Gwyn's refusal to meet you halfway
Did this woman get on anyone else's nerves more than she did with me? She asks/demands peace between the houses, and yet can't seem to acknowledge how malignant her own family is behaving to the point where the idea of peace alone is a joke. Is she deluded? Or just in denial?
Anyway, I can't wait for Telltale's explanation as to why Gwyn seems somewhat decent, while the rest of her clan act like complete psychos. (Meaning we probably won't get an explanation at all...)
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I had Rodrik for the finale, so she didn't appear. Which I'm glad about. If she turned up and tried to persuade me to make peace with her house, I'd start negotiations by sending Ludd her head.
She tried to tell me to make peace with them... I wish I had the option to stab her right there.
This was the Asher play through btw.
She doesn't demand anything. She asks you, pleades with you, to do the right thing. She's fully aware that what her family's doing is wrong "You have to trust me. I don't agree with my father's ways." She just doesn't want them or the Forresters to die.
No she isn't. She really, really isn't. A better version of the talk between her and Rodrik would have gone something like this:
GWYN: I'll admit my father has caused pain...
RODRIK: Pain? Lady, if your dad and Adolf Hitler were having lunch at the same table, Hitler would lean over and ask, "Dude, seriously, what the hell is your problem?"
GWYN: (pause) I suppose you think that's funny.
RODRIK: Your dad probably would.
GWYN: Fine. I'll be eating popcorn while your house falls, loser.
RODRIK: I always thought Whitehills ate babies.
GWYN: Fuck you. (walks off)
RODRIK: (yells after her) Don't try to rape any nuns on the way home, toots! I know that's a tall order!
You're basically making crap up because you don't like her.
This comment made me gasp and laugh at the same time.
But I agree with @AgentZ46. Gwyn wants both Whitehill and Forrester to live but she can only say so much without making Ludd angry.
Yes a lot of people hate her and her smug entitled attitude
yeah no gwyn
I don't really see how she deserves death. It was at least a little devious and dishonest to lie about making peace as a trap to violate guest right and try to kill her family. Not to say the Whitehills didn't have something coming but the Forresters still pissed all over Northern tradition to do it
Haven't people been doing that to Kenny on this forum for years?
Frey first did, if you're talking about guest right.
I don't think bread and salt are given on the first place btw.
And if Frey broke these rights, Bolton also did. Since Highpoint serves Bolton it's more a revenge since guest right was already violated.
Also some Northerners remember in books, and do kind of the same..
They have.
That's what you get for having Asher die. If you want a much better sympathy from her then follow her exact hope as the second son of House Forrester. You don't deserve it for playing as a dick yourself.
That's like saying a company said something derogatory or disgraceful thus all their other sub- companies who work for this bigger company are directly responsible for the larger company's behavior. I don't remember seeing any Whitehills at the Red Wedding (although I could be wrong) and their bound by oath to serve the Boltons. Just because other northerners have done it still doesn't make breaking the oath any less wrong
It's not like the Whitehills gave them any choice. Also, bread and salt weren't given, so the Forresters didn't technically break guest right.
Gwyn: Asher I know things are bad but I promise please don't do anything bad and I swear it'll all work out.
Asher: OK
Asher: Lol I kill your dad/brother
Fanbase: Wow Gwyn is so baaaaad.
I mean Gwyn would be a little pissed you did that.
And if you DID call off the plan, she straight up ABANDONS HER FAMILY to be with Asher. That's pretty damn loyal.
No its the first line which is why I hate her to begin with
Her family fucking MURDERED Rodrik and then she just walks in and says we should accept a peace where we are essentially slaves to her family,
Then after we dont agree with her she then snaps and attacks us screaming we destroyed everything. Shes a hypocrite right there, either get pissy or don't be all high and mighty, be both and you're a hypocrite. She's a classic pacifist/apologist until it suits her or its her on the downside.
So you're okay if your close relative committed a crime to another person and that person hated your guts and wanted you dead even though you didn't involved in the crime at all,unless you agree to have that relative to be brutally murdered too?
I'd hate them if they walked in and said "Sorry about my family killing you, lets just forget it
" Because thats exactly what she does.
Personally, I think the fandom's reaction is more like this:
"Oh? So now you can choose our side? After spending the majority of the story being flippant about the Forresters being tormented by your family and diverting the blame away from the Whitehills, you'll start taking our side and finally open your eyes to our suffering if we do exactly as you say and submit to you family and essentially become their slaves for Gods know how long. And then you have the gall to say that we're in the wrong once again if we say one more, that we will not surrender to the Whitehills? Sorry Gwyn, but frankly, you're out of your goddamned mind, and whatever help you would have been willing to offer, is too little too late. Now watch me poison your dad. You and your family can get a taste of your own medicine for once.
Iron from Ice."
...sooooo, are you going to follow that up with something, or...?
Fuck her! If you save Asher she comes and tells him that now it will be better because they will marry, and he should the forget the past.
In Rodrik's case she doesn't do shit.
What do you expect me to say? Yeah a lot of people on this forum are guilty of making crap up about a character because they don't like them.
Doesn't do shit? Are you serious? She warns Rodrik that her father and brother are coming with an army. And she gives an exact time of when they'll arrive.
They weren't yet protected by guest right.
Also I don't think it counts if you know they're going to kill your family ASAP.
Not really. She never told Asher to 'forget it' and saying that she's sorry is wrong? Also when does she say that she aproves what her family has done? She says exactly the oposite thing! What makes you believe that she could stop what her father did? Maybe she even tried!
Because people have different personalities. Is there an explanation to why some people are more violent and others more peaceful? It just the way their personalities are.
So you dislike what some people do and then you go do it yourself?
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. There's a little thing called "nature vs. nurture" you should look into.
Source: Wikipedia
I looked into it and from what understood: "nurture" means that our behavior is a "blank slate" and that our personal experiences 'paint' that "blank slate", and that "nature" means that not only our personal experiences influence our behavior but also the traits we adquire from our relatives influence it.
No mater which one you think that's correct the personal experience of a person always influences the person's behavior and since Gwyn did not experienced the same thins her father experienced it is understandable that she's different from him. I mean, do you think everyone has their parents traits? (For example) just because someone's father is an asshole, it doesn't mean that that person will be an asshole.
Pluuuus, it's not like she's totally shirking her own side's part in all this shit. If you bring up Gryff, for example, she says she'll be happy to have him exiled for what he did (and if you think that's dishonesty, I'd point out that she doesn't really seem very bothered when Asher turns her brother into a kebab)
Wikipedia is about as trustworthy as Littlefinger.
Personaly wikipedia never failed me but even if it's not a trustworthy site, many other sites give a similar defenition on the matter.
And even if this defenition is wrong, my point stands: '(For example) just because someone's father is an asshole, it doesn't mean that that person will be an asshole.'
A: If you were slaves, then Ludd wouldn't have married Gwyn to Asher. Ludd wanted a Whitehill leading Ironrath, and Gwyn's his ticket.
B: She wasn't screaming, and she's right- you screwed the one chance for the bloodshed to end.
She's right though- there's no point in trying to fight Ludd's 500 men with your 20 or so just because Rodrik died.
Think about it this way- would Rodrik want his entire family to potentially be killed and Ironrath to be razed by the Whitehills to avenge him, or would he rather have them all live and only himself die?
The fact people defends Gwyn for what she has done if you ambush/poison baffles me
It's almost as if she's angry at't imagine why she would be angry at him.....
Asher had every right to kill Ludd or Gryff, I mean there the reason Rodrik is dead, what's worse is that she expects you to forgive them, "I know how you feel Asher" no you don't.
Right. She wants peace after her family killed Rodrik. What the fuck? Gwyn lost two family members and it wasn't the Forrester's fault. Every Forrester that died is somehow tied with the Whitehills
Then by that analogy Gwyn had every right to stab Asher.
The only sad thing about that part, was that I didn't get to kill her right at that moment.