The big Armor or just good general armor? I already got the first power armor from meeting Preston and the others. I only have the lead pipes at the moment, or the tire iron? Whichever. I have that. lol So, the food think confuses me! Like everyone I eat gives me Rads. And RadX or Radaway is hard to find. though I can go see Doctors to get rid of that, no problem.
Start sneaking if you even have a paranoid suspicion there might be danger near.
Seems like you should put on the most badass armor you can find and destroy everything with... With like a big stick. Just find something t… morehat looks like it would suck to get hit with and beat everything to death with it. Load up on stimpacks and food, put points into toughness and just try to think like a big dumb barbarian. Just a big, hulking, rampaging monster with a really nasty stick.
Or if you insist on sticking with guns, then only leave cover if you absolutely have to. Like if you're flanked or there's a grenade at your feet. And pick one weapon type to use primarily if you haven't already. I went with non-automatic rifles and snuck around popping everyone's heads. That's something to do if you have high agility. Start sneaking if you even have a paranoid suspicion there might be danger near.
So, the default Nate actually already looked a lot like Keegan, my main male character for a series I'm working on. I only changed a few things, like the hair color, but everything else was perfect! I love Nate's appearance and voice, and was shocked by how similar they were. It really hit me hard seeing him die.... ;A;
The lady is Braelynne. She is from the same series Keegan is from, or should I say Keegan is form the same series Braelynne was made for. She's actually supposed to be closer to this. (Drawn by me. ;P Don't judge too harshly.)
Brae has a really distinct look, and the character creation was very confusing so it didn't work out well at all... She barely looks like Brae. But she's supposed to have a scar on her lips and cheek and a longer ponytail than the default one. Her face is supposed to be longer, and her eyes sharper and narrower. So... yeah. Not too happy with Brae, but okay with Keegan/Nate.
I made it to Good Neighbor after about 6 attempts at dashing through the Combat Zone. DAYUM that was ridiculous. Already love Hancock, just recruited MacCready, and Danse is the only other romance option I'm willing to consider. But Hancock is seeming to be the best romantic option, but MacCready is voiced by Matthew Mercer, and I fucking love him.
50 levels on and the start still saddens me. To some it might sound dumb, but I don't want my character to get in a relationship, even thoug… moreh Piper is a legend. It's just weird how attached you can get attached to a character you only saw for 15 minutes or so, even less.
I'm actually looking for Gear right now to start building up my Sanctuary community. I have 3 turrents, a huge defensive wall all around the town, and a lot of food and water purifiers and cleansers. But I need to make generators for electricity.
Oh Man, thanks for all this! I have Intelligence of like 6 already. And I have tons of all of those things. * o * I'll get on that next time I play.
I'm getting the hang of it, mostly combat is throwing me for a huge loop.
Some raiders will eventually carry weapons like Combat Shotguns or Rifles. There are also unique weapons you can find set in specific locati… moreons. Just search Youtube for "Unique Fallout 4 weapons" and you'll find a bunch. I suggest getting The Gainer and Reba II because they're pretty strong. But you'll need .44 ammo and .308 rounds for those guns respectively first.
The perk is called "Gun Nut" and it requires an Intelligence of 4. You can upgrade level 1 mods, etc, etc as you upgrade that perk. You can modify guns at weapons workbenches, and there's one in Sanctuary so don't worry. BUT... you'll need specific components first in order to finally upgrade. Things like screws, adhesive, and aluminum are some of the many that you'll need to find. I suggest hoarding these items for them:
* Screws: Desk Fans
* Adhesive: Duct Tape & Wonderglue
* Aluminum: Aluminum Cans or Trays
For the rest, I'm not entirely sure. You can look up … [view original content]
You can take mods you want from guns you don't want to use by replacing the mod with a default one. Then you can take the good mod and put … moreit on yur good gun. Mods only work for a specific weapon type though, you can't take a supressor from a hunting rifle and put it on a pipe gun or anything like that.
If you needs help just look for some mods to give her the look you want.
I watched all the romance options on youtube, and my favorite was Hancock if I ever decide to play as a female. There's another companion in the Comabt Zone, Cait. She's also a mean character, so bring her on asshole quests.
