foreign
Penn Cassidy
When Penn took her first step into the town, she knew where she was going. It was a large, yet shoddy village that looked as though it had rust growing on every square inch of each building. She was surprised when she saw it. It was quite different than the style and architecture in District 1. Everything seemed out of place here. Everything seemed alien.
Men and women shot her looks of confusion as she walked past. One woman washed her clothes in a basin full of dirty water. Three little boys ran through the road, playing games with each other, and none of them had a shirt. Penn could see their bones peeking through their skin. Dray leaned in closer to her and whispered in her ear lightly. "I know you don't know it, but this is really strange, even for me."
"How can people live like this?" Penn asked. "These people... They have nothing... I don't get it."
"Not all of the Districts are as privileged as One, Penn." He answered. "Ours is wealthy because we win the Games so often. Most of the other non-Career districts live like this."
"This is terrible." She sighed, looking around at the living conditions of the people around them. "I'm glad we're giving my winnings to these people. They need more help than I do..."
Penn and Dray strode through the town. Everywhere they went, people saw them and looked confused. She wore jeans and a white blouse while their clothes seemed dirtier, as if they were washed in muddy water. Dray was soaked in dirt, but he still seemed a bit cleaner than the people on the street.
"There are no Peacekeepers..." Dray mentioned. Penn hadn't noticed before, but she gazed around and saw that he was right. There were no men dressed in white standing above the people. There was only the people. She thought this strange, as there were constantly many more guards patrolling the city back in District 1.
"You're right." She replied. "Why would that be? One was teeming with them."
"Maybe the Capitol isn't as afraid of Nine as they are of us..." Dray suggested. "They don't feel like they need Peacekeepers here."
"I wouldn't be surprised." She shrugged. "These people look like they barely have enough food to survive, let alone make an escape." She paused for a moment, and looked around at the buildings around her. None of them looked familiar. "Where do you suppose the mayor would be?"
"I don't know." Dray replied. By the time he turned around, Penn had already gone to run up to one of the townsfolk. "Penn, wait!"
She stepped up to an older woman, sitting on an old rickety rocking chair in front of her home. She had a sort of scowl on her face, but Penn didn't care. "Mam, we're looking for the mayor. Where would he be?"
She looked at them and spat on the ground. "You kids ain't from 'round here." She said.
"How can you tell?"
"I can smell it on ya." She replied. "You don't have the weathered hands of someone who's had grain running through her fingers. Your clothes aren't stained with sweat. You ain't from 'round here. So where you from?"
Penn was taken back for a moment. She didn't realize it was so glaringly obvious. So she decided to withhold the truth. "My family just moved here from across the district. You didn't answer my question. Where is the mayor?"
"You got lucky, girl." She spat on the ground again. "Mayor Pike lives in a town east of here, but he's visiting for the week."
"Visiting? For what?"
"To reap from the children." She rocked back and forth slowly. "I'd advise you not to bother him until after his meeting. He's been very irritable the past few days. Worked up over something or other."
"Where can I find him?"
"In the building down the way with the concrete pillars."
"Thank you." Penn said, before turning and walking back in the direction the woman pointed.
Dray came up next to her within a moment. "So what's the plan here, babe?" He asked.
"I have an idea." She replied. "You should just stand to the side and back me up. I'll do all the talking. Don't want you to get involved any more than you have to."
"Right. Okay." He answered.
The two of them walked farther down the road until they reached the building with the pillars of stone. It was the grandest building in the town, and it looked as though it's where the most important people would be. Penn prepared herself for what she would find inside as she reached down and grabbed her boyfriend's hand. She squeezed it tight and whispered, "this is it." This was the moment she was waiting for.
"Good luck."
She strode through the large metal doors, casting them open as hard as she could. Inside she found a gathering of five people. There was a man in a short, dirty top hat and a thick black mustache. She assumed him to be the mayor. Around him was another man with crazy green hair and eye shadow, standing out from the rest of them. Penn knew him to be from the Capitol from Dray's description of their citizens. There stood a young boy and girl around Penn's age and one man with the same shade of brown hair as the girl.
The five of them looked as though they had been in an intense argument beforehand, but all looked bewildered as they pondered her entrance. She stepped through the aisle towards the stage at the end of the room, and the mustached man spoke up first. "Who are you, girl? We have business to accomplish here."
"I am your business." Penn said confidently, standing before their judging eyes. "My name is Penn Cassidy, and I volunteer as tribute."
There was a moment of shared silence. The five on the stage looked back and forth between Penn, Dray and each other as though none could comprehend the situation. The mayor, however, looked straight ahead into Penn's eyes and stared her down. He received the same from her.
"What are we going to do here, sir?" The man from District 9 asked the mayor in confusion.
The mayor averted a glance to the floor before he stroked his mustache and answered his question. "We haven't heard more than a few words from this girl. Let us wait before we jump to conclusions, Ulysses."
The man called Ulysses shot the same look hesitantly back at Penn. She could tell he didn't quite know what was going on. Penn started to walk forward. "I come from the land over the hill." She told him. "My home is District 1."
"You come from...District 1?" The mayor questioned her. "How did you...? No, never mind. Why did you come here? You're a long ways from home, little lamb. What brings you to our bountiful District?"
"I'm hoping, I can take your spot as the female tribute." Penn told the group.
The mayor paused for a moment, and then gestured for the two of them to approach the stage with them. "Come. Let us find common ground where there is so little."
Penn took the suggestion and followed up the stairs. She turned as she walked to see Dray stepping closely behind her. The mayor strode over to an off-white plastic table placed on the back of the stage. The four others followed him and sat down at it. When Penn took her seat, she took the one adjacent to no one. She trusted no one. Dray took the seat to her right, and was pinned between her and the young boy from District 9. No one spoke for a moment again, and the mayor broke the silence. "Well, there is tension here, and I'm not one to abstain from it. But I will begin by introducing us. My name is Herman Boz. I am the elected official for our District."
"And as such, he will have the final say in the matter of the tributes for this year's Hunger Games." The man with the fluffy green hair exclaimed. They way he was constantly smiling made Penn feel uneasy. "He handles their affairs. You are sitting beside them now. Say hello to the nice girl, Emmy."
"Hello..." The girl seemed very timid. She look about three years younger, and was too soft to go into the Games. Penn could tell from her voice. Emmy wanted as much as her will allowed not to be in that room. At least she wouldn't have to.
"And you too, Willem."
"No." He responded confidently. Penn liked his spirit more. Willem's hair was short and bristly. His eyebrows were thick and chin defined. He had a very roguish look about him. He was a bit taller than Dray... Better looking...
"Sorry." He replied in a sarcastic tone. "No, sir."
Mayor Boz seemed annoyed with the man's outburst. "Yes. And this would be our beloved escort from the Capital, Mr. Fivel."
"You can call me Cedrick, dear." He was smiling again within seconds, revealing a shade of lipstick that matched the color of his hair. This man was the strangest Penn had ever seen.
"I don't think that I will." Boz replied.
"Can we discuss the matter at hand?" A wide-eyed Ulysses asked loudly, slamming his hand on the table. Penn knew he was on the right track. The others, even Mayor Boz, didn't have the important things in mind.
"Quiet." The mayor elevated his voice slightly, yet was still able to raise it above the level Ulysses had shouted in his intensity. She knew this man was not one to be tested. He let out a long sigh and opened his eyes in Dray's direction. "I know who you are, Penn Cassidy, but who is your friend?"
The way his question was phrased sounded awkward to Penn. All they knew about her was her name and her quest. They knew nothing of her person. Yet, she decided to roll with it. "I'm Dray." He answered. Penn looked over at him, and he shot her a glance back. She could tell he was having a difficult time
"Your last name, boy." He asked again. "I'm sure you've come a long way to be here, but I've come an even greater distance. District 9 is farther across than any gap between. So if you wish to speak to me and interrupt my meeting, you will not waste my time."
"Colby... Dray Colby..." He told Boz. He was more hesitant this time. "Sorry, sir..."
"You are covered in dirt and grime, Dray Colby." He squinted. "How do you ever expect me to take you as a serious offer when you look as though you slept with a pig last night?"
"Well, I do-"
Penn interrupted him, since she knew Dray would only make the situation worse. "You aren't taking his offer, you're taking mine, Mr. Boz." His gaze was directed back at her. "And... how can you make a comment on my boyfriend's dirty clothes, when the clothes on your people look like they were made out of grain sacks?"
Ulysses scowled at her from across the table. He looked to his left at the mayor and barked at him. "She has no right to insult our people like this! Our hard-working people..."
"Daddy..." Emmy complained, attempting to calm down her father. It wasn't working.
"Yeah, you heard me." Ulysses shouted. He stood up and looked down on the Mayor. "She has no right. Just like you have no right to throw my daughter into something like this. She committed a petty theft. Don't be an asshole and kill her for it."
Boz didn't raise his voice, or even get out of his seat. "You may shout at me the next time stealing half of someone's entire grain storage is considered petty theft, Ulysses. Sit down, or I will be forced to expel you from this meeting." Ulysses grumbled words under his breath and ran a hand through his gray hair, but reluctantly returned to his seat.
