Really stupid theories



  • Clementine's unicorn drawing caused the zombie apocalypse.

  • edited January 2016

    When Darth Jar Jar Binks was at the point of dying he took possession of Carvers body right before the events of S2. Mr Binks used the force the manipulate the survivors in Carvers camp. But every evil douche needs a apprentice, Jar Jar noticed a awakening in the Force. In his dreams Jar Jar saw Commander Shephard- I mean Clementine!

    Jar Jar also noticed she was a threat but maybe can become a powerful ally and... She is strong in the Force.

    He sended his biggest idiots to find her and bring her to him alive. Only later realising it was the most dumbest decision he ever made to send a group of morons after her and probably telling shit like ''His basement has alot of children, Nick was there to''... After a while they found her and contacted with shit Binks himself.
    When Darth Binks reached her in the caben CARVERS MIND WAS STILL ALIVE!! He tried to warn her but failed miserably because Binks had still the most control and left.

    Blablabla got captured, Clementine and everybody else was doing slave work for the empire and in the result of that Clementine was slowly breaking down.

    But still there was a fcking problem, fcking walkers!
    There was no way to let people discover the Sith still exist after thousands of years and with no other way around with so little time and so much left to do and so much to see. Jar Jar lost focus and with Clem not breaking down in just enough time he wanted to put a stop to it.

    BLABLABLA Mindless people got free blablabla people died blablabla.

    Jar Jar spirit left Carver just in time but still is trolling took control of Arvo Potter.
    You know the rest

  • The Stranger was a misunderstood survivor who acted like any reasonable person would in an apocalypse.

  • Lee never died. Kenny just so happened to have the cure to the zombie virus and revived him. (I literally saw this theory on YouTube. I swear to God.)

  • The batteries weren't backwards, the radio was.

  • Lee comes back to the life as a warrior with blue armor and a diamond sword and changed his name to Gabriel and has a block body.

  • edited January 2016

    A Necromancer actually made the Zombies using a spell, the only way to end the Apocalypse is by defeating the Necromancer.

  • edited January 2016

    D&D, Telltale Style?

    -Meanwhile in an alternate universe...-

    Dungeon Master Clem: The group has made it across the alleyway except for Ben. What do you want to do, Ben?

    Ben: I want to jump across!

    Clem: Roll for agility.

    Ben: -Critical faliure-

    DM Clem: You fall in the alleyway and land directly on a broken spike of metal, killing yourself.

    DISCLAIMER: If you don't know D&D, that didn't make sense at all.

    prink34320 posted: »

    A Necromancer actually made the Zombies using a spell, the only way to end the Apocalypse is by defeating the Necromancer.

  • That was amazing lol

    D&D, Telltale Style? -Meanwhile in an alternate universe...- Dungeon Master Clem: The group has made it across the alleyway except

  • Larry is Alive

  • Umm, did you mean *drowned?

    Luke downed! I mean how stupid is that, right? Right?! sobs.

  • Lee's alive. And that Robert Kirkman made an exception to his no immunity rule or people surviving bullets to the head just for Lee.

  • Mike is Lee's brother.

  • Ben was Doug's uncle

  • Molly, having left the group, conspires with Vernon to steal the group's boat, keeping a close watch on Lee. She notifies Vernon's crew when Lee and whoever came with him leave, and watches from afar as they take the boat, attacking whoever might be left behind. The crew gets the boat to the water, intent on leaving, and Molly betrays them. She kills Vernon and leaves the rest of the elders to fend for themselves, taking the boat across the water and escaping Savannah.

  • UCAAV29784 That's actually not a stupid theory to be fair lol

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    Molly, having left the group, conspires with Vernon to steal the group's boat, keeping a close watch on Lee. She notifies Vernon's crew when

  • Carver used flying pedophile soap, that he found on the bridge in the background.

  • This may be a stupid theory for some, but not for me. Kenny survived being shot by Clem (if you chose to shot him, I didn't). Because I feel like Kenny's going to return in S3 no matter what. I mean, he DID survive a shot in the stomach back at the dairy farm, he got his eye fucked up, what says he can't survive that shot? Maybe he just passed out there on the snow.

    I hope this is true, because I want to see Kenny back in every playthrough.

  • captainivy1

    Nah sadly not. There is an option to also shoot Kenny in the head if you let him kill Jane. He dies if you shoot him either way. I didn't shoot him, he's still alive in my playthrough and hopefully he's back in season 3 even if is only for a short time

    captainivy1 posted: »

    This may be a stupid theory for some, but not for me. Kenny survived being shot by Clem (if you chose to shot him, I didn't). Because I feel

  • That the walking dead season 2 is actually a good game.

  • edited January 2016

    -The a raccoon that was seen in ep5 of series 2 was Clementine's spirit animal. when clementine saw she was reminded of the phone call with her parents.

    -When Sam (dog from series 2 ) died he got to meet Clementine's Hanster, Maybelle and Walter in the afterlife.

    -Each game that tell-tale creates are link through reincarnation. When the Stranger dies he gets to live as a person who try's to save he's brother also a prince who lost his wife. When Carlos die he reincited in a friend of Holly he is still drinking at the bar in the fables. etc etc

    -Clementine gets dream about Lee in series 2 because Lee's blood is still on Clementine's hat. This means we will see him in series 3 for sure,

    -Carver was a big fan of Carwford's events the tapes that are find in episode 4 of series 1 can be seen Carver's office (this is true and its coincide as a Easter egg)

  • Also we don't know much about Clementine's parents - however we know that they are interested in American folk music because of the name "Clementine."

    -The a raccoon that was seen in ep5 of series 2 was Clementine's spirit animal. when clementine saw she was reminded of the phone call with

  • A cabbage was the cause of the infection because it was dipped in water and milk and 100 people ate a piece of that cabbage and they all turned into walkers.

  • Oh yeah, shit. Forgot about that. Still holdin' on to that he survived the stomach-wound.

    dan290786 posted: »

    captainivy1 Nah sadly not. There is an option to also shoot Kenny in the head if you let him kill Jane. He dies if you shoot him either w

  • The st. John brothers are Clementine's fathers.

  • edited January 2016

    The only way to cure the infection is to eat bacon and drink milk in under 4 hours and when that's done every walker will turn back to the way they used to be.

  • Kenny is CM Punk's long lost father

    OKAYOKay I know it's been like a year, but LMAO

    Clemenem posted: »

    How can such a stupid topic get so many likes xD: Crawford was the Sydney Crawford Fan Club Brenda St. John is Wendy from Wendy's K

  • The Walking Dead is the real world and we're the comic book.

  • Firewatch;the game that was written by Sean Vanaman is in the same universe as the Walking Dead Game and Comic book. And also a sub theory is that the protagonist Henry is somehow related to Chet b/c they look similar.

  • Clementine is dreaming, and will wake up in her tree house when the babysitter calls her in for dinner.

  • I think the theory that Roman Torchwick survived is fucking stupid. And Bush causing 9/11 is so far fetched it hurts, it's so stupid.

    Oh, stupid TWD theories. Uhhh... the Rick in a coma theory is stupid.

  • This is the funniest theory I've ever heard. I almost woke up everyone in the house whilst laughing really hard.

    Carver used flying pedophile soap, that he found on the bridge in the background.

  • Jane is Molly's sister or cousin.

  • Clementine is blind.

  • edited February 2016
    • Rick and Lori Grimes are Clem's real parents and her brother is Carl.
    • Sarah is actually immortal and didn't die.
    • Season 3 will take place in the Game of Thrones world where Clem is being chased by White Walkers or Wights.
    • Lee is immortal and stayed alive (that's a classic one, hehe ;3).
    • Lee and Kenny are actually blood brothers that never saw each other when they were kids.
    • Luke survived in the frozen lake.
    • Jane/Kenny dies in a frozen lake.
    • Clem goes to King's Landing and becomes Margaery Tyrell's new handmaiden.
    • Clem is actually 69 years old and she just has the body of a 11 year old.
  • Clem is actually 69 years old and she just has the body of a 11 year old.

    That sounds like The Orphan's script.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    * Rick and Lori Grimes are Clem's real parents and her brother is Carl. * Sarah is actually immortal and didn't die. * Season 3 will take

  • i get sucked into the game and i slap jane's ass that is why she gets so mad at kenny

  • Clem is hallucinating.

  • leeh survevs the biet I kno it ralley!

    he 'z imnun to teh zambei viruz!

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