So, the default Nate actually already looked a lot like Keegan, my main male character for a series I'm working on. I only changed a few thi… morengs, like the hair color, but everything else was perfect! I love Nate's appearance and voice, and was shocked by how similar they were. It really hit me hard seeing him die.... ;A;
The lady is Braelynne. She is from the same series Keegan is from, or should I say Keegan is form the same series Braelynne was made for. She's actually supposed to be closer to this. (Drawn by me. ;P Don't judge too harshly.)
Brae has a really distinct look, and the character creation was very confusing so it didn't work out well at all... She barely looks like Brae. But she's supposed to have a scar on her lips and cheek and a longer ponytail than the default one. Her face is supposed to be longer, and her eyes sharper and narrower. So... yeah. Not too happy with Brae, but okay with Keegan/Nate.
I made it to … [view original content]
I'm actually looking for Gear right now to start building up my Sanctuary community. I have 3 turrents, a huge defensive wall all around the… more town, and a lot of food and water purifiers and cleansers. But I need to make generators for electricity.
Oh Man, thanks for all this! I have Intelligence of like 6 already. And I have tons of all of those things. * o * I'll get on that next time I play.
I'm getting the hang of it, mostly combat is throwing me for a huge loop.
I haven't tried melee in FO4 yet, and I only used the power armor in that mission you mentioned. I'm probably not the person to be giving you advice on that playstyle. I ended up with an abundance of radaway, I had no problem finding it... But I loot EVERYTHING.
The big Armor or just good general armor? I already got the first power armor from meeting Preston and the others. I only have the lead pipe… mores at the moment, or the tire iron? Whichever. I have that. lol So, the food think confuses me! Like everyone I eat gives me Rads. And RadX or Radaway is hard to find. though I can go see Doctors to get rid of that, no problem.
Start sneaking if you even have a paranoid suspicion there might be danger near.
LOL in that case, I'm always sneaking. XD
Thank you so much for all the advice!
enter link description here
I absolutely love listening to the Diamond City Station. All the music is so great, it really sets the tone. Plus some of the songs are so sappy and cute...
If you need to, use the chems. It can be annoying when you have certain companions around, but if you find yourself in a situation that you cannot get out of, use them.
The big Armor or just good general armor? I already got the first power armor from meeting Preston and the others. I only have the lead pipe… mores at the moment, or the tire iron? Whichever. I have that. lol So, the food think confuses me! Like everyone I eat gives me Rads. And RadX or Radaway is hard to find. though I can go see Doctors to get rid of that, no problem.
Start sneaking if you even have a paranoid suspicion there might be danger near.
LOL in that case, I'm always sneaking. XD
Thank you so much for all the advice!
It felt off to me that the Sole Survivor could so readily get back into the game (pun intended. Oh, shut up, I know it was horrible). I had watched my wife be shot in cold blood and my infant son be taken from her, with myself powerless to do anything.
Then again, time is relative. Hell, with the amount of time I've played Fallout 4, two and a half in-game years have passed since then.
50 levels on and the start still saddens me. To some it might sound dumb, but I don't want my character to get in a relationship, even thoug… moreh Piper is a legend. It's just weird how attached you can get attached to a character you only saw for 15 minutes or so, even less.
In addition to what he said, you can also sell weapon modifications that you do not want.
Another stratagy, if you have a mod that you do not want, is to find the weapon it partains to (if you haven't one your willing to dispose of), attach it and sell the weapon with the mod on it for a larger payout.
I agree though, they should release DLC for a funeral or something, it just feels wrong for my character to leave her sitting underground in a frozen pod. I thought that would be the first thing we do. But nope, just straight out into the world, killing things within twenty minutes haha.
The pun was okay, 6/10
It felt off to me that the Sole Survivor could so readily get back into the game (pun intended. Oh, shut up, I know it was horrible). I had … morewatched my wife be shot in cold blood and my infant son be taken from her, with myself powerless to do anything.
Then again, time is relative. Hell, with the amount of time I've played Fallout 4, two and a half in-game years have passed since then.
I agree though, they should release DLC for a funeral or something, it just feels wrong for my character to leave her sitting under… moreground in a frozen pod. I thought that would be the first thing we do. But nope, just straight out into the world, killing things within twenty minutes haha.
The pun was okay, 6/10
God, The Battle of Bunker Hill mission was a complete glitchy shitshow. Looked up help online and apparently it's pretty fucked across the board, so it's not just me. Between hostile turrets that can't be destroyed but can slice my health down in seconds (and for that matter, not being able to damage anybody that can still damage me), the synths that won't talk to me even though the game keeps insisting that I talk to them, the Brotherhood showing up for no goddamn reason since I didn't inform them (Father: "The Brotherhood should not have known about this"; Me: "Yeah, Fuckin' A, man. I don't know what the hell happened. Blame Bethesda."), the battle in the basement being waged for eternity by apparently immortal Brotherhood Knights and Railroad Heavies, and the cherry on top, finding Father in the ruins which turned out to be very easy... but is impeded the entire time by an entirely misleading marker, causing me to run around for twenty minutes not knowing where the hell he was.
In a game where pretty much everything else has been pretty damn cool, this was just inexcusably poor.
Does anyone look at teddy bears in the environment sometimes? I found a bus that had all teddy passengers and a driver. And found a teddy bear sitting on a toilet holding a newspaper. It's funny where Bethesda places them.
God, The Battle of Bunker Hill mission was a complete glitchy shitshow. Looked up help online and apparently it's pretty fucked across the b… moreoard, so it's not just me. Between hostile turrets that can't be destroyed but can slice my health down in seconds (and for that matter, not being able to damage anybody that can still damage me), the synths that won't talk to me even though the game keeps insisting that I talk to them, the Brotherhood showing up for no goddamn reason since I didn't inform them (Father: "The Brotherhood should not have known about this"; Me: "Yeah, Fuckin' A, man. I don't know what the hell happened. Blame Bethesda."), the battle in the basement being waged for eternity by apparently immortal Brotherhood Knights and Railroad Heavies, and the cherry on top, finding Father in the ruins which turned out to be very easy... but is impeded the entire time by an entirely misleading marker, causing me to run around for twenty min… [view original content]
Does anyone look at teddy bears in the environment sometimes? I found a bus that had all teddy passengers and a driver. And found a teddy bear sitting on a toilet holding a newspaper. It's funny where Bethesda places them.
Haha I haven't found those yet. I just remembered a creepy one, maybe from Fallout 3, where a teddy is holding a knife with blood and dismembered bodies around it.
Hate to break it to you, but I'm on console. If I was on PC, I don't think I would be asking for help lol. I'd just use console commands to cheat through the game. At least we're getting mods now though.
For perks, I would invest a perk point into Idiot Savant, it randomly offers a triple XP reward for any kill or quest, in time, it is SO worth it. Possibly the best perk in the game if you want to get better, fast.
The game only has two crutch perks (I think that's the word), Locksmith and Hacker. Although yes, you can go through the game without unlocking stuff, you are missing out on a ton of opportunities if you avoid these, and certain areas can only be accessed if you have these perks. As soon as you can unlock a new level for these two, do it.
The rest is up to you and what areas you want your character to lean towards. There's a ton of perks.
Personally, I stick to the Endurance tree. But up to you. Hope I could help.
Haha I haven't found those yet. I just remembered a creepy one, maybe from Fallout 3, where a teddy is holding a knife with blood and dismembered bodies around it.
Anyone think the new dialogue system is over simplified? I mean you're only given 4 speech options which mostly range from YesNoTell me more or Sarcastic
Anyone think the new dialogue system is over simplified? I mean you're only given 4 speech options which mostly range from Yes No Tell me more or Sarcastic
the brotherhood of steel are the ultimate force in the wasteland and shall not be stopped by the institute who abuse the technology and toy with our humanity Ad Victoriam
I run a fuckin' militia: the most dominant force in the Commonwealth, no less, that managed to bring down the mighty Institute and Brotherho… moreod of Steel and as a result is now in possession of new toys salvaged from the Brotherhood. Surely we cannot be THAT short in recruits or manpower so as to merit my running about like a headless chicken if we pulled that off?