Fivel looked rapidly between each of the people on the table and clapped his hands together, still smiling. His fingernails were painted blue to offset his hair. "I know what we should do!" He proclaimed. "Let us have the young intruder and her friend explain themselves. I feel as though they should at least present their side of the arrangement."
Willem looked over at Penn and smiled. She couldn't help but smile back. When Dray took her by the arm and spun her around, she had to shake her head to remember what she was thinking about. "Just a moment." Dray told the group from Nine. He turned Penn away and whispered to her in private conversation. "I know you said you had this before, but I would really like to help you here. How can I just sit back and watch you make all the decisions. They mock my clothing... and that's all I get in the conversation."
"Okay." Penn answered quietly. "So what do you think?"
"I think that you should show these people what you're made of." Dray suggested. "You brought your knife along with you, right? Do some target practice. You are a Career, babe. Let them know you can kill."
"I can kill." It felt weird saying the words aloud. She always thought them, but this was the first time since she woke up that she had spoken the word kill. It left a different taste on her tongue than she expected.
"Hey." Boz called their attention quickly. "I'll have you know, District 1, that I have seven Peacekeepers that are my bodyguards backstage. They will believe any word I say, so I implore you to choose wisely..."
"I don't know..." Penn told Dray. "If I just told them about how good I was with a knife... I could pretend I don't have one... They might believe me. Whipping out my knife in front of the Mayor of District 9 might have certain repercussions we won't expect."
"Fuck repercussions." Dray told her. "You came this far through sheer force of will. Forgive me, but they are not going to believe the bullshit story of a girl who broke capital law. These people need to see to believe. They need to see you..."
Fuck repercussions! Demonstrate your skills, Penn! The fact that they didn't know District Nine was one of the districts to be treated unfairly by the Capitol just shows how corrupt their District is to be honest. Anyways, I loved this part! It was well worth the wait
Adding on, I know Penn's a bit cocky, but I loved it when she said that she's glad she'll be able to help the people of nine if she wins the games. It shows that she isn't entirely selfish, I guess!
*When she wins the games.
Oh well, Penn is still Penn, I guess. A mixture of selfishness, a sick thirst for blood and stupid naivety. I'm actually surprised everything went so well for her, at least for now. I'm still absolutely certain that things will end horribly for Dray, but I doubt she truly cares as long as she gets her big wish of ruining her own life and the lives of some of the other tributes. Yep, I guess I still hate her with a passion. I liked Willem though. While it is a bit too early to say I like him, I guess I should be able to like him in the future, at least if he is not some sort of jerkish Penn-like asshole. For this choice, I chose to demonstrate Penn's skill. It is her best chance to win them over and since I really don't like her, to say the least, I am not concerned for any repercussions she might suffer.
Ok guys, so I'm gonna make an announcement. It's something I've been working on for the past two years or so. I was going to keep it under wraps until it happened, but I figure there's little consequence to telling you guys. So I've been writing the script for a Telltale game. Yeah, an actual game. I haven't pitched the idea to them yet, but I'm going to try to finish up the script and then show it to them. They might take me a bit more seriously if I already have the whole thing written out beforehand. It's a completely original idea that I've titled "The Vigilant Sky." It will be roughly the length of three of their average season lengths. Do you guys think it would be a good idea? And would you like a game with a 15 episode season, or a normal 5 episode season where each episode is 3 times the length?
I hope they will like it.
Also I would pref 5-6 episodes, but, and this is a big but, if the episode is 3 times longer, the development time takes longer.
So I would pref 2-3 hour episodes.
But first thing first, your writing is great.
What he said!
Thanks haha. I'll try to shorten it, but it might seem rushed if I try to squeeze all of it into 5 or 6 2 to 3 hour episodes. Although, if I have everything written beforehand, they won't need to spend time on that. They'll just need to flesh it out with models and stuff. So that should speed up production.
That sounds awesome! If you do pitch the idea, you could also point them to this story. They view these forums too and this is really, really good. The more work you can show, the better right?
I like their 5-6 episode system they have now, but if the story is really engaging and I enjoy it I wouldn't mind having more in a season.
Haha I suppose more work can't hurt. And yeah, what I was thinking is making it seem more like a TV series, and they usually have around 16 episodes.
63% of readers chose to [A. Demonstrate your skills.]
Penn reached to her belt and felt the cool touch of her knife against her fingers. She knew she had the ability to show them what she was made of. The thought didn't take long before festering and turning into a burning desire for respect. She withdrew the knife and held it up for the people of District 9 to see.
All except the mayer were taken by surprised, and lurched backward in self-defense. "What are you doing?" Ulysses yelled nervously. "Put that down!"
The boy, Willem, on the side of her looked shocked and frightened. It was the first time since she entered the room he showed any sort of emotion. But after a moment, the dust settled, and he came to his senses. "Penn, put that away before someone gets hurt." He encouraged her.
