Episode 5 Waiting Thread -Releasing March 29th across all platforms, Key art and screenshots on Blog



  • Same I thought the same so I go for 15th :)

    I'm actually laughing because I remember I thought it would release mid/late January

  • I would be really surprised if we don't hear any more this week or next week.

  • COME ON, I'M READY FOR IT! They've hyped this episode so much that they must have something really cool here and the pic of this episode seems fucking amazing. I can't focus on Michonne because I want this to get to the ending!

  • Too true.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Patience is a virtue.

  • This next post will contain spoilers for the last episode of the walking dead. Thought I should warn ya.

    ZillionJape posted: »

    COME ON, I'M READY FOR IT! They've hyped this episode so much that they must have something really cool here and the pic of this episode seems fucking amazing. I can't focus on Michonne because I want this to get to the ending!

  • edited February 2016


    _BEARZZ_ posted: »

    This next post will contain spoilers for the last episode of the walking dead. Thought I should warn ya.

  • edited February 2016

    Rick and Michonne from the WD.

    ASaltLick posted: »


  • i think ep 5 will be released on 2016/3/1 or 2016/3/8

  • edited February 2016

    because both are a Tuesday

    thanks for the heads up

    i think ep 5 will be released on 2016/3/1 or 2016/3/8

  • well they are human not every one is a 24/7 work all day machine

    Ohhh yeah exactly well Telltale Does need some breaks for all there hard work but This is just crazy I'm really excited

  • yeah and they didn't finish their break yet
    talk about feeling silly because I am feeling silly

    Same I thought the same so I go for 15th

  • I don't think they will make it happen but I like the idea

    I know We need Jetra instead of Lukesse

  • it has to be march 8th

    Cuwwa posted: »

    As far as we know, they started work on episode 5 January 19th, the longest wait we have had for an episode is 4 weeks. So add 4 weeks on to

  • {fake rage} neeeeeeed gaaaaame to survive no game=no LIFE

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Patience is a virtue.

  • only 7 time I did it 10 times but on different days

    Cuwwa posted: »

    Just finished replaying minecraft story mode episode 4... FOR THE 7TH TIME!!! i know the whole episode off by heart. worrying...

  • so who can decode this very secret message

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Are those... ne-news? o_o

  • edited February 2016

    hmmm well we all miss reuben but the dead stay dead so I wouldn't mind if they keep him dead or respawn him

    NorthStars posted: »

    Those little devils are trying to convince them to respawn reuben! No!

  • nuh we like mcsm so why not maybe they will even make season 2 and 3 and 4 all the way to infinite mwahahaha

    but sure why shouldn't they make all the 5 episodes

    The game could have ended in 3 episodes. Combine episode 1 and 2 and cut episode 5

  • Those are Tuesdays.

    because both are a Tuesday thanks for the heads up

  • I don't even care about this 5th episode anymore.. Didn't really leave on much of any cliffhanger and we basically did all there is to do. I'll play it though 'cause I was bought all 5 episodes in a pack.

  • what if soren makes a new command block and uses to make the enderdragon come back

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    He ceased to exist, the command block made him vanish, there is no way he is alive.

  • episode 5 will most likely be about what happened to soren when he ran away

    Cuwwa posted: »

    I don't think herobrine will be in episode 5. Because he is no longer part of minecraft so why would they include him in story mode?

  • why would enderdragon come back because jesse destroyed the command block

    I think that the endear dragon will come back because Jesse destroyed Soren's command block

  • Only time will tell, but it's not impossible

    Sean6150 posted: »

    what if soren makes a new command block and uses to make the enderdragon come back


    Jesse and petra standing on the sunset K I S S LOL

    I don't think they will make it happen but I like the idea

  • At the end of Episode 5, maybe a new threat will appear and it will end with someone dying and then cliffhanger. :P

    Mr-Soybean posted: »

    I don't even care about this 5th episode anymore.. Didn't really leave on much of any cliffhanger and we basically did all there is to do. I'll play it though 'cause I was bought all 5 episodes in a pack.

  • I think Lukas and Petra is more possible to happen •_•

    guyalf1 posted: »

    YESSS YESSSS I AGREEEEEEEE I MADE THIS SONG Jesse and petra standing on the sunset K I S S LOL

  • Well i guess while i wait for Episode 5, i could play the rest of the Sam And Max Series.

  • Hey guys!

    Eric Stirpe (@stirpicus) just said this:

    " Keep an eye on the @telltalegames Twitter account - they'll have the official news when it's announced!"

    What do u guys think?

    Seems like it might come pretty soon!

  • That's just a generic message saying to check Telltale's account for news instead of his, since he isn't a PR guy.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    Hey guys! Eric Stirpe (@stirpicus) just said this: " Keep an eye on the @telltalegames Twitter account - they'll have the official news when it's announced!" What do u guys think? Seems like it might come pretty soon!

  • Only 2? I don't know about you, but it seemed longer to me.

    It's been two months. The longer wait is surprising, sure, but we've had worse.

  • edited February 2016

    Don't forget about TFTB Episode 2...

    Looks at Game of Thrones episode 6

  • Sorry I'm just over excited.

  • Thread: When does episode 5 come out?

    Hey does anyone know if episode five is still coming out and when it comes out.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Episode 5 is due to release "early 2016" according to Telltale, no release dates have been announced yet but once they do all details will be posted in this thread.

    Thread: When does episode 5 come out? Hey does anyone know if episode five is still coming out and when it comes out.

  • stirpicusstirpicus Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2016

    Haha, bingo! I'm no official source for news. :)

    That's just a generic message saying to check Telltale's account for news instead of his, since he isn't a PR guy.

  • I assume it will be about 3 weeks then.

  • No way the 8th. The division comes out That day

    i think ep 5 will be released on 2016/3/1 or 2016/3/8

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