just do not reload that quest whatever you do it has the worst glitch ever where bullet wont apear and elements of the quest wont work took 9 attempts to get it to badly work
God, The Battle of Bunker Hill mission was a complete glitchy shitshow. Looked up help online and apparently it's pretty fucked across the b… moreoard, so it's not just me. Between hostile turrets that can't be destroyed but can slice my health down in seconds (and for that matter, not being able to damage anybody that can still damage me), the synths that won't talk to me even though the game keeps insisting that I talk to them, the Brotherhood showing up for no goddamn reason since I didn't inform them (Father: "The Brotherhood should not have known about this"; Me: "Yeah, Fuckin' A, man. I don't know what the hell happened. Blame Bethesda."), the battle in the basement being waged for eternity by apparently immortal Brotherhood Knights and Railroad Heavies, and the cherry on top, finding Father in the ruins which turned out to be very easy... but is impeded the entire time by an entirely misleading marker, causing me to run around for twenty min… [view original content]
Anyone think the new dialogue system is over simplified? I mean you're only given 4 speech options which mostly range from Yes No Tell me more or Sarcastic
Pic not showing up.
Can't find it again. Damn.
It showed Elder Maxson with Trumps face photoshopped over Maxson's own.
The big Armor or just good general armor? I already got the first power armor from meeting Preston and the others. I only have the lead pipes at the moment, or the tire iron? Whichever. I have that. lol So, the food think confuses me! Like everyone I eat gives me Rads. And RadX or Radaway is hard to find. though I can go see Doctors to get rid of that, no problem.
LOL in that case, I'm always sneaking. XD
Thank you so much for all the advice!
So, the default Nate actually already looked a lot like Keegan, my main male character for a series I'm working on. I only changed a few things, like the hair color, but everything else was perfect! I love Nate's appearance and voice, and was shocked by how similar they were. It really hit me hard seeing him die.... ;A;
The lady is Braelynne. She is from the same series Keegan is from, or should I say Keegan is form the same series Braelynne was made for.
She's actually supposed to be closer to this. (Drawn by me. ;P Don't judge too harshly.)
Brae has a really distinct look, and the character creation was very confusing so it didn't work out well at all... She barely looks like Brae. But she's supposed to have a scar on her lips and cheek and a longer ponytail than the default one. Her face is supposed to be longer, and her eyes sharper and narrower. So... yeah. Not too happy with Brae, but okay with Keegan/Nate.
I made it to Good Neighbor after about 6 attempts at dashing through the Combat Zone. DAYUM that was ridiculous. Already love Hancock, just recruited MacCready, and Danse is the only other romance option I'm willing to consider. But Hancock is seeming to be the best romantic option, but MacCready is voiced by Matthew Mercer, and I fucking love him.
HMMMMM I need to find asshole quests then. I need to have me that MacCready approval.
Yeah... I definitely agree. I love Nate/Husbandu over all other romance options. I wish they would've made some way or DLC to fix that. ;A;
Save HUSBANDU or WAIFU please Bethesda!
I'm actually looking for Gear right now to start building up my Sanctuary community. I have 3 turrents, a huge defensive wall all around the town, and a lot of food and water purifiers and cleansers. But I need to make generators for electricity.
Oh Man, thanks for all this!
I have Intelligence of like 6 already. And I have tons of all of those things. * o * I'll get on that next time I play.
I'm getting the hang of it, mostly combat is throwing me for a huge loop.
Aww man, thanks! I had no idea I could do that too! * O * Thank you!
If you needs help just look for some mods to give her the look you want.
I watched all the romance options on youtube, and my favorite was Hancock if I ever decide to play as a female. There's another companion in the Comabt Zone, Cait. She's also a mean character, so bring her on asshole quests.
No prob.
I haven't tried melee in FO4 yet, and I only used the power armor in that mission you mentioned. I'm probably not the person to be giving you advice on that playstyle. I ended up with an abundance of radaway, I had no problem finding it... But I loot EVERYTHING.
Yep, the music is great. My personal favourite is "Whole lotta shakin' goin' on".
Well, he won't like all kinds of asshole behavior. If you stumble upon the Kid in a Fridge quest, always be nice to the kid.
If you need to, use the chems. It can be annoying when you have certain companions around, but if you find yourself in a situation that you cannot get out of, use them.
It felt off to me that the Sole Survivor could so readily get back into the game (pun intended. Oh, shut up, I know it was horrible). I had watched my wife be shot in cold blood and my infant son be taken from her, with myself powerless to do anything.
Then again, time is relative. Hell, with the amount of time I've played Fallout 4, two and a half in-game years have passed since then.
In addition to what he said, you can also sell weapon modifications that you do not want.
Another stratagy, if you have a mod that you do not want, is to find the weapon it partains to (if you haven't one your willing to dispose of), attach it and sell the weapon with the mod on it for a larger payout.
Hahaha.
I agree though, they should release DLC for a funeral or something, it just feels wrong for my character to leave her sitting underground in a frozen pod. I thought that would be the first thing we do. But nope, just straight out into the world, killing things within twenty minutes haha.
The pun was okay, 6/10
It was worth it.
God, The Battle of Bunker Hill mission was a complete glitchy shitshow. Looked up help online and apparently it's pretty fucked across the board, so it's not just me. Between hostile turrets that can't be destroyed but can slice my health down in seconds (and for that matter, not being able to damage anybody that can still damage me), the synths that won't talk to me even though the game keeps insisting that I talk to them, the Brotherhood showing up for no goddamn reason since I didn't inform them (Father: "The Brotherhood should not have known about this"; Me: "Yeah, Fuckin' A, man. I don't know what the hell happened. Blame Bethesda."), the battle in the basement being waged for eternity by apparently immortal Brotherhood Knights and Railroad Heavies, and the cherry on top, finding Father in the ruins which turned out to be very easy... but is impeded the entire time by an entirely misleading marker, causing me to run around for twenty minutes not knowing where the hell he was.
In a game where pretty much everything else has been pretty damn cool, this was just inexcusably poor.
Does anyone look at teddy bears in the environment sometimes? I found a bus that had all teddy passengers and a driver. And found a teddy bear sitting on a toilet holding a newspaper. It's funny where Bethesda places them.
It was fine for me. But, I was friendly with all the facions involved and just casually walked past everyone shooting each other to the objective.
I thought it was a glitch because I was with the Institute, and the neither the Brotherhood nor The Railroad cared.
I think I saw a lawn gnome and a teddy bear playing checkers once. I've also seen two bears having sex with alcohol all around them.
Good times.
Decided to start up a new character. Anyone got tips or something for the beginning part to give me a little boost?
There's a basement behind one of the houses in Sanctuary Hills with loads of useful shit.
Find a melee weapon and use it often. You'll conserve and save tons of ammo. Big Leagues can be your first perk choice too.
Haha I haven't found those yet. I just remembered a creepy one, maybe from Fallout 3, where a teddy is holding a knife with blood and dismembered bodies around it.
Holy hell. I've replayed the game multiple times and I've never known about that.
player.setlevel 100
Its not much, but Itll get you started.
Hate to break it to you, but I'm on console. If I was on PC, I don't think I would be asking for help lol. I'd just use console commands to cheat through the game. At least we're getting mods now though.
For perks, I would invest a perk point into Idiot Savant, it randomly offers a triple XP reward for any kill or quest, in time, it is SO worth it. Possibly the best perk in the game if you want to get better, fast.
The game only has two crutch perks (I think that's the word), Locksmith and Hacker. Although yes, you can go through the game without unlocking stuff, you are missing out on a ton of opportunities if you avoid these, and certain areas can only be accessed if you have these perks. As soon as you can unlock a new level for these two, do it.
The rest is up to you and what areas you want your character to lean towards. There's a ton of perks.
Personally, I stick to the Endurance tree. But up to you. Hope I could help.
That was in Point Lookout, yes?
Adding to what Chilled said, I recommend giving the Charisma stat an upgrade every now and then. Sometimes, the speech checks yield good rewards.
Anyone think the new dialogue system is over simplified? I mean you're only given 4 speech options which mostly range from Yes No Tell me more or Sarcastic
I don't mind that the protagonist is voiced, but I would prefer more options, yes.
the brotherhood of steel are the ultimate force in the wasteland and shall not be stopped by the institute who abuse the technology and toy with our humanity Ad Victoriam
just do not reload that quest whatever you do it has the worst glitch ever where bullet wont apear and elements of the quest wont work took 9 attempts to get it to badly work
worked fine for me but i was with the brotherhood so the objective was just to kill everything
It looks better with the mod that removes the simplifications and writes the dialogue out in full.