Penn ignored him. She leaned down to her boyfriend and smiled at him. He shot her a mirrored expression. "Fuck it." She said. She lifted the knife above her head and threw it to her right, after a brief glance in the direction. The blade sailed from her fingertips smoothly and landed directly where she intended: embedded in the wall twenty feet away.
"Crazy bitch!" Fivel screamed. "She'll get us all killed! Boz, you can't stand for this!"
"Let her perform." The mayor spoke softly, eyes fixed on Penn. He rested his head on his hands and continued to observe her. "Girl, you would wish to take the place of Emmy here?"
"Yes, sir." Penn replied to him, walking over to the right. She placed her hand on the knife and gave it a sharp tug to remove it.
"And you expect to bend my whims to that of a girl who just put a nice chip in a good wall?" He frowned. "As you can see, our District is running out of architecture in peak condition. Please, if you wish to demonstrate, do so in a well-mannered fashion."
Emmy looked over at Dray, and then to Penn. She seemed nervous, as though she didn't know what was going on around her. In a way, Penn felt pity for her. "You want to take my place? You want to rescue me?"
"Careful." Boz diverted his attention to her. "If you are not in the Games, you will simply serve out a prison sentence." The threat made the girl sink back again into her seat.
"That's my daughter you're talking to!" Ulysses shouted at him.
"And I would advise you to be careful as well." He responded. "You and your family have been treading on very thin ice for the past month. All it would take is one strike from my Peacekeepers to crack it and submerge you." He turned to Fivel, who seemed to remain in shock from the weapon in Penn's hand. "Frankly, I am not one for the technicalities of the Capitol. Mr. Fivel, is there any chance admitting Penn would be a legal maneuver?"
The green-haired man seemed to calm down upon being asked the question. "I suppose it could be tiptoed around. So long as the answer is never revealed, I could see it going smoothly with little consequence. Although, I do question the ethical value of the choice. The girl is a runner. Do you know what the Capitol does to runners? They make them into avoxes. Are you really considering a criminal as our tribute?"
"Yes." Boz answered plainly. "Emmy is a thief. Willem has already served time. I see no difference between them and a runner."
Fivel took a moment, and then shook his head. "In the rules, it clearly states, 'A male and female tribute will be chosen from each District.'" He pointed harshly in Penn's direction. "She is not from the District!"
The mayor shook his head in response. "Was there not an announcement of the amendment of the rules? We choose our own tributes this year. The girl seems more than happy to take the part, which is more than I can say than any other child I've pursued on the topic."
Fivel and Boz shared a moment of debate, and one took the other by the arm, leading them away from the table to talk in private. Dray tapped Penn on the shoulder and she turned to find a confused face. "This isn't going well." He said. "I thought it would be easier than this."
Penn took her knife in both hands and looked down at it. It had a hilt wrapped in black felt and a dented blade. She assumed it had been her father's. "I'm not so sure I can do this anymore, Dray." She admitted to him something she wasn't even sure she could admit to herself. "What if they don't accept me? Part of me wishes I hadn't even tried so I couldn't have the fear of not knowing."
"What?" He acted surprised. "You've come all this way and you want to back out now? You can do this, Penn. It's the moment you've been preparing for your whole life."
"My muscles are getting all tense, and I feel like a stranger to them." She flexed her left hand, and tightened her grip on the blade in the right. "It feels like the stress may cause me to make a mistake."
"You just need to relax, babe." He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "No matter what, at the end you will know. You won't have to worry any more. You're so close to the finish line, Penn. Don't stop now."
"Thanks..." She started to turn away but stopped herself. She placed her hand on his. "I love you..."
"I love you too..." Tears began to well up in his eyes, but he fought to keep them away. Something about seeing Dray like this made her feel like everything would be alright. And her muscles began to relax.
"Penn Cassidy!" The mayor shouted from across the room. He took off his top hat and used it to wave to her. "We have decided that you shall take the place of District 9's tribute!" Strangely enough, Emmy was the one to jump up in excitement at the announcement. "But you must demonstrate to us what you tried to before."
"I can hit a target from thirty feet away with my knife." She spoke confidently.
"Perfect!" Fivel exclaimed, clapping his hands together. Somehow, he seemed back on board the idea. Mayor Boz must have convinced him of the plan. He walked over to the curtain of the stage, and pointed to a spot on it. It was already in tatters, so he didn't have any hesitation asking for another mark. "Hit this spot." He asked.
Penn happily obliged and threw it as hard as she could. She knew, after the moment it left her fingers it would hit its mark. And without a doubt, when she looked, it had pierced exactly in the place Mr. Fivel had asked. As she walked over and ripped the knife from the curtain, Fivel pointed to two more places on it, and Penn repeated the process, managing to hit both targets with perfect aim just as well.
