Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4 Ending (WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS)



  • it has caused him distress.

    I'm sorry but I think your 8 year old should be able to handle the death of a cartoon pig. I don't think they should change the whole story just to pacify some children

  • Maybe my stepson is Lucius the devil child himself who knows... After Reuben died he just stated:

    Now we can have bacon! (I think he actually waited for a family dinner with our friends in the end...)

    But so far we loved it, I'm sorry though. But maybe we can read our legend in a book mentioning Reuben as the hero.

  • No offence he sounds spoils if he cried like that

  • Can someone tell me, how to tell everyone about the truth of the order, even if gabriel told them they slayed the dragon, theres a way to tell them the truth. How?

  • Maybe they will bring in a zombie pigman

  • For me it reminded me of some kid movies that do have some sad deaths.

  • when's ep 5 coming out

  • same

    I miss Reuben.

  • Probably this month.

    bentdm posted: »

    when's ep 5 coming out

  • i need ruben when ever i see the app on my phone i cry

  • When I told Gabriel to tell the truth he did. In my play through, I saved Petra, which could possibly have been the reason why he admitted to it (since he was feeling guilt when he remembered everything after believing that he was a hero while suffering from amnesia).

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Can someone tell me, how to tell everyone about the truth of the order, even if gabriel told them they slayed the dragon, theres a way to tell them the truth. How?

  • I have a feeling he'll be back... in a bad way :O

  • It's reuben

    i need ruben when ever i see the app on my phone i cry

  • I have no bravery seeing/ killing pig in minecraft anymore. It will make me sad then crying and remembering the scenes when reuben turn into porkchop

    ik33377 posted: »

    It's reuben

  • cough Big Hero 6, well, not really

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    For me it reminded me of some kid movies that do have some sad deaths.

  • He tells the truth as long as you tell him to, or if you keep silent. A SaltLick was asking how to tell the truth after you told Gabriel to keep it secret.
    @A SaltLick There's probably no way you could do that.

    Jennifer posted: »

    When I told Gabriel to tell the truth he did. In my play through, I saved Petra, which could possibly have been the reason why he admitted

  • This game is intended for people age 12 and up so unless your grandson still cries over one character dieing in a game at age 12 (no offence by the way) he shouldn't be playing it at all. As for the warning on the box part there's no legal reason for telltale to do that they just do what every other game company does! get it rated for an appropriate age (such as 12 like it says on the box for Minecraft Story Mode) then ship it.

  • I didn't see Reuben as an important or an attractive (no, not "body" attractive) character in the game. I also didn't cry at his death, and it doesn't phase my opinions on the game that we lost a fan favorite character. There's no bringing him back.

  • I agree with those saying Reuben death was only damaging, not teaching anything. And turning into a bacon?!? Seriously? Also seems like Petra's disease/healing was not well explained, as well as her character somehow not well handled in episode 3 and 4

  • Just awful. My 7 year old son saw the death earlier today and cried for 10 minutes straight. Now he is upset all over again at bed time. I hope they bring Reuben back somehow in the next episode!

  • I, completely agree with that. :P

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I didn't see Reuben as an important or an attractive (no, not "body" attractive) character in the game. I also didn't cry at his death, and it doesn't phase my opinions on the game that we lost a fan favorite character. There's no bringing him back.

  • Forget Lukas, he's a schmuck.

    _jte_ posted: »

    So is Lukas in the new Order or not? The original had 5, and only Jesse, Olivia, Axel and Petra jumped at the end - does this mean he will be included? Really hope he is, he's a much better character than Axel/Olivia IMO

  • I really hope that Episode 5 is not like a trailer for the next season. Or it's going to be Game of Thrones all over again.

    I'm convinced it will. I've been researching tiny details and evidences of it, and it turns out, episode 5 is like the trailer for the next season.

  • But that's the Internet's favorite pastime. That and discrimination.

    Pvzfan10 posted: »

    Guys according to the guidelines you cannot insult anyone including telltale members

  • edited January 2016

    EDIT: Shit, disregard my post. Didn't expect the post to be that old. Sorry.

    To keep the plot interesting

  • replay your saves and save gabriel if you want petra to be major in episode 4

  • No offence dude but the game is rated 12. You can't complain about content in a 12 rated game being unsuitable for a 8 year old, sorry but it's true budfy :-)

  • I'm sorry to say but the game is rated 12. You can't complain about content in a game rated 12 being unsuitable for a 8 year old, no offence but it is true, sorry buddy :-)

  • :'(

    I miss Reuben.

  • There is a warning, it's called the game being rated 12....for teens and over....:-)

  • There is a warning...it's called the game being rated 12....for teens and over.....:-) happy to help

  • See it as a learning curve. Minecraft is a great bridge for children to express their creativity and imagination. But with Story Mode there's always been a grounded sense of tension. In episode 1 when the Wither Storm sucked in all those people at Ender Con what do you think would happen to them? It's a fair assumption to make that the big bad scary monster wasn't doing nice things to those people. Minecraft Story Mode is a reflection on the true strides and sacrifices of being a hero. there's no easy way to win a fight, in the end Reubens sacrifice was a strong statement, not everything is happy. Not everything resolves without loss. It's a great lesson to learn that in the end of the day even when you can come out winning there's always a cost to it.

  • edited January 2016

    Well, going through threads, reading how people keep saying bring Reubs back... How it was so emotional and they cried...

    It's just shows how well done was the death scene of his. The cause of him turning into a pork chop after he died was because that's the thing what pigs drop after you kill them in the original Minecraft. Having a cute little pet around who always helps and you can't control yourself around them because they're so awesome, then the story goes on with them dying, causing you become an emotional wreck is common. These death scenes make stories more dramatic, I understand "it was supposed to be a game for kids", but to me it made the game even better (I'm sorry for everyone who's favorite was Reuben or just loved him so much).

    If you and your kid(s) still feeling sad, I am sorry, but asking the developers to bring the pigling back is... weird. I didn't mean to offend anyone if someone took this as an insult, I just find this hatred towards an emotional scene (which I liked)... Not new, because that happens a lot too, but just weird. In general I always found them kind of funny though. But this my perspective.

  • edited January 2016

    What get's me is the music that plays during Reubens death scene


    "Reuben don't this to me, I need you boy" :'(

  • As much as i loved Reuben and was really upset when he died, i agree with that.

  • So sad! I lost it when he turned into bacon.

    What get's me is the music that plays during Reubens death scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vt4KrT9-x8 "Reuben don't this to me, I need you boy"

  • Whats going on?!

  • I don't know, what is going on?

  • edited January 2016

    My 7 year old son cried his eyes out for a good 30 mins when Reuben died. After maybe 3 hours later when driving to dinner I noticed him crying again and when asked why he was crying he replied with he will miss seeing Reuben's face and he doesn't want to play the game again. He simply wants Reuben back. He wants his friend/pet back. He has started playing the episode all over again just to see if he can save Reuben.

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