Ok guys it took much longer than i thought it would but i am finally at the last paragraph. Its a small interactive story currently but i plan to continue it someday (Infact i continue to refer to it as a 'prologue'). More details tomorrow when it will hopefully have a link here.
Ok guys it took much longer than i thought it would but i am finally at the last paragraph. Its a small interactive story currently but i pl… morean to continue it someday (Infact i continue to refer to it as a 'prologue'). More details tomorrow when it will hopefully have a link here.
Ok guys it took much longer than i thought it would but i am finally at the last paragraph. Its a small interactive story currently but i pl… morean to continue it someday (Infact i continue to refer to it as a 'prologue'). More details tomorrow when it will hopefully have a link here.
. Well yes and nah. This won't be like Prime. Its different. It was made with and interactive game maker (meaing all choices and concequences were writen) called Inklewritter. It will (if i continue it) let you make a protagonist in the second Part.
Its called In The Darkened Halls (WIP). Its a small interactive game/story which i hope to continue after we do atleast a few more episodes of Prime. It was made using the the program inklewritter and it took me 5 days to finish. I would LOVED if you guys gave me your opinion on this. Any comment on this at all is 100% apreciated, please tell me what you think. And one more thing, Mathea asked me if she could submit any characters. At first i wasn't sure but now i am convinced. If you want just ask and i can give you a template.
I chose to have Lord Herged humiliated because I felt it was appropriate. I kinda felt bad afterwords, though lol.
I ignored Mordain, I t… morehought that would have me avoid too much of a confrontation.
I had Sir Reylan lead the invasion, because I just don't think I'd want Lord Mordain leading an attack. He just feels off.
I said that the king was beheaded, because I thought it would be a more entertaining story like that.
I asked about the war, pleigis and Tirek.
I chose to invade Anettia because it would be easier and sounded to be just as good.
And those were my choices for part one.
I just ended reading - it is interesting without a doubt, but in same it is a story for every single of us - more time for you to write it to cover everyone's choices. I think it is more fun for whole community of readers to vote and the winning vote wins. :-)
But anyway, it was interesting, my final choice was to invade Anettia to liberate all those poor slaves. I would even have an idea for a character from there :-)
Third, Don't worry, this is only a side project. Prime will still be the main focus (and it will be returning soon ) so you'll still have awesome community votes .
And last, thats what i wanted to talk to you about. If you want you can make a character From either the Modenster arc or the Anettia arc and it will be a pov in story (maybe even the next one) So feel free to do so
I just ended reading - it is interesting without a doubt, but in same it is a story for every single of us - more time for you to write it t… moreo cover everyone's choices. I think it is more fun for whole community of readers to vote and the winning vote wins. :-)
But anyway, it was interesting, my final choice was to invade Anettia to liberate all those poor slaves. I would even have an idea for a character from there :-)
Ok four things.
First, glad you enjoyed it .
Second, What were your other choices?
Third, Don't worry, this is only a side project.… more Prime will still be the main focus (and it will be returning soon ) so you'll still have awesome community votes .
And last, thats what i wanted to talk to you about. If you want you can make a character From either the Modenster arc or the Anettia arc and it will be a pov in story (maybe even the next one) So feel free to do so
Cool (btw i think you should replay to save king Merridan, knowing you, you would like the results. They include a mayor change various stuff and an extra thing to talk about in the world state.)
My choices were:
Let him be, for now....
Ignore Mordain
Lord Mordain Will Lead The Invasion
He Was Beheaded The Next Day
Then… more I've asked for everything I could to learn about the world state.
The last choice was Invade Anettia.
About character - I will think of it this weekend and send you PM if something.
Sorry for doing this a little later
* Have him humiliated (seems like something I would do lol but I felt like a dick after....)
* Ins… moreult Mordain (Sorry to the General for my inmaturity...)
* Sir Reylen will lead the invasion (Get Rekt Mordain)
* But He Escaped!!! (Saltlicks can be nice every once and a while and to add to the drama I guess, maybe I shouldn't have but whatever)
* How is the war going? How is the situation in Tirek? Tell me about Karavas. (Then I said I asked enough cause I wanted to move on)
* Invade Anettia (Listened to most of the advisors: less men will be lost, easier victory, etc.)
Funny at the end with Hergid and Geneva :P I really liked it!
Mordain tried to kill you then and you ruined his carrer, congrats.
Anettia is good for a short War but bad for a long one. The terrain is horrible.
Mordain tried to kill you then and you ruined his carrer, congrats.
He made me feel a little Salty...
Anettia is good for a sh… moreort War but bad for a long one. The terrain is horrible.
Yeah, I wasn't sure so i decided to listen to the majority of the advisors.
Again good job!
Ok just re-read the last part. I will start writting now. I would like to say for anyone still there im sorry for the wait and i hope the next part will be worth it.
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say someone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her. As Miss Kevinson always said, the "Most Enthusiastic and Active" of the class. This was one of those times i wished she lost her train of thought and forgot what she was doing, but my bad luck never fails to impress. I really never should have broken that mirror last friday.
"Its fine we'll get there soon." I answered as i tried to go back to sleep.
"Oh no you don't. This isnt going to be another one of those moments when you say you're going to wake up then you fall asleep for hours. And even though its fun to draw on your face this really is a really bad time." Oh Mary, you just give me more reasons to like you.
"Fine" i said as i woke up. "Just splash me with a water bucket while you're at it."
"Already did that twenty minutes ago"
I only had to touch my face to know she was telling the truth. I just slept like a baby drenched in ice cold water. I did'nt know whether to be ashamed or proud. Considering it gave me more escape from waking up i went with proud. I hate mornings. Sometimes i just wished i could sleep forever. But that was just another disappointment in my life. Man, i am just the happiest person aren't i?
"Ok, then next time try something more effective than shaking me."
"Like?" She asked, actually curious.
"I don't know hit me with a bat or something. Anyway might as well get breakfast" i said as i stood up.
"But we ran out of sugar crusted marshmallows..."
"Who said anything about them. I'm eating the leftover pizza" That was basically my solution to all hunger. When in doubt: pizza.
"Again? You really need to....Oh wait no. Don't go down i just remembered...."
But it was too late. As soon as i went downstairs i saw a guy checking our fridge. He turned around and looked at me. He was completely shocked and his jaw dropped. And suddenly i deeply regretted not wearing pajamas.
He was Josh. As in Mary's boyfriend Josh. And he just saw me in my underwear. I covered myself with the pillow i had been carrying. This was really not the way i imagined my first 'flash' moment would be like.
"Umm........hi, Casey" he said still flummoxed.
"Hi, Josh" i said trying to ignore how awkward this was. Then Mary came out of the room.
"I tried to warn you" she said with regret "Well technically i tried to wake you up, then i tried to convince you how important this trip was, then i told you we ran out of sugar crusted marshmallows, then i tried telling you to get better eating habits......"
"Ok, ok its fine just let me get back to my room and change" i said as i moved past her and locked the door. I spent the next few minutes getting ready. After i was done i put on my hoodie and ventured out to to the awkwardness once again. She and him were sitting down at the table. Well he was sitting on a chair and she was on the table itself. Like i said, she's always like that. I never understood how she ended up with Josh. He was the most mellow person i the world. Barely reacted, never got angry or sad and just didn't seem to care about stuff. It kinda went in contrast with the over-emotional, always cheerful Mary Williams. But i guess opposites attract. Who knows, maybe ill end up with some serious guy. Yeah, even i find that ridiculous.
"Yay, you're done!" she said with joy. I guess she wanted to ignore what just happened. Josh i guess just went along with it. "Ok, now we just have to wait for Mr. Pierce to call us. Huh, Pierce kinda sounds like piercing. I wonder if he has any. I guess not but it would kinda look cool. Actually wouldn't i look good with a piercing? Nah. But maybe. Casey would i look good with a piercing?"
I looked it my friend for a moment. She had green eyes, her hair was dyed completely pink, she had a tatto of a rainbow butterfly on her cheek (don't ask) and she was wearing a black jacket which covered the words in her red shirt but i seen it before and if i remember it said " I'm your dream girl. Love me or ill make sure you have nightmares". How would she look with a piercing? I decided to go with my gut.
"You would look....."
"Terrible, i know" she interrupted "Or if you were going to say perfect i know that too. I just want to agree, ill even agree to disagree" she said with a smile. Then suddenly she looked confused "Wait doesn't contradict itself. Well i guess not really since it's saying i agree to anything. But if i agree to disagree aren't i just disagreeing? Maybe i'm not doing either or both or......."
Oh, today was going to be a LONG day.
Nick Archer
I could'nt risk it. He had to be stopped now, before he hurt any of us. I quickly hit him in the back of the head with my gun. The effect was instant as Nicholas uncouncious body fell forward to the shock of everyone else. After his body hit the ground everyone was quite, slowly processing what had just occured. Howard was the first to speak up.
"What the fuck man?!" He said clearly mad. "Did you seriously just do that? I'm honestly asking. Am i in a fucking dream right now? Or did you just do the most reckless thing i have ever fucking seen? YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN ONE OF US FUCKING KILLED!!!" At that very moment he punched me in the face.
I stumbled back from the shock. Then i looked back at him full of anger "I may have just saved your life, dumbass"
"ARE YOU INSANE!" screamed Curtis at the top of his lungs. "Do you have any idea how many things could have wrong from you pulling this? What if it did'nt work? He would have gone of the deepend and shot you, or one of us. How the hell did you even consider this was a good idea?"
"He had a gun...."
"And his finger on the trigger. You're lucky the shock did'nt make him pull it. Holly shit you could have gotten us killed thanks to this insane bullshi...."
"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!!" Screamed a voice from behind us.
As i turned i saw it was Ellie. Apparently she decided to come join us again......at the worst possible time. She ran up to the unconscious Nicholas and quickly checked his pulse. After she was convinced he was alive she turned to the others, eyes blazing with anger.
"Which one of you morons did this?"
"The only one stupid enough to think this was a solution." answered Curtis.
Then, as if one cue, she immediately jumped on top of me. That was two times today. Once we were on the ground i got punched in the face. That was also the second time today. She quickly made it three times.
"Why the hell would you do that?!" She yelled while grabbing my throat.
"He was going to kill someone i had to..."
"That's enough Miller" said familiar terrifying voice.
Ellie's eyes flashed wide open as she pulled me up to my feet. A single look confirmed my greatest fear. Before us were two men i had often seen as fathers. First was Jeff Sohmer, he was the leader of our squad. A war hero who had fought in more battles that i could remember, saved more people that i could count. A man who fought until a bomb decided he had fought enough. He was angry, but silent. It was the man next to him i was worried about.
Even if i was standing on my tippy toes the man would still look like a giant. I was impossible not to be intimidated by him, or to feel outmached. He was stronger than all of us, trained longer than all of us. Even with his age i'm convinced he could kill a man with his bare hands, if he did'nt by blinking. He had trained us for years and still he knew much more, more that we could learn in all our lives. Standing before us was our commander, James Arnold Rickwell.
This was the worst choice i have made in my life.
Mike......Just Mike
Finally, the buss came up. I was happy to look away from the miserable, rundown sidewalk. It was just depressing to see how little people cared about fixing it in this side of town. Sitting on the front was Mr. Pierce. Behind him were a few empty rows of seats. Near the back i could see a few others who had arrived. First of was that haircut kid, Charles. Way too try-hard for my taste, always managed to get homework on time, finish assingments, that kind of thing. He looked like a cat had used his cereal as a toilet bowl. Then there was that other kid....Dellard. He kept to himself. Then there was someone else........Valentino. I had been waiting all week to to tech that punk a lesson. But this time Zack was going to prove to me he would help me deal with him.
After saying hello to Mr. Pierce i sat down. I just had to wait for Zack to get here, then Valentino would get what he deserved........
Riley Peters
I-I was tri-ying to forget what i just saw. I never wanted that....experience to ever be a part of my life. I wanted to just forget it ever happened and move on. Part of me felt that was selfish. To just move on and leave him there forever, rotting , cold and alone. Forgotten in the dark, damp street of an alleyway which no one had visited in years.
'I should call the police' i thought. But then what? Get interrogated? Spend hours and hours talking about the worst experience of my life. Maybe even become a suspect. And even if i avoided all of that i would never escape the taunting at school. 'Corpse Girl, Corpse Girl, tell a story to make us hurl' i could already hear the taunting.
I had always had a fear of it. Of being mocked, isolated, being turned into a joke for others to laugh at. That's why i kept quiet most of the time. I guess i was very insecure in that way. In my mind i could already see them laughing at me, even my friends. I knew it was ridiculous but a little voice in the back of my head told me that was exactly what would happen.
NO. No it wouldn't. I would just keep it to myself. I looked around hoping the beauty i had see this morning could save me. But when i looked all of it was gone. Everything looked.....colorless. The sky was uncheerfull, the streets were broken and dirty. The building were broken down and filthy and.......Everything just looked so horrible!
It was like that one moment took everything from me. My confidence, my positivity...my optimism. It was gone, gone forever and i would never be the same again. Before i knew it tears were rolling down my eyes as i realized i would never see beauty in the world again. I would never be HAPPY again!!
I wanted to scream. I wanted someone to hug me and tell me it would be ok. But i was alone, in a cold, dark empty street.....just like that man. I needed something, anything to help me feel happiness again. As if my eyes had a mind of their own they instantly looked at my drawing pad......
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say … moresomeone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her… [view original content]
Soon, wait just a bit more. Its almost done.
Thank you Zach
Ok guys it took much longer than i thought it would but i am finally at the last paragraph. Its a small interactive story currently but i plan to continue it someday (Infact i continue to refer to it as a 'prologue'). More details tomorrow when it will hopefully have a link here.
Yeah i know
. I just finished it, it should be up tomorrow.
Nice - will you accept submissions?
Well , now that i think about it......wait till you read it and well talk....
Okay, are you guys ready?
My body is ready.
Ok then, be ready.
Its called In The Darkened Halls (WIP). Its a small interactive game/story which i hope to continue after we do atleast a few more episodes of Prime. It was made using the the program inklewritter and it took me 5 days to finish. I would LOVED if you guys gave me your opinion on this. Any comment on this at all is 100% apreciated, please tell me what you think. And one more thing, Mathea asked me if she could submit any characters. At first i wasn't sure but now i am convinced. If you want just ask and i can give you a template.
But without further to do, here you go : enter link description here
Ignore the spoiler tag. It came out like that for no reason.
Edit: Just fixed it
Well I thought it was great.
Well that was quick. So what choices did you make and why?
I chose to have Lord Herged humiliated because I felt it was appropriate. I kinda felt bad afterwords, though lol.
I ignored Mordain, I thought that would have me avoid too much of a confrontation.
I had Sir Reylan lead the invasion, because I just don't think I'd want Lord Mordain leading an attack. He just feels off.
I said that the king was beheaded, because I thought it would be a more entertaining story like that.
I asked about the war, pleigis and Tirek.
I chose to invade Anettia because it would be easier and sounded to be just as good.
And those were my choices for part one.
Cool. Thank you Zach
I just ended reading - it is interesting without a doubt, but in same it is a story for every single of us - more time for you to write it to cover everyone's choices. I think it is more fun for whole community of readers to vote and the winning vote wins. :-)
But anyway, it was interesting, my final choice was to invade Anettia to liberate all those poor slaves. I would even have an idea for a character from there :-)
Ok four things.
First, glad you enjoyed it
Second, What were your other choices?
Third, Don't worry, this is only a side project. Prime will still be the main focus (and it will be returning soon
) so you'll still have awesome community votes
And last, thats what i wanted to talk to you about. If you want you can make a character From either the Modenster arc or the Anettia arc and it will be a pov in story (maybe even the next one) So feel free to do so
My choices were:
Let him be, for now....
Ignore Mordain
Lord Mordain Will Lead The Invasion
He Was Beheaded The Next Day
Then I've asked for everything I could to learn about the world state.
The last choice was Invade Anettia.
About character - I will think of it this weekend and send you PM if something.
Cool (btw i think you should replay to save king Merridan, knowing you, you would like the results. They include a mayor change various stuff and an extra thing to talk about in the world state.)
Hey, just read it. It was really good and I really enjoyed it! You did a great job on this!!!
Thank you
So what were your choices?
Sorry for doing this a little later
Funny at the end with Hergid and Geneva :P I really liked it!
Mordain tried to kill you then and you ruined his carrer, congrats.
Anettia is good for a short War but bad for a long one. The terrain is horrible.
He made me feel a little Salty...
Yeah, I wasn't sure so i decided to listen to the majority of the advisors.
Again good job!
The mayority changes depending on your choices.
And thanks.
Really? cool, and thank you for making this
Thanks. I might continue it some day.
Again, sorry i had a long week. The story will continue soon.
Ok just re-read the last part. I will start writting now. I would like to say for anyone still there im sorry for the wait and i hope the next part will be worth it.
Casey Miller
It was 8:00 when i woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Originally it was supposed to be set to 6:00 but let's just say someone came into my room in the middle of the night and changed the settings because they wanted me to get a goodnight's rest. Sadly today was a day i REALLY did not want to wake up on. So when the clock started beeping i started blocking. But my brave efforts were for not since i suddenly faced an unstoppable threat. My roommate.
"Come on Casey its been 2 hours since you were supposed to be awake, were going to be late. I really, really, really don't want to miss this ok. This an opportunity will change our lives. Well it could. Might. Maybe. It could also be pointless. But i doubt it, i think." She paused suddenly and then went back to what she was doing "Anyway we have to go!"
That was my best friend and current roommate, Mary. And yes she was always like that, atleast for the 6 years i knew her. As Miss Kevinson always said, the "Most Enthusiastic and Active" of the class. This was one of those times i wished she lost her train of thought and forgot what she was doing, but my bad luck never fails to impress. I really never should have broken that mirror last friday.
"Its fine we'll get there soon." I answered as i tried to go back to sleep.
"Oh no you don't. This isnt going to be another one of those moments when you say you're going to wake up then you fall asleep for hours. And even though its fun to draw on your face this really is a really bad time." Oh Mary, you just give me more reasons to like you.
"Fine" i said as i woke up. "Just splash me with a water bucket while you're at it."
"Already did that twenty minutes ago"
I only had to touch my face to know she was telling the truth. I just slept like a baby drenched in ice cold water. I did'nt know whether to be ashamed or proud. Considering it gave me more escape from waking up i went with proud. I hate mornings. Sometimes i just wished i could sleep forever. But that was just another disappointment in my life. Man, i am just the happiest person aren't i?
"Ok, then next time try something more effective than shaking me."
"Like?" She asked, actually curious.
"I don't know hit me with a bat or something. Anyway might as well get breakfast" i said as i stood up.
"But we ran out of sugar crusted marshmallows..."
"Who said anything about them. I'm eating the leftover pizza" That was basically my solution to all hunger. When in doubt: pizza.
"Again? You really need to....Oh wait no. Don't go down i just remembered...."
But it was too late. As soon as i went downstairs i saw a guy checking our fridge. He turned around and looked at me. He was completely shocked and his jaw dropped. And suddenly i deeply regretted not wearing pajamas.
He was Josh. As in Mary's boyfriend Josh. And he just saw me in my underwear. I covered myself with the pillow i had been carrying. This was really not the way i imagined my first 'flash' moment would be like.
"Umm........hi, Casey" he said still flummoxed.
"Hi, Josh" i said trying to ignore how awkward this was. Then Mary came out of the room.
"I tried to warn you" she said with regret "Well technically i tried to wake you up, then i tried to convince you how important this trip was, then i told you we ran out of sugar crusted marshmallows, then i tried telling you to get better eating habits......"
"Ok, ok its fine just let me get back to my room and change" i said as i moved past her and locked the door. I spent the next few minutes getting ready. After i was done i put on my hoodie and ventured out to to the awkwardness once again. She and him were sitting down at the table. Well he was sitting on a chair and she was on the table itself. Like i said, she's always like that. I never understood how she ended up with Josh. He was the most mellow person i the world. Barely reacted, never got angry or sad and just didn't seem to care about stuff. It kinda went in contrast with the over-emotional, always cheerful Mary Williams. But i guess opposites attract. Who knows, maybe ill end up with some serious guy. Yeah, even i find that ridiculous.
"Yay, you're done!" she said with joy. I guess she wanted to ignore what just happened. Josh i guess just went along with it. "Ok, now we just have to wait for Mr. Pierce to call us. Huh, Pierce kinda sounds like piercing. I wonder if he has any. I guess not but it would kinda look cool. Actually wouldn't i look good with a piercing? Nah. But maybe. Casey would i look good with a piercing?"
I looked it my friend for a moment. She had green eyes, her hair was dyed completely pink, she had a tatto of a rainbow butterfly on her cheek (don't ask) and she was wearing a black jacket which covered the words in her red shirt but i seen it before and if i remember it said " I'm your dream girl. Love me or ill make sure you have nightmares". How would she look with a piercing? I decided to go with my gut.
"You would look....."
"Terrible, i know" she interrupted "Or if you were going to say perfect i know that too. I just want to agree, ill even agree to disagree" she said with a smile. Then suddenly she looked confused "Wait doesn't contradict itself. Well i guess not really since it's saying i agree to anything. But if i agree to disagree aren't i just disagreeing? Maybe i'm not doing either or both or......."
Oh, today was going to be a LONG day.
Nick Archer
I could'nt risk it. He had to be stopped now, before he hurt any of us. I quickly hit him in the back of the head with my gun. The effect was instant as Nicholas uncouncious body fell forward to the shock of everyone else. After his body hit the ground everyone was quite, slowly processing what had just occured. Howard was the first to speak up.
"What the fuck man?!" He said clearly mad. "Did you seriously just do that? I'm honestly asking. Am i in a fucking dream right now? Or did you just do the most reckless thing i have ever fucking seen? YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN ONE OF US FUCKING KILLED!!!" At that very moment he punched me in the face.
I stumbled back from the shock. Then i looked back at him full of anger "I may have just saved your life, dumbass"
"ARE YOU INSANE!" screamed Curtis at the top of his lungs. "Do you have any idea how many things could have wrong from you pulling this? What if it did'nt work? He would have gone of the deepend and shot you, or one of us. How the hell did you even consider this was a good idea?"
"He had a gun...."
"And his finger on the trigger. You're lucky the shock did'nt make him pull it. Holly shit you could have gotten us killed thanks to this insane bullshi...."
"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!!" Screamed a voice from behind us.
As i turned i saw it was Ellie. Apparently she decided to come join us again......at the worst possible time. She ran up to the unconscious Nicholas and quickly checked his pulse. After she was convinced he was alive she turned to the others, eyes blazing with anger.
"Which one of you morons did this?"
"The only one stupid enough to think this was a solution." answered Curtis.
Then, as if one cue, she immediately jumped on top of me. That was two times today. Once we were on the ground i got punched in the face. That was also the second time today. She quickly made it three times.
"Why the hell would you do that?!" She yelled while grabbing my throat.
"He was going to kill someone i had to..."
"That's enough Miller" said familiar terrifying voice.
Ellie's eyes flashed wide open as she pulled me up to my feet. A single look confirmed my greatest fear. Before us were two men i had often seen as fathers. First was Jeff Sohmer, he was the leader of our squad. A war hero who had fought in more battles that i could remember, saved more people that i could count. A man who fought until a bomb decided he had fought enough. He was angry, but silent. It was the man next to him i was worried about.
Even if i was standing on my tippy toes the man would still look like a giant. I was impossible not to be intimidated by him, or to feel outmached. He was stronger than all of us, trained longer than all of us. Even with his age i'm convinced he could kill a man with his bare hands, if he did'nt by blinking. He had trained us for years and still he knew much more, more that we could learn in all our lives. Standing before us was our commander, James Arnold Rickwell.
This was the worst choice i have made in my life.
Mike......Just Mike
Finally, the buss came up. I was happy to look away from the miserable, rundown sidewalk. It was just depressing to see how little people cared about fixing it in this side of town. Sitting on the front was Mr. Pierce. Behind him were a few empty rows of seats. Near the back i could see a few others who had arrived. First of was that haircut kid, Charles. Way too try-hard for my taste, always managed to get homework on time, finish assingments, that kind of thing. He looked like a cat had used his cereal as a toilet bowl. Then there was that other kid....Dellard. He kept to himself. Then there was someone else........Valentino. I had been waiting all week to to tech that punk a lesson. But this time Zack was going to prove to me he would help me deal with him.
After saying hello to Mr. Pierce i sat down. I just had to wait for Zack to get here, then Valentino would get what he deserved........
Riley Peters
I-I was tri-ying to forget what i just saw. I never wanted that....experience to ever be a part of my life. I wanted to just forget it ever happened and move on. Part of me felt that was selfish. To just move on and leave him there forever, rotting , cold and alone. Forgotten in the dark, damp street of an alleyway which no one had visited in years.
'I should call the police' i thought. But then what? Get interrogated? Spend hours and hours talking about the worst experience of my life. Maybe even become a suspect. And even if i avoided all of that i would never escape the taunting at school. 'Corpse Girl, Corpse Girl, tell a story to make us hurl' i could already hear the taunting.
I had always had a fear of it. Of being mocked, isolated, being turned into a joke for others to laugh at. That's why i kept quiet most of the time. I guess i was very insecure in that way. In my mind i could already see them laughing at me, even my friends. I knew it was ridiculous but a little voice in the back of my head told me that was exactly what would happen.
NO. No it wouldn't. I would just keep it to myself. I looked around hoping the beauty i had see this morning could save me. But when i looked all of it was gone. Everything looked.....colorless. The sky was uncheerfull, the streets were broken and dirty. The building were broken down and filthy and.......Everything just looked so horrible!
It was like that one moment took everything from me. My confidence, my positivity...my optimism. It was gone, gone forever and i would never be the same again. Before i knew it tears were rolling down my eyes as i realized i would never see beauty in the world again. I would never be HAPPY again!!
I wanted to scream. I wanted someone to hug me and tell me it would be ok. But i was alone, in a cold, dark empty street.....just like that man. I needed something, anything to help me feel happiness again. As if my eyes had a mind of their own they instantly looked at my drawing pad......
[Make a Drawing Of The Crime Scene]
[Resist The Urge To Draw It]
Nice, thanks. Good to see the story back.
Thank you. Its good to BE back.
Great part!!
Half Part technically but thanks.
Hey great to see this back in action!
I fully support this statement.
As do i.
pizza is love, pizza is life. Great (half) part like always