"Well, I'm convinced." Mayor Boz nodded his head. He looked over to Fivel beside him. "Are you convinced?"
"I think we have our tribute." Fivel laughed.
As Penn took the knife in her hand once more, she felt a surge of the same type of adrenaline that she felt when she had first decided to demonstrate her aim for District 9. She smiled and turned around quickly, aiming for the doorway. She had stolen a quick glance at it before hand and knew exactly where it was and what she was aiming for. There was a hole in the glass of the window.
Yet, as she turned, she was met with the shock of members at the table. She didn't have time to stop herself before Willem reached up quickly and grabbed onto the arm the knife was held in. It curved the trajectory of the throw enough to the point that she wasn't sure where it would go. "What the hell!" She cried, angry at Willem. But when she glared up at him, his face was was pointed in another direction, wide-eyed. She followed his gaze and found at the end of it, the lifeless body of Emmy.
The knife had pierced through her right eye and into her skull. The blade only stopped flying when the guard made contact with her forehead. When it struck, her body fell backward into its seat, letting blood trickle onto the floor. Her left eye now hung forever open against the elements. Emmy was dead.
There was dead silence in the room as everyone attempted to find a reasonable explanation to what had happened. Unfortunately, before anyone was able to, Ulysses exploded in a ball of anger and tears. "MURDERER!" He cried in a shrill way that dug into Penn's soul. "MY FUCKING DAUGHTER! YOU KILLED HER!"
"Oh my god... Oh my god..." It was the only thing Willem could say as he held his head in his hands.
"Sir, calm down!" Mayor Boz screamed in his direction, but this time, even his striking tone couldn't beat out Ulysses' despair. "Let's talk about this like rational adults!"
"ADULTS? MY DAUGHTER WAS NO ADULT, AND SHE'S DEAD NOW!" He could not stop screaming at the top of his lungs. Penn looked around the room and saw, in the doorway, a few of the citizens of District 9 who had come to investigate the noise. "SHE HAS TO SERVE JUSTICE FOR THIS!"
"She will already serve her time in the arena." The mayor spoke, as calmly as he could. Penn could tell even he was losing his edge. "There's no need for vigilante justice."
"NO! Someone's gotta die for this. Here and now." He stood up and slammed his hands against the table, sending an echo throughout the hall. "I'm not walking out of this room until I have someone's head."
"You can't kill her!" The mayor shouted to match his tone. "She's too important! You kill her and the Capitol torches us all."
"I know." Ulysses cried into his hands for just a few moments before reaching his hand into the back of his jeans and withdrawing something from it. There wasn't much time to act as Penn made out what it was, but it was sleek and colored black and the moment it stopped moving, Penn knew what it was. It was too late. There was a loud bang and the next time Penn looked to her right, Dray laid on the floor with a bullet between his eyes.
End of Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Less Traveled By
Penn Cassidy
Fucking Penn! Fuck her! Just as I started to consider that she might deserve more credit than I was willing to give her, that she might be not all that bad, she had to pull such a move and kill a fucking child for no reason. Seriously, after the last part, I had a somewhat hard time upholding my intense hatred for Penn. Now, I won't have this problem anymore. Penn crossed a line in this part and at least in my eyes, she can't come back from this. And Dray is entirely on her as well. While it was Ulysses who pulled the trigger, I think anyone else would have done the same in his situation. Penn is at fault for Dray. She is the only murderer here and I hope she gets the horrible death she deserves. I am sad for Dray, as he has been my favourite character from Penn's storyline, but I knew it would end badly for him. At least, Ulysses spared him the torture the Capitol would have undoubtedly put him through.
As for this choice, surprisingly I chose the option that could be better for Penn, namely mourning Dray instead of rushing Ulysses. This is not because I sympathize with Penn all of a sudden, but more because I deeply sympathize with Ulysses. That man just lost his beloved daughter because of a bloodthirsty, violent and uncontrollable bitch from District 1 decided that it is her destiny to participate in the games and these corrupt assholes in charge of the District don't even punish her for it. Seriously, in his case I would have shot her without thinking about the consequences. She would have deserved it. Sure, it is sad for Dray, but his death is entirely Penn's fault. Ulysses is the victim here and he does not deserve to get attacked by that fucking bitch.
Damn, preach it Liquid. I kinda liked Penn, now I don't. Her arrogance caught up to her and she paid the price.
I have to ask, why is Ulysses the bastard now? That man just lost his daughter, which had been entirely Penn's fault and I can't blame him for what he did. Frankly, after the casual way the District 9 officials have reacted to this, anyone would have snapped in his situation. The only one to blame for Dray's death is Penn herself. Sure, maybe it wasn't fair to shoot Dray instead of her, but at the very least he got a quick death now. Ulysses is definitely not the bastard here.
