Underrated games?

Would like to know what some pretty underrated games are. Always nice to see some good games get some recognition.
For me, one of the most underrated games ever is Vexx.
Vexx is a 3d platformer (think banjo kazooie or jak and daxter, but a bit darker) and it has amazing music, good graphics and gameplay, etc.
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Star wars battlefront is underrated imo
Sleeping Dogs is severely underrated.
The Walking Dead : Survival Instinct
enter link description here
Umm.... wasn't there a thread about this a long time ago?
Also I would say that both Dragon Age 2 and Borderlands the Pre-Sequel are underrated. While neither are great, they're still very enjoyable, they just weren't as good as their predecessors.
A little closer to home. I would say that Minecraft: Story mode gets extremely undue hate.
Perhaps? It's lost now.
I don't even remember, to be honest. If there was it's buried deep and I'd rather not necro it.
Sleeping Dogs, Fatal Frame, FEAR,
Condemned - Criminal Origins. The sequel however was not all too much to cheer about.
FEAR, The Darkness, Call of Juarez gunslinger, TLOU, spec ops.the line( best military shooter ever),
Are you serious?
What in all of the world is TLOU?
Why so serious?
Reminds me of the best quote I have ever read. "I´m as serious as cancer when I say death is a rhythm."
Mark. TLOU is definitely not underrated. There's thousands of people saying it's the best game of all time and it got 10/10 reviews basically everywhere.
I only finished Dogs recently and it really is a great game.
I know I just wanted to hear you say it
. I admit tlou selection was bait but the other games were not.
Every time I see my old posts I cringe... every time.
Viking: Battle for Asgard. Far from a perfect game, but i really liked it.
Every time I hear the word underrated I remember the word overrated.
And then some of my brain cells die.
Catherine. Great game with choices that actually matter with multiple endings and it is hilarious as heck and has a great messege. (psst: make this backwards compatible microsoft or something)
Dragon age 2 while not as great as Origins it is still a great game with party members i actually enjoyed more than Origins party members.
Maybe not necessarily underrated, but I'd also say Fire Emblem Awakening is really awesome and more people need to play it. Just bought the game the other day and i adore it.
Most underrated game of all time though in my opinion is Binary Domain. That game is a masterpiece in my opinion and has an excellent story and has elements of Mass effect in it.
Hell yes for Sleeping Dogs.
Shadow Of Rome. A great hack and slash game from the PS2 era.
Really, what is Catherine? An interactive sex guide or something? :S
Hey, anybody remember Golden Sun or Advance Wars!
You know what? Fuck you guys, I remember when Tamagotchis were nearly impossible to get because they sold out immediately, and this was before Furbys... Wait, what's that? Time for my medications!?
How is that even a question?
I can't believe that somebody else knows of this game! Sure, the Octavian parts were a little boring, but the gameplay with Agrippa was great.
I played that game so much when I was little lol. The combat is still great and fluently like I remember
Beyond Good and Evil
Assassin's Creed 3: The only thing I hate about this game is the ending. It felt like the creator of the AC series came out of nowhere to tell the consumer that Ubisoft has a evil plan to destroy the legacy AC has been building up since 2007 to te let this be the final game but they changed it and the concept (which is true) to make more money... And that the game isn't realy the ultimate AC game that could have been
I would like to say Kingdom Hearts 2 but that game has alot of praise so
Patrice: do not touch that device Desmond
Ubisoft spirit: but how… You left the company, you destroyed the device.
Patrice trollface.
Desmond: Eh WTF!?
Patrice looks at desmond and points at Ubisoft.
You must not free IT!
Free it? he said
Patrice looked at Ubisoft and started to walk cirkels around her. Ubisoft looked worried.
Patrice: I explain it… While we tried to make a great series, Ubisoft sought a way to milk it. Ubisoft used our resources and story to puts it ‘’master plan’’ in motion, when we discorvered Ubisoft treachery, we tried to destroy it.
When we blew up Ubisoft we thought we were done… But Ubisoft spirit survived and then SHE began to work.
Patrice stood right besides Ubisoft spirit who’s gostly face became more greedy by the second.
For years Patrice continued: I was writhing AC and when I was done with giving Brotherhood advice I WASN'T EVEN CREDITED I was gone… Now I see I should’ve stayed because all this bullshit and SHE wants to milk it. Every year one sequel, prequel and even a movie… The damage was done… Desmond you can save it by doing nothing than-
HE IS LYING! Ubisoft screamed. Only touch the device and you get a pirate themed AC game
Definitely these four:
It also have choices
Oh, I actually played this! My friend had it, and we couldn't never make it past Dooku, because we were awful at it.
Totally agree on Mafia. City of Lost Heaven had one of the best stories in gaming
You're my new best friend for saying that.
Greatest game ever.
So true, when I was a kid I wanted a Tamagotchi but everywhere we went there was no sign of them xD
thank you! i thought i was the only one that played it lol
im so goddamn disapointed in you people(:P)..... Bully. criminally underrated.
Pretty sure this one was recently re-realesed for PS4 on PSN. Didn´t saw anything about a PS3 realese though.