Yes, apparently in his I Hate Damn Daniel video, he compared it to him taking a plant, putting it on the ground, pointing at it and saying "Durr plant." He ended up making a follow up video addressing it, calling it I Hate Durr Plant.
Yes, apparently in his I Hate Damn Daniel video, he compared it to him taking a plant, putting it on the ground, pointing at it and saying "… moreDurr plant." He ended up making a follow up video addressing it, calling it I Hate Durr Plant.
enter link description here
I'd do it on the spot. Sacrifice my friend if I have to...
Alright then, I have the sacrificial knives. Meet me this Sunday.
P.S: Don't forget to bring your friend
Fact: Napoleon wasn't actually short, he was quite tall for the time period, and taller than the average Frenchman, the rumor that he was short was English propaganda.
I love IHE.
Mister fucking potatoe chips, @Brodester08 , The Anus Intruder, didn't want to ask a question, so, I'll do it for him.
Pyro, Leafy or both. (which one would you fuck)
Is this starting to get weird for anyone else?
It is starting to get wierd...
Errrr... Lilo or Stitch?
I would fuck both.
Just stitch
SpongeBob or durr plant?
Durr plant R.I.P
Werewolf or vampire?
Would you be disposed to perform a blood scrifice in order to get something you wanted very badly?
(Wow, gone creepy...)
EDIT: Ugh, I replied again. Sorry that was distraction. ^~^
Same here.
Damn shame if you ask me.
Hell yes, Satanism FTW
Stuck on an island with Joffrey or Jar Jar Binks?
I'd do it on the spot. Sacrifice my friend if I have to...
What the hell is Durr Plant?
enter link description here
Almost as bad as Damn Daniel.
It's a parody of Damn Daniel by I Hate Everything. But the Internet turned it into a meme.
This is IHE!? Holy shit how did I not know this!
Damn son.
Alright then, I have the sacrificial knives. Meet me this Sunday.
P.S: Don't forget to bring your friend
Yes, apparently in his I Hate Damn Daniel video, he compared it to him taking a plant, putting it on the ground, pointing at it and saying "Durr plant." He ended up making a follow up video addressing it, calling it I Hate Durr Plant.
enter link description here
Man, I missed a lot from his channel lol.
Don't worry. I won't.
Joffrey, because then it would be easier to kill him.
What is the rarest Pepe you ever found?
The one in my avatar.
Shirts or skins?
Your favorite foreign dish?
Kushari or Tiramisu.
If you could go back in time and kill one person, who?
The first homo-sapien, so that humanity would never happen.
A false crime you were accused of?
Possession of a controlled substance
Who would win in a fight Napoleon, Bin Laden or Hitler?
Napoleon, the others wouldn't see him from their vantage point.
Superpower you'd love to have?
Mind reading powers.
Your favourite superhero?
My favorite superhero is "Shark Dad"
Durr Plant or Damn Daniel?
Fact: Napoleon wasn't actually short, he was quite tall for the time period, and taller than the average Frenchman, the rumor that he was short was English propaganda.
Neither, both suck.
Prequels or Original Trilogy
Neither, both suck.
Durr Plant or Damn Daniel?
Whoops, didn't mean to make this a reply.
I hate both of those memes with a burning passion of ten million suns, but if I had to pick, it'd be durr plant.
Favorite adult cartoon?
Yeah! Durr Plant team!
South Park
Favorite music video?
"Once in a Lifetime" has a good one too.
Favorite moderator?
Blind Sniper.
Favorite candy?
(?) InGen_Nate_Kenny will remember that.