Well, yes for the most part. But, it was a bit of an accident. Willem caught her arm and made her miss.
Yeah, I have noticed it and I wouldn't go as far as implying that Penn murdered Emmy on purpose. I know it was more of a tragic accident, but since it was the result of Penn's ruthless and selfish actions, I still fully blame her. If she would have actually considered that there might be people in harm's way, it could have been prevented, but I guess she just does not care enough for other people. But I wonder, why has Willem tried to stop her? The way I read it, I had the opinion that he realized that Penn would hit Emmy and that he tried to stop her from throwing the knife at all, or at least tried to deflect her knife, but failed to do so. If he wouldn't have caught her arm, would there have been any danger for Emmy?
Ah, wrong wording. I was lowkey pissed because Dray was nice as hell, plus, it all happened so quick E.E
80% of readers chose to [A. Rush Ulysses.]
Death. It was a word Penn thought she knew. Before that moment, she thought she understood what she wanted. She would tell herself she was destined for the Hunger Games. But, now, two lay dead around her, both by her hand. And for the first time since she woke up, Penn was paralyzed with a sense of life and death. Two lives were just ripped away... Because she had been foolish enough to throw that knife one last time. The next tears that fell from her eyes felt like the first she would ever take in a long stream.
Dray's face looked confused, and it would forever remain that way. To an extent, Penn felt the same way. She asked herself why this had to happen. But then, she knew she had the answer... If she hadn't dragged Dray along on her journey to District 9... If she hadn't decided to throw that one last knife... He would still be alive. Penn was the center of attention now. But it was not as she imagined.
A crowd had amassed from the street, wide-eyed and concerned. Peacekeepers were bursting from the walls to join them, drawn to the sound of the gunfire. Within a moment, their guns were trained on Ulysses, whose hand was still holding the gun in the direction Dray had been. "Drop it!" One of the armored guards shouted. "Fucking drop it!"
Penn only had a moment to gaze down upon her boyfriend. She never got to say goodbye. And that felt like the most real of anything happening. It was almost as if she had been living a dream up until this moment. And that bullet between Dray's eyes was the rude awakening. She only had a moment to ponder this before her entire person filled with rage and she turned her eyes sharply to the man holding the guns.
Penn stood up and charged toward Ulysses as fast as she could. He didn't have any time to react before Penn was able to leap on top of the man and pin him to the ground with his wrists trapped down. "It was a fucking accident!" Penn screamed at the man. "How could you?!"
"Ms. Cassidy. Remove yourself from him." The mayor spoke in an edgy voice. It was likely he was having a difficult time processing what was happening to.
Penn looked up at him and saw all the guns were now trained on her. "He killed my boyfriend! I have the right to be angry!"
"Fuck you..." The man uttered from the ground. Tears were beginning to pour down his cheeks.
"And you killed his daughter." Boz replied.
"It was an accident!"
"Yes, but she's dead nonetheless."
"I should be blamed too." Willem spoke up. His face was red from holding it in his hands. He looked very guilty. "I tried to stop her. I only made the situation worse."
"You are being blamed here, son." The mayor replied. "Both of you will serve your time in the Games."
"What happened here, sir?" One of the Peacekeepers asked, walking over to Boz and confronting here. "Who should we take in?"
"The matter will be dealt with internally." He said. "The girl that was killed was an intruder from another District along with her father."
"What?" Ulysses cried from the ground. "What are you saying? Bastard!"
The mayor looked pained as he spoke the words. Penn could see what he was doing. He was doing his job... "Luckily, both of our tributes survived the event. If you will escort the gentleman on the ground to a cell, it would be much obliged."
"Yessir." The Peacekeeper responded. "You heard the man!"
Four Peacekeepers approached Penn and forcefully ripped her off of the man. One of them grabbed the gun on the ground and the others lifted him up, restraining his wrists behind his back. He began screaming, tears running through his beard. "You can't do this to me!" Ulysses shouted. They turned him towards the door hanging ajar and began to push him through it and past the number of staring citizens. The remaining troop of soldiers followed him away. After they left the room, faint utterings from the man could be made out through the door. "Boz! You know this ain't right! Boz! Dammit!"
"Out!" The mayor bellowed, and the villagers began to move out of the room. When they closed the door, the room was silent. Penn and Willem took a moment to look down at the bodies of Dray and Emmy, and then back up to the mayor. "Happy Hunger Games..." He whispered.
"You... Lied to them..." Willem spoke softly. "Why?"
Mayor Boz turned away from them and slipped his hands into his pockets. "Murder...Is an offense punishable by death." He told them. "However, Leaving your district... That is a federal offense. It's punishable by the total eradication of one's family line. Penn Cassidy... I just saved the lives of whatever family you still have out there."
The man did Penn a favor, so why did it still feel so shitty? Somehow, it felt as though he had dug a knife deep in her just as she had done moments before... No... She was the one who threw the knife. She was the one who would feel the pain. She found herself wondering how things had gone so downhill so quickly. One minute everything was going well, and the next...
"You sent that man to die..." Willem said, turning toward the door.
"No, Willem." He replied. "He sent himself to die the moment he took that gun from its holster. It may not seem like it, but I am still looking out for the best interest of everyone."
"Is it over?" Penn heard from behind the room. She looked to where the voice was coming from and found the green-haired head of Mr. Fivel popping out from behind the curtain. Before anyone could respond, he stepped out onto the stage and began to shake his head. "Oh my goodness! That was quite a rush! I don't do very well around blood, but-" He looked down to find the two bodies scattered on the floor and froze up. "Get those disgusting things out of here!"
"Those disgusting things are people!" Willem shouted at the man. "Or they were..." Penn felt a twinge of anger upon hearing the man call her dead boyfriend disgusting. "Have some respect for the dead."
"Regardless of my respect, I need them out of the room in order to continue business." He told them. "Clean them up and we will finish up here."
"We do not simply clean dead bodies in District 9, Mr. Fivel." Boz told him. "I don't know how you behave in the Capitol, but here, we respect a different method. The bodies will be taken care of by a crew that-"
"In the Capitol, we don't have to worry about these dead bodies! In the Capitol we are at peace with each other. The only bodies I've seen are the ones shown in the Games."
"Yes. So what exactly qualifies you to make executive decisions about the handling of our cadavers?"
"The same thing that gives the Capitol the power to govern the Districts..." He frowned at all of them. His reaction was met with scorn. "So, if you would, Mr. Boz, please remove these sacks of flesh from our sight so we may proceed."
"Cedrick!" The mayor bellowed. "Leave us!"
Fivel was struck down for a moment, but then puffed himself up taller and attempted to stand up for himself. "I have served for this District for far too long to have to listen to this! You know I don't care to come to this yellow shithole. And I'm going to lie to the Capitol for you! Betray my honor as a man... I demand respect."
"You will get none." The mayor shot back.
The two men began to shout at one another violently. They were locked into their argument and looked as though they would not let up for anyone. Penn felt a tug on her shoulder and turned to see Willem's deep blue eyes looking back at her with concern. "We need to leave now..." He whispered. "They won't notice. If we run, we could escape the District. You had a way in, what if-"
"What are you saying?" Penn pulled her arm away. "You're suggesting I give up and run away? I paid my boyfriend's life for this. There's no way I'm backing down now."
The man took a moment to look bewildered in front of her. She really did not understand why it was so hard for people to understand her intentions. "Wait..." He said. "You actually want to be in the games?"
"You think? I wasn't chosen in my District. That's why I ran. This year is my last chance to make it big... Get the respect of my District... And the Capitol."
"Do you even know what the Hunger Games is?" He asked. "You clearly don't if you think it's this easy. Wait, what District did you say you were from?"
"One." She answered. "And what's it to you?" Penn wanted so badly to call him out for killing Dray, but the more she felt the thought in her mind, the more she told herself she had an equal share in the blame.
"Oh God..." He placed his head in his hand. "You're a Career..."
"I know what the fucking Hunger Games are, asshole." She scowled at him. She felt tears start to well up in her eyes. It felt like everyone was against her. She just wanted it all to stop.
"Tell me then. What are they?"
"Twenty-four tributes go into the arena and fight to the death..." She answered, crossing her arms and scooting away from him.
"No." Willem shook his head. "The Hunger Games. Twenty-three families have to live with that for the rest of their lives." He pointed sharply toward the body of Dray resting on the ground. Penn didn't care to follow his direction. "And the twenty-fourth tribute, though she may be alive, she has the blood of all the others on her hands. Sure, you may have the respect of the Capitol... Less than ten thousand people who don't give a shit about anything other than their fancy colored hair and exquisite dining... But you have the scorn of the Districts. You don't go back a hero. If you go back at all, you go back a traitor."
"How the hell can you say all that...?" The more she thought about it, the less she felt attached to her previous views. So she shut them from her mind. "The Hunger Games are my last hope of having a purpose in life!"
"How can you say that?!" He screamed, still not as loudly as Boz and Fivel. "What has happened in your life that you feel so highly against cold-blooded murder!"
"I lost my memory! Okay?!" Tears began to pour from Penn's eyes and she couldn't help but shoot a glance at Dray's emotionless eyes on the ground. "I can't remember anything past a few days ago!"
"552 people can't remember anything at all now because they're fucking dead, Penn!" He bellowed. "And you're about to join their ranks! How can you not understand that?!"
Penn fell back into her seat, pouring tears into her fingers. She couldn't handle this. She just wanted all of it to stop. She wanted Dray back. And for the first time, she felt regret. She would gladly sit back in District 1 and watch the games if it meant he would be with her again. But now, he never would be. So Penn responded the only way she knew how. "Shut the fuck up!"
"Enough!" Boz called, pulling silence through the loud arguments. He let out a long sigh and looked in Penn and Willem's direction. "I suppose we should say hello to our new tributes."
"Hello..." Fivel muttered through his teeth. "And I will escort you to the Justice Building."
"We're leaving now?" Willem asked, his eyes going wide. "The train doesn't leave for a few days."
"The train may not leave, but you will have to stay there." He continued. "It has rooms for those unfortunate enough to not have a place to stay."
"This is bullshit!" Willem cried. "I demand to spend the next few days with my family!"
Boz shook his head. "I wish I could believe that Mr. Thomsen. You do not have a family."
"I have friends I can go to! I'm not alone!"
"I don't know if you remember this, but you are a prisoner." Boz shot him a stern look. "Prisoners belong in their cells."
Willem and Penn looked towards eachother, and then to the men standing in front of them. Penn knew that they were defeated. She knew she would be spending the next few days entrapped in a room along with Willem. Fivel clapped his hands and stepped towards the two of them. "Well, if that's all done and settled, we will take our walk."
He stepped out to them and grabbed each by a shoulder, spinning them around toward the door. As he started to step forward, Boz began to follow along with him. "Where is the Justice Building?" Penn asked, wiping a tear from her eye. She began to try to rebuild her previous frame of mind.
"Not too far." Fivel smiled. "The placement of the Justice Building is the same in every District. You should know that."
"Oh..." Penn sighed. One more fact to add to her climbing memory.
When they approached the door, Penn took one last look back at the room behind here. The two bodies lay on opposite sides of the table, one facing the door and the other away. Emmy's head fell just off the stage enough to let her eyes hang in Penn's direction. They would remain that way forever. She wanted to look away, but at the same time, wanted to punish herself for what she had done. And to punish Willem... Guilt flowed over Penn's consciousness like a stone in a flowing river.
When the doors slammed behind them, she gazed around District 9. Something was different now that she hadn't noticed before. There were men and women in raggedy clothing lining both sides of the street. Every single one of them stared at Penn with the intense hatred that was held in the eyes of Ulysses. As she began to walk through the aisle that the citizens had built, she looked around at them. Some of them shouted foul words at her, some simply shot her glares of rage. "What's going on?!" Penn asked, swinging her head around to Boz, behind them. She tried to break free of Fivel's grip on her shoulder, but it only tightened. Willem was doing the same. "What the fuck?!"
"Both of you killed a member of District 9." Boz glared directly into her eyes. "A sister in our struggle against opression. The ground we tread is thin, and anyone with too heavy a footstep will sink."
Penn looked back out toward the parted crowd. A particularly ugly lady in the front row sucked back her gut and spat on the ground near her feet. When Penn's eyes found their way down the aisle, she found a large building painted in white at the other end of it, standing taller than any other in town. She assumed it was the Justice Building. But on the road, outlined with the rows of citizens, there was a large wooden pole with leather wrist straps on top of it protruding from the ground. "You can't do this!" Penn shouted. "We're tributes!"
"We're under the protection of the Capitol, you son of a bitch!" Willem added.
Boz looked up towards the sky and took his top hat from his head. He held it in front of him and said, "Penn Cassidy... Willem Thomsen... You have persuaded me to lie to the Capitol. I will not lie to my people."
End of Chapter 16
If Willem hadn't caught her arm, she would have thrown the knife toward the window. Willem thought she was trying to throw it at them, and reached out to catch it, but it didn't work out too well.
Wait, what? Is Boz a citizen of the Capitol? Or is he just doing what he's doing for show because they're 'criminals'? Ah, things aren't going so well for Penn.. ;-;
This part... so.. intense.. literally.
Haha. Boz is not a citizen of the Capitol. He's doing that because they committed murder.
Oh, okay! Got it! I guess Penn didn't know this was apart of being District nines tribute.
She did not haha.
@mr.quality @janitor @TheLier @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed I'm back.
Oh no, I just noticed that I got unfollowed a long time ago. I have never noticed it until now. Sorry for this, I will catch up as soon as possible
Oh okay. Nice to see you back!
Huh, that will be rough.