Recommend a game
Here you can share/recommend some good games you been playing with the community. Post the game you would like to recommend and tell us why.
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Here you can share/recommend some good games you been playing with the community. Post the game you would like to recommend and tell us why.
Well I've recently been played Rise of the tomb raider and I highly recommend it to anyone with means to play it. One of my favorite games ever. Also recommend Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds, which is an awesome game also that is basically a modern day Link to the past.
They're a little old and you've probably played them already but the Mass Effect series is great, especially with the fourth game coming up.
Tomodachi Life. It's like the Sims, but it's fun.
Decision-based games:
I know text-based game aren't all that popular, but the company "Choice Of Games" makes some pretty cool ones, and you can demo them for free on their website.
Everyone here has probably either played or decided not to play Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon Age, Life Is Strange, The Witcher and Until Dawn, but if you're on the fence, then I recommend all of them as well.
Three-Fourths Home is also pretty neat, it's really short, so I'd suggest getting it when it's on sale. It's about a girl talking to her family while out on a drive. It's simple, but it's fun.
Non-decison-based games:
If you like Turn-based strategy games then Xcom:Enemy Within, Transistor, Child of Light, Hunters (mobile game) and Cthulhu saves the world are all great.
In general I think Borderlands (2 and Pre-sequel), Sleeping Dogs (truly an underrated game), Dishonored and Rogue Legacy are all pretty fun.
The Ace Attorney series is great.
I like Bioshock so I´ll go for that one. Haven´t played the second and third part yet due to time limitations.
The Cat Lady is an awesome point & click adventure game with a rich story and strong characters, people who enjoy point & clicks and games that are both touching and scary should give this game a chance!
Papers, please! Glorious paperwork-based gameplay.
Seriously though, it's a pretty fun decision making game with plenty of political intrigue.
If you like Ace Attorney you would love the Danganronpa series on the Playstation Vita. Really underrated games.
I plan on playing that someday, but I don't have a vita so I'm still waiting to try that. There's an IOS version of it but it's Japan only.
Absolutely love this game. Watched Cry play, absolutely phenomenal.
This War of Mine. It's a game about a group of civilians trying to survive during a civil war. The game does a good job of combining strategy and stealth/action elements but it has a very dark atmosphere.
Well, Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection.
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I can recommend many games. Right now, I'm playing through Dead Rising 2 (Second Playthrough) and Silent Hill 3. I seriously recommend giving them a try and playing them until you're purple, because holy shit they're both amazing.
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As for games I've recently completed or taken a break from playing, I'd strongly recommend Mad Father, Life is Strange and Splinter Cell: Conviction. They're all fantastic pieces of art in gaming, and are one of the pinnacles of their respectable genres.
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Sleeping Dogs was a masterpiece. Amazing, fun, and moved me to tears a few times.
Middle- Earth Shadow of mordor. Play it if you already haven't and if you haven't played it you are doing yourself a disservice. It'slike the perfect combination of Batman Arkham and Assassin's creed gameplay and the nemesis system is awesome.
All of the Fallout Games
The Blackwell Series
The nemesis system is a gem, I love it so much.
Half life ..................... 2 episode 2 chapter 1
A beautiful game, people should really give this a chance!
I liked that game though I can't help but think that a world so big and creative as middle-earth deserves to be made into an open world rpg like Skyrim, it would fit the genre much better.
In no particular order:
Well, right now me and my friends are glued to this fighting game called Gang Beasts. (It's best fit for more than one person, but you can do wave mode. No online mode, by the way.)
TBS fans, play Wasteland 2 and The Banner Saga.
The first game's coming to Steam now so I'll probably play it around then.
I got the Nathan Drake collection with my PS4, and I really liked them. So here's the games included for those who didn't know:
Uncharted 1 - Drake's Fortune | Uncharted 2 - Among Thieves (my favorite of the 3 games, soon to be 4) | Uncharted 3 - Drake's Deception
Only the individual games get multiplayer on the 2nd and 3rd installments, not the Nathan Drake collection (for some reason)
This is my favorite game from the last console generation. Bioshock Infinite provided me with a intriguing world with memorable characters, story and a mind blowing ending I did not see coming. I'm also one of the few that got some fun out its gameplay mechanics, and I did not think the game suffered from ludo-narrative dissonance. If you are a fan of fps games with good stories, play Infinite. Hell, play all of the Bioshock games.
I hear the second one is going on there now as well
Saints Row 4. The game is funny as hell. I'm serious, there are plenty of times that I bursted out laughing while playing.
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Crap! Stole my idea. :P
FEAR: Fantastic FPS. It has amazing level design and very intelligent AI. It's decently challenging and a lot of fun to play. It's probably one of the most underrated FPS's out there.
Fatal Frame: Great horror game. Controls are a bit awkward at times, but it's really the atmosphere, scares, and cryptic storyline that really sell it.
In no particular order.
Well If you have not played The Walking Dead yet, YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT!
Pretty much everyone here has.
This Game was my childhood.
How about Party Hard: