The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Man, I watched the first Cloverfield movie a long time ago. It was quite an experience, it was amazing. I don't think it will have the same charm to it without the found footage thing. Still, better than never getting a sequel.

    Cloverfield 2, or 10 Cloverfield Lane, whatever you want to call it, doesn't matter, I'm excited. enter link description here

  • Welp, sucks to be you, then.

    It's not available for other consoles. It was a PS2 exclusive. Yes, there were HD re-releases, but I'm not going to buy a PS3 purely for one game that could be a failed attempt at a remaster.

  • Looks like you changed your avatar in the same day.

    If my avatar wasn't already a colorful and happy Life is Strange picture that I adore very much, I'd take that frozen Luke avatar in a heartbeat. That just seems funny to me.

  • Just to honor the death of one of my favorite characters. I'll return it to the LiS thing shortly.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Looks like you changed your avatar in the same day.

  • Yeah, no shit.

    Welp, sucks to be you, then.

  • That game looks pretty bad honestly. XD No offense, I'm sure it holds up well, but my childhood was completely far away from Toontown, so I wouldn't know

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    So I went to play Toontown Rewritten (a remake of one of my old childhood games) after a year of not playing it and I was greeted with my character looking like he was from some sort of bad creepypasta.

  • That's every other day for me. Jesus.

    Any one else ever have a dream that is so awesome and so because your life is crap you get pissed when you wake up and get depressed? Yeah that happens just about everyday to me

  • edited January 2016

    That was odd I must say...

  • I would have won.

    When you're the mayor in a game with 13 arsonists.

  • edited January 2016


  • It's my birthday today. God, being alive for another year is gonna fucking suck. I'm depressed again, and awake at 8 in the morning, I really don't want to be up at 8 in the morning. sigh Anyway, fuckin', nyan and all that good anime shit... I need some damn orange juice. Bye megathread people.

  • Uh, Happy Birthday?

    It's my birthday today. God, being alive for another year is gonna fucking suck. I'm depressed again, and awake at 8 in the morning, I reall

  • edited January 2016

    That was one of the most pessimistic posts I've ever read before,are you okay? (Don't want to make you feel worse or anything)

    Happy birthday regardless :D

    enter link description here

    It's my birthday today. God, being alive for another year is gonna fucking suck. I'm depressed again, and awake at 8 in the morning, I reall

  • happy birthday what presents you get?

    It's my birthday today. God, being alive for another year is gonna fucking suck. I'm depressed again, and awake at 8 in the morning, I reall

  • To be fair it is almost 13 years old, so the graphics were acceptable back when it was released. It is more fun when you get to a high enough level and do all these rescue mission and stuff.

    That game looks pretty bad honestly. XD No offense, I'm sure it holds up well, but my childhood was completely far away from Toontown, so I wouldn't know

  • Thank you.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Uh, Happy Birthday?

  • Ah, I'm fine. I'm just a pessimistic dick all of the time.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    That was one of the most pessimistic posts I've ever read before,are you okay? (Don't want to make you feel worse or anything) Happy birthday regardless enter link description here

  • Got a PS3, Dark Souls 2 and a new Manga to read.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    happy birthday what presents you get?

  • Yep, everyone nowadays likes the unstoppable, inhuman beast that doesn't show emotion and kills for fun. People are human, and they deserve human characterization. Completely agree.

    J-Master posted: »

    You know, it kind of grinds my gears a little bit nowadays a good villain has to be an unstoppable perfect mastermind that only fails at the

  • edited January 2016

    Awesome what games you have for it just dark souls? and what manga?

    Got a PS3, Dark Souls 2 and a new Manga to read.

  • And you just changed it again.

  • Well, as I said I have Dark Souls 2, I'm currently installing Destiny, I have my eyes on Uncharted 2 and The Splinter Cell: HD Trilogy at the moment. And my mother bought Modern Warfare 3 for it because my sister is a large Call of Duty fan, but GameStop sold us a broken copy, so I'm waiting until I get a chance to go back and return it.

    As for the manga, it's this weird vampire manga about a guy who is offering a dying girl eternal life if she becomes the breeding ground for a new generation of vampires. It's weird, but it actually seems interesting.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Awesome what games you have for it just dark souls? and what manga?

  • Well, his complaint mostly has to do with the fact that most episodic games don't have a set schedule. Like episode 1 comes out one month, and 2 only comes out like 2 to 3 months later, and in the meantime other games come out and by the time the following episode comes out, you'll be like "whatever". This is unlike TV series, where you only have to wait 1 week between each episode. Really, the game that did this episodic structure the best, in recent times, was probably Resident Evil Revelations 2, where each episode was released 1 week apart.

    And I do have to agree that the new Hitman didn't need to be episodic, and with the recent delay for the "episodes" and retail version, I'm getting worried about the game. I also don't like how Final Fantasy VII Remake is episodic.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here I LOVE MATTYS FALLOUT VIDEOS WHY DOES HE HATE EPISODIC GAMES?!

  • You know what's fun? Cleaning your entire house, and then hoping to get online for a break from work, and then shortly after, seeing that one of your best friends in the world is sad. You know what's even more fucking fun? Taking time out of your day to try and help her because you genuinely care about her and want what's best for her, and then she tells you to go fuck yourself and basically asks you to drop off the face of the earth just for trying to help. and as if the fact that you already feel like shit and hate yourself wasn't stressful enough, now one of your best friends for a long time is suffering and feeling bad about what she just said to you, while you ignore her and feel like shit for not being able to help.

    That's fucking fun as shit.

  • If you don't know what competitive smash is I'd suggest checking this out, it's a compilation of moments from the Smash 64, Melee, and Wii U tournament "Genesis 3" that took place last weekend. It's really awesome ^-^ (keep in mind this is only a fraction of the stuff that went down in this tournament)

    enter link description here

  • This is what makes me love the show 24 so much. The villains on that show actually have reason for doing what they do.

    CunningFox posted: »

    Yep, everyone nowadays likes the unstoppable, inhuman beast that doesn't show emotion and kills for fun. People are human, and they deserve human characterization. Completely agree.

  • Don't ignore her. Talk to her. Apologize for ignoring her, if you feel like apologizing. Even if you apologize and she continues to ignore you, she'll come around eventually, if she is one of your best friends. You just might have to give her some time.

    You know what's fun? Cleaning your entire house, and then hoping to get online for a break from work, and then shortly after, seeing that on

  • Happy Belated Birthday ClemyClooAndBabyboo! I hope you're feeling better than before.

    Oh, I started watching Steven Universe btw, and what an amazing show, and the feels! Love it!!!

    The Steven Universe cast wishes you a happy birthday tooo!~~

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    It's my birthday today. God, being alive for another year is gonna fucking suck. I'm depressed again, and awake at 8 in the morning, I reall

  • She clearly didn't want to hear what you were saying.

    As @sialark said, give her some time. After you feel you've waited long enough, if she still hasn't talked to you, here's what to write:

    "I'm sorry I got you mad. You're one of my best friends, and I miss you. Please let me know when it's OK to talk. We don't have to talk about what made you sad, if you don't want to."

    You know what's fun? Cleaning your entire house, and then hoping to get online for a break from work, and then shortly after, seeing that on

  • Giving villains human traits makes them a lot more enjoyable overall, and could make you relate and sympathize with them easier. I'm fine every now and then with the 'psycho killer maniac' villain, so long as they have a reason to be like this or something had happened to them which made them like this, for example I'll name drop Kazuo Kiriyama from Battle Royale. He's a psycho who kills a lot of people sure, but you do find out that he was in a car accident at a young age, causing him to lose all emotion and see no wrong in his actions. That's the only way that I am okay with that kind of villain.

    This is what makes me love the show 24 so much. The villains on that show actually have reason for doing what they do.

  • The situation actually defused an hour ago. Thanks for the advice though!

    sialark posted: »

    Don't ignore her. Talk to her. Apologize for ignoring her, if you feel like apologizing. Even if you apologize and she continues to ignore y

  • The situation was resolved around an hour ago, though I appreciate the advice.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    She clearly didn't want to hear what you were saying. As @sialark said, give her some time. After you feel you've waited long enough, if

  • Happy Belated Birthday ClemyClooAndBabyboo! I hope you're feeling better than before.

    Eh, better isn't how I would put it. Just more mellow.

    Oh, I started watching Steven Universe btw, and what an amazing show, and the feels! Love it!!!

    It is pretty great, huh?

    sialark posted: »

    Happy Belated Birthday ClemyClooAndBabyboo! I hope you're feeling better than before. Oh, I started watching Steven Universe btw, and what an amazing show, and the feels! Love it!!! The Steven Universe cast wishes you a happy birthday tooo!~~

  • That's how the brain work for many of us!

  • Glad to hear it!

    The situation actually defused an hour ago. Thanks for the advice though!

  • Well I'm glad you're more mellow now then.

    And yes, it is great! Oh, I love Connie especially--she reminds me of myself as a girl, and damn are there some crazy similarities lol. Playing violin, having parents who don't like you having trans-fats lol, having a doctor in the family, reading nerdy books as a kid, and being a bit anti-social, ha! It's like looking into a mirror. Or at least, a mirror of myself when I was younger lol. The relationship she has with Steven is also really sweet and adorable. Funnily enough, Steven reminds me of my ex--who actually recommended the show to me as well. XD It's really funny how things like that happen, ha. And oh, the relationships between Sapphire and Ruby, Pearl and Rose, Greg and Rose, and of course Steven and Connie are just so well done and emotional. Really great show! Who are your favorite characters?

    Happy Belated Birthday ClemyClooAndBabyboo! I hope you're feeling better than before. Eh, better isn't how I would put it. Just more

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