Episode 5 Waiting Thread -Releasing March 29th across all platforms, Key art and screenshots on Blog



  • prink34320 posted: »

    Maybe they'll argue over whose Squidward.

  • You got a point there. There were no interesting things in January except the indie horror game Rides with Strangers.

    At least it will make for an interesting February, with Minecraft's finale and the premiere of Michonne!

  • Imagine an entire village doing this. I shudder to think about it.

    enter link description here

  • That would be amazing.

    MMeister123 posted: »

    Imagine an entire village doing this. I shudder to think about it.

  • He's actually saying that his system has all achievements, he didn't unlock them, they are just there, waiting to be unlocked.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I can guarantee you that I'm far from new to gaming, I just find it very strange that someone manages to get all the Achievements(Platinum T

  • January is usually a barren wasteland for good entertainment.

    AronDracula posted: »

    You got a point there. There were no interesting things in January except the indie horror game Rides with Strangers.

  • edited January 2016

    Oh, I was talking about someone who actually unlocked the achievements for Episode 5(might have been a hack or random occurrence or someone who got the Episode early - thought I think that's somewhat unlikely).

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    He's actually saying that his system has all achievements, he didn't unlock them, they are just there, waiting to be unlocked.

  • I hope they release it in like the first of febuary. I'd be happy to start the month with that.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    January is usually a barren wasteland for good entertainment.

  • This is taking forever, I almost regret Christmas vacations!

  • Agreed

    JD1234550 posted: »

    I hope they release it in like the first of febuary. I'd be happy to start the month with that.

  • Its almost feb and its still not out WHAT IS THIS HAPPENING I WANT EP 5 QUICK

  • This is taking forever

    That's cute that you think this is a long wait. Try waiting 4 months for a new episode.

    This is taking forever, I almost regret Christmas vacations!

  • Do you want the episode to be released quickly and be mediocre, or great and have to wait a little while longer? I don't know bout you, but I prefer the latter, so just relax and be patient.

    Its almost feb and its still not out WHAT IS THIS HAPPENING I WANT EP 5 QUICK

  • Well, no I guess ur right, well what they say, if you want best, its best to wait, hold on I made that up

    Well I'll be patient

    Do you want the episode to be released quickly and be mediocre, or great and have to wait a little while longer? I don't know bout you, but I prefer the latter, so just relax and be patient.

  • Sigh Episode 2 took like two weeks, then it came out. People said it was short and they shouldn't have rushed it, take time, take long time, wait... Then after a long wait, release the episode. Now episode 5 takes time, WHY, why would the developers would want us suffer?

    Like with Petra calling us "coward" whatever option we picked in episode 1 (jump or fight), nothing's good for them... Nothing.

  • ya know whats making this better. there was no REAL cliffhanger.if there was a cliffhanger to episode 4, I might have already committed suicide by now. no joke I would have.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Sigh Episode 2 took like two weeks, then it came out. People said it was short and they shouldn't have rushed it, take time, take long time,

  • That won't happen, the episode hasn't even been classified yet. I think soonest we could get it would be 16th February.

    JD1234550 posted: »

    I hope they release it in like the first of febuary. I'd be happy to start the month with that.

  • Everyone is saying it's been over a month since episode 4, but look at it this way. In Minecraft time it has been almost eight years.
    Doesn't seem so long a wait now does it?

  • This guy get's it!

    MMeister123 posted: »

    Everyone is saying it's been over a month since episode 4, but look at it this way. In Minecraft time it has been almost eight years. Doesn't seem so long a wait now does it?

  • 8 years? Can you explain to me how time runs in Minecraft? :D

    MMeister123 posted: »

    Everyone is saying it's been over a month since episode 4, but look at it this way. In Minecraft time it has been almost eight years. Doesn't seem so long a wait now does it?

  • slams head repetitively into desk

  • How's your head? :)

    NorthStars posted: »

    slams head repetitively into desk

  • Every 10 minutes is a day in Minecraft.

    8 years? Can you explain to me how time runs in Minecraft?

  • the comments up there were getting to me

    How's your head?

  • A full day in Minecraft is 20 minutes. 24 x 60 = 1,440 minutes in a real day. Divide that by 20 to get 72 Minecraft days in each real day. December 22 to January 31 is 40 days, timed by 72 equals 2,880 Minecraft days, equal to about 7.9 years.

    8 years? Can you explain to me how time runs in Minecraft?

  • When we go by that, I hope that years has indeed passed, because it is going to be interesting to see Jesse and his friends more mature and experienced. :)

    MMeister123 posted: »

    A full day in Minecraft is 20 minutes. 24 x 60 = 1,440 minutes in a real day. Divide that by 20 to get 72 Minecraft days in each real day. December 22 to January 31 is 40 days, timed by 72 equals 2,880 Minecraft days, equal to about 7.9 years.

  • Speaking of age, does anyone actually know how old the characters are supposed to be?

    When we go by that, I hope that years has indeed passed, because it is going to be interesting to see Jesse and his friends more mature and experienced.

  • Well, from what I predict, they are from min. 17 years old to about 21 years old max.? Idk, just something I was thinking about

    MMeister123 posted: »

    Speaking of age, does anyone actually know how old the characters are supposed to be?

  • edited January 2016

    If you're talking about jesse and the gang, They gotta be in their mid twenties. (Like about 22-25?) They seem and act a little too old to be teenagers. And didn't Olivia mention they've been doing the competition for a number of years now? :0

    MMeister123 posted: »

    Speaking of age, does anyone actually know how old the characters are supposed to be?

  • Early twenties, I guess. If you remember Gill had a beard (the majestic beard guy from the Ocelots), I don't think many teens can produce such greatness on their faces, well... I was a gorilla back at high school, but... Why did I even tell people that?

    MMeister123 posted: »

    Speaking of age, does anyone actually know how old the characters are supposed to be?

  • Father, no! Why must hurt yourself!

    NorthStars posted: »

    slams head repetitively into desk

  • The Wait cough cough its been to long.... dies from sever head trauma (kidding the wait is really not that bad)

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Father, no! Why must hurt yourself!

  • Uh...should I go get an ice pack?

    NorthStars posted: »

    The Wait cough cough its been to long.... dies from sever head trauma (kidding the wait is really not that bad)

  • edited January 2016

    Thread: ?

    When will episode 5 on ps4 and when the game will be released on PS Vita?

  • Soon.

    No release date has been announced yet.

  • I may of just known madeline for only a second, and marteen for years, but I will miss you all....



    There is no dying in this world of minecraft

    Uh...should I go get an ice pack?

  • We need to stop asking questions. The time will come. But right now, just play something else like Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

  • Episode 5 Release Date details beyond "Early 2016" have been announced, but taking various things into account, I'd predict a February 16th/23rd release date.

    As for news on the Vita release, Telltale has been quiet on details.

    rus199410 posted: »

    Thread: ? When will episode 5 on ps4 and when the game will be released on PS Vita?

  • like Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

    The members of this forum probably don't really play Call of Duty (i do own black ops 3, but I make sure I'm not wasting my 60+ dollars on another mediocre COD like Ghosts) but don't worry I think we all get your point.

    We need to stop asking questions. The time will come. But right now, just play something else like Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

  • Thank you

    Episode 5 Release Date details beyond "Early 2016" have been announced, but taking various things into account, I'd predict a February 16th/23rd release date. As for news on the Vita release, Telltale has been quiet